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Everything posted by FenrisUlf

  1. Some questions/remarks here. 1) Where does DEMON get recruits? One can understand how VIPER and ARGENT rope people in (they want to get rich now), but DEMON offers most recruits nothing but miserable servitude in this life and and eternity of the same in the next. I can only suppose DEMON uses something like the Temple of Set line (i.e., "serve us, and when the Kings of Edom return, they will make you a GOD!") Also, where did the idea for the Kings of Edom come from? I thought they'd been invented for the game, but I recently read soemthing in an encyclopedia of occultism about the 'Kings of Edom' being the qlippothic 'Lords of Unbalanced Force', ancient survivals from a now-extinct universe. Did they come out of modern occultism or are they something just in the game?
  2. Well, I was gonna mention Jules De Grandin, but seeing as someone else already mentioned him... There is, however, the early works of Manly Wade Wellman. Great supernatural stories, done in a unique style. Many of his tales have been republished recently, but the books are going for about $35 a pop. You might also look around for A. Merritt. Hard to find, but the man wrote some /amazing/ lost world tales (Dwellers in the Mirage, The Ship of Ishtar), horror (Burn Witch Burn, Creep Shadow Creep), and even a weird mystery tale (Seven Footprints To Satan). He is one of the great forgotten writers and anyone who wants a good read or some great inspiration would be well repaid by searching his works out.
  3. Thanks for nailing a problem I always had with Marvel and anti-mutant sentiment. I mean, you've got people who like the Thing, the Hulk, and who even stuck up for Wrewolf by Night and Dracula for crying out loud -- but everyone sees Jean Grey or Cyclops and goes 'eew, a dirty mutie!' They could be a little consistent. I'd be more worried/scared of the Hulk tearing my neighborhood to the ground than of a gal who has a little TK.
  4. I can't believe a quackpot topic like this came up. Say, if you must have another villain, how about 'Peking Duck', master of the mystic arts of Chinese Cookery?
  5. Easy -- 'Men', 'Women', and 'Things' And thanks everyone for the responses; Doc Silverback sounds like the perfect choice for the kind of guy to start up 'MC Gentlebeasts' Club'.
  6. Okay... now let's try this *again*. It's one thing for your superhero (or villain) to socialize and have fun when all they need to do is put on a tux or dress, but what about eveyrone who can't stick their head out the door without someone calling animal control or PRIMUS? ("Sorry for blasting you with our new meson cannon, Unstoppable Creep; we got a report of a hideous, revolting monster out here.") Wouldn't the werewolves, radiation-spawned monsters, lizard men, and butt-ugly aliens all need a place too? While I think an online community just for physically altered metas would almost certainly pop up, even the most gruesome folks need a place to sit and have a face to face. What could fill this function in a mostly Silver/Bronze Age world past the usual answer of 'a bar'? I'd appreciate anything here relating to socialization aside from fighting among supers, esp. the weirder-looking kind. And sorry for the mess-up before; must be something wrong with the forum.
  7. This may be wandering slightly afield here, but those of you who want a group that could get involved with all sorts of shady mystical/political whatever in a pre and maybe post WW2 Japan and Asia might want to use the Black Dragon Society. The BDS started out as a criminal/political gang that cribbed some weird Theosophical theories about Nihonjn being the lost God-Kings of Mu. They wanted to build an empire on continental Asia that would extend to the Amur ('Black Dragon') river in northern China. They included quite a few big shots in the Japanese military and civilian government (well, such a civilian government as Japan had by then) as well as a few ties to some of the Yakuza. The BDS are supposed to have supported the Mad Baron of Mongolia, Ungern-Sternberg, during the Russian Civil War, and they did finance some archaeological expeditions to Central Asia to find ancient Buddhist scriptures. In a Champions world I could easily see them as the 'hidden masters' behind the Japanese militarists, and as having enough occult connections to maybe create a few superheroes/villains for Japan.
  8. OOh, I'll be glad to see that. I'm especially curious about 'Iron Father'; I get the image of someone like DC's Dragon King (who helped establish the anti-superhero wall around AXis Europe/Asia in the Dc universe, as I recall). And will everyone's favorite Dragon Lady Shinyu be coming back when you do GA Champions?
  9. And oh yes, thanks for all the responses here, been a big help. One of the reasons I asked was I was thinking of making a Japanese villainous/agent group that wanted to get even with the Allies for the near-destruction of Japan during the war. Just wanted to do somethng different from the usual 'South American Nazis out to conquer the world' deal.
  10. Re: Re: Golden Age Japan I'll take a chance and 'assume' this is mainly meant as sarcasm, Assault. As far as 'take no prisoners' goes, yes, a lot of US troops in the Pacific were vindictive (or so my uncle informed me), but any nasty behavior was usually restricted to the battlefield, typically immediatly after a fight was finished -- and it might have had as much to do with the nature of the US troops (they weren't pros, the way many of the Japanese and European troops were). There were also some massacres in Europe of German troops, but many of them involved Americans killing the guards at death camps, or the first German troops they ran across after liberating same. And no, I'm not saying all Japanese soldiers were monsters. Some did try to follow the older Bushido code, and many of them got in trouble for being 'soft'.
  11. It'd be weeks before anyone learned who won; it's take that long to put that hemisphere back together again...
  12. Heh -- that gives me the idea for a story in which all the much put-upon ladies of the DC universe head down to the studio to pound some sense into the artists/editors.
  13. Re: Re: Cheesecake Yeah, that was 'Da' Bomb'. Sheesh, what a moron. You know, if I made moves on a gal and she responded by beating me into a full body cast, I think I'd leave her alone after that. Though I have known some (chronically oversexed) guys who would call that 'playing hard to get'. Talking about busty gals, has anyone sen the new story starting in Dial H for H.E.R.O.? The one where the poor construction worker turns into a super-gal? Be interesting in a perverse way to see what happens with that.
  14. I don't know if this matters in your campaign, but in reality, hyenas are matriarchal; the females are the biggest/meanest ones as well as clan leaders. So gnolls are the feminist humanoids.
  15. Or more appropriately, GA Japanese villains. Why don't you ever hear anything about them? Old Nazi villains show up all the time, but evil Nihonjin militarists who killed POWs and massacred hapless Chinese seem to be ignored. I'm asking here because I saw a History Channel special the other night covering the gruesome side of WW2 in the Pacific. The Japanese were easily the equal of the Nazis when it came to inhumanity, and I might go so far as to say they were worse. (After all, how many Nazis ate human flesh? That's something Japanese military officers and Kempetai members did... routinely in some instances.) And the freed POWs looked like Jews in Buchenwald. Just wondering if anyone knows why this gets downplayed as much as it does in comics and the rest of the modern media. Or, for that matter, why it gets downplayed in those few WW2 superhero RPGs I can remember.
  16. Re: Re: JSA powers I just don't see it that way. The Thunderbolt can't do ANYTHING unless ordered to do so by Johnny or another wielder; that's why I thought of it as a VPP.
  17. First of all, I always thought that VIPER was more of a terrorist organization than organized crime (that is, they have mainly political goals -- i.e., conquer the world -- as compared to financial goals -- i.e., make lots of cash), so until now I just thought they moved in different circles. The Mob doesn't worry about Osama Bin Laden taking over 'Arabtown', after all. Though the idea of a mobster's kid joining VIPER to spite his old man does have some appeal. Isn't that what they did with the Falconer & the Godfather abck in 4th ed. VIPER?
  18. Actually, I thought she had a Public ID. One thing I'd like to know is, why is it that PG wears that outfit of hers, obviously designed to display her charms to best effect -- and then goes berserk whenever some guy points as much out? Just seems kind of dumb to me.
  19. FenrisUlf

