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Everything posted by Legendsmiths

  1. Re: URBAN FANTASY HERO -- What Do *You* Want To See? I just ran my "shadowrun" game at U-Con and it was very well received. Dark Streets: Prey the Piper. I realize this has nothing to do with the readiness of UFH, other than to say I have an exciting convention game ready to support the product. The combination of a Fae sorceress, a muroid infiltrator, an ursoid bounty hunter, a vampire samurai, and a human hacker was very entertaining. Of course there were demons and zombies which always go well.
  2. Re: Help with cost of travel. Have you seen Pulp Hero? There's your answer. Don't reinvent the wheel.
  3. Re: A bit of advice for fellow newcomers... Welcome to the boards and well said.
  4. Re: Money in Fantasy Setting I agree with both sage and shrike. There are many ways to approach this, but don't try to fully replicate D&D in Hero - it's not worth it, and you lose sight of some of the cool things that Hero does. For my materials the goal was to come up with formulae that approximate the item values in D&D without replicating them perfectly. We are also completely comfortable with using the D&D item lists and just converting the effects to Hero. I wanted to ensure I could use the treasure results from the modules directly in my game without necessarily having to build the item in Hero, and that has worked very well. I also allow increased wealth in the game, but solely as a function of social status (unless earned through adventuring). http://www.legendsmiths.com/node/74 This allows a player to start out as a knight or a noble of some kind without putting too much stress on the campaign. Feel free to PM if you need any help as well.
  5. Re: Money in Fantasy Setting Let me know if I can help. My Wilderlands game is exactly what you were describing. We run it very much in the D&D style, and I have been running nothing but Dungeon Crawl Classics adventures in that setting, with White Plume Mountain as the next adventure. Good luck.
  6. Re: Money in Fantasy Setting There isn't a simple formula, because point value does not necessarily correspond to utility. For Narosia we have come up with a detailed system to determine cost of items. A simpler version of that system is in use in my Wilderlands game, which is very d20 influenced. Formula: real x active x expertise x cost factor So, a "+1" sword would cost: Broadsword 1d6+1K = 20 points, +1 damage = 5 pts; 25 active points. OAF -1, STR Min 10 -1/2; -1.5 = 10 real points Expertise on a 25 ap item = x1. Cost Factor on standard power = 5gp. 10 x 25 x 1 x 5gp = 1250gp. Close enough for me! Incidentally: +1 = +1 damage class +2 = +1 OCV & +1 DC +3 = +1 OCV & +2 DC +4 = +2 OCV & +2 DC +5 = +2 OCV & +3 DC
  7. Re: Noob from Heroes Unlimited/Rifts... If you are wanting to do Supers, you can also use the Champions sourcebook - there is a random hero generator there. I use that in the "Be a Hero" 2hr events I run at conventions. Instead of rolling, just have the players pick from the appropriate lists. I can have 6 players make characters in an hour and then spend an hour beating each other up (3 on 3). I also second the notion of using an established character set, hand out pregens, and even play out a scene from a movie. Be sure to do your homework for any fancy moves (like throwing bad guys into other bad guys, "bringing down the house" type maneuvers, etc).
  8. Re: Doesn't anyone like low-powered campaigns? I'm a huge fan of low-powered games. Our core setting is designed to start at 75 points, and the current playtest campaign started at 50. My Stalker games are also 100pts total. I'm there with you.
  9. Re: First meeting of game group to consider HERO System I don't agree with this completely. You buy powers which are definitions of game effects. You modify those base powers to get the end result that reflects the fully realized power you were seeking to build, adding the final touch of special effect to define it. Don't dive into VPP. If a "power" can be used in multiple ways, build it as a Multipower. This is easy to explain: Well, you can by a single power that is a raw fire blast. However, if you have fine control over fire so that you can do different things with your fire generation, use a Multipower so that when you choose to exercise your fire generation it can do any one of X number of things (e.g. area blast, piercing blast, cone, wall of fire, etc.) No Range Modifier is +1/2 Luck 12d6: either state that every 6 rolled is worth +/- 3, or just say that 12d6 is enough to do exactly what you just said. Maybe require charges on it, which usable once per session (-2 lim) makes this cost 20 points. Not sure what that means. Always a good idea, especially as people come new to the system. I couldn't disagree more with this. Hero System is story first, mechanics second. The detail afforded by the system has nothing to do with how it is played or what the focus of the system is. The mechanics should never trump story, especially if the story/use of power makes sense. There are many ways to "mechanically" handle that, if you want, or you just make sure the characters understand that the game is about telling a story, not about crafting the best synergy of powers to make an unstoppable super hero. Requiring all players to have a Power Skill for their character's schticks, or allowing a character to expend 1 character/experience point whenever they try a "power stunt" is a good way of handling that. Regardless, players should sit down and come up with their characters without any regard for the system before they start building their character. The system allows you to realize that character, in a clear and gameable fashion, but the system should never take precedent over the story. I apologize if that was a bit preachy, but I think that approaching the game a an exercise in character mechanics diminishes the fun that the system can enable. The reason the rules are so detailed is so that you don't have to argue over how a particular situation is resolved, or how a particular power effect can be fairly introduced into the setting. At the same time, as consistent as the rules are, it is often unnecessary to ensure every situation/action is diced out 100% accurately. If you have your players' trust, you can just sit down and game.
