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Everything posted by Kirby

  1. Re: So what if it costs an arm and a leg? Fantasticly interesting! I do wonder why they didn't mention a time frame. Perhaps if it took a day to grow something back for a mouse, they didn't want to say it would take a day fror a human.
  2. Re: How Have You Used King Cobra/COIL I haven't used the 5E yet, and am not sure I will (other than to defeat them from the get-go, perhaps as a VIPER controlled plot). However, I did use them in 4E, but mostly I used a self-created street gang. The gang was called Caimen Overlords and they referred to themselves as the Invisible Legion, thus: Caimen Overlords Invisible Legion Since the players had a PC in her senior year in high school, the street gang problem became a priority for them (and one of the gang members was nemesis for her at school). The gang members tended to wear brown leather jackets with "Caimen Overlords" on the back in black. (Pun intended). The team made it a priority to defeat the gang. They figured there was an organized crime unit behind the gang instructing them, but weren't sure who. It wasn't until they were patrolling the streets during a gang war (that the Caimen Overlords were winning) that they came upon a rally for them. The leader shouted "Caimen Overlords" and everyone else responded "Invisible Legion." One of the players figured it out then, but the others didn't figure it out on their own; they had to be told. I also added a stronger character for COIL. I think in 4E that Alligator was the toughest, so I introduced a personal bodyguard for King Cobra named "Orinaco" (named after the largest croc on earth that resides there, and is ironically enough being killed out by the tiny caimens), who was a basic clone, but Orinaco had 10 more character points in STR, CON, BODY, 1 or 2 higher points of DEX, and one more skill level than Alligator (or Croc, I don't recall who was the strongest at this time).
  3. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... From a Golen Age Champions game several years ago. Me: May I change my Secret ID to Public ID? GM: Why? Me: Because everytime I'm in my mystery man outfit, my teammates call me "Francois." And evertime I'm in normal clothes, they call me "Swashbuckler." I figure somebody else would notice this -even if my teammates don't.
  4. Kirby

    Odd Power or Sx?

    Re: Odd Power or Sx? It sounds like a pretty unique thought/design here. To me, it sounds like you should buy Healing: Regeneration + Resurrection. You've given a reasonable means of the resurrection to not work, which is required (FREd, p.120, 5ER, p.188). While you didn't mention Regeneration as part of his normal powers, I would think you would use it since most people with a protective body armor/costume would repair it. As for Nivara, is that supposed to be "nirvana" or is Nivara something else? (If the latter, please enlighten me, as I haven't heard of it before.)
  5. Re: Critique My Metamorph I like it but as a GM, I'd be a bit weary about the Armor with Costs END. Does it Cost END when you want it on? Only on the phases when you're hit? For each time you're hit? It may be better to take an extra level of Combat Luck and/or put some points in Damage Resistance (but not too much). You may want to see if you can get your DmgRed resistant as well (or see if the GM will allow you to purchase it in the future). If you need to save a couple of points, change the Regeneration to Rapid Healing; the latter is you gain 1 BODY for every hour you're resting/relaxing. Not as cool as Regeneration, but a good night's sleep and you're A-OK. I'm not a fan of the killing attack, but it's your character not mine. (Don't let anyone try to convince you otherwise!) Still, it's great as a first character. I've seen those that wouldn't last one phase in combat (low DCV, low defenses, less than 30 STUN).
  6. Re: Sharing the Campaign ideas you can't use... yet
  7. Re: Sharing the Campaign ideas you can't use... yet Sounds like it could be fun.
  8. Re: Are Jacks of all Trade Effective PCs? I personally don't see a problem with 9d6 attacks. In fact, in the 350 pt campaign I'm running, several PCs have used 9d6 attacks (and lowers) effectively. They have quickly taken out a dozen agents+, as well as the two lower Damage Class PCs defeated Anklyosaur, Bulldozer, and Icicle. A character with 7-9d6 will be ideal against agents, and will be a nice addition to a super fighting another super. In a Dark Champions game I was in, my semi-brick had 40 STR and would tag team with the mentalist during combat. We had the same SPD and we could often take opponents out in the same phase (without "teamwork" bonuses). It depends on how fast your character is also. In a 350 pt game, you wouldn't want a 7-9d6 attacker with a 4 SPD. My character eventually worked up to a 6 SPD and 45 STR and was the 'goto' guy when the team needed help, since I could fly and fast. I might spend one phase flying from teammate A to B, but I was usually a big relief when I showed up. It depends on how willing you are to take that role and how appreciative and how "team player"-ish your buddies are.
