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Everything posted by Kirby

  1. Kirby


    Re: Clown??? Lucky you. That's one of the few 4E books I don't [i[/i] have.
  2. Re: Millennium City Um, okay, I see: Sai/Burleson (GBG): A brick that looks like a minotaur Taurus/Burleson (GBG): A brick that looks like a minotaur For those of us who aren't familiar with Sai, what's she supposed to be? A sai weilding martial artist? (Generic guess.)
  3. Re: Supers and the law Most of your questions can be answered with "the same as for normals." The others would just depend on the situation (such as technology - if there are patents, there's no legal reason the PC has to share). And I would think that in regards to your last statement, that person should be nixed by the psychological test. Those that pass do so for plot reasons.
  4. Re: Astro City: the Dark Age Ditto.
  5. Re: Supers With Pictures: Fun For All Ah, okay, I see it now. Though I notice the post was edited 20 minutes before I responded (probably the length of time it took me to respond), so who knows what you added then. You can't trust the web! Anyone can post anything there!
  6. Re: Supervillains and the death penalty
  7. Re: Teen Champion Cover! Sure. Apparently your comprehension of various types of complaining are limited to one side, so I'll keep those limits in mind. But this has gone on enough. It's your Scattergories and you can take it home now.
  8. Re: Sabre - Needs checking. Well, the [censor profanity] laptop just erased everything I typed, which took me about 15 minutes to do. Here are some basics to consider (accept them, discard them or adjust them to fit your needs): -For a mentalist, your EGO is LOW - Boost it up -Do you really need a 30 STR? -You have Sight Flash Defense down twice; 10 points hardened and 15 points -As a mentalist, your helmet shouldn't provide you with Mental Defense, that should be natural; I recommend 10 points. -As a mentalist, your turn goes of EGO, not DEX and ECV, not DCV. I highly suggest getting rid of +10 DEX; it only helps the Psi-Sword, which should be a last defense item. -You should get rid of the Dmg Resist Hardened, you already have armor and you probably shouldn't be on the front line, but as a range attacker. -Consider removing the Phys Dmg Red and replace it with Natural 25% Mental -Dmg Red; with your 10 pts Mental Defense, this should be plenty for starters. -BUY UP YOUR EGO -Boost your personal PRE, reduce or eliminate the suit PRE, or make it +10 only for defense (-1). -Get some Stun! You'll be out in 2 hits from your average 12d6 EB! Three hits with a 10d6 EB! -Consider removing the SPD bonus from the suit and giving yourself "Speed of thought" +3 SPD, only for mental/tk powers (-1/2). This means you go on 2 4 6 8 10 12, but the bold ones are your physical actions (where you would do half-moves and such). -PSI might be considered to have NCI -Do you really want a DF that causes abject fear? -Get some CSL's with your Multi-Power -BUY UP YOUR EGO! Well, you asked.
  9. Re: Teen Champion Cover! Yeah, but you like sheep. Though you have cleaned up in your pic.
  10. Re: Supers With Pictures: Fun For All Well, the text is waaay too long for me to read on the laptop; however, glancing through, I noticed she's Hunted by Ninjas. Ninjas are generally Japanese-themed, as are the Yakuza for gangs. The Chinese have Tongs for gangs and their version of ninjas are called lin kuei, which I believe translates as "forest demons." (You may have covered this in the history.) Also, I see English is her native language; did you want her to know any Chinese (Mandarin or Cantonese)? I see she did something in Hong Kong. I'm only posting because you asked.
  11. Re: Supers and the law It will get me even farther when the equal-rights mold on the Mayor's wall turns informant and those were really illegal kickbacks. "Mayor bought to allow the dead to vote. News at 11."
  12. Re: Teen Champion Cover! Well, I knew it was a lady from one of Will's plays. For you, for me, it's just quoting phrases where I can find a relevant place to do so.
  13. Re: Teen Champion Cover! ... Well, aside from your little rant there, you complain too much on this thread. I thought it was quite simple enough an understanding. I'll remember to try to break things down for you in the future, if need be.
  14. Re: More Proofreaders needed! (new possible DH article) Okay. Actually, just posting in case you respond here again.
  15. Re: Astro City: the Dark Age I didn't even know Astro City was still being produced. I haven't read an issue in five years or so. My not-really-local gaming store doesn't carry it.
  16. Re: Silver Age-y Sounding Name Help Brick sounds good to me as well, however, there are also options for "Wall." Such as Brick Wall, Stonewall, Guard Wall, etc. Does he have any significant background?
  17. Kirby

    Modern Gods

    Re: Modern Gods That's because the camel riders think they are it! I personally wouldn't go this route, because then boogeymen, baseless conspiracies, secret alien overlords, BOGO and other concepts would come into existance 'just because.' If suddenly "I think therefore it exists" then everyone's a Narcissus of one form or another and no idea -regardless of how ridiculous- becomes feasible. YMMV.
  18. Re: Teen Champion Cover!
  19. Re: Supers and the law Good thing this is the CU , not the ABu. Anyway, brain-eating zombies, flesh-eating ghouls, and blood-sucking vampires generally have no rights. Considering they're generally considered dead, it's hard to kill them twice. "But your honor, he died 100 years ago!" Of course, laws can always be altered to fit one's one campaign.
  20. Re: Character (Powered Armor Brick) for review - advice welcome
  21. Re: OK! Now I got it! This character is better!
  22. Re: A Surfer homage, or what to do with 1050pts? Hmm, well, I'm not a big reader of Marvel either, but I would give him at least 25 if not 30 points of armor. His surfboard is what lets him fly (make it a multipower for flight and FTL travel, maybe megascale flight as well). You might be able to buy him some armor with the board itself along with a limitation that it would use both hands (he didn't use it that much, but when he did, he didn't attack at the same time, if I recall). Life Support is a must. I don't know at all about mental defense and wouldn't think Lack of Weakness (though mabye a little), but I can see him having 20 pts easy of Power Defense. For disadvantages, about once or twice a year he'd start reflecting and crying about Shalla-Bal (something like that) and her loss along with the loss of his home planet.
  23. Re: Character (Powered Armor Brick) for review - advice welcome I am thinking he saw your character's 7 REC and not seen your END RES. However, my concern on that is where it concerns your STUN. While the 60 is really nice, it will take him two full turns (including a Post Seg 12 REC) to go from 0 to 60, in case that comes into play. Don't forget that your standard Running will come from the person's END, not the battlesuit's (which shouldn't be a drawback unless in a long-term scene).
  24. Re: Useful Settings for Hero? What's a McMasion? Is that a HERO version of McDonald's? Though, looking at the word, I was thinking a mansion would be nice. I'd also like to see various different types of PC bases, but that would probably have to be a book (and one I'd be willing to buy).
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