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Everything posted by Basil

  1. Re: Genres HERO GAMES may want to avoid (intended to be humorous) Redundant HERO
  2. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Use it to slap the face of the Captain of the Cardinal's Guards and challenge him to a duel. NT: Other dumb ways to challenge the Captain of the Cardinal's Guards to a duel.
  3. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "Iraq will not become another Vietnam"---or is that one I wish had been kept? {PS: everyone should rep Psybolt for his reply} NT: Presidential promises you (wish hadn't been)/(hope won't be) kept.
  4. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Do you realize that glass is full of Dihydrogen Monoxide, the most powerful solvent in the universe? A: Pure bafflegab.
  5. Re: Genres HERO GAMES may want to avoid (intended to be humorous) Boasting About Your Rep HERO Why Don't We Have Negative Rep HERO
  6. Re: Answers & Questions Q: I'm glad to see you've been working hard; you're getting ahead by keeping your nose to the grindstone! A: For cows to graze in.
  7. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat All deendee/deetwenny players learn Hero System and use it-----creatively, imaginatively, yet correctly.
  8. Re: Disadvantages of a Humvee Depends on what part of Seattle. For instance, in the area north of the U Dist, size will be a big problem, what with every fourth or fifth intersection being a roundabout. Ditto for hilly suburbs. Bellevue and similar, not such a problem. Downtown, a HMMVV would be either needed or insufficient, depending on what kind of apocalypse you're talking about (No, I don't know Jack about your reference). It all depends on what shape the skyscrapers are in. If they're fallen down, the streets will be impassible because of the rubble. Mind you, it could be fun if the streets are mostly clear: "OK, you're leaving 5th and Seneca, heading down to 2nd. You get there fine, now roll to see if your brakes hold." "I roll a 16; that can't be good." "Sorry, your brakes fail. You have time for one last scream before flying off pier 55 and into Elliott Bay."
  9. Basil

    Super Names

    Re: Super Names So I'm looking up a place in the phone book, in the business white pages, and came across two adjacent pages, one headed "Michael-Millennium" the next "Millennium-Mole". Thus, I give you Michael Millennium The Millennium Mole.
  10. Re: Help Me Populate A Creepy Hotel Variant VII - The hotel has a bar; you get to it by going out of the lobby through wide double doors. No problem --- except that once or twice a week the doors are shut and locked. If you ask, all anyone who works at the hotel knows is it's some kind of problem with the lock. If you go out the hotel's front door and around the corner to the bar's entrance on the street, everything seems fine. Just don't have anything stronger than beer. If you do, when you go out the front door of the bar, you'll find yourself a few miles from the hotel, and no sign of the bar you just left. There are stories that some people have landed up farther away than that. Including whispered stories about some people landing up somewhere not on Earth. Oh, and by the time you get back to the hotel, the door from the lobby to the bar is unlocked. And no-one recalls it being locked.
  11. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Did the members of the League Of Hundreds Of Superheroes You've Scarcely Heard Of carpool? A: Ina-Godda-Da-Veda played backwards at 78 RPM.
  12. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat An Oscar-shaped ping-pong-ball gun and cheap-brass-colored ping-pong balls.
  13. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Their laundry. That super-spandex-material takes a lot of washing, let me tell you. NT: What (pick a superhero) has on his/her laptop computer. (Difficulty: no references to pr0n)
  14. Re: Answers & Questions Q: What do you have against this magazine? A: Definitely not a Cosmo Girl.
  15. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Or, maybe, bounce a quarter off 'em?
  16. Re: Answers & Questions Q: How would the Incredible Bulk inform the owner of a noisy hound that said hound was about to be smashed into a tree? A: Long winded.
  17. Re: How to make an ice planet plausible The OP referred to sci-fi that do so stipulate.
  18. Re: Wandering Joe's USed Autos Given the domain, I'm guessing Cyberpunk 2020. But that's a guess.
  19. Re: How to make an ice planet plausible Possible, but how did it evolve? If all the water is frozen, how did some unfreeze long enough for plants to evolve, and then evolve "anti-freeze"? Anyway, I won't accept plants that don't need minerals. The short answer is: the "classic" version, where every square millimeter is covered with ice, yet there's a breathable atmosphere, is not plausible. A modified version, with extensive, open-water oceans full of oxygen-producing life is plausible. So I'd say, go that way.
  20. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Give an example of scatological innuendo. A: Definitely an unquiet undead.
  21. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat They're dribbling. Not dribbling the ball; they are dribbling.
  22. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Attempt to fly a large skyscraper into a 747.
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