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Everything posted by Vondy

  1. Re: Need list of skaldic kennings It works a little differently in modern Hebrew, but word-plays on hebraized foreign loan words are common enough that you have to watch out for dual meaning on a regular basis. On this site I catch a certain subtext in many kennings even in translation, though I have to ponder the context for it to really sink in. The database is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks.
  2. Re: Need list of skaldic kennings That's great. Thanks.
  3. Re: Need list of skaldic kennings That's a start. Thanks.
  4. I'm looking for a fairly comprehensive online list of skaldic kenning from the eddas, sagas, et al. I found the anemic list on wikipedia, but I need something more robust. Does anyone know of such a resource?
  5. WHOOPS! Go to Fantasy Hero forum thread...
  6. Re: Do you buy Resistant alternate defenses? Just tell them, if they're that attached to figured characteristics, to purchase the values of the former figured characteristics to what they would have been under the old regime. After a few builds I'm certain the player will decide its not the best approach and move on.
  7. Re: No more Figured Characteristics?! Which boils down to "he who dares wins." Create whole cloth 6e characters ahead of the pack and be the trendsetter.
  8. Re: Do you buy Resistant alternate defenses? I prefer to run my games in such a manner that resistant oddball defenses are not required.
  9. Re: No more Figured Characteristics?! Culturally, my group favors martial arts over combat levels. One reason is that its easier anticipate, regulate combat values that way. If you buy extra CSLs so you can do damage its hard to know whether the character will be at a respectable CV/Damage ratio, or will suddenly drop the damage and spike their CVs well beyond established campaign norms. Its not a huge problem, and it does model the "blademaster" concept pretty well, but for some reason I find combat maneuvers are easier to manage-guestimate than bulk combat level purchases.
  10. Re: No more Figured Characteristics?! I'm using CSLs less. Instead, I buy the base CV and martial maneuvers. A character may have talent based CSLs, but I'm buying them much less frequently now.
  11. Re: Two-weapon fighting The wife of Rabbi Meir, Bruriah, was a great sage in her own right and several of her opinions are noted in the talmud. A brilliant woman with little patience for stupidity and a notoriously caustic wit, when Rabbi Yossi Galilo needed directions and asked "Which way to Lod?" she responded "Yossi, Idiot! You should have asked "Where's Lod?" in order to remind him of the sage's admonishon "do not speak overmuch with women" [who are married to other men]. She was famous for pointing out attribution errors in terms of how to read verses in the Hebrew Scriptures by saying "You think it means X? Idiot! Read to the end! It says..." Now, you may wonder, what does this have to do with sweep and two weapon attack? Its simple, your friend is reading one sentence out of context, a contextomy or attribution error, and ignoring the rest of the passage that clarifies the point. He needs a proper Bruriah headslap. "Idiot! Read to the end! It says -it allows the character to ignore the first -2 OCV modifier when making his first two attacks. (In other words, the character's first two Attack Rolls are at no OCV penalty; any Attack Rolls thereafter in the same Phase are at a cumulative -2 OCV per Attack Roll)." Yes, its true, learning Talmud improves both literacy and Hero-fu.
  12. Re: FANTASY HERO Sneak Peek #1: The Cover! Moses' Beard! It doth look most fantastic.
  13. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Madboojah - Sound Sort of a funky Israeli fusion band I discovered. They did a free concert friday afternoon. http://www.myspace.com/madboojah
  14. Re: Killing Damage in 6e Its called prepido principii - assuming an unproven premise and then reasoning from it. Its sometimes called begging the question. Its a common logical fallacy. I agree this case the presumption is a posteori and one may demand proof for the underlying premise its rooted in. On the other hand, your assertion does not, itself, bring a proof that strict empiricism is the only valid epistomological method, or the exclusive metaphysic of rational, logical thought. As a result, the assertion itself is a case of prepido principii. You have not addressed epistemological systems that recognize a dichotomy of a priori and a posteori premises. Or systems that embrace abductive as well as deductive, inductive, and reductive methods. Or the fact that strict empiricism only allows one to deal in quanta because qualia, which are nonetheless formative experiential realities of human existence, cannot be "measured with a line." Personally, I regard strict empiricism as a method for testing a posteori quanta rather than a whole cloth epistemological system one can develop a way of life from. A portmanteax: epistirony.
  15. Re: Killing Damage in 6e It also makes PSLS worth the points you sink into them.
  16. Re: Killing Damage in 6e And I model this in a heroic games how, exactly? This is my issue with most proposed solutions, actually. They are tailored to perceived problems in superheroic default settings, but may well introduce problems in heroic settings. The system should contain no such bias.
  17. Re: Killing Damage in 6e I run heroic games and use hit locations, so I can't comment on whether the change, which only affects games that don't use hit locations, has been positive, negative, or neutral.
  18. Re: A Thread for Random Videos I cracked up when I saw this. Pure purple prose and exploitation cuts. Don't even get started on the title compared to the content. Its so bad its beautiful.... EDIT: youtube disabled linking; watch it direct.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BgSaGmNOYKI&feature=related
  19. Re: Smart Automata sans Computers There's no reason you can't build an automaton with INT, comp. related perks and skills, and define the SFX as "computer" without using the computer rules.
  20. Re: Why no Penalty Skill Levels in a Multipower? Agreed. Compound powers which incl. skill levels are appropriate for multipower slots.
  21. Re: Why no Penalty Skill Levels in a Multipower?
  22. Re: Why no Penalty Skill Levels in a Multipower? Will it let you link the PSLs to the Multipower?
  23. Re: room filled with water If it makes me feel better? This presumes I would be, in some way, upset. Based on the lead-in question, I don't think you did see my point. A GM has limitless points. He need not cost everything in detail. He can jot down notes and run with whatever effects he wants to model. The bottom line is bottomless for him. This is true irrespective of the heroic/superheroic divide. A player, however, has to keep accounts and balance his character's point totals. In a super-heroic game he has to model every effect precisely, even for bases and vehicles, to do that. One might make an exception for mundane items, but a room that fills up with water isn't "standard." In a heroic game, where much is done with money rather than points, he can be much looser insofar as the GM approves the effects.
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