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Everything posted by Chimpira

  1. Re: Iconic Characters: the Justice Squadron Ok. That is what I thought in regard to Dr. Destroyer. Spent some good times in OKC, Tulsa, Broken Arrow and Norman. Lived in Lawton for about 10 years before moving out to Los Angeles.
  2. Re: Do You Design Characters for the Team?? Oh. In that case, I do not for a hero game. For D&D you kind of have to, as it makes it sort of hard to finish a lot of scenerios without certain roles being filled. In a super hero game, I do not like the idea that you have to have roles and you need to have people fill those spots. I will ask what people are doing with their characters so that I will not step on anyones toes but beyond that I make what I want.
  3. Re: Do You Design Characters for the Team?? Do you mean for the team that is made up of the Players? In that case I do not add any other characters for them. I tailor the game based off how many players I have and their power level. Occasionally, a NPC becomes quite helpful and might be seen as having honorary status, but I never start them out that way.
  4. Re: Iconic Characters: the Justice Squadron Yeah. I am in agreement with you and Metaphysician on that. It is a problem with a GM. It is usually a mark of the relatively young GM and we outgrow it fast if we want to have happy players. I said that it was concern and that is true but it is not the fault of the characters themselves but how they are used. As for Metaphysician comment on it being bunk or nonsense as the term is defined, from a conceptual perspective he is right. Unfortunately, I have come to believe that there are more inexperienced or "bad" GM's than good ones and that is why I said that it is a concern. Used well, they can enhance a game. Personally, I would not mind seeing some in the CU.
  5. Re: Iconic Characters: the Justice Squadron Are you referring to the medium class Dr. Destroyer from Day of the Destroyer or the Dr. Destroyer lite from Classic Enemies? Although Thor might cost over 1000 points, that does not mean someone is going to include them in their campaign. I was speaking about what is relative in each GM's campaign world. If you wanted to make a Thor lite then more power to you. If you wanted to make a Thor that is closer to the point level in comics then good for you. Quite frankly, I have read comics by the truck load but the majority of my players have not. They are more used to the JLA that they see in cartoons. Only I would get perturbed if they made a Superman on 350 points and said that they were done. if my players wanted to make a JLA based off 350, after I stopped laughing and looked at their serious faces I would have a decision to make. I could either sit them down, show them some comics and change their point total so that they could play these Iconic characters. Or I can tone down the world (which would mean that all that money I spent on the CU is going to be wasted and that would not make me a happy camper.) I would probably give them the points, but others might not. Just out of curiosity, what part of Oklahoma are you from? I cut my gaming teeth in Lawton, Oklahoma and was a frequent visitor to the Okon until it's demise.
  6. Re: Iconic Characters: the Justice Squadron Well, that is going to depend on your campaign world, isn't it? If I look at the CU and say that I want Dr. Destroyer to be less powered I can do that. As a matter of fact in the old Classic Villians book they gave you 2 versions for your campaign. One heavy duty and another Dr. Destoyer lite. If you happened to purchase Day of The Destroyer, you were treated to yet another version of Dr. D. The GM gets to set the bar in his campaign. If he wanted to make 350 versions of JLA.... Well I guess he is going to have to monkey with points quite a bit, but I remember when 375 points was considered high powered in the CU. We kind of laugh at that now but I had years of kick ass teams built on 250. They would salivate to have 100 points more.
  7. Chimpira

