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Everything posted by Foxiekins

  1. What I have in mind is a VW Van that a 70s era Hero sleeps in... Kind of like that Van that Captain America went wandering the USA in, a few decades back... A TARDIS would be easy, I'd just build a Teleport Gate into the Vehicle, that connected with another gate in an Extradimensional Base...
  2. I haven't found anything about this in Ultimate Base so far, and my copy of Ultimate Vehicle is packed away somewhere... How would you handle a vehicle, that has a base inside it...?
  3. I didn't use New Millenium... I was able to track down and consolidate, except for one thing... The game had two different spend currencies for different things that were completely isolated from each other... No conversion back and forth as I recall... That would have been fine, but the game specified how many points of one type characters were built with, but that information didn't exist for the other type of point... I couldn't even get a suggested amount from anyone... Replies were always "How much the GM decides on..."
  4. THERE we go... I just didn't think to use the word stereotypical... So this would only make sense for things that are common knowledge... Part of Everyman Knowledge...
  5. What about non-Racial package deals...? Things without Distinctive Features built in...? Or do you feel the Knowledge Skill is sufficient in itself...?
  6. In a game using Package Deals, what do you think about a 5 point Social Complication? You qualify for the Complication if you take EVERYTHING in the Package Deal, because doing so makes your character more predictable... For example, if the GM created a racial package deal for Elves, anything taking Everything in the deal would qualify for the Complication, because any character with KS: Elves would be able to predict things about your character once they know you're an Elf, and could deduce you are one, potentially... Thoughts?
  7. Okay, I think I have him done... Can anyone think of anything I've overlooked...? Doctor Monolith.pdf Dome Agents.pdf The Dome.RTF
  8. You're right... He should have had a high PRE before... Going with a 20, adding the +5 for his size category gives him 25 PRE... He already had Bureaucratics and Streetwise... I gave him Charm, but in retrospect that doesn't seem right, so I'm replacing it with Interrogation and Persuasion... And I can *totally* see his henchmen being open to helping the heroes, as long as it helps them, and Doc doesn't find out... I don't think Doc would threaten his henchmen, though... What he'd do is callously analyze their shortcomings to death, and persuade them to do things *his* way... Because, of course, He's always right, and other people really can't help it if they have substandard Intellect... Note that standard Intellect is a tiny group, including him, that he begrudgingly offers admittance to after many demonstrations of excellence, and substandard Intellect, by definition, is everyone else on Earth...
  9. I've used The Greylands... They exist between life and death... There you'll find Shades, which are either the souls of the comatose, or dead souls that are unaware they're dead, or Bodyless wanderers... Anyone and anything who's Life/Death status is "maybe"...
  10. Thank you... I started this thread to help with my reconstruction of Doctor Monolith, covered in another thread... Which I would link to, but I have no idea how...
  11. He's intended for a standard 400 point campaign... I appreciate your analysis... I asked about point totals and balancing in another thread, and so far the best answer seems to be "Design the Villain and Assign him the Experience he Requires"... Doctor Monolith was from 5th Edition, and unfortunately I lost his information, and am trying to recreate him in 6th Edition from Memory... Anecdote: I also have GMed the Ironclaw game, which is about Medieval Anthropomorphic Animals, and one Villain provided an experience I was trying to draw from in creating Doctor Monolith... The game had Mind Mages, who are built for intrigue and sneakiness... I made a particular Mind Mage a Rhinoceros, and when the PCs finally ran him to ground, they started with the stabbing... In Ironclaw, Rhinos take a LOT of stabbing, to be honest... And the player starting going "He won't Die... HE WON'T DIE...!!!" It struck me as so hilarious that I tried to design the Doctor so that he was sneaky, devious, and slippery, but if you ever did run him to ground then he's surprisingly durable... So I will definitely be applying your suggestions... The good Doctor's mentality will shed some light... He's researching meta-normal physiology to ultimately try and return himself to normal... It might be in his best interest to cooperate with others, but he's so contemptuous of other's abilities that the idea of someone else being helpful and useful is completely foreign to him... Frankly, this attitude is the real reason why no one would hire him, but he's latched onto his physical condition as a scapegoat, and is trying to fix it... If he ever DOES cure himself, God help him, because he's still unemployable, and he'll have no clue why... Since cooperation is such a foreign notion to him, everything he does is focused on FORCING others to meet his needs... And his best source for data is other meta-normals, whether hero or villain... He provides medical services to villains, not out of benevolence, but because it benefits him, and his bedside manner is atrocious... But villains frequently can't be choosers... He *has* taken the Hippocratic Oath, not out of kindness, but more out of a particularly obnoxious example of Noblesse Oblige... If you watched Big Bang Theory at all, think of him like unto Sheldon Cooper... As I make modifications, I'll be putting details... I would appreciate any other ideas that occur to you, and thank you for what you've suggested already, all of you...
  12. Right... So is there a guideline on how many extra points to give to match a villain against multiple heroes...?
  13. I've looked through the books, and found no guidelines to this... How much of a Villain Bonus is needed for a Master Villain... I remember something about this in earlier editions of the game, but in 6th edition, I can't find anything... Can anyone point me to any guidelines I've missed...?
  14. Right, he's big all the time... That's why I bought all the stuff that comes with 1 level of Growth, which I referred to as a level of Size, to try and avoid confusing it with Growth...
