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Everything posted by FenrisUlf

  1. Hi all, Kind of an odd question, but does anyone remember just which books had werewolf characters in them? The only ones I can remember are Loup Garoux (from Classic Organizations) and Black Claw (from Horror Enemies -- great book, too). Have there ever been any other werewolf characters in 'official' Champs material?
  2. Ah, yes. Truly great fiction. I was lucky enough to pick up the Baen books copy back in the late 80's. Say, you ever check out his last collection 'The Valley So Low?' Really good stuff. And is it just me or did I hijack my own thread?
  3. Yes, I'm picking the books up as I can. I think Wellman is one of the truly great fantasy authors (his actually using *American* mythology and legends in his work being just one reason) and he deserves better that he's gotten. BTW, talking about small press, is it just me or do they seem to be among the only people either reprinting the old classics or publishing the more oddball and original works anymore?
  4. European Politics My view? I can't say much about the sciences, considering the way they change so rapidly, but I will hazard a guess here and there at politics. At least one major full-honk fascist regime in Europe. Probably France or Russia, but maybe Germany or one of the less usual suspects. There'll also be a somewhat 'politically respectable' fascist outfit in America (washover from Europe), so long as they remember to stick the swastika armbands and Hitler salutes in the basement. There will also be a return of 'respectable' and public anti-Semitism. (Think I'm full of it? Go look at Goodrick-Clarke's _Black Sun_ for more.) Everyone will have forgotten the currently trendy enviromental scare campaigns and will be pushing something as the 'greatest threat to humanity' that no one would even look twice at now. Really all I"ve got right now.
  5. Otherworldly Superhero Campaigns While we're on the topic of Champs 4-D, may I ask if anyone ever took a leaf from Ken Hite's Suppressed Transmission II and set up alternate 'hero worlds' as their main campaign, or even as a 'limited series'? Ie., the Silver Age Marvel characters in Imperial Rome or the Justice League in Renassaince Italy (with the team organized by Machiavelli, no less). \
  6. Re: Re: Re: Champions in 3-D Plus ROFL!
  7. Why? I only ever read her Paksennarion series myself, and while I didn't care for the last two books (too AD&D for me) I thought the first was magnificent. But what's so bad about her other books?
  8. Experience and Multiform While we're on the subject -- how does one handle experience points and buying new/improving old multiforms? After all, if I can put five points on MF and get twice as many new bodies, that is a LOT of power for a very low price. And how does one apportion experience to the multiforms? Does one XP = 5 CP for a 'form, or is it handled on a one for one basis, just like for the primary form?
  9. HI all, Something you Howard and heroic fantasy fans might enjoy hearing -- the original Conan the Barbarian stories will be reprinted starting this December, three volumes, trade paperback, fully illustrated, by Del Rey books. They will be doing the original Howard stories, mind, not some the later (and often fundamentally second-rate) dreck slopped out by other authors. That said, I'd like to ask -- just who do some of you consider to have been/be the best heroic fantasy character/series ever? (I'd do this as a survey if I knew how; my apologies.) For my money, Conan and Hyboria are the best, though I've got soft spots for Charles Saunders' Imaro and his HF Africa, Lin Carter's Thongor (yes, it's derivative, but it's still fun), and the Simon of Gitta stories by Richard Tierney. And Lord Dunsany's 'The Fortress Unvanquishable, save for Sacnoth' deserves some sort of honorable mention. Anyone else have any names they want to offer?
  10. If you want to do fantasy in Rome, you could do worse than to look at Richard Tierney's _Simon of Gitta_. Great heroic fantasy combining a well-done Roman setting with the Cthulhu Mythos. Right now the collected stories are being sold by Chaosium in _The Scroll of Thoth_.
