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Everything posted by Chimpira

  1. Re: AVENGERS DISASSEMBLED opinions True but you are the one that said "out of the box." Your statement as it was written was a little flawed. As for all the above, I think that The Vision worked quite well. Props on bringing out Gilgamesh though. I had wiped him clean from my mind. Oh, well time for another scrubbing then.
  2. Re: AVENGERS DISASSEMBLED opinions Mantis. I knew there was a lot more but I do not know why I forgot her. I knew Patsy from my Defenders days and so I left her out because I did not read any of the Avengers while she was there.
  3. Re: AVENGERS DISASSEMBLED opinions You mean besides The Vision, Jocasta, Rage, and Captain Marvel?
  4. Re: The what would your character do posting game Jack T. Chance - Built on 250 points, he is a half demon/ half human kind of hero. He never wore a costume and was just pretty obnoxious. He could shoot hellfire from his fingertips and teleported by walking through any portal. (It was not of much use during combat but he could go to other dimensions and take people along with him.) I got play him a few times. Daniel Knight - A martial artist/telekinetic. The idea of him came from my love of The Matador series by Steve Perrin and Armor by Neal Adams. Abducted as a child by aliens because of his mutant power he was trained to be a gladiator. After a decade of this treatment, Daniel finally managed to escape. He was taken in by the Matadors and trained in the 97 steps, their martial arts style. After working as a bodyguard for the Matadors he joined another group of Star Guardians that trained him in the use of his laser sword. While working for this group Daniel was arrested by a Corrupt Stellar Government and spent 3 years in a Maximum security prison before arranging a mass escape. Daniel was able to at long last find charts that would lead him home and he returned to Canada. David, his brother whom was the sole witness to the abduction, has used his own mental powers to build a vast financial empire. Daniel contacted him and the two were reunited. Given money to set up his life Daniel starts The White Rose Detective Agency. Daniel would from time to time team up with the premier hero of Canada (I have forgotten his name but it was something along the lines of Captain Canada). The media labeled Daniel his sidekick. As this brought in more clients Daniel did not really mind. During one team up The two heroes became involved in a contest to determine who was worthy to represent Good in the Cosmic Trinity (good, neutral, evil). Captain Whatever failed the tests but Daniel did not. He left with a guardian spirit, that would later become his wife, and The Heartstone (A variable 100 pnt Power Pool). He tried not to use the power from the stone and despised it because it represented the loss of a good friend. Daniel went on to establish a super team to protect Canada. Initially he had a variety of TK powers, a suite of Martial Arts, a pair of Spetsdods (small gadgets that fit on the back of his hands and are triggered by pointing. They could be loaded with different ammo but a paralytic is most common) and (well basically) a light saber. Daniel was not bothered by killing but would only resort to it if he could not find another way. Bane - The twice cursed man was originally a hero by the name of Jester. Jester had gained his powers when he crossed paths with a demonlord. As Franklyn Eswards, Jester, was an archaeologist and during a dig he stumbled across a portal to the Abyss. While there a Demonlord captured him and planned to use him to manipulate this new technology based off of electricity. The Demonlord tore out Eswards soul and cut it into three pieces. One piece he left alone, one piece he corrupted slighty and the last piece he corrupted totally. The uncorrupted piece went back inside Eswards and the Demonlord created bodies to house the other two. He commanded the trio to battle for his pleasure and during the fight something occurred. The slightly corrupted spirit and the clean spirit merged together. The explosion that accompanied this allowed them to escape from the Demonlord. On Earth the totally corrupted piece of Eswards refused to merge and attacked but they had discovered that their powers could not harm each other. The corrupted piece chose the name of Harlequin for itself and fled. The slightly corrupted Eswards had control of the main body and chose the name Jester. Franklyn Eswards thought the whole event was just a horrible nightmare. When Jester took over his body Eswards would only remember this as a dream. After a few adventures Jester becomes a founding member of The Coven in England. During this time he discovers that he is a Prince of Amber and that was the reall reason that he was targeted by the Demon. An adventure takes him away from the Earth for 7 years and when he comes back, America does not exist anymore and England has been taken over by a hostile power. Taking a tour of europe, he runs into Jewel Harper. Jewel Harper mind controls him and turns Jester into a Vampire. His death greatly injures Harlequin and truly combines the two souls inside of Eswards. What wakes up is referred to as Bane. He soon makes a reputation for himself by tricking the devil into giving him a device to operate in the sun. He soon becomes the leader of the Coven, liberates England, and places the true King on the throne. Bane was a major player with more powers than I knew what to do with. He had Bioelectrical powers but nothing with range. His touch could electricute his opponents, he could build up his energy and cause it to explode out around him with tremendous force but it would weaken him to do that frequently causing him to become blind for a time afterwards. He could, teleport, go desolid, turn invisible, see in the dark, he had hyper senses and he could mind control the opposite sex to fall in love with him. He could use electricity to heal his wounds. He had a deck of cards that allowed him to travel to other dimensions and communicate with members of his family. The fun part was that I roleplayed the majority of it,(the first part with the Demonlord was his orign) from when he was Jester into when he got turned into Bane (a decision I did not like but the GM thought would be cool. He was worried about all the experience points I had stockpiled, over 200 pnts. He thought I was going to spend them on a big blast or something) Needless to say I played this character quite a bit and for many years. He was the first and only character I actually got to retire.
  5. Re: Already posted this in the NGD, but what the heck... I am at work and my coworkers thought that was pretty fun too. I do not read the Avengers anymore. Stopped quite some time ago but seeing as everyone is bitching about this story I might just pick it up.