  15. He could easily have had the Wealth before he manifested, it would explain how he was able to afford all that Education... If you feel he needs more Wealth, and want to use him, it's easily added... VIPER could easily be amongst his clients, but I feel he would avoid a closer relationship because they might want to dictate who he does and doesn't treat... That's HIS choice to make, not an organization... He would not work with anyone that demanded he disregard what remains of his Hippocratic Oath... And if you think he needs 10 Damage Classes, that's only 10 points away... But remember, it only takes a Haymaker for him to have 12 Damage Classes...
  16. He doesn't grow, he's that large all the time... That's why I only went with one Level of Size... He doesn't have a punishment agenda, he's just annoyed at society... Make charges, though, if he'd be more useful to you that way... One thing you could do is have a teleportation gate at the center of each of his bases, that only works with another teleportation gate in the network... If you do, though, I would also give him the Inventor skill, and also Physics, or at least Weird Science...
  17. I would like to hear what people think of this Doctor... I made him up on the spur of the moment, for a one-off Adventure that I did years ago, but the idea for the character just won't go away... Mainly, I think, because there is just so much about this character that feels right... This is an experienced character, at 20 points of experience, but shaving 20 points would let him be built at 400 points... The easiest way to do that would be to reduce the points for his bases and followers... I laid out 100 points for the cost of a Base, and gave him 64 of them, so lots of opportunity for point shaving there... Also, he has this many followers so he can have 33 Agents at the base he's currently using, another 33 at a fallback position, just in case, and one Agent at each of the other 62 Bases just holding position... This lets him have bases just about anywhere, or multiple locations in your campaign area, increasing his utility... If you have players with a fixation on destroying the Villain's base at all costs, that's fine, that's why Doc Monolith has so many... I refer to his base as The Dome, because the original idea was for every base to be identical, and housed in a Monolithic Dome, which is an actual thing, just google it... The Doctor has two main things he does... The surveillance in his bases is designed to get readings from any Metanormals entering them, to provide data for his ongoing study of Metanormal Physiology... This data is potentially marketable to player's enemies, although he will not release information that would directly compromise secret identities or the like... But he isn't above tipping opponents off about discovered weaknesses or vulnerabilities unless doing so would come into conflict with his Code versus Killing... He does NOT like Casual Killers at all... He also provides Medical Services to folk on the wrong side of the law, hero or villain... He is very bitter that his condition has prevented him from from being useful to society... The players may find him useful though, and who knows? If they can pull enough strings and are persuasive enough, the good Doctor might be won over to their side... The possibility of that depends on the GM and PCs, of course... The only people that would initially know the Doctor even exists, at first, would be the Doctors and Administrators that were present when his Metanormality manifested itself, which unfortunately was during his first interview for placement with a Hospital, and any of them that turned him down afterwards, until he gave up in disgust... His ability to teleport was the result of his investigation into just *where* his extra mass came from when he manifested... He keeps it secret because it's useful to have an ace in the hole, and because his investigations have proved uncomfortable and painful... He stopped trying to determine just how *far* he can teleport, when it reached the point of being agonizingly painful, so he's not sure what his max range is, given that trying to teleport more than 20 meters subjects him to 1d6 STUN for every couple of meters more, up to a max (unknown to him) of 40d6... The Doctor isn't sure if he could actually kill himself this way, or not, and doesn't want to find out... This is the kind of thing he would only do if the Survival of the Entire Human Race, or a large portion of it, were at stake... Doctor Monolith.pdf
  18. Growth gives you Extra Reach... But if a character is Large all the time, you are directed to buy all the pieces you would get from Growth as permanent abilities... In that case, how do we buy the character's Reach...? All the other bits are priced in the system, but not Reach...
  19. I wonder if the wedding will be in the midst of a running battle... They should have it conducted by Father Thomas Marelli... (He's from a long ago campaign, and is both a Roman Catholic Priest, and a Vampire...)
  20. I have quite a few different flavors of Brick... Besides Private Perfection here, there's the one made out of a dense omnimetallic material, the one who's body is surrounded by a Force Field he can maintain indefinitely, and the one surrounded by a Magic aura that dampens effects of the environment on him... There's also the person who channels the mystical essense of John Henry... I *guess* he'd be considered a brick...
  21. I dialed the skills back instead... Here's how he looks... Private Perfection.pdf
  22. Publicity won't be a thing... In the campaign he's for, the existence of Extra-Normals was classified by the Federal Government, and that got extended when the Cold War started... He's from the period when that all started, though, so right now he's just under a Standing Order to keep a low profile... Any characters participating in the Time Travel Arc will be doing the same, to avoid changing history, so his intended function is as a surprise / hazard to the Time Travelers... But the Military *will* need to have a name to refer to him by... He's intended to be partially comedic, also, so maybe Private Perfection was entered into the required reports, until a better name would replace it, and then no one could agree on a better name... And eventually it got to where changing the name would have required rewriting SO many reports, that it was given up as a loss...
  23. I think I have him about laid out, but I could use help with a name... I really doubt the Military would seriously refer to him as Private Perfection... I figure he would be assigned to a Special Forces Unit composed of "special" talent, so he might just be referred to by his surname, Kowalski...
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