    JSA powers

    HI all, Recent discussion of the JSA has set me to pondering -- How woudl any of you handle either (a) Wildcat's 'nine lives' (I'm thinking a powerful Regeneration, only when at 0 BODY, limited to eight charges) or ( Johnny Thunder and his djinn? Would it be the result of a big-arse Summon, or a monstrous VPP with the special effect that it's all done by the djinn (and as such he can be stolen away, stopped if Johnny can't speak, etc.)? Just fishing here.
  20. My characters? Fenris -- partially descended from a line of Franco-German loup-garou, he'd probably be allied to whatever fascist outfit was running Vichy (hey, the eldest was working for the Nazis during WW2), though I like to think he'd hve some sympathy for the Americans, mongrels as they may be. Saracen (Arab-Persian in a suit of power armor) -- either working with the other 'Aryans' in RKMT Iran, or working in whatever resistance there is among the Arabs. Worldwalker (dimensional manipulating brick; thank you, Kelvarite!) -- Leading the way for the Waffen-SS in their attacks on all those other dimensions.
  21. Ach, English, haven't you ever heard of the Reformed Amish -- better known as the Mennonites?
  22. And then, a week or so afterward, the heroes get several news clippings/internet links detailing the dozen folks who just died horrible, unspeakable deaths when their immune systems went haywire and ate their internal organs -- along with a note: "I wasn't kidding. Think about this, the next time you feel the urge to annoy me with your petty moralizing." BTW, considering everything I've read from the fringes of 'genetic ethics', arguing that cripples, the retarded, the 'useless eaters', etc., be euthanized for the good of the species -- wonder if old Telly might ever try to pull something like that? To him, making such a question no longer academic but a real concern might sound like a great way to prove his own theories about human nature -- or simply to have some sick fun.
  23. Re: Re: First Blush Review of UNTIL:DOF Is it just me, or are a lot of 'furry' artists' work showing up in Hero Games material? First Scott Ruggels (look at his yerf.com site for his character Asheru, the amazon wolf-bitch) and Bryce Nakagawa, and now Cara Mitten. Can't wait to see who else shows up...
  24. Re: Re: Hey Steve or Darren, Ooh, I am officially drooling in anticipation. Any chance of seeing something involving 'Beast Mountain' in there? I always did like the CU's own 'furries'.
  25. I've been told by some of the old guard SF fans that it was the Gor books. And I can understand why, too... How many ways can you depict sadistic rape/domination, after all? (Note: If you know, do us a favor and don't answer!)
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