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Everything posted by Rhys

  1. Re: Musings on Random Musings That's why it's so great that WE don't make these judgements. In His eyes, we're all worth it. So often the hard part is remembering that. Then I look at my kids and wife and realize how blessed I have been, I must be worth something to have these great things in my life. Friendships, even with people we've never really met, can do it for me, too.
  2. Re: Musings on Random Musings Aylwin13 and I were the main culprits in the neverending alliteration scenario. So I couldn't resist one more time. Way past the point of ludicrous is one of my best things.
  3. Re: Musings on Random Musings No, it just means that you are a remarkably skilled and talented individual to accomplish it so well without the aid of children Maturity is something frequently driven (or so attempted) into you by your children. Ask Mightybec.
  4. Re: Musings on Random Musings Skaramine must not have any kids, they shorten the trip considerably.
  5. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Yesterday my mother-in-law and brother-in-law drove 9 hours to see the family, dropped off the Christmas presents, ate the supper she made (in Kansas) for the wife and kids, talked briefly and then turned around and went home. All while I was at work. (Bless Them)
  6. Re: Musings on Random Musings Hey, I cried at the Mean Joe Green Coke commercial.
  7. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Amazingly amusing alliteration almost always annoys Klytus.
  8. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Now that Terry Melcher has died, I wonder if Charles Manson feels that he's finally gotten his revenge.
  9. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Thank you, thank you very much.
  10. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... Laughing Corpse by Laurell K. Hamilton and Split Heirs by Esther Freisner and Lawrence Watt-Evans. Now I have to go out and read the rest of the Anita Blake series. Hamilton is very good and highly recommended, as long as you don't mind LOTS of blood and really not very nice people. The other is an amusing little trifle and I mean that in the best sense. It wasn't written to do anything but provide a pleasant evening or two laughing out loud every couple of pages and pretty much delivers.
  11. Re: harnworld -- worth it for HERO? I go with everyone else. Harn is a fantastically detailed setting and can handle just about any system. I ususally run minimal or no magic in my campaigns with no problem. I prefer those because it's easier to break in new players and I don't have to do as much math.
  12. Re: Fantasy Hero PBEM That'd be cool. I'm GMing once a month, but it doesn't really give the fix i want. So put me on the I WANT IN!!! list.
  13. Re: Anyone know where I can get a good atlas? If you just want big maps of the country the way it is, any of the previous suggestions are good. I'd recommend an atlas that shows the vegetation zones, so an actual world atlas would probably be best. If you have a unviersity near you with a decent Geography department, check out the campus book store for what ever might be required for their environmental geography classes. I still have my Atlas of the Environment from school. It shows all the natural resource distributions, vegetation and elevation zones and population densities along with a bunch of other stuff.
  14. Re: Question About a SPD Limitation I have to agree with Trebuchet. I love speedsters and MAs and rarely run a Champions character with a speed below 6. But if you're going to do that, you can't take your defenses too high and you have to expect to get hit with lots of AoEs. I had one GM who absolutely loved 1 hex AoEs and drove me crazy with them, but I ran my speedsters anyway. We usually had someone else in the group who had a 3 spd and could have killed me with one blow, if he could catch me. It's all a matter of balancing the characters. We even had a GM who ripped us up regularly using nothing but 5 teams. If someone is running an 8 or 9 speed with defenses and attacks, then you've got a problem. Of course, what else can the character do? All the points should be spent on those powers.
  15. Re: Why would Dwarves Trade with Humans Don't forget your ever present luxury goods. Dwarven smiths are going to love working with precious stones not available in their mountains. Emeralds, just to name one, don't usually show up in the places dwarves like to live. Then there are silks, cotton, and all kinds of other stuff that just isn't available to a mountain dwelling culture without trade. Plus, different mountains have different resources. There's no lapis lazuli anywhere in North America and the Greeks got tin from as far away as Cornwall. The Silk Road didn't exist because of necessities being hauled across three thousand miles of desert, those were luxury goods. And the good merchants of Venice didn't persuade the Crusaders to sack Constantinople because they wanted better access to the grains of Egypt and Asia Minor. They could produce plenty of food at home. If your player is truly economically minded, he should have been able to come up with this stuff on his own. No society is truly self-sufficient if it has any level of sophistication.
  16. Re: Conversion: the Cleave Feat Borders, Barnes & Noble or Hastings should be able to order it for you. If you're in the KC area, there's a shop in Overland Park listed, as well. Follow-through attack seems like what you're looking for. It's in the book.
  17. Re: WHy does everything have to be by the rules? While I tend to be a seat of the pants GM, (I do a tremendous amount of work on background and NPCs before ever starting, then often run sessions basically free form), I also tend to agree with Crosshair Collie. I mostly run low-level, really low-level(75/50), FH with relatively little magic, but if I'm going to have an NPC do it, it better be explainable to the PCs with more than a "because he can." This is probably the result of playing a lot of high point Champions games with a couple of rules lawyers while in college. Since our regular GM was basically a math genius, he always had everything worked out, but that only shortened the arguments, it didn't end them. Of course, I never convert something from another system. This isn't arrogance, I don't know enough about any other systems to try to do it. I always leave that to the Stats and Math majors in my acquaintance. I also don't run anything from pre-generated modules or worlds. It's more work to take something someone else has written and try to make it work for me than to just start from scratch. If I am trying to duplicate something, it's from something I've read (Stephen Brust, Glen Cook, or others), not another system.
  18. Re: Physics students needed Yeah, I had that conversation with my daughter. so yet again its shown spidey has some really sturdy shoulders as his arms weren't ripped out of his shoulders by trying to distribute that much energy. nor when he held up that whole cable car. Thanks to all. I guess this means that trying to build a Spidey who could do that in game terms would mean also having one who could beat up Supes himself.
  19. It's been a long time since high school physics so I need some help. Does anyone know the formula for figuring out how much force (energy, whatever) the train was producing in Spiderman 2 when Spidey stopped it? I know there's got to be a way to figure it, I just can't remember how. Thanks in advance.
  20. Re: Help with my FH to WHFRP conversion It's been almost 20 years since my last encounter with Warhammer, but I have to wonder if you aren't asking a little much. If the dwarf is anything like the Trollkillers I remember, he SHOULD be able to destroy almost anything on the planet. Also, what is a halfling bounty hunter doing involved in actual melee combat to begin with? He should be picking around the edges and using halfling type skills. I'd be a lot more worried about the conversion if the halfling was able to even think about standing up to something that would give a 20 strength dwarf a fight. Seems to me that what you've got is probably pretty balanced if your dwarf and halfling can't handle the same things.
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