  10. Re: Any white knights out there that could talk to me? I am available, on Skype, tonight at 8pm. Shoot me a private msg with your skype login and I'll dial you up.
  11. Re: Nice resource for GMs Awesome. I'm particularly fond of the Visitor's Guide. Any thought of adding links on Herocopia to your write-ups? That would be pretty sweet, me thinks.
  12. Re: Nice resource for GMs Alright! Darren had recommended I dive into Astro City a few years ago. I ran my first series of Be A Hero events in Astro City until it was obvious that most players hadn't heard of it None the less, I am interested in what direction you take it and if you ever want to bounce ideas about who does what, let me know. - Shane
  13. Re: Cholitas! Here's the gallery. I like the bowlers. http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2008/09/wrestlers/kashinsky-photography
  14. Re: URBAN FANTASY HERO -- What Do *You* Want To See? Being one of my favorite genres, one of the things I have always struggled with is the balance of tech vs. magic. Not in the literary sense so much as the literal character point sense. These settings are often about guns, money, and action. The issue of cybernetics is relatively easy to address since they generally can't be taken away, much like the spells one might know. But guns, gear, etc. are all foci that, within the paradigm of the real world, anyone can acquire as many as they want with pure simple cash. Now, resource pools kind of address this, but not really. One of the biggest complaints I got from players in my UF campaign was paying points for a flashlight or a knife. Even guns met with some resistance. Perhaps its the gold-piece guns as treasure mentality that shapes that perception, but I can't help but agree with them to a certain extent. I'd like to see some real suggestions how to price magic/integrated tech in character points such that guns, and perhaps lots of them, are a secondary issue. Example: Why should a player invest 15-20 points in a 2d6 RKA (assuming limitations) when he can just get a gun? If you have to pay points for guns without using resource pools I think that works with one sort of "signature gun" trope, but doesn't fit in the Cyberpunk/Shadowrun veins, which have lots of guns/equipment per character... all governed by cash. I think this issue can be addressed outside of any particular setting, but I'd like to see a solution for it. SETTINGS PREFS: Seelie vs. Unseelie Masters of Fate (ala Nightwatch/Daywatch) TOOLS PREFS: Write-ups of vampires, werewolves, etc as player characters, not as monsters. A single write-up per, with maybe some suggested options. I know there are examples of these in bestiary and such, but those are more focused on being a monster type instead of a player type. If the campaigns normally start at 150 points or 200 points, what is a base vampire template look like, or lycanthrope, or sidhe, or demon (etc.). Perhaps a discussion of these "templates" in heroic games and a suggestion that the "monster disads" are above and beyond the campaign limits, offsetting perhaps the increased cost of the character types. Thanks.
  15. Re: Regeneration It isn't cumulative, but in the discussion of Maximum Effect on 5ER186 it talks about achieving maximum affect over time through repeated applications. Since it is Continuous I would think that qualifies. Otherwise, the power is more expensive because even with Continuous you would never consistently achieve maximum effect.
  16. Re: What are "vitals" Absolutely, but getting hit in the heart is equally as dangerous, and either it is part of 13 or it is somewhere else on this chart of locations.
  17. Re: Regeneration Healing itself. The maximum amount that can be healed is the maximum rolled on the dice. Since continuous is applying the power every phase, even using standard effect and SPD 2 you will max out by the end of the turn. Cumulative is inappropriate for the power. I think your -1/4 Restrainable is fine. I wouldn't include it in a basic regen power, but it certainly would work for some characters. Another one would be -1/2 for 1/2 DCV or -1 for 0 DCV (concentrate throughout): not that the character is concentrating, just that he must be resting in some fashion. While the FAQ says that Continuous isn't needed, and Healing is not listed as an Attack Power (5ER 113), Continuous does ensure the max value of healing is applied. In looking over the list of Instant powers, it is about the only one I could see as buying Persistent without buying Continuous since all the other Instant powers are Attack Powers.
  18. Re: Regeneration Good points. However, I'd point out that with a continuous healing you would max out the dice roll, which isn't limited by the Decreased Re-use Duration. This means, with IPE, we have: Regeneration: Healing BODY 1d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2), Invisible Power Effects, Source Only (Fully Invisible; +1/2), Continuous (+1), Decreased Re-use Duration (1 Turn; +1 1/2); Self Only (-1/2) (Active 50, Real 33) Maxing at 6 cp of BODY that's 11 points per BODY. Works for me and makes more sense too. Thanks, Sean.