  6. Re: Storyline Assitance Being duped comes with the territory. Ironclad would know that better than anyone. I see him being very sympathetic to their plight. Nighthawk will be sceptical. He might see it as a trap since they were going to find out whom were responsible anyways. He would relish a chance to take down Telios. He might propose a counter mission to dismantle his whole network (think Alias the tV show) and maybe find information on any contacts that he has. That is, of course, only if the PC was wise enough to not wear any of the items that had been supplied by Telios during the talk.
  7. Re: Storyline Assitance I think at this time Telios would already have all the data he needed from the players. Remember those nice new shiny uniforms he supplied them with? They transmit data to a central computer that helps him sync up the genetic information on the clones he is preparing to take over the PC's life. The other matter is whom was Telios speaking to on the phone? Telios also knows who is important to the PC's and might kidnap a few and replace them with loyal clones. It would make the PC's extremely paranoid.
  8. Re: SuperVillian Combat problems. Heh. Ok. I am not an advocate of beating up on the heroes but they should feel a little more threatened. Right. First we are going to need information on how you prepare for the game. What type of prep do you do?
  9. Re: Alpha or Beta Gamer? I am usually the Alpha. It is mainly because I try to get everyone to participate. A lot of times I run into gamers that just sit back and only use their characters when a fight happens or what not. If this is by choice I have no problem but if they just seem reluctant then I usually have my character ask question to their character. Asking what they might be capable of and if they would not mind trying this out. Soon they do not need to take cues from me and they really get into it. But then the damage is done and they see me as the leader. I played in this one game, however, where this was not the case. I got to play beta. Oh man, how I loved that. I was able to pursue the things that my character wanted to do and did not have to worry about if the other players were having fun and what was best for the group.
  10. Re: A VIPER Success Ha. So you did decide to make the pull out team dress up like UNTIL. Glad to see your plot is going steadily along. My Viper guys are pulling the strings of my players for right now without their knowledge. I can not wait until they figure that out. Man, are they going to kick some major Viper butt after that.
  11. Re: Sorcerous Family/Association on City of Heroes Well, when you got the name. Give a shout with the server. Sounds like fun.
  12. Re: What variation of Champions do you play in? I run 5th edition, but modified for my tastes. I pull things I like from the Mystic World, Dark Champions, and Galactic Champions.
  13. Re: Capt. Swiss Army Knife! That was the funniest thing I read all day.
  14. Re: Iconic Characters: the Justice Squadron Yeah. Bookkeeping can be an unforgiving mistress some time. I need to do that with helpful NPC's. I just freakin' forget about them when it comes to combat time.
  15. Re: Iconic Characters: the Justice Squadron Pretty much. Incompetent is generally defined as lacking sufficient knowledge, skill, or ability. If the GM has one fault that does not make him totally incompetent. In truth just about every GM could be considered incompetent if that was the case.
  16. Re: Iconic Characters: the Justice Squadron Actually, I have witnessed fairly competent GM's continue to make that particular mistake. Especially if the players do not step up to the plate to tell him that he is making the characters feel unneeded. Although the GM I knew that had that particular problem recently confessed to me that he had finally 'got' what I had been telling him when I was one of his players. I wish I could play with him now. Every other aspect of his game was just amazing. However. I'm not saying that I see it as a problem for the significant portion of the market.
  17. Re: Off Topic I lived in lawton but moved in 95 and it was connected to Fort Sill. I know tat I had one place to shop for gaming material and it was simply called The Hobby Shop. As for gaming I have not run into as many good players in one place since I left. It took me going to the Okon to realize that there was such a thing as bad players.
  18. Re: Forgotten Golden Age heroes As long as I got to hang out with Leela of the Sevateem it will be worth it.
  19. Re: Powergamers - PowerGM's ??? I am not sure that I would really consider that power gaming. If that was the case then you would not be given XP points to make adjustments to your character. Maybe if after every session he would add another d6 to his blast, I can see a case for calling it powergaming. But just increasing his attack every so often as he progresses in the campaign world? I do not see that as powergaming. Adding more skills could then be defined as powergaming or raising your dex, int, pre or anything that increased your inherent abilities.
  20. Re: Powergamers - PowerGM's ??? I have a friend that is a PowerGamer and when he GMed I guess that would be called as you defined it PowerGMing. The thing is that he does not see himself as a powergamer. At times he can be a little abrasive but some of his behavior can be traced to how he feels about his life in general. I have a pretty firm hand when it comes down to GMing and I always worry about game balance. When he comes to me with some of the ideas he has for his character (generally all power related, currently he is all over the map because he wanted to have the best of both worlds and it is not working out for him as well as he thought it would. His back story is the one with the most holes in it from my group five players) I remind him that doing certain things would cause an amazing shift in the game. It would work fine for as long as he was up but the villians that I would have to create to make the game challenging would then walk all over the other PC's if he went down. As for PowerGM's, I don't know what to say really. Sometimes the GM will buy into the idea that he is the opposition to the players and not the storyteller. It is a bad additude to have.
  21. Re: The Greatest American Hero (book). For me it would be Classic Enemies. I had been playing Superworld for years when I ran across this in a Waldenbooks and begged my friends to purchase it for me as I was strapped for cash at the time. After reading the characters I got the system to make sense of all the numbers and fell in love.
  22. Re: Do You Design Characters for the Team?? I never get to play. (sigh) I remember when I did. As for the characters in my game stepping on toes. I, generally, try to monitor that myself. If A comes to me with a concept that is similiar to B, I tell them that someone else is already doing something like that. Usually the person either comes up with a new concept or they talk it over and find enough differences that they do not make the other person feel redundant.
  23. Re: Iconic Characters: the Justice Squadron Cool.
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