    The Event

    Re: The Event That reminds me of something a player said to me during my first Hero Campaign about 14 years ago. "Damn. We have stopped invasions from outer space, saved the universe twice and fought Death. What exactly is wrong with throwing in just one bank robbery?"
  8. Re: Iconic Characters: the Justice Squadron I think that referring it as 'bunk' could be seen as uncivil. I have seen GM's that make their NPC's overshadow the heroes because they want to impress the players with how impressive they are. My old GM just had a conversation about that subject with me a couple of days ago. He realized that he was guilty of doing that. Handled well, the inclusion of high powered heroes can add more to the setting of the world. Unfortunately, I have seen more cases of it handled badly. It is a concern, especially for players with a novice GM.
  9. Re: Hotages and Capatured Foci Yeah it would be. I was talking about the villian that takes his foci and then skips the country. Or might appear 5 story arcs later.
  10. Re: Iconic Characters: the Justice Squadron
  11. Re: Iconic Characters: the Justice Squadron
  12. Re: Iconic Characters: the Justice Squadron Oh it does not bother me either. I have read the history and I noted that the kids called everyone and their uncle before even thinking about fighting Dr. D. Sometimes the players will not get that type of luxury or will not think of it. Then, you have the case of what if they can not call for help or does not have anyone to call. I can bring in every single hero published and still have a problem unless I can breach the time barrier and get the Galatic Champions involved. The worse part of it is that as I am calling for help, Dr. Destroyer is doing the same with his minions. I am not bothered by the fact that I have to make up my own force to take out Destroyer but The world seems kind of lopsided without the hero everyone worries about.
  13. Re: Iconic Characters: the Justice Squadron He is also saying that, even if your group could hold him off for 2 to 3 turns, whom are they waiting for exactly? I mean, who is going to get there in the 24 to 36 seconds you have been fighting? You can make your own heroes (I know I did) but in the CU as it stands, they do not have that team (like the Avengers or The Justice League) to call when all hell breaks loose. Or at the very least they have not been detailed yet.
  14. Re: HUDSON CITY: What Do *You* Want To See? Are you going to cover cults? I would not mind seeing a little bit about gangs, like the location of their turf, their colors and tattoos, and ways to recognize these things. It would be pretty good if the gangs had information about whom their allies or enemies would be and what started the original conflict. As well as what type of crimes they are associated with (drugs, prostitution, shakedown, etc.)
  15. Re: Hotages and Capatured Foci If you have a hero that has foci in the game, you can point out that this would be a dangerous precedent to start as all his equipment just became in jeopardy. The Foci guys usually know that if a object is taken from them They get the chance to get more (or at the least recover their property) but if the players are keeping every foci they run across to augment their powers, why would the villians not do the same?
  16. Re: Hotages and Capatured Foci I think that a lot of it boils down to roleplaying and not really rules. For the speedster you could just have him purchase a telekinesis, only to disarm, radius effect for the purpose of high speed disarm (look into buying the UNTIL Super Power Database for more examples)but I think the real problem is the fact that after the first time failing the villian gave him a second chance and the hero still put a life in jeopardy knowing the consequences. I have seen people do that in games and I have seen how mad at the GM they get went the hostage gets shot. My rule for captured foci is that if you want it you can have it. Although you are going to have to pay for it. If you do not have enough points then you can put the toy away until you have enough points to pay for it. We can say that you are taking time to get use to this unfamiliar weapon. No? You do not want it now? Ok. Please hand it over to the nice officer then. Now if for some reason this foci is bought with the limitation Independent? (which should NEVER happen in a Superhero game, unless there is a purpose for it.) Suck it up and let him do what he wants with it as long as it fits in the campaign.
  17. Re: Iconic Characters: the Justice Squadron Well, I am interested in seeing superteams in the CU, if only to just flush out the world some more. Do I think that the universe has the higher tier Heroes? Yes, of course I do but when I buy a supplement my first thought is what new villian can I fit into my campaign. I do not think about trying to balance the universe. For the most part, players do not like being overshadowed by the big boys. Mainly because novice GM's (and some experienced ones) do not know how to manage it well. I think that we have expressed our concern for the lack of heroes of all power levels in this world, that we should see quite a few more heroes in the future. The other thing is how well would it sell if this was released? I like modules. For fourth and fifth edition hero I have bought every single module. However, I have never ran a single one of them. A lot of people do not even bother buying them, which is a damn shame because some of them have some really mad ideas inside. I want to see some team books but if they are going to tank sells wise, I would rather Hero did not bother and just completely devote a few DH issues to it. They may like what they do but they have to make a profit at it or they will not do it. Hopefully they will slide a team or two into future supplements.
  18. Re: Descending Hierarchy Great. After reading Frag in the Arcane Adversaries, I am going to create the Zodiac. I wanted to see if there was anything published that I could use to base demonic themes around the characters. I just wanted to make sure that the Descending Hierarchy didn't already have a wealth of material written about it in Fantasy hero or anything. Thanks guys.
  19. Re: Forgotten Golden Age heroes I liked All-Star Squadron so much that I picked up the Young All-Stars. The comic featured the first superhero (I think) to get the clap, Iron Mike Munroe.
  20. I have ran across this name, Descending Hierarchy, a number of times and would like to know more about them. I understand that they are Demons of great power but any help in which direction I should go to find out more about them would be greatly appreciated.
  21. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... If I only had a quarter for everytime I heard a GM say that one to me.
  22. Re: What am I missing? Did you get an ha with the sheathe? Just in case you can not use both swords, you can use the sheathe of one of the swords in the other hand as a weapon.
  23. Re: NPC Names I used to go to quite a few high school graduations. I would keep the programs and in a pinch open one up at random for a name. Now a days I just make names up off the top of my head. One of my most enduring NPC's was a product of that and I still have no idea of what possessed me to name that halfling Nepotamus Bisamark.
  24. Re: Scenario ideas inspired by other media Once I ran a campaign that was inspired by the lyrics of Queen's 'Princes of the Universe'.
  25. Re: Forgotten Golden Age heroes Mainly because their were so many of them. Quite a few heroes were published and then forgotten. Not many people sit around wondering what happened to Mr. America or TNT and Dan the Dyno-mite. I still love them though.
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