  19. Re: Regeneration I get exactly 8.5 per BODY with my build: Regeneration: Healing BODY 8d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2), Decreased Re-use Duration (1 Turn; +1 1/2); Extra Time (1 Turn (Post-Segment 12), -1 1/4), Self Only (-1/2) = Real 102 I think using Healing is more consistent, especially if staying within the confines of the rules (note the Decreased reuse duration). It also means that for purposes of adjustment powers, Regeneration is a Healing power and thus any adjustments to that power would not only affect healers, but Wolverine as well. Stylistically that makes sense to me. I also agree that the build for Regen is far more complicated than it probably should be. One the one hand, when designing a character we simply want to "take Regen" and add it to the character. On the other hand I think it is important for the power to balance out with other powers in terms of AP and utility. If we interpret the recovery of BODY at REC/Month to mean 1/week with a REC of 4, then this power would probably be the best solution: Succor REC 1d6, Trigger (Activating the Trigger is an Action that takes no time, Trigger requires a Turn or more to reset; +1/4), Uncontrolled (+1/2), Continuous (+1); Self Only (-1/2) And that's just silly. I'd like to see most of the disputed powers as Talents - simple instances of commonly used powers with the caveat that adding power modifiers requires the talent to built as the standard power. Otherwise, here's Regen at multiple levels. Here's the heroic Rapid Healing as well (which I prefer at per day than per hour (3.67 per BODY), and at per day is 2.4 points per BODY). Of course, ultimately, everything reduces to Transform or EDM, so why fight it.
  20. Re: What are "vitals" All of that I think is generally handled by some of the options put forward in Combat Handbook or UMA, such as punches/close weapons being High Shots at no penalty. Other training, such as training to aim for the head, is handled in the system by Penalty Skill Levels, so I think it works pretty well. One of the things I really like about the Hero hit location system are the specialty shots, since they make determining the impact of cover much easier than nearly any other system.
  21. Re: What are "vitals" I'll weigh in and second that getting your junk cut/stabbed/crushed/shot off is going to hurt, but it won't kill you. Taking the same damage to the vitals will. While we are considering things, bear in mind that if you lose the "thigh" (cut off/whatever... Disabling), you are basically dead in seconds because of the femoral artery. We play it "make a CON roll or die at the end of your next phase" if you take a Disabling wound to the Thigh. IF you feel it needs to be fixed, change 13 to be Stomach/Lower Guts/Junk (which the x4 or x1 1/2 STUN mod handles very well) and 12 is an 10- (3 in 6, 50% whatever) to be Vitals, otherwise it is more Chest. I think that solves it nicely.
  22. Re: Post Apocalypse Hero: I am Legend KillerShrike: Not so at all. As for butchering the story from the book: sure, they did. Had they called this something else, I think it would have been more fair to the original material. Bearing the same title certainly implies a stronger plot relationship, which isn't there (to a point). Overall I think the movie and the book share the same storyline, just with different scenes depicting the same experiences. Yes the ending is different, but the endings close out each story well. Not to sidetrack this conversation into an arms race, but I don't think there would be weapons all over the place. Handguns, sure, but not automatic weapons. He would want a good CQB weapon with automatic fire. That means M4 is the most likely candidate and as a soldier he'd have access to ammo. Why would he be armed like a gun-nut? Maybe initially, but this is 3 years later. There's nobody out there, and he doesn't hunt and slay them (anymore?). The book takes place 9 months after everything goes down. Perhaps early on he was a hunter/slayer and finally realized both the danger and futility of it. For me, in a movie, if the actions are at least reasonable I'm okay with them being poor choices. My players do it all the time, even when "the bad thing" is staring them in the face. I hate it in a movie when a character does something so obviously stupid with no real supporting motivation. I didn't see that in this movie. He was paranoid, but he was also tired. 3 years will get to you like that.
  23. Re: Post Apocalypse Hero: I am Legend Yes, and yes. HERE HERE! Although I like dark films. I will own and watch this one (as well as Last Man on Earth). I really think I like this movie better than the book in many ways. I think the drinking/smoking in the book added to Robert's decline, and while it was very different, in many ways it was the same. The movie is about the only example I can think of where I think the writers were justified in taking it in a different direction, where usually that ends up destroying a work.
  24. Re: Post Apocalypse Hero: I am Legend Agreed. When I saw the trailers (having read the source material), I was asking, "How the hell is that going to work?" There is nothing like what is in the trailers in the books, and it came off to me as an action/zombie movie with a couple of long shots of him playing golf. THAT is not the movie it ended up being. It was very true to the material in spirit, and very much not a conventional Hollywood movie. Frankly, considering his star power, I'm surprised it was made. He carried the movie, and had too, and it was well done. I agree with you there are just some plane uncomfortable scenes in that movie.
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