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    Nolgroth reacted to Cygnia in "Neat" Pictures   
  2. Like
    Nolgroth reacted to FrankL in Today's Dumb Criminal Story ...   
    I tell you, remove the warning labels, and let nature do what it's supposed to.
  3. Like
    Nolgroth got a reaction from bigbywolfe in Interesting article about Sexism in Geek Communities   
    Yes, but how will I know which author to avoid if they don't name him? I'll be honest that I am not going to Amazon to do whatever research they think I am going to do. I'm just too lazy for all that.
  4. Like
    Nolgroth got a reaction from gewing in Interesting article about Sexism in Geek Communities   
    I agree that she is 'a miserable excuse for a human being' but I can't advocate violence towards her. Even hyperbolic violence demeans the basic assumption that she is a fraud. If I (or anybody) feels that threatened by her, then her assertions must have some merit. I don't believe that they do.  
    I can still believe that she is a disingenuous scumbag though.
  5. Like
    Nolgroth reacted to 薔薇語 in Interesting article about Sexism in Geek Communities   
    Prior to this post, was there really that much hyperbole against Anita? More to the point, was there more hyperbole about that woman than what countless others use to normally describe politicians and such that they don't like?
    Following this post, there was certainly one comment that I think went too far. And I would generally agree that the post before this one was a bit over the top but calling that out while ignoring the instances when it creeps up everywhere else just because this instance targets Anita is I think a bit odd.  

    To be a bit more fair to Google here, we have a person who did something that I am sure every work place would disagree with and some place would have likely immediately fired her for. By creating a public chart of everyone's pay, she opens Google up to a world of troubles. First, she is going to inevitably inspire in-fighting among employees. No one, no matter what they say, can ignore how much their neighbor is earning. By having a blanket policy of not discussing these things, a workplace establishes a system wherein internal rivalries based on "how dare Jack / Jane make more than me!" don't happen.
    Second, I know the employees wanted to send her a bonus using Google's policy, but their request to give her more money is not a binding agreement that Google must adhere to. They put in place that reward system to help encourage cooperation - but this person has created a spreadsheet that operates counter to the very spirit of that bonus system. And Google has every right and authority to not pass along bonus to an employee who is being troublesome.
    Third, there is a security issue associated with creating a public access document that has every employee's name and salary (and good gosh knows what else) on it. Anyone with access could walk out the door the next day and post that on the web for all to see. Then what is supposed to be private information can easily become public. And it isn't just code for some new product, it is the private and personal information of each employee who was stupid enough to put it on that file.
    Fourth, the only side of this story we have is the one from the disgruntled ex employee. Please excuse me if I don't take at face value anything she has to say on the matter. Lest there is some sort of hard proof to everything, is still just an angry ex employee telling stories about their former bosses. I have no proof, and neither do you if you are honest with yourself, of any wrong doing by Google in any way, including in terms of Gender and Racial biases in pay.
    Foreign Orchid.
  6. Like
    Nolgroth got a reaction from 薔薇語 in Interesting article about Sexism in Geek Communities   
    I agree that she is 'a miserable excuse for a human being' but I can't advocate violence towards her. Even hyperbolic violence demeans the basic assumption that she is a fraud. If I (or anybody) feels that threatened by her, then her assertions must have some merit. I don't believe that they do.  
    I can still believe that she is a disingenuous scumbag though.
  7. Like
    Nolgroth got a reaction from Marcus Impudite in Interesting article about Sexism in Geek Communities   
    A variant she created with a not-so carefully created public image campaign that any politician would be proud of. She has been caught in so many lies that I would think she actually would be running for public office. And, like a politician, she cherry picks her facts and experiences to support her agenda. If she were a board member here, this community would have picked apart her arguments like taking apart a Lego construct. The bottom line, Anita Sarkeesian is to video gaming as Jack Chick was to roleplaying gaming. She just happened to have a lot more publicity tools available than he did. I think she is smarter and more organized too.
    I don't entirely disagree with her message, I just personally think that she is a scumbag.
  8. Like
    Nolgroth got a reaction from Vanguard in This Week in MMOs   
    While not a true MMO in the sense of a RPG, I tried out War Thunder today. Good for a few laughs but I will not be going back in. The controls just don't do it for me.
    Watched the trailer for the new SW:ToR expansion. Like always, the trailer is (likely) much better than the game itself.
  9. Like
    Nolgroth got a reaction from pinecone in In other news...   
    If by the "wrong way" you mean like getting scrubbed with a belt sander, I'd agree with you.
  10. Like
    Nolgroth reacted to Pattern Ghost in Interesting article about Sexism in Geek Communities   
    "Look but don't touch" seems to be a difficult concept for some people.
  11. Like
    Nolgroth got a reaction from BoneDaddy in What Have You Watched Recently?   
    Once Upon a Time in the West- I don't ever recall seeing this movie before tonight and I have to say what a wonderful surprise it was to watch. The scene where Henry Fonda's character is introduced was chilling. Keep in mind when I say that, that I am very hard to impress. Turned out far more suspenseful than almost every modern movie I have watched. I hereby proclaim it my second favorite Western, after Unforgiven.
  12. Like
    Nolgroth got a reaction from Old Man in What Have You Watched Recently?   
    Once Upon a Time in the West- I don't ever recall seeing this movie before tonight and I have to say what a wonderful surprise it was to watch. The scene where Henry Fonda's character is introduced was chilling. Keep in mind when I say that, that I am very hard to impress. Turned out far more suspenseful than almost every modern movie I have watched. I hereby proclaim it my second favorite Western, after Unforgiven.
  13. Like
    Nolgroth reacted to Hermit in In other news...   
    Terrorist takes Selfie, gets himself and an ISIS HQ bombed
  14. Like
    Nolgroth reacted to Lucius in How Much Supernatural/Magic/Psychic Abilities in the Raider-verse?   
    Re: Raiders of the Lost Ark
    You got your Ancient Horror tm unearthed by those who insist on meddling with things Man Was Not Meant to Know tm. You got your Thing that's so mind blastingly beyond Human comprehension that it is dangerous even to look upon. You got your Old One worshipped as a God by cultists all over the world, complete with a Name that Must Not Be Spoken.tm .You even have the ending where the Horror is not destroyed or truly defeated, but only Sealed Away tm and hidden, waiting until the Stars are Right. tm
    Lovecraft wrote about giant albino penguins, but even Lovecraft cannot make penguins scary.
    Even brilliant ideas can benefit from proofreading.

