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Everything posted by FenrisUlf

  1. Re: DARK CHAMPIONS: What Do *You* Want To See? Don't know if this has been covered ot not, but will there be anything concerning street gangs and how they often differ from one another? From what I've read, black gangs are usually out to make money -- Hispanics are more interested in defending the neighborhood -- and white gangs often seem to be just in it for the violence.
  2. Which Champs books would you folks say are essential (beyond the basic rulebook, of course) for (1) use of the 'official' Hero Games Universe and (2) just to play in the superhero genre? For instance, I'd put Millenium City in the first category and the Ultimate Super-Powers book in the second. Any help would be vastly appreciated.
  3. Re: Looking for NEW words of transformation: (SHAZAM, Thunder! Thunder!...) Wow, and just think, I'd forgotten it. And now it's all coming back -- just like a nightmare.
  4. Re: Kumiho the Korean Kitsune Really? It isn't selling? Pity, that. I thought it was good and couldn't wait to pick up a copy. Though I was at least as much thrilled by the witch-hunting werewolf Benandante as the kitsune. And I remember the 'three forms' thing, though I bet the latter doesn't get trotted out much, except at Halloween and New Year's.
  5. Hi all, Just got one question hear concerning any potential Dark Champs. In an even remotely realistic world, how do you show the PD's reaction to the 'vigilante cop' (Dirty Harry, etc.)? I can't help but to think that when 99% of an officer's cases end up in a blaze of gunfire, that /someone/ is going to look at the guy sooner or later... I could see something like that as a subplot in the campaign, with the resident street monster having to keep an eye on his back for the IA/rat squad.
  6. Hi all, I just recently got the UNTIL book (now if my comic shop would get VIPER -- it's been a year since I asked!) and read with some interest of the Korean supers. However, I do wonder -- Kumiho's power was 'she could turn into a fox'? What did she do, bite her enemies on the ankle? Now, I have read enough to know that in Korean folklore, kitsune are always female, seductive, and evil (Kumiho must be the bad apple, or should that be 'good apple'?). Indeed, South Korea is supposed to have done a flick on that very theme several years back with CGI transformations of woman to vixen (titled 'Gumiho' -- mere coincidence?). But I still wonder -- if any of you were using Kumiho (or a character descended from her as a UNITY member or whatever), how would you set her up, design-wise? Myself, I was thinking of something along the lines of that one 'Bloody Roar' character (i.e., somewhat stronger/faster than average martial artist) simply to play against the 'fox as a trickster' idea. Just fishing for some input here.
  7. Re: Cross-gender roleplaying Personally, I agree with the 'it's character, not gender' argument. Though I am aware of one guy, a former RPGer out in CA, who got burned out on role-playing when a fellow gamer got obsessed with playing over-sexed females and having them try to bed every (male) character in sight. (And yes, he thought that "all real women are like that!") Of course, this may have had something to do with the fact that the guy was also trying to bed every male /player/ in sight...
  8. Phil, you creep! Here the Grundsow Lodge has been giving you beer and free food for years, and you pay them off by blowing them away? Though, to be helpful -- if you must kill someone, then head for Philadelphia and knock some folks off there until you learn the ropes. You don't want to do a half-arsed job when it's your very own hometown, do you? And besides, no one will notice one more crazed killer in the armpit of PA, so you'll get your much-needed privacy as well. Angry in Allentown
  9. There must be something wrong with me, as I liked the Asesinos so much I re-did them for 4th Ed. Might make good enemies for 'El Espectro', the Mexican pro wrestler in a silver mask, who got mentioned in CU. I especially liked the whole running plot shtick with Stalker, where we meet two of his 'spawn' in later books -- Lady Twilight in Horror Enemies, and Iggy the Vampire in Normals Unbound. Liked Alien Enemies too, esp. the Thane -- and say, aren't they floating around in current continuity as the Arcane? As for people they should never bring back -- yeah, the Geodesics were lame. The Conquerors I could do without, and there were some others I'm thankfully blanking on right now. More like one or two characters from a book (anyone remember Pointsetta, the South American neo-Nazi EP?) than a whole book.
  10. With all this talk about Teen Champions, I have to ask: does anyone else here watch Static Shock? I think it does a good job at presenting 'teen heroes', even if some of the episodes have been more than a bit loopy by my standards. And does anyone know why the series went from 'the only superheroes are the bang babies in Dakota' to being a full-fledged part of the DC universe?
  11. Yeah, Flo is pretty cool (especially when they show her doing something 'canine' and getting mortally embarrassed over it). But I never knew there were only fourteen Bowman's Wolves. Say, SC, you a furfan by any chance? I'm just wondering if you ever saw any of the crossovers with Flo/Freefall and McMoo's Zonie (the comic about the coyote).
  12. Any chance of seeing the Ragnarockette? I liked her, if only because she was the first Icelandic superhero I'd ever read about. And will you be doing the Teragen in the future?
