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Everything posted by SteveZilla

  1. Re: No damage from falling Yes, they did. Oh, another way to survive terminal velocity damage: Healing 1d6, Resurrection (Regeneration, 1 Body per Turn) - Zero END(+½), Persistent(+½), Extra Time(1 Turn; -1¼), Self Only(-½) 21 Points. Sooner or later, you will get up and walk away. Edit for poor spelling from typing too fast. :|
  2. Re: No damage from falling I hadn't seen any of those times. I'm right there with you on the gross inaccuracy of the falling chart! You are alone no more!
  3. Re: what power do i use to stop scrying/bugs Images - No Range(-1/2), Set Effect(Only To Conceal What Is Here; -1) Buy it for whatever senses/sense groups you need to cover (including Mind Scan/Mental Group), for whatever area you need to cover, and pump up the PER penalties! "Nothing Here" counts as a "solid, simple object", so there is no PER bonus given to the observer for that. And since it's being generated from within it's own area, it covers it's own visible F/X! It's not an absolute, but it's really darn close, and prevents the "hole" problem from using Darkness.
  4. Re: The Use of a Focus for Teleportation...? That sounds like you're mixing parts of AVLD into BOECV -- the part about equally common defenses. BOECV doesn't normally have that option, though it does have the option of if the target can choose either the power's standard defense or mental defense, the BOECV is worth 1/4 less. And nobody forget that it's still a no range power! True, and a high mental defense (24 or more) will make the drain ineffective. If she goes the Find Weakness route, she can use this build, with GM approval, of course.
  5. Re: The probability and predictability of dice. It is grouped tighter in terms of all possible results. But that "tighter group" still gets larger with greater numbers of dice. For example, the "tight group" for 10d6 goes from 21 to 49, a spread of 29 results; for 30d6 it goes form 87 to 123, a spread of 37.
  6. Re: The probability and predictability of dice. So, in essense (and in general), the smaller the standard deviation, the more predictable it is? And could you post a formula that can be used for varying numbers, and varying sizes (# of sides) of dice?
  7. Re: The probability and predictability of dice. I was going to point this out, but got beaten to it. Then, after thinking about it some more, I think I might see a flaw with defining predictability this way. By only picking the mean, this method seems to ignore the fact that all the rest of the results have an even less chance of coming out. It would think that 2d6 is equally predictable as 1d6. We could take the average of all the percentages, but there is still a problem. Take the following probability results for 5d4-2 and 3d6: 5d4-2 3d6 Result %chance %chance 3 0.09765625 0.462962963 4 0.48828125 1.388888889 5 1.46484375 2.777777778 6 3.41796875 4.62962963 7 6.34765625 6.944444444 8 9.86328125 9.722222222 9 13.18359375 11.57407407 10 15.13671875 12.5 11 15.13671875 12.5 12 13.18359375 11.57407407 13 9.86328125 9.722222222 14 6.34765625 6.944444444 15 3.41796875 4.62962963 16 1.46484375 2.777777778 17 0.48828125 1.388888889 18 0.09765625 0.462962963 Since both produce a total of 16 results, both will have the same average %chance. Yet clearly they are not equal. It's possible that they may have different means/ The 5d4-2 has a higher "hill", and lower "ends". The change from being higher to lower happens around 7.5 and 13.5. However, it's easy to realize that the more possible results there are, the lower the average will be. The same 100% total is simply being divided more ways with greater numbers of results. The same happens with a single die with greater numbers of faces. The reason that when comparing the graphs peak-to-peak, some of the results seem to be *more* likely Dust Raven has (IIRC) pointed out that for growing numbers of dice, in terms of numbers of results, the "hill" in the middle doesn't grow as fast as the "plains" on either side of it. The question I have with this method is: What determines the dividing point? Without a precise definition (there may be -- I just don't know if it exists), it becomes subjective. When looking at a graph, most will often agree where the "hill" stops for low numbers of dice, but what about huge numbers of dice where the graph is very close to totally flat?
