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Everything posted by Aroooo

  1. How large is the Academy? Do their votes count one-for-one on equal footing as the public ballots? Aroooo
  2. Mean orbital velocity is 3,682.8 kph (about 6,138 inches/turn, if I did the math right). Sorry, couldn't help it Aroooo
  3. I looked through the FAQ's, but didn't see anything about this, so I want to make sure I have this right. In the FAQ it states that reductions to armor should be applied evenly (the example was Drain Armor). With the -1 Ablative Limitation, it reduces the defense by 5 active points. So how do you apply a 5 active point reduction to vehicle DEF or Armor (for simplicity assuming no advantages on either)? For vehicle DEF, would you reduce it by 1 point (3 active) on the first hit, and 'hold' the other 2 points of effect till the next hit (removing 2 points)? Similar mechanics for Armor? Or would you just round [down] in the character's favor each reduction and drop the rest? Aroooo
  4. Aroooo

    Babylon 5 Hero

    Thanks for the compliment. As to the first part, I'm waiting on word from the B5 Tech web site owner if I can use his graphics. If that falls through, I'll probably work something else into the site. Aroooo
  5. Just to play Devil's Advocate for a moment, that theory does not work well with Mecha (or tanks, fighter planes, etc.) where the 'usable' area is usually very small compared to the overall size of the vehicle. An F/A-18 would be the same 'size' as a motorcycle... Aroooo
  6. Aroooo

    Babylon 5 Hero

    April Update Just an update... I've got my ship database finally set up the way I want it, so I'm starting to crank out the ships! I've updated the Starfuries (some math errors, plus added some engine mods from TUV), plus added the crew shuttle - something for the Zephyr's to shoot at I've also added the Psi Corps Omega Starfury. Ship page is here: http://www.aroooo.com/rpg_stuff/b5/ships.php I'll be adding some updates to the other sections soon. Aroooo
  7. My son and I voted. The rest of my gaming group will vote by this weekend. Aroooo
  8. TUV includes rules for improved acceleration and deceleration. Are there any rules to simulate decreased acceleration/deceleration? Meaning, how would you decrease the standard 5 inches/phase accel/decel. to 3 inches/phase? The Limited Maneuverability limitation didn't seem to apply. As always, thanks! Aroooo
  9. Traveller and Star Wars RPG's had good mishap charts for jumping too close to a gravity well. While I have not picked up TE yet, I'm sure the principal is the same. I can email you some examples when I get home tonight if you think it will help... Aroooo
  10. Re: Problems with Foci and Constant Powers... For some reason, I always interpreted that as "...affected by the power on the target's phases, not the firer's." Maybe just another example of reading what I wanted it to say, and not what it said It does make some sense though. If I walk through a wall of fire, I'm going to take damage on my active phases, not the wall's. But realistically, I should take damage on every phase, not just phases I get to do something. Aroooo
  11. In Hero terms, I guess its all about cause and effect. Hero generally requires each action be resolved before the next action takes place. Sure, its not very 'real world,' but does show off its superhero origins. Its also easier for newer players and GM's to deal with. In most of our heroic level games, if multiple (identical) DEX/SPD characters roll the same number, we resolve the actions simultaneously. Aroooo
  12. I thought even in Heroic level games Martial damage bonuses were allowed to exceed the 2x weapon damage class rule. If its not allowed, then I guess its a (new) house rule 'cause that's what we've been doing in our Heroic games Aroooo
  13. Aroooo

    Babylon 5 Hero

    I stand corrected. It is on the list... Its the Victory Class Heavy Destroyer, listed under the Interstellar Alliance. Sorry for the confusion. B5 Tech Manual data can be found here: http://www.b5tech.com/isa/excalibur/excalibur.html Aroooo
  14. Aroooo

    Babylon 5 Hero

    You didn't miss it. Its not there. I was originally going to put it on a separate list for Excalibur ships, but changed my mind because that list was very short. I just have to add it back to the list. Thanks for catching that one. Aroooo
  15. Aroooo

    Babylon 5 Hero

    First, thanks for the kudos. Hot Shot Pilot is from Star Hero. Its a Talent that "...represents a character who's a naturally gifted or highly trained pilot." For 24 points it offers combat piloting bonuses and DCV bonuses to the vehicle's size. I listed it to represent it's an appropriate Talent to have in a B5 game (GM permitting of course). Stuff that I did not list in the skills or Talents/Perks lists I considered inappropriate for B5. Of course, thats just my opinon As for Combat Helmsman, its an interesting idea. I plan on expandng the Transport Familiarities lists to deal with part of that. I'll post it to my group and see what they think. Aroooo
  16. I have not been to Origins in years, mainly because I never have the time - but I see I haven't missed much. Steve has a note in today's news about a write in campaign. I'm all for it! Aroooo
  17. I know the rules state that multiple [identical] Change Environments (like from an AutoFire CE) [from a single source] do not stack effect. What about from multiple characters, or vehicles? If two vehicles, each with the same a -2 PER vs. Radio Group CE (aka ECM) turn them on, and their fields overlap, is a vehicle in the overlapped area subject to a -2 or -4 modifier? As always, thanks! Aroooo
  18. Sorry to fill the board with a silly question, but I don't have FRED with me. What is the limitation on TK for Affect whole object only? Thanks Aroooo
  19. Aroooo

    Babylon 5 Hero

    I'd love to see what you have. Feel free to email me at tony@aroooo.com. I'm especially intersted in your differences. Aroooo
  20. Palm/PocketPC dev Here are some other links regarding PalmOS apps on PocketPC: http://www.pocketprof.org/running_palm_os_software.htm http://openpalm.sourceforge.net/ http://www.microsoft.com/mobile/pocketpc/default.asp There is apparently also a PocketPC version of Palm's PalmReader - by Palm! Aroooo
  21. http://www.devermore.net/surbrook/herosource/newdisads.html Its not the 'master' in an official sense, but it is very inclusive. Aroooo
  22. Steve, Not sure if this is a Rules or How-To question, so I'll ask here and let you move it if appropriate. Can you apply Usable by Others to Power Defense, Flash Defense, and the like? Trying to simulate an ECM/ECCM pod - think EA-6B Prowler. As always, thanks! Aroooo
  23. Aroooo

    Babylon 5 Hero

    Ship ECM/ECCM I've been reading over TUV the last two weeks (hence little updates on the B5 site), and wanted to get the opinions of anyone who's using or planning on using my B5 conversion. Here's the question: How would you like to see ECM/ECCM done? Simple version: Systems Op vs. Systems Op rolls; or Non-so-simple version: Powers like SH and TUV describe - flash, darkness, flash def., supress, etc.; or Somewhere in-between? I guess the question also boils down to: How much (or how detailed) starship combat will you be running? Mapped out or Dogfight/Intercept combat? Appreciate the feedback! Aroooo
  24. Palm FAQ eBook Speaking of Palm stuff, I sent Steve an ebook of the March '03 FAQ. Its been posted to the Rules Questions FAQ section. Its listed as a PDF, but its an ebook (.pdb file). You just need the free Palm Reader app to read it. Aroooo
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