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Everything posted by JayH

  1. Re: Fantastic Four (half FYI, half OT) How long do think the make-up would take each day, and how many hours would you have to wear it? But is there any price too high to be The Thing?
  2. Re: Autobots and TUV Ok, so now I'm working on some Mechs. Two systems I need input on. 1) I want to install a Damage Control System, a la Regeneration. So far it looks like this: Damage Control: Healing 1 BODY (10 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) 1 Turn (Post-Segment 12) (-1 1/4), Self Only (-1/2) A Vehicle wouldn't need to buy it 0 END, Persistant, would they? There would just have to be juice in the battery and it wouldn't work if the pilot (or computer pilot) were out of commission (no one to turn it on). Although, that would be nice, it's not like points are a problem. 2) Fire suppression system for the cockpit. I've looked at Suppress, Damage Reduction, Dispel, and Change Environment. Nothing looks right. Do I even need to bother since Safe Environment: Intense Heat is built into the Life Support? Thanks for your comments.
  3. Re: Superhero Images This is Blorp, he's an alien. But I never wrote him up.
  4. Re: Question on flight and telekinesis If you Grab an opponent with your TK, how far can you move them and still do the STR damage by smashing them against the ground (or whatever)? Not a Throw, a move and a smash. I don't want to release the Grab. For that matter, how far can you move them and then squeeze them for damage? And, should I have made this a new thread? Thanks for your feedback.
  5. Re: Autobots and TUV Speaking of multiformer mechs, I'm confused about the cost. In TUV under SHAPE ALTERATION on page 107 (2nd paragraph) it says, "The cost for the alternate forms depends on their total cost, not their cost divided by 5." Wah??? That got me all worked up. In the example starting at the top of pg 111 they use Multiform to buy the other forms and that sure looks like a way to pay for them as 1/5 to me. I wish they had spent a couple more lines in the text explaining the cost. The character buying the vehicle gets the powers in the alternate forms for (1/5)/5, or much less for the forms using the x2 forms for +5 pts. And that's fine by me, if that's how it is. But what does the line quoted from the text mean? Was there fear of players paying ((1/5)/5)/5 pts? Am I looking at something wrong? my math 396 pt in most expensive multiform/5 = 79pts, plus 5 pts for x2 forms (less than or equal to points in most expensive form) = 84pts, divide by 2.75 (limitations: 1 base + 1 1/4 Extra Time + 1/2 Cost END) = 30 pts (I actually get 31, because it's just over 30.5).
  6. Re: Superleap and falling damage. Avatar and fbdaury are correct, see 5E 292. It's listed as an optional rule. The rationale, I'm pretty sure, is that if a character can leap 30" into the air (60" horizontal) he can survive the landing from his own jump. Blue, you're dead on. 30"/segment is terminal velocity in game terms. But there are Optional Velocity Damage rules starting on pg 292 if you want, though. They factor mass into the damage equation and can be quite nasty for heavier fallers. On an aside though. If your character is sufficiently heavy (or travelling sufficiently fast) perhaps you could get the earth to take some KB and halve the damage. Bye, bye, life.
  7. There's been some debate going on in Hero System Discussion board about moving things around with TK. Here's a question that I think might help clarify things. What, if any, are the differences between "throwing" an object with TK and "moving" it? The FAQ seems to imply synonymy between these terms in some places. Specifically, I need to know if you maintain your grip on the object after you've thrown it, since you do lose your grip with normal STR after a throw. Thanks.
  8. Re: New Disadvantage: Control Override Codes Ok, so how much is it worth? As a Psych Lim or Phys Lim (depending on the special effects) I come up with 15 pts (Uncommon, Total or Infrequently, Fully). If you want a few more points for it, you might consider a Susceptibility. Afterall, 'the Codes' are objects or effects that are harmless to most people but have a harmful effect on your character. So instead of d6 of STUN, your character suffers levels of Mind Control or Psych Lim effect. 25 pts (Uncommon 5, Effect is Every Phase 10, Total 10). Just another idea. I wouldn't combine two types of Disads into one new one, though. I'd choose one of the above, and then take a hunted (like SleepyDrug said). If the hunted has the codes, that just makes them nastier. If everyone has the codes, increase the frequency (like tesuji said).
  9. Re: Superhero Images Here's one of my early characters, Justice Trooper (1st pic circa '85). He is a martial artist with light body armor, jet pack and tactical helmet. He lost his guns when I reworked him for 4th ed, and drew him up on the PC (2nd pic, 1/90). Hope this works, first time posting art.
  10. Re: Calling all Mages... I want to help but I need a little more specification. So you want anyone with "Magic" as the special effects for their powers (like Solitaire)? Or do they have to have powers that require Gestures and/or Incantations (like Black Druid from European Enemies), making them more spell-ish? By the way, is there a write-up for Arkelos (from example fame) anywhere in the literature?