  8. Re: WWYD if you could recieve ONE super power Clairsentience with the ability to see/hear/etc. events anywhere, at any time in the past or present (regardless of illumination present). I'd use it to track down all missing persons, find wanted people and give anonymous tips on their whereabouts, and get the absolute truth as to what really happened at any point in history. I'd want it to be a targeting sense as well. That way, if I got a second power, I could use it to target things I was viewing in the present. A close third would be the ability to record on videotape/DVD/whatever what I was viewing/hearing/perceiving with the Clairsentience. And if I got that first power and it became known, my life would be over in less than a day. No large organization on Earth that keeps secrets, or is illegal, would want me around. But I'd still want that power regardless.
  9. Re: The Use of a Focus for Teleportation...? Well, almost always. I didn't remember that Brand did that. I have often said that while it's possible to model a whole lot of stuff with Hero, there are some things that don't translate well -- or at all -- into a game.
  10. Re: The probability and predictability of dice. Dust Raven, PhilFleischmann, can we please keep this discussion cordial? I know that it's aggravating when we think we are correct and the other person is not being swayed into agreement. Phrasing one's posts neutrally goes a long way to keeping it civil.
  11. Re: The probability and predictability of dice. Thanks. Here is the group of plain html pages. The zip file contains all 30, and a folder with the stylesheet file and the red "bar" image. The 30 files have links to all 30 at both the top and the bottom. Enjoy!
  12. Re: The Use of a Focus for Teleportation...? As Presto poined out, it can be done. The character has to "pre-set" his Locations. Then later on, he picks which location he sketches. Once he has sketched that location, he could 'port to it. I don't recall if they could sketch a place they had never been to and have it work. But since all the characters were effectively unaging, they've been around to earn enough XPs for an ungodly number of Locations. Or, they could have the naked Advantages Safe Blind Teleport, Position Shift, and No Velocity, with the Limitation that the place must be sketched first. The problem is, with extra-planar teleports, how do we determine what the "range" is? This is why, IMO, Teleportation is not the power of choice for the Trumps -- though it could be in a Multipower with EDM, for use when the place is on the same plane as the character. Or an Adder/Advantage for EDM that lets it function as Teleportation. I did recall that the trumps were more than just transportation. I was just focusing on the transportation part of what they did, since the rest was more or less irrelevant to this discussion. But to model the communincation, I think it would likely be Telepathy (how the lock-on/line-of-sight is achieved is another matter).
  13. Re: The probability and predictability of dice. Actually, the RKA 3d6+1 has a mean Stun result of 30.667. An RKA doesn't produce the same range and mean as an EB of the same cost, in part because of the -1 on the stun multiple, and in part because it's a multiple. Multiplying a dice probability graph by a number doesn't produce a graph identical to a larger group of dice. I will be posting a graph of the potential Stun damage of a 3D6+1 RKA soon.
  14. Re: The Use of a Focus for Teleportation...? I've read both Amber series, though it was a long time ago. From the descriptions provided, it sounds like the Trump Sketches are Floating Locations with "Must Sketch the Location first (-1)" and "Extra Time(1 Turn; -?)" Full Trumps sound exactly like Floating Locations - OAF(-1). Which is exactly how Dust Raven views Locations bought as a Focus. The user must possess the Focus (Full Trump; -1) to be able to transport to that location. But such a game would also either need a house rule to allow Transdimensional to be bought on Teleportation, or for locations to be bought for EDM.
  15. Re: Moving from D&D - rules issues Both sound pretty cool.
  16. Re: The Use of a Focus for Teleportation...? Almost no question is stupid. And be afraid, be very afraid.
  17. Re: The Use of a Focus for Teleportation...? I think that is the crux of the discussion as well.
  18. Re: Daily Art Findings I keep gettting a "Forbidden" page on this link, and a couple others you've posted as well.
  19. Re: The probability and predictability of dice. I'm confused. Plus or minus 34.5% of what? And again. Plus or minus 15.4% of what? What PHP code was that? I'd like to see it!
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