  9. Re: Are Jacks of all Trade Effective PCs? I've tried playing the all-around/JoaT character before in non-HERO games and haven't had a problem with it. I'd even be willing to try a sidekick or sidekick-like hero in a game. I was almost able to play a ninja to a samurai, but that didn't go through.
  10. Re: "Shallow" Purchases DF: Concealabe, causes extreme reaction.
  11. Re: "Shallow" Purchases Uniformed posts?
  12. Re: JLA Untrained? I like the Unluck, but I would also give them psychological limitations such as "naive/ignorant of real fighting" and "panics in real-world combat" or something to that effect. Whatever best represents them taking one of their phases to hide, dive for cover, or take a recovery.
  13. Re: "Shallow" Purchases
  14. Re: Presence in your campaign Generally, presence has been used to scare the villains, intimidate the thugs and spook the agents into surrendering early. I, however, have used it to cover up a blunder. In my first Champions campaign with my first character (4E), the GM was running an intro scenario where VIPER was robbing a bank. My character had desolidification and energy blasts, among a couple other powers. Anyway, my character has phased through the walls of the bank and took out an agent in the restroom. Then he went into the lobby and shot another agent; however, this alerted everyone since his blasts weren't silent. A VIPER agent grabbed a female hostage and held her in front of him, threatening to shoot her if I didn't leave. Well, being a first time player in Champions and really hating the hostage scenario, I became angry and decided to try and shoot the guy anyway. I fired, missed horribly and hit the lady. Fortunately for me, I rolled pitiful damage, but it was still enough to knock her out. Also, I was wearing a full face mask, so my expression wasn't seen. I quickly recovered and said "That was 'stun.' Do you want to know what 'kill' feels like?" Thankfully, he surrendered.
  15. Re: Sharing the Campaign ideas you can't use... yet I would like to be a player in a campaign for "reformed villains." I've been able to play Grond in a futuristic pbem campaign (where Grond was put into stasis and revived decades later), but that seems to be on hiatus now. I would like to play Icicle either as a teenager, or reforming (maybe forced to be a hero like Thunder & Lightning from 4E).
  16. Re: "Shallow" Purchases Er, I had a PC who had two DNPCs: girlfriends, just so I could have someone have a threesome!
  17. Re: Sharing the Campaign ideas you can't use... yet I don't know. I don't have Star HERO or Galactic Champions or any books from that genre that would tell me (though I'd love to play in it and have reason to purchase them). Another idea I've been thinking of is have the PC's be Special Forces from the various US military branches (maybe 100-150 total points) and have them do sort of the same thing or have them go after supernatural creatures, with the understanding that the civilian world isn't supposed to get wind that these creatures exist. Or maybe have their sole purpose be designed to take down VIPER or DEMON. A third campaign idea I can't use yet is "Adventure #2" for my FtF game. Two players (dating) dropped without word in August and of the two remaining, one hasn't responded to e-mails this past week. The last loves to game, including Champions even though she never read comics!
  18. Re: Sharing the Campaign ideas you can't use... yet I would like to run a game where the PC's all have NCM and they're all UNTIL agents, taking the various package deals from Until: Defenders of Freedom. I'd like to be able to accept whoever applies (as long as they stick to the guidelines) whether it's four people or twenty-four. The idea behind the concept is that UNTIL is creating a special task force with all volunteers. The one bick "kick" is that if the character dies, the player is out. When the game begins, the players start out attacking a VIPER nest or two, followed by a DEMON cell and then on to stopping a rampaging super (Grond or Gargantua would be nice, if there are 10 or more PCs). Finally, the group is gathered and set to go on a mission, but something happens (either the villain attacks first, or a transportation device goes awry, or something) and the PCs are taken back 65 million+ years. Now, every "charge" in your weapon counts. The first scene would be the same as U: DoF where the many T-Rexes are attacking. Problem is, I don't know what I'd do after that.
  19. Re: a PC OOPSED Wow! You've that many people in your group? Lucky you! Starting a new thread for your future plans: "here's what happened, here's what I'm thinking of doing, what do you think?" will get you some ideas (some good, some bad, some way out there. After a while, you'll have the feel you want.
  20. Re: Critique My Metamorph I like putting some powers in an EC, but check with your GM (it probably won't be a problem). If you find a way of saving 11 points, I suggest putting six points into "Combat Luck," this will give you 3pts of hardened, resistant defenses in PD & ED. Then use the other 5 for "Rapid Healing" which is similar to Regeneration, except that you get back 1 BODY for every Hour of Rest (which makes sense for a metamorph). It might not be a bad idea to up your DRed on ED if you keep the Damage Shield; your opponents will starting hitting you with ranged attacks. Still, for a first character:
  21. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Now see, that's not the thing to state on this thread. Back on topic people! Here's mine: "Okay, since I haven't heard from [player 2] saying he can show up, we won't be gaming on Sunday. Maybe in two weeks we'll get together." See, my FtF game is only two players now. We were at four, but a couple dropped without any word.