  13. FenrisUlf


    Surprised to read about Operation High Jump/the Antarctic Space Nazi reference. I thought I was the only non-insane guy on the board who'd ever read about it!
  14. Very nice job on the loser boneheads. You know, back when Reignofevil first came out, I exchanged some e-mails with the author, Phil Brucato. All he had to say about the book was (a) yes, real-life Satanists are as hopelessly pathetic a bunch of losers as he showed, and ( every one of the cult's leaders was based, personality wise, on a real person. Now that's disturbing.
  15. I'm a big GURPS fan, myself. Personally, I think *anything* by Ken Hite is pure gold (Suppressed TRansmissions 1&2 are great, but they're waaaay overdue for a number 3), and I love the Weird War 2 book (if you want to do Golden Age, you have GOT to get this book). BTW, Peregrine, may I ask what you had troubles with in Technomancer? I only ask because I love it, and I've got my own share of troubles with it (like the author's idea that the modern-day US has never socially progressed beyond the 50's).
  16. Re: Re: What Do You Want To See?: DEMON Klytus, you just sent a shudder along my spine.
  17. You know, considering Teddy's combo of genuine athletic talent, hatred for crime and corruption, eccentricity, intelligence, wealth, and love for the common man -- I've GOT to wonder why no one ever tried using him as a early costumed hero (in a pulp or superhero universe, that is). Depending on when he died, using him in a team-up with a young Nikola Tesla (the mad scientist's mad scientist) would be great. For that matter, much of what I'm reading here sounds like it would make a great campaign or even a comic.
  18. I imagine that a world where the good Doctor managed to attain all his personal goals would indeed offer safety and security -- no freedom whatsoever (and probably not a whole lot of individuality) but safety and freedom. And seeing as how most people would rather be content than have to make difficult decisions, it would probably be very pleasant for those people. It's those who don't want oe be sheep in the pen who'd be dismayed.
  19. Yes, that was a great story -- and while I didn't even think of the 'Lovecraftian horror' angle, it sounds like a perfect fit. Especially humanity triumphing because of its human qualities -- that is way overdue in gaming (I used to be a tremendous WW mark, but I just got sick of the endless 'humans suck and will always lose' attitude). It sounds like you're off to a magnificent start, Allen.
  20. Re: What Do You Want To See?: DEMON I agree with the folks who asked for some input on recruitment and day to day activities. This bunch is supposed to be the worst of the worst, after all... Some of that ought to be described or at least hinted at in the book; DEMON is a superhuman equivalent to every paranoiac conspiracy theory ever written, and some of that aura of creeping horror would be appropriate. Oh, and Tomes Of Unspeakable Horror that summon Things With Unpronouncible Names. Can't have too much of that.
  21. In disguise? As what, a poodle or coyote? Sorry if I seem nasty here, but I have a hard time seeing how someone/thing as unusual as an anthropomorphic wolf could disguise himself.
  22. Wait, wasn't there a lengthy series of stories den about a Wolf who became the new Hate-Monger (after Hitler got knocked off)? I seem to recall him showing up in a fight wth Thor, if nothing else, and I remember him being some kind of big bad in the Adam Warlock/Counter-Earth story.
  23. Just wondering here how you folks would handle the critters of Beast Mountain in the CU setting (for those without the book, they're basically the remnants of a army of animal-men created by a mad scientist to conquer Europe. When he was beaten, they stayed behind and have mostly avoided trouble since.). I'm not necessarily talking stats, now, but how they might relate to the larger world around them. Would they ever try interacting with the surrounding humanity, or just stay hidden? If they do stay hidden, would the more adventurous leave and seek fame and/or fortune elsewhere? It's stated in the book that two did leave (a Vibora Bay bouncer called Ram and a villain named Snake; and I hope they get statted out someday) though it's not stated if anyone ever learned of the existence of the place from them. Another setting related question I've got is -- now that Doctor Moreau is out and about and working for VIPER, does anyone think they'll try to reclaim his property for him? Beast Mountain does have a pretty decent lab, from the write-up, and VIPER could always use a few more disposable freaks for the front line. Hoping someone will be able to help. I'd also appreciate knowing which comics have used an idea like this in the past, so I can see how it was handled there (it was inspired by Thor's 'Knights of Wundagore', unless I'm mistaken).
  24. That kind-of reminds me of a description I read of the typical worshipper of Lovecraft's Old Ones in the book _The Necronomicon Files_: 'the perfect combination of nihilism ("When I awaken the Old Ones, they will destroy the Earth...") and stupidity ("... and then they'll make me a GOD!")' What's worse is, according to the above tome, there are indeed people who have committed murder because of the 'Simon' Necronomicon (i.e., 'kill seven people with the magic sword, and the Old Ones will give you dominion over all life!'). And people tell me I'm nuts because I'm a furry (or a superhero fan, or whatever).
  25. Did he have Firewing's head hanging from his belt? (I mean -- all that? Yeow! This is the guy you send out to hunt down Galactus!)
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