  11. Dang! Conan lives. More seriously, this guy's got balls of stone, and no mistake.
  12. Ooh, legacy characters! My favorite. Well, as for two of the characters I've done -- Fenris is still a teenager himself. That, and he's a wolfman (think a 6'5" crinos from WW:TA), so he might have problems finding a woman who wants to be the mother of his offspring. Though he does have ancestors he might meet sometime, time travel being something relatively common in our campaign. Battleaxe is a legacy heroine. (Her mom died in the Battle of Detroit, in case you're wondering). She has tried to avoid her own mother's mistake by making sure her 16 year old daughter knows about her adventuring career, which has led to its own problems. I.e., little Annie is making up a costume and wants to become her sidekick. The fact that Ann and Fenris are about the same age, and she thinks he's cute, is only going to make things worse in the future. After all, Battleaxe is both a world-class martial artist and the chosen wielder of the 'Labrys of the Mother', defender of women, etc. & so on -- how would YOU like explaining to that lady why you got her daughter back two hours late? Though a distant-future Labrys wielding she-wolf does have some possibilities...
  13. Pardon me for asking, but what the heck *is* postmodernism? The only definition I ever got was on an episode of the Simpsons where Moe the bartender calls it 'weird for the sake of bein' weird'.
  14. 'Kabbalah Center'? First I ever heard of it. What, is this another dippy New Age starduster attenmpt at hijacking someone else's religion or what?
  15. Yes, Sanguine/Ironclaw/Jadeclaw does some great stuff. I especially like the art in their books. Though, er, Hero is better. Pity we'll never see an 'anthro' settig done, even as a small article in Digital Hero.
  16. If I may ask: I've noticed (more in Champions than Fantasy Hero, actually) several references to both qabbalah and the qlippoth. Now, I have read references to both of these before, but does anyone know of any good books or links that can give a better explanation of them? And, out of curiosity, just why did the developers use them? It's not like I'm bothered, mind, but these are kind of unusual choices. How many gamers actually know all that much about Jewish mysticism?
  17. Re: Re: Anthropomorphic Fantasy to HERO ??? That's some really nice work there. BTW, who did the artwork? You?
  18. You're surprised? Cops in the 'Big easy' have ALWAYS had a rep for being nasty -- comes from being among the worst-paid officers in the entire US. To me, the worst real-world cops in the USA were Philly under Rizzo. 100% in the Mafia's pocket and so insanely corrupt they actually did duty for varied mobsters as enforcers. In the media, now... I've got to say that I'm starting to hate the cops presented on L&O:SVU. I *know* the people they're pursuing are the scum of humanity, but the detectives come across as so arrogant and unconcerned with the law as compared to the righteousness of their cause, I'm hoping they wind up shot. I sure hope cops and DAs in the real world don't play the legal words games they're shown as doing.
  19. THanks Mister Long, but I already have it. It's where I got the character's 'adrenaline boost' from. I just asked here because I hoped there'd be someone on the list who actually knows something about biochemistry so I could get some quick pointers. Thanks all.
  20. Wpuld like some advice here on a character I'm working on. He's got the power to affect other people's bodies on a chemical level (i.e., he can make them hallucinate by creating a microdose of LSD in their brains, can do an END Drain by filling them with fatigue poisons, etc.). I have just two questions: First, what sort of powers do you think would be best for this character? His 'Biochemical Control' is done up as a Multipower, and his biggest limitation is he can't affect people with body-affecting powers (i.e., they can change their metabolism so quickly he can't 'latch on') and his powers are thus far limited to human metabolisms/bodies. He's got the two mentioned above as well as a NND flash (fills the eyeballs with fluid; it drains away in a few seconds) and a muscular paralysis Entangle. Any other ideas? And does anyone know of any good basic books on biochemistry or the like so I can pick up something at least vaguely scientific sounding for Doctor Adrenaline to use when describing what he does? He is the team scientist/doctor; I really ought to provide him with a somewhat credible vocabulary...
  21. As I recall, weren't an awful lot of the VOICE villains remnants of vaired neo-Nazi movements in Europe? I remmeber wondering at it at the time, but considering what I've since read about the lunacy of European fascism ('Stalin was a National Socialist! Hitler was the final avatar of Vishnu! The Nazis wanted to protect Europe from the Jewish Bolsheviks!') some of those characters now sound quite tame.
  22. Nice adventure, though I don't know that I'll ever get a chance to run it. And I'm glad to see someone reembers Crypt; back when I first saw him, I thought he was an invincible monster... Of course, now we've got Takofanes 'line your heroes up so I can kill them' the Undying, so Crypt isn't so much anymore.
  23. A thousand thanks, Lord Liaden. Now I just hope I can get what I want via money order...
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