    Nobody can help Nero Grimes, for reasons massey explains:

    For similar reasons, no one can help zslane:

    They may be helpless, but Grimes at least is aware that nobody is going to see things the way he does.

    Repeatedly, I'm sure.
    Nero Grimes also claims to need comic relief; he's probably come to the right place. Not only are penguins funny even when Lovecraft is feeding them to shoggoths, many other things can be made funny by reimagining them as written by Lovecraft, as for example "The Pinocchio Fragment."
    Finally, a person named Quinn is the proud possessor of a parochial library, a hotel with a breakfast nook, and a glitch. Not much else has been revealed about this person.
    Did I answer your question, and did I leave anything important out?
    Lucius Alexander

    Seven times the length of a standard palindromedary tagline, but is it seven times as funny?
  15. Like
    Nolgroth got a reaction from gewing in In other news...   
    If by the "wrong way" you mean like getting scrubbed with a belt sander, I'd agree with you.
  16. Like
    Nolgroth reacted to Hermit in Today's Dumb Criminal Story ...   
    "So," The Bear said, "You come to my cave for the secret of Ursine steel , do you?"
    "Such is my quest," The human said earnestly, hope in his voice but it was a hope he dared not hold onto too tightly. The Bears had guarded their secrets closely from humans, and with good reason. None of them had forgiven the actions of the human King Colbert the First and that mad monarch's reign had tainted human bear relations to this day.
    The bear scratched his chin, "Not far from here, you will find a greedy and selfish ranger! A woodland warrior who has ever vexed me."
    The human nodded slowly. He had heard of this fellow, a man by the name of Smith, "I know of him. It would be easier to defeat him with ursine steel," He said hopefully.
    The bear laughed, "No little human, I do not wish him killed. Bring me Smith's treasure, bring me, his picnic basket."
    The human winced. This would be no easy achievement. The Bear was setting him to a task that the bear himself hadn't achieved. He should have known. Any animal with the secret to Ursine Steel had to be smarter than the average bear.
  17. Like
    Nolgroth reacted to Hermit in In other news...   
    This hits a lot of my buttons so it's no surprise I hope she takes them to the cleaners and other employees join in for their share. This #### needs to be stomped on so hard it leaves a crater. 
  18. Like
    Nolgroth reacted to Cygnia in In other news...   

