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Everything posted by Kirby

  1. Re: Is a Jedi reasonable in a Marvel Avengers campaign? Well, perhaps since the rest of your mix for your campaign has television shows that are Earth-based, maybe the Jedi in your campaign world can be Earth-based as well. Perhaps one Jedi per country, or continent. Or, you could treat Jedi like Green Lanterns and one gets this "sector" and others don't really show up unless you have an alien invasion. Though I'd probably keep the Jedi Earth-based. With a bit of tinkering, perhaps the NPC is named "Jedi" and that G. Lucas worked a deal with him and this is how Star Wars came to be. This Jedi could be fairly old. Just some thoughts.
  2. Re: Is a Jedi reasonable in a Marvel Avengers campaign? Yes, but a pure one.
  3. Re: Is a Jedi reasonable in a Marvel Avengers campaign? For a universe that has multiple cross-overs, a Jedi-type might not be so bad; however, you might run risks of jedi/sith conflicts or players who might want to then be a jedi/sith/wookie, etc. I do like the idea of the jedi coming out of the screen at the movies (there was a cartoon lion that this happened to in Astro City). However, my personal preference would be a modification of #1. His "force" powers can simply be that he's a mentalist and with telekinetic powers. His sword/saber is something he found or picked off some fallen hero/villain. Then he decided to go with the theme. Option 2 is that he's a clone and his first thoughts of "awareness" were when his cylinder fell over. When he looked around, his 'sword/saber' was there. For his sword, it might be interesting to make it a compound power, using a HKA with a RKA (no range), or perhaps range based on STR. Perhaps a MP. Then there's the mystery of who commissioned him and that person's obsession with Star Wars. Maybe a subplot with Lucas.
  4. Re: Here it is....rip it to shreds....
  5. Re: Here it is....rip it to shreds.... Oh. Well, when you read it that way. Er, sorrry 'bout that.
  6. Re: Here it is....rip it to shreds....
  7. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... "Filmed in Black & White. No offense.."
  8. Re: Detect Vulnerability Oh. Well, why didn't you say so? Also, a new thought : Maybe you can't "tell" others how to use Find Weakness in a similar way you can't tell others how to use MA if they don't know it, crossed with -since it's a power- you can't have someone else fire a Chi Blast (Energy Blast) simply by saying "concentrate your energy on the door." It would be nice if someone with FW would get a +1 bonus to FW if someone else with FW told them about the 'open spot.' Or maybe if player 1 fails and player 2 succeeds, then player 2 can verbally exploit the weakness, giving player 1 a second chance, but at -2. Of course, that all depends if the FW is used with the same attacks (such as MA, or Punch or EB) or maybe even the SFX. Just thoughts.
  9. Re: Detect Vulnerability Just to stir things up a bit:
  10. Re: Play By e-Mail: Submissions for Millennium City There will be an opening or two for the Millennium City game I'm running over on Hero Central. We currently have: Scarlet Archer - bowman Amy Amazing - flying brick Iwashimizu - martial artist Ronin - martial artist If you are willing to post five times a week or so, please feel free to apply. As a reminder, I'm keeping this 4-color-ish more DC comics style than Marvel. You may e-mail me at: grond.hero@sbcglobal.net
  11. Re: Captain Booby-prize I think I remember he was married, his wife a cook or something. Don't know her first name; everyone just called her Mrs. Dash.
  12. Re: Detect Vulnerability Well, no, I meant vulnerability, I just couldn't think of an appropriate attack other than generic acid (and I didn't want to be that cliched). The chlorine came to mind because I was thinking of a dumb thing my oldest brother did about two decades ago. We had a pool in our back yard and thus we had chlorine to help maintain it. My oldest brother thought he'd be funny and pretend the chlorine was cocaine (some sort of joke from tv or something was behind his humor reasoning) and sniff just the top of the bucket (it was about half-way full). He put his head over it, sniffed, and was ill for three days. But he learned his lesson. But I suppose chlorine could be a susceptibility in the example; I just couldn't think of anything more original at the time.
  13. Re: Will the revised CU book have updated Champions? I did that several times. I was extremely frustrated for over a month before I realized that Champions and Champions Universe were not the same. But now that I have both, I am happy. Well, happier.
  14. Re: Will the revised CU book have updated Champions? While I wouldn't be opposed to an updated version, I think reprinting the 350 point characters is not only redundant, but a waste of space. The Champions already have been presented; if you want to know what they look like, check out Champions. I would rather see that space used for something we haven't seen, such as updated information, or a newer superteam for another city/area (any major metropolis would do). Maybe 350 point characters of HERO's staff.
  15. Re: C.U. alternate world, after "Independence Day"
  16. Re: Captain Booby-prize Well, when I was in a LoSH game, the GM made up a lot of NPCs that wanted to apply to our newly forming Legion. Some of the characters included funny types (I don't recall the exact names, so I'll use generic ones). Bouncing Boy - He can enlarge into a ball and bounce - he's a swell guy Exploding Guy - his one power is that he explodes; however, he's never done it before because he's not sure if he'll be able to reform. Invisible Lass - turns invisible. Unfortunately, a side effect is that she's blind at this time, so she's never seen the power used. The Tongue - his tongue has stretching and metamorphing powers; his wife is the most beautiful woman in the known galaxy. The Disappator - When attacked, his body disappates (dmg red & desolid) lessening the effect of the attack. Unfortunately, he tends to "fall" down in the earth when this happens and has to will himself to climb back "up" to the surface.
  17. Re: C.U. alternate world, after "Independence Day" I could see UNTIL becoming a more prominent force. For every city that was destroyed, there's a space vessel that was downed. Recycling will have a hayday (or is that heyday?). I could see one of the alien ships being modified as a moon base, maybe two (one facing earth, one facing away). Another could possibly be UNTIL's new GATEWAY. With as many as were present in the US, I'm sure the Air Force would "fix" one to use. I haven't seen the movie in quite some time, so I don't recall where all the ships were, but if you could figure it out, you could modify what's happened to the countries that had them. If one was in China or India, they'd probably no longer have a population problem. If the one in Africa was in Rwanda, Somalia or Mogadishu, it would probably be left alone by UNTIL as local gang warlords would have fought over it (even if they didn't know what to do with it). Any in Japan or the US would probably be reversed engineered followed by lots of recycling to rebuild cities (a memorial museum of sorts would probably pop up in several countries). There would possibly lots of new tech supers out there, though overall, it may not have a great effect on gaming other than origins and the occassional stories. Thinking though, it might be fun to do a game "the day after" ID, with possibly the heroes going inside a ship to clear it out, perhaps leading local military forces. It does sound like a neat idea, though; I wouldn't mind playing in a game like that.
  18. Re: Detect Vulnerability I don't know how you drew that conclusion, but you are absolutely off-based. A PER roll could tell that a bar is loose, a Find Weakness could tell you where the weakest aspect is of it (making it 1/2 defenses) and the theoretical detect Vulnerability would tell you that [as a made up example] chlorine makes it disolve quicker. I can only think your rolled an 18 on an 8- Deduction roll.
  19. Re: Detect Vulnerability There have been quite a few intriguing posts since my last; definitely food for thought should the situation ever arise (though I really hope it wouldn't).
  20. Re: Overwhelming PRE attacks Then perhaps you noticed the ";) " icon and my response including only Takofanes's name and the dead/undead reference? It wasn't a serious statement. That's a near-egocentric assumption. The first post didn't mention your character, it mentioned players.
  21. Re: Detect Vulnerability Yes. And either give it a -3/4 or -1 Limitation (it would depend on how many characters are out there that have Vulnerabilities that I would use).
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