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Everything posted by Legendsmiths

  1. Re: Champions Universe PDF And CP In Store Cool - any chance to purchase such a bundle in the booth at Origins? I want to buy all three and appreciate the discount that comes with the bundles. Thank you.
  2. Re: Champions Universe PDF And CP In Store When can we buy the mega bundle that includes all three?
  3. Re: "Encounter" Powers I arc a campaign like that as well. Recoverable charge is perfect.
  4. Re: 6E Hexmap? I run most of my games in MapTool, even when local/tabletop and found it easier to use a grid with a standard measurement system (i.e. ruler). My preferred scale is 1cm = 1m, and that works well with figs, but since I am digital now (well, my maps anyway) I don't really worry about it much.
  5. Re: Searching for Maps I have a large city tile. I use this with MapTool to create infinite city blocks and then draw maps on top of them.
  6. Re: Proper Whip Build in 6e Bullwhip is a tool, not a weapon. A lash is an instrument of intimidation/punishment. I don't think you would get very far wielding a whip in combat. It's great for cinematics, but boot to the head is what you will get.
  7. Re: Proper Whip Build in 6e I am skilled with a bullwhip, so I can share a couple of things. IF you hit the target with the crack of the whip, it is indeed killing. Doing so is very difficult, and I think the inaccurate limitation is appropriate. Do not forget the grabbing ability of the whip, that is it's utility. I once locked a whip on a tree branch so well I had to climb up to untangle it. Again, however, inaccurate. Also, whips longer than 4m are simply not usable in combat. The reset time is crazy. 2-3m is ideal if you are going to be in any kind of close quarters. You either have to maintain a rotation of the whip (6m is 20' people, a radius) or you do a toss back and snap forward. Even with the toss you need most of the length because if it isn't straight, it isn't controllable. When you talk about multiple lashes, it's exactly that - a leather strap that is striking the target, not the crack of a bullwhip (which does not need a metal barb). I put a hole in a coffee can (tin, heavy) with a bullwhip. I hate to imagine what that would have done to flesh. I think you can model a lash as a simple killing attack, 1 pip, with medium reach. If it is barbed and such that is about 1/2d6k. However, a bullwhip should be a killing attack and stretching multipower, 2-3m in length for close combat, 4-5 if you are using it on the plains and I can't imagine trying to control a 6m+ whip with any kind of combat effectiveness. In combat, the bullwhip is most useful to grab things, not damage.
  8. Re: Help with power Agreed. I don't like a transparent Entangle - I've seen it cause to many unbalancing situations, especially at the Heroic level. Since it is a stop-sign rule, I've decided that is a good one to yield to.
  9. Re: Searching for Maps http://rpgmapshare.com/ http://dundjinni.com/ (go to the forums and browse user creations) http://www.inkscape.org/ is awesome for vector mapping. There's even a link to some premade hexmaps: http://www.godsmonsters.com/Notes/hex-square-grids-mapping/ Install inkscape and then download http://www.hoboes.com/library/downloads/Biblyon/MapGrids.zip You could also use MapTool (rptools.net). Advantage there is you can save your session, move your tokens, and post directly from MapTool to the ftp site (see attachment). I have a square grid on this map, but you can define a hex map. This would give you the most flexibility, allow you to save state between sessions, and do the basic mapping you want to.
  10. Re: Special Effects Yes, yes, please. I like it.
  11. Re: Help with power In 6th, DEX is no longer linked to CV, so that really isn't a problem. 7d6 Minor Transform is quite expensive and no definite effect - how many targets have 10 BODY? Drain will have a consistent effect regardless of the target. If you make it NND, which is a limitation in this case, you get the gas effect. My point is, you are modifying the target's characteristics and it seems like you are trying to avoid the basic power that does just that. Is it expensive? Yes, and it should be. Taking a target to 1/2 OCV, 1/2 DCV, and -3 PER is not a trivial power. That sets the target up for a bad day. Choking Agent: Drain OCV, DCV, PER 3d6, Area Of Effect (4m Radius; +1/4), Expanded Effect (x3 Characteristics or Powers simultaneously) (OCV, DCV, PER; +1), Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per Minute; +1); OAF (-1), Attack Versus Alternate Defense (Life Support (Self-Contained Breathing); target holds his breath; All Or Nothing; -1/2), Cannot Reduce Below 1/2 of Starting Value or -4 PER (-1/2), Range Based On STR (-1/4), Can Be Deflected (-1/4) 28 Real, 97 Active The limitations prevent the target's DCV from "bottoming out". I think that's a pretty fairly built power and quite effective. I would probably eliminate the OCV penalty in this build to make it a bit cheaper and almost as effective. Flash gets it done the easiest I believe. The cinematic version (which fades after a turn or so): Choking Agent: Sight and Smell/Taste Groups Flash 9d6, Area Of Effect (4m Radius; +1/4); OAF (-1), Attack Versus Alternate Defense (Life Support (Self-Contained Breathing); target holds his breath; All Or Nothing; -1/2), Successful CON Roll reduces penalties to -2 OCV, -2 DCV, -2 PER for 1 Phase (-1/2), Can Be Deflected (-1/4), Range Based On STR (-1/4) Real 18, Active 62 The version that lasts for a minute: Choking Agent: Sight and Smell/Taste Groups Flash 1d6 (standard effect: 1 Segments), Area Of Effect (4m Radius; +1/4), Damage Over Time, Lock out (cannot be applied multiple times) (33-64 damage increments, damage occurs every Segment, +3 1/4); OAF (-1), Attack Versus Alternate Defense (Life Support (Self-Contained Breathing); target holds his breath; All Or Nothing; -1/2), Successful CON Roll reduces penalties to -2 OCV, -2 DCV, -2 PER for 1 Phase (-1/2), Can Be Deflected (-1/4), Range Based On STR (-1/4) Real 13, Active 45 I call that the cheese build, but it does exactly what a choking agent like tear gas would do: make you effectively stunned and blind except when you might be able to fight through the pain and disorientation. Even then you are not going to be at your best. I don't know as I'd allow this for all types of attacks, but I think for a gas attack this works.
