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  1. Re: A Canadian Superman ?
  2. Re: Got my DC in mail today Does the new DC contain any sample scenarios? Are they the same as the ones in the 4e DC or new ones? J running his players through the Bogeyman murders right now...
  3. Re: What would your character do? #44 (May be disturbing to some) Finally, one of these is a good "Dark Champs" type WWYCD, and since that's the style of my game, I'll guess what my players' answers would be. Judgement runs a shelter for abused women and children. She's also a former assassin ressurrected as an angel of vengeance. I don't think she'd even give the guy a chance to szay there was no evidence before snapping his neck. Ghost is an amnesiac mentalist trapped in a robotic body. I'm not entirely certain what he'd do, but I suspect the guy wouldn't be long for this world. The Hispanic speedster Velocidad is the most four-color of them. I'm not sure he'd kill the guy, but he'd likely haul him off to the police. After that, it's his word against the other, but considering the fate of most child molestors in confinment, the guy might not make it to trial anyway. J
  4. Re: What would your character do #28 I find it fascinating that everyone assumed it was a warning of danger to their character, with the 'save the innocents' types bravely charging in anyway For extra credit, what would your character do if it turned out that the warning was because charging in caused the deaths of the very innocents you were trying to save? J
  5. Re: Tell me about your GLC Galaxy Rangers!
  6. Re: Anime Gothic Western Hero? Steven King's Dark Tower might be a help, too.
  7. Re: Title for the next HERO villains book Convicts, Cultists, & Criminals Generals, Gangsters, & Gunmen Hit Men, Henchmen & Heretics Opponents, Overlords, & Outlaws Traitors, Terrorists, & Thugs
  8. Re: Superhumans pulling an Authority
  9. Re: Superhumans pulling an Authority It occurs to me that the best way to defeat these guys is to let them win. Completely. I noticed in Wanderer's post several pages back they wanted things like veto power over any law - so give it to them. Kill them with it. Pass everything up the political food chain until it hits the top. Everything from international incidents to shoolyard disputes - because hey, we humans aren't capable of ruling ourselves. Take no initiative, because if you do you might be wrong. Let the supers handle it, because they have said they can. And if they don't - it's protest time. The media has a field day with these people who, "despite their superpowers and ambitious plans cannot resolve a simple schoolyard dispute". I give 'em about two weeks before they get sick of it and leave. J
  10. Re: Super Skills Poker Face: Mental Defense - you're so good at hiding your thoughts that even a mentalist can't get to them Bluff: Mental Illusions damage shield? Your bluffs are so good they even fool telepaths. Just One More Round: Transfer (Wealth or any powers based on possessions, one at a time), BOECV, Extra Time, Gestures, Incantations. "What do you mean you lost our headquarters in a poker game?!" "I was so sure my luck was going to turn around..." J
  11. Re: Martial Art Manoeuver Creation Personally I'd like to see martial arts maneuver creation rules that come from (and balance with) the main power system. It always bugged me that you could do blasters, magic spells, superpowers, vehicles, and everything else with the same metasystem, but as soon as you get to booting people in the head, it becomes a whole different ball game. Maybe for 6e... J
  12. Re: Ye Old "Hero is Hard" Debate Or perhaps just going out to a restaurant instead of cooking it yourself. After all, it lets you get to the eating with a whole lot less effort. 'Fast food' implies that it's inferior, and there are a number of great D&D games out there, as well as some crummy HERO games. J
  13. Re: Ye Old "Hero is Hard" Debate I don't care about character creation time, honestly - that's all offline. The HERO speed problems that drive me bugnuts are the ones that happen during play: the Speed Chart, figuring out the best allocation of levels/Multipowers/VPPs, multi-power attacks - heck, even figuring to-hits in HERO takes longer than in d20. (It's negligible for one roll but when you're making a bunch of them it adds up...) J
  14. Re: It's all about willpower I'd call it an Aid to any stat, one at a time (I know this used to be possible in 4th Ed, for I think +1/4), self only (-1/2), requires an EGO roll, possibly with side effects that occur after the AID is done. J
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