  22. Re: Funny idea for a character That's Foxbat for you! I've been in a Dark Champions game where a PC thought it was all a movie. (Since I was new back then, he weirded me out.) In a White Wolf game, my character would make Champions references, though he wasn't delusional, he just used them, such as "Whoa, failed your perception roll there, buddy," if someone didn't see something, or "Dangit, failed my DEX roll" if he dropped something. If someone got knocked out he'd say "You should get more Stun." My roommate at the time ended up doing it also (we even carried it over into real life). It didn't last too long because the co-GMs thought we were being too weird.
  23. Re: Critique My Metamorph I think he looks okay. I actually like the fact you used the USDB. But why the continuous on the damage shield? And why a damage shield That one gets me. If he's supposed to be a shapeshifter, he might not have all that opportunity to have a spikey body. Even though it'd only be a few points, I'd put the even ones into REC and the odd one into STUN. But that's me. I do like the 25 DEX as well. Too many constructs are given the 'point breaking' stat, such as 13's or 18's, or DEX's & EGO's going for the 'rounding up' part, but with a 25 DEX, you're not doing that; you're spending an extra couple/three points to go when most people won't. Overall, looks very good.
  24. Re: a PC OOPSED What? That's all you have to say? You have 1 rep point, spread the love with those whose ideas you liked, such as Blue. Quote a bit from him and say "Thanks, Repped." But this "No rep for you" smacks of soup-Naziism! Of all the newbie things to do....
  25. Re: a PC OOPSED No. Unless you've [plural] been gaming for years (and this doesn't feel like it) there really isn't a reason to say the PC "oopsed." He was honest and said he didn't do it. Sure, he could have tried logic, but he's talking to a dad who's in shock at a VERY gruesome scene. Let's look at what you didn't post: 1. What happened to Black Harlequin? Was he caught or did he get away? If he was caught, you as the GM should have resolved the issue of death. If he escaped, then there's plausibility to the Hunted. 2. Did this make the news? If so, either BH should have been blamed or Golden Sun should have been wanted for questioning by the police. If the latter, then GS has the opportunity to turn himself in; if he doesn't there's legitimacy to him having a hunted. 3. The Free Hunted: I don't have a problem having this creep up during the game. The question, though, is there a legitimate reason for the father to have hired Black Orchid and to pay for it? I don't have Predators myself, so I don't know if BO is a known villain, a known mercenary, hitman, a 'hero for hire', a supposed hero who really is a criminal, etc. Free Hunteds and Contacts come and go during a campaign. Was there a reasonable justification for the dad to have hired BO, still thinking that GS killed his kid? This should have been used as a subplot then a plot, not as a quick scene. (It wasn't mentioned the time difference -game and session- so this has the feeling of "quickly happened.") 4. Golden Sun sleeping. Okay, where does GS sleep? Is it in a base? Is it in a home or apartment? Again, I don't have BO's stats (I bathe and use deodorant, so I don't have BO, either ) but is her sneaking in feasible? Either security systems, lockpicks, desolid etc.? If this happened at a house or apartment, then it's feasible it could have been broken into. If this happened at a base, did you give other's PER rolls to notice/detect BO's stealth? Does the base have any security systems? Killing the PC in his sleep is just not fun. Sure, mechanics may say that it's possibe, perhaps even probable, but it is not enjoyable. Here's a good rule: Don't kill a PC in his sleep unless he's killed an NPC in their sleep. This usually won't happen in HERO, more D&D, Star Wars, etc. but it's a good rule. A better choice would have been to give BO a free first strike, maybe lots of BODY, but low STUN. Then you could have your big fight and if the PC lost, he lost. Now, what to do? A do-over. Next time you game, say something like "guys, I don't like how the last session (or even few sessions) went, so we're going to redo it." Maybe start back to the session where GS was killed, or even better, start it back up to where GS is spotted by the dad. (And if that was the same session, then you did go way to fast.) I've never done a do-over, but I've been a player in them. It may not be fun at first, but it'll be better. Something else, while several posters have all but said "you suck as a GM," the calm and rational will realize this was just a mistake. It happens. We've all made them. My personal opinion is that you don't really get a good feel for GMing until you've had from 5-10 years experience doing so.
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