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Everything posted by BoneDaddy

  1. Re: War of the Worlds e-comic I'm at 1101 Pennsylvania Avenue right now, actually.
  2. Re: War of the Worlds e-comic What must I sacrifice to whom to get that damned tour to come stateside?
  3. Re: Help me name this hero! Hmmm... His no range Ego Attack would go well as the follow up to a punch. He could CON stun a good sized brick with it, actually, which would make a great punchline.... Punchline it is.
  4. Re: Help me name this hero! How 'bout Marshall Manic? I'm leaning strongly towards Punchline. Thanks everybody. I'm repping as fast as I can.
  5. http://www.nytimes.com/slideshow/2007/09/05/travel/20070909_NEXT_SLIDESHOW_index.html A setting in Turkey that cries out for Pulp heroics.
  6. Re: I hate adding damage I propose a house rule re: extra dice from martial arts use of sun swords (or whatever you call 'em.) Body rolled on those dice can be used to modify hit location rolls.
  7. Re: I hate adding damage If you use the bonuses to reflect the accuracy of the hit as opposed to the force of it, sure, that could work. Are you using hit locations? EDIT: Forgot the important part - "In My Opinion".
  8. Re: I hate adding damage Could you take it out of the mathematics and tell us the special effects of the RKA and the Martial Art in question? If it's a "soul slap" or a mild poison or something similar, I don't see how a karate chop is going to add to that damage. In fact, I can't come up with any combination, so I'm at a loss. Describe the power, please.
  9. Re: An alternative to CSLs? I must spread some reputation around before repping SCUBA hero for keeping me from looking completely witless. Thanks!
  10. Re: Need Perjoratives! Like Dark Matter, quantum entanglement, or the acceleration of the voyager probes. Randi's biggest crime is hubris - he assumes that we understand and can explain everything that happens around us, when 80 percent of the mass around us we can't even observe directly. Seriously - we don't know jack about how the universe works, and claims to absolute knowledge as to what is possible or not are all exaggerated. Randi is siding with "science," but he's treating science like a religion. Science doesn't have all the answers yet, and good scientists recognize that. He's a stage magician. He should stick with that. "Pajama Prancers" is hilarious.
  11. So I suck at naming superheroes. My first champions character, back in '91, was named "Flaming Justice," and he wasn't even gay. Seriously - I suck at it. Concepts I'm pretty good at, if a little derivative. I'll give you all the concept, please give me a decent name. The Joker is based on a character named Gwynplaine from a Victor Hugo story called "The Man Who Laughs." So is my new hero. He is what I like to call Mentalist Light in the powers department. He has an Ego attack, but it has no range. His ranged mental attacks include a BOECV entangle (helpless maniacal laughter, which probably isn't so funny after the first few minutes), a Suppress PRE, a Suppress INT, and a Mental Transform I'm still playing with. Outside the powers department, he used to be a police detective before the accident that gave him the powers (damned the city and it's dozens of unguarded chemical factories!), so he has your basic detective package and two .45's he could neuter flies on the wing with. The campaign is reality light - Earth minus Detroit plus tights, set in Colorado. What's he look like? About like this, in hero ID Like the "Have a Nice Day" face gone bad dressed like something a bit noirish, somewhere on the continuum between The Shadow and Batman, and hopefully without even a passing reference to Wal-Mart. That enough help? He's a scary clown of justice. I'd call him The Comedian, but his sense of humor stinks and the name's sort of been done to death.
  12. Re: WSWYCK: Karaoke Night Marshall Hood, a six tentacled spheroidal alien is known to swing through the city streets singing a spot on version of Frank Sinatra's "I've Got the World on a String."
  13. Re: Ninjas in a Champions game Remember "Keep on the Borderlands". Properly utilized, even kobolds are nasty.
  14. Re: An alternative to CSLs? Hugh, I generally agree with you, particularly with regard to special effects. I think a justification would have to include a different special ability, perhaps a psychic bond with his opponant - link the AoE naked advantage to a mind scan, perhaps, making this a fine supplement to a Mentalist Light (now less filling!) character.
  15. Re: Multiple constants Stacking constant powers: IIRC, you can stack Suppress until the cows come home, you run out of END, or the other guys characteristic is at or below -30. You can keep on suppressing from there, but why?
  16. Re: An alternative to CSLs? I was initially considering it for a 325 pt level game, where it would only be moderately abusive. I am considering a non-super combat master type (ordinary characteristic maxima, in any event) and trying to figure out how to even the odds when squaring off against your average super ninja with a dex of 36 and CSLs out the yin-yang. It happens all the time in genre, from Taskmaster to Bruce Wayne. I was looking for a Northwest passage, a way to get the other guy's DCV down if I couldn't get my OCV up any higher. It's rules legal, and I'd be OK with it with an RSR. It has potential. Now all I have to do is get his OCV down... Thus enters - The Moe Maneuver (eye poke!) Nyuck nyuck nyuck...
  17. Re: Dredging Obscurity for Villain Ideas Porcupine. Spider-man's arch ... ummm ... loser.
  18. Re: An alternative to CSLs? Plenty of food for thought. Nifty.
  19. Re: Need Perjoratives! Flags - Colorful, symbolic, dangerous, and frequently at the front of any battle. More often sources for conflict rather than solutions. Refers primarily to costumed heroes rather than paranormals generally. Randis - a reference to James Randi, who would doubtless deny the existence of a super even as superman was flinging him into orbit. This pejorative has a "whistling in the dark" aspect to it. Ham's kids, Esau's kids, or (most likely) Cain's kids. Such a monicker has been used to justify any number of atrocities in the past, and can easily be dusted off for re-use. Dips - Due to their serenDIPitous mutations.
  20. So, I could buy 9 CSLs with swords (for example), for 27 points. Or, I can buy a naked advantage, Area of Effect, 1 hex, for all HKA's up to 2d6, with the +0 advantage, "precise" (don't have the book with me right now, thought of this on the train this AM, so the name might be off by a synonym), for 15 points. I can make it 0 END for a total of 23 points, and throw on an OIF to bring it back down to 15. Sure, I can't put it in DCV or add damage dice with it, but suddenly I'm the best offensive swordsman in the land, since everyone else's DCV is 3 when I have a sword in hand. So, aside from my blatant, heinous munchkinry, am I wrong? Would you allow it? How about if I added an "RSR - analyze combat" to justify my complete mastery over an individual opponant?
  21. Re: Musings on Random Musings Big babies are healthy babies, but a traditional delivery at that size may pose certain challenges. Have you discussed C-section (when, if, and why) with your doc yet? Whadidesay? Best of luck, and congrats on your great big baby.
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