  19. Like
    Nolgroth got a reaction from Vondy in What Have You Watched Recently?   
    Recently watched two Arnie movies; Collateral Damage and Sabotage. I was actually impressed with Sabotage. I didn't think Schwarzenegger could pull off playing such a complex character.  I also saw the trailer for a movie that is coming up where he plays the father of a girl who has been infected with something that is effectively turning her into a zombie-like creature. From the trailer, it looks like Arnie is dipping into some really dramatic stuff. I'm looking forward to it. Oh and Collateral Damage was an okay movie too.
    Watched Scream 3 last night. Even though the deconstruction trope is getting more than a little worn, I actually enjoyed it. 
    Every weekend I watch top 10 lists on Youtube. From them, I learned that I never want to watch any of the Saw movies, Hostel or a plethora of other torture porn movies. Just the few scenes they show failed to engage my "thriller" mind and just left a vague sense of disgust. I also learned that those kinds of things (top 10 lists) touch upon my obsessive streak as I "have" to watch the next one and the next one. 
  20. Like
    Nolgroth reacted to Vondy in What Have You Watched Recently?   
    Collateral (2004). I'm watching a lot of noir-crime shoot 'em ups of late. This was a sharply written noir thriller with a common man protagonist that worked. The cinematography was clean and crisp, the script was sharp, and the casting was superb. Full disclosure, I ordinarily can't stand Tom Cruise. But, Cruise cast against type as a ruthless villain? He nailed the role in perfect spades with a lean and convincing performance that was better than any "hero" role he's delivered. It also made the most of Los Angeles and said something about how disjointed and disconnected the LA experience can be, which jives with the dark, disturbing noir genre to a tee. An excellent film.
  21. Like
    Nolgroth got a reaction from Narf the Mouse in Supergirl   
    I actually did watch that one. I was impressed with the ability to self-analyze. But then it ruined CinemaSins for me.
  22. Like
    Nolgroth got a reaction from Andrew_A in Supergirl   
    I actually did watch that one. I was impressed with the ability to self-analyze. But then it ruined CinemaSins for me.
  23. Like
    Nolgroth reacted to FrankL in Supergirl   
    Agree wholeheartedly with no. In fact, I had not heard of Cinema Sins until today. When I first found, TVTropes, I read a few pages and laughed. Then I realized I was starting to analyze what I was reading for enjoyment according to the pages I had read. Once I stopped reading TVTropes, I started enjoying fiction again. Others may read TVT and still enjoy their entertainment. Like Nolgroth, I don't want it deconstructed.
    Moreover, for every trope there is a subversion. These subversions are also considered tropes by some. So you can't win. Everything is considered a trope, and thus all works are unoriginal and boring (according to some critics).
    Tropes and cliches are in fiction because they work and let us know what to expect. Don't try to write to the trope. Don't try to write to avoid the trope. Just write the story the way you, the author, think it will work best. Consumers will decide if they like the way you handled it or not.
  24. Like
    Nolgroth got a reaction from FrankL in Supergirl   
    CinemaSins is like TV Tropes. I really dislike deconstructionism when it comes to my entertainment. It really robs the enjoyment out of the product. So I agree wholeheartedly with this sentiment. In fact, I would extend that "less" to "no."
  25. Like
    Nolgroth got a reaction from Pattern Ghost in Supergirl   
    CinemaSins is like TV Tropes. I really dislike deconstructionism when it comes to my entertainment. It really robs the enjoyment out of the product. So I agree wholeheartedly with this sentiment. In fact, I would extend that "less" to "no."
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