  11. Re: OK, Math And Science Experts: Cubic Hexes Another vote for a) two-meter tall hexagonal columns. Read on for my exegesis... Any sort of attempt at geodesic-like hexagonal volumes (or spheres) would leave unaccounted space in the cracks between the figures. That just doesn't sit well. So... the only "regular closefitting shapes" available (cubes and pyramids I'm afraid) would require abandoning the very elegant hexes we all know and love. I tried working out a system of alternatingly inverted and rotated pyramids, but I got a headache when my eyeballs popped inside out. Simpler is better. You math gods rock!
  12. Re: Building characters of different sizes
  13. Re: Is your voice a "sense"? Hmmm... ok, so animals don't need it. Ok, so being a PC or NPC automatically lets you talk, regardless of your form, right? That makes sense, so then you can take a Physical Limitation (like Mute) and get some points. That must be where the 20 pt value on 5E 229 came from (All the Time, Greatly). How about 'inanimate' objects, equipment, and the like? You wouldn't even need to buy it for things like Snow White's Magic Mirror, or Prince Valiant's Singing Sword, would you? Their voices are just special effects of the powers they possess. I guess you could buy a chair a voice, but what would it say? So... never mind I guess.
  14. Re: Is your voice a "sense"? Sorry to post after your complimentary closing... but I wanted to share a few thoughts, too. To build a silencing strike as a Martial Arts Maneuvre I'd look at how Choke Hold is built. I don't have UMA, yet, so I'm basing this off rules from 4th Ninja Hero (I hope things haven't changed too much). Anyway, Choke Hold is still 4 pts, 4 DC of NND (8 pts), and -2 OCV (-4 pts). So, the effect of "the target cannot speak or shout" is thrown in for free, a special effect bonus. But to maintain the 'silence' the attacker has to maintain the Hold. Looking at it this way, your GM might allow: Choke Strike, 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +0 DCV, 2d6 NND, target cannot speak or shout for BOD rolled x phases (4 pts). Or maybe the time span could be STN rolled x segments. The additional time is offset by losing the Grab element. Just an idea. What do you think? Also, since, as it was mentioned, 5E 229 states, "Voice is worth 20 pts as a Power," why not use Drain vs 20 pts of "voice" to build it as a Power? Cost prohibitive, maybe. I'm thinking 70 Active pts for 7 dice of standard effect. At 5 pts/turn return rate, that would be a minute before they got their voice back. This could be bought down the time chart, too, though. Maybe it would fit into some "Pressure Point" multipower. Does Mr Ed have: Voice, 20 pts?
  15. Re: How would you write up the following power? I think there are some other things they can all do as well. Couldn't they Astral Project at one time? I haven't seen them do it in a long time, though. Or was that just Prue? They can also write and cast spells for day to day stuff, too. That would probably have to be VPPs for each of them. I also like the cool traps they set with the crystals. Entangle? With Damage Shield?
  16. Re: How would you write up the following power? oops... sorry, didn't see that.
  17. Re: Pacifist Fu Sorry, I'm easily confused. Are the OCV and DCV values switched for Dodge and Disarm?
  18. Re: How would you write up the following power? And also there is a special recipe for each type of (and sometimes specific) demon. Probably need to compound the Focus limitation to incorporate the Book of Shadows into the mix. Sometimes, they do get the reagent list from another source. But it's usually... "I'll check the Book of Shadows for a vanquishing potion." Maybe that could be a required Incantation.
  19. Re: Full Desolidification How about the concept of mind, body and spirit used to define Transforms? Perhaps, if you need one Transform to effect each of these, a GM could adopt a houserule that each could also have it's own Desolid. This may be crazy, I don't even know if a Desolid mind is the way to go. But if that's a good way to look at it, then it supports the 40pt team. One thing about using the Desolid though, the character still has to "...define the special effects of a reasonably common group of attacks which will affect him while he's Desolidified." (5E 98) So there still has to be some defined subset/special effect of Mental Powers that will affect him. For the price, I agree that the same number of points in Mental Defense (or raw EGO) would create a mind that is very hard to crack.
  20. JayH

    Need a name.

    Re: Need a name. Cock Of The Walk: one that dominates a group or situation especially overbearingly. -Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
  21. Ron Perlman, even before Hellboy previews started coming out. Only one, sorry.
  22. Could I have you say it really clearly for me that it takes two +1 DCs to add 1 DC to the martial maneuver Killing Strike (like it was in BBB, pg 31)? I know it's in the errata to fix the text on 5E 266 regarding Extra DCs and Killing Damage, but do the rules on 271 specifically include the martial maneuver Killing Strike? Aren't all of the references to DCs and Killing Damage under Adding Damage (and in the related FAQ) about adding maneuver damage to other attacks? Except for under Doubling Damage I see it used in the example, but not spelled out in the text. Thanks.
  23. Or how about Cloak from Cloak and Dagger? He "swallows" people. Or is that an Extra-Dimensional Movement, Usable Against Others? Never mind.
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