  12. Re: Help with power That still wouldn't have the same combat effect. Generally, if you are creating an effect that modifies characteristics, then you should use the powers that modify characteristics.
  13. Re: Help with power Yep, good catch. So, applying the 6d6 to both you would get -4 OCV and -2 DCV, which is okay with me for an effect.
  14. Re: Help with power Why are you trying to replicate the Drain power? I understand that it doesn't take someone straight to 1/2 OCV DCV, but I'm not sure that it necessarily should. Buy the Drain with a limit "No more than 1/2 starting value" for -1/2. The mechanics are there and it technically does exactly what you want it to do. At 3 OCV, 1/2 OCV is 2, so that's only a -1. At 6 OCV, it's -3. Being able to generate -4 OCV, which will cover almost all situations, would be 20 points of effect, which requires 6d6 of Drain to do in a single roll. Take it from there.
  15. Re: Help with power Choking Agent: Drain BODY 1 1/2d6, Area Of Effect (4m Radius; +1/4), Expanded Effect (x2 Characteristics or Powers simultaneously) (OCV & DCV; +1/2), Constant (+1/2), Damage Over Time (5-6 damage increments, damage occurs every Turn, +2); Attack Versus Alternate Defense (Life Support (Self-Contained Breathing); target holds his breath; All Or Nothing; -1/2) 64 active, 43 real Will result in -1 OCV/DCV per turn for 1 minute. You decide how to power it to be in the area for that long or if it is a single exposure effect.
  16. Re: VPPs and Aid, a problem? Not to mention that making multiple attacks puts you at 1/2 DCV.
  17. Re: CHAMPIONS VILLAINS -- What Do *You* Want To See? Have the Villain designations consistent with the Champions sourcebook p 162: Gangsters & Hoodlums Henchmen Independent/Freelance Lieutenants Master Villains. I really like those designations and having the Villains book match would be very useful. I also like the archetypes on 167 - it might be a useful way of summarizing the character quickly (e.g. Villain is a Prankster and a Mercenary). Where possible, if a character were to have a complication as described in the sourcebook. When you talk about teams/agencies, defining them in terms of HIstory/Goals, STructure/Org, Methodology/Resources would be helpful. Some kind of challenge suggestion (e.g. appropriate to face an entire team, or a single character, etc.).
  18. Re: newbie help To spell it out more clearly: OIF Arrangement (Electrical Source of Opportunity; Must be in contact; -3/4) I might work best if you build a Multipower Cost Powers 15 Electrical Powers: Multipower, 30-point reserve, all slots OIF Arrangement (Electrical Source of Opportunity; Must be in contact; -3/4), Unified Power (Electrical; -1/4) - END= 1f 1) Thunderbolt: Sight and Hearing Groups Flash 5d6 - END=3 1f 2) DC Bolt: RKA 2d6 - END=3 1f 3) AC Bolt: Blast 6d6 - END=3 1f 4) Charged Run: Running +10m (12m/22m total), x32 Noncombat - END=3 1f 5) Energy Dispersion: Resistant Protection (4 PD/8 ED/8 Flash Defense: Sight Group); Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4) - END=3 Powers Total: 20
  19. Re: Champions: The Super Roleplaying Game PDF In Store Can we get a bundle? I'll buy the bundle today, to get the pdf, and then be happy to wait for delivery of print, but I want them both. Thank you.
  20. Re: Double Sucker Attack Sounds like a Multiple Attack to me. -2 to each Sucker attack and you are at 1/2 DCV.
  21. Re: Placed shots effective? I think you are also forgetting one important aspect of Placed Shots - Cover. I'm actually glad to see that there isn't that significant a difference in outcome for most of the placed shot locations. Taking a -4 to do a Head Shot because someone is bracing their rifle on the hood of a car shooting at you and they are only exposing those locations is perfect and still random. I play a lot of gritty games that use hit location penalties and find that a combination of called shots, placed shots, and random shots works just fine when appropriate.
  22. Re: Champions Sneak Peek #2: The Superhero Gallery! I look forward to running my Be a Hero sessions with this material. Awesome!
  23. Re: Love for Non-Casters? Yes indeed, but it does solve those problems. There are many ways to handle this and no single solution is a universal solve. The feel of my Wilderlands campaign (described above) is very different from my Narosia campaign (wherein magic items are a function of wealth, not points, and spells cost 1 pt, just like a WF). You can't consider them in a vacuum and have to be taken in context of the whole campaign feel, goal, and development ideology. What is fantasy roleplaying? RuneQuest is different from RoleMaster is different from Warhammer is different from D&D. How each handles magic, skill, and gain is very different. Fantasy Hero simply supports each of those styles (and more). Not from me, no whining. Each play style is different. I like a system where each player has a balanced character to the other. I also like, and have played Hero this way, random stats and a you find it you keep it mentality. Those are inherently different games however.
  24. Re: Balancing Magic and Martial Characters in a Fantasy Setting And so it is that Panpiper reminds us that just because you can... doesn't mean you should. (Nice build, Pan - and definitely to the point)
  25. Re: Balancing Magic and Martial Characters in a Fantasy Setting Killer Shrike has excellent resources to build off of. I run a D&D style game where we pay points for everything, including magic items. https://sites.google.com/a/tekhed.com/wilderlands/ Specifically, the Core Powers page talks about point balance: https://sites.google.com/a/tekhed.com/wilderlands/main/core-powers
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