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Xavier Onassiss

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Everything posted by Xavier Onassiss

  1. The thing is, there are different types of Dyson spheres, and Dyson's original concept didn't have the instability problem, or need anti-gravity to work. It's been bastardized into something ridiculous in many a science fiction tale.
  2. There were early (pre-publication) versions of Terracide in which I experimented with the approach in Reality's pdf, although I didn't get into as much detail. In the end, I found the Hero System had enough optional rules (including those in various supplements) to make the Flight power function the way I needed it to. For simplicity, I took the necessary optional rules (IIRC: Segmented movement, Cumulative flight, Modified turn modes, Fuel dependency) and bundled them into a single -0 limitation. I might have included Side Effects (rocket exhaust) as well. One thing I never got around to was relativistic flight, since it was pretty much unheard of in Terracide. Nice work on that!
  3. I find it odd that DCV hasn't been mentioned (unless I completely missed something!) in this discussion. The point is: Bricks tend to have lower DCV than other archetypes, especially Martial Artists and Speedsters. Bricks have lots of defenses because their DCV tends to be, shall we say, their "dump stat" and they fully expect to get hit. A lot. They need to be able to take all that punishment if they're in any way worthy of being called "Bricks."
  4. Once again, the Powers That Be have vindicated my decision to shop out my product to another company.
  5. The problem is, there's no "edit" option on the duplicate posts I want to delete. All I can see are Flag, Quote, Comment, and Like.
  6. Pariah, how did you delete your duplicate posts? I don't see any such feature on mine, and it's seriously p!$$!ng me off.
  7. Oh, crap! Got some deleting to do, here.... Except I can't. There's an Edit feature for my comments, but no way to Edit/Delete my duplicate posts, apparently. Why did the old forum software go away, exactly?
  8. I'll second the suggestion to use Conversation or Interrogation. If you use the optional rules for Complementary Skill Rolls, I'd suggest Science Skill: Psychology, or something similar. (I make extensive use of complimentary skill rolls in my games; it encourages the players to buy and use lots of background skills.)
  9. Last duplicate post. Edit: I'm posting the link below instead of putting the image here due to software problems. I keep getting "invalid file" and "empty response" error messages, which are, as far as I can tell, complete bull-snot. Yes, I said bull-snot. Hope you like this: http://i932.photobucket.com/albums/ad165/Neon_Sequitur/Terracide/WarMother_zps30629a22.jpg~original
  10. It's been a while since I did anything with HeroMachine3. Here's the latest creation for my Terracide campaign: War Mother is a humanoid biological construct made for combat by the Jovian known as Stormsinger. She'll be making an appearance in the next game session of Terracide: Salvaging Hope, as the PCs attempt to dupe gain Stormsinger's aid in a hopeless space battle against the last remnants of the Terran Home Fleet. Not the sanest plan they've ever come up with.... (baseline human shown for scale) http://i932.photobucket.com/albums/ad165/Neon_Sequitur/Terracide/WarMother_zps30629a22.jpg~original
  11. Sounds like your group has this "opposed roll" thing all worked out.
  12. In my experience, opposed dice rolls have never had the effect of speeding up game play. Every additional die roll, and figuring its accompanying modifiers, adds to the time taken to resolve an attack. (or skill roll, etc.)
  13. Very true. Oddly, asking D&D players about using 3d6 (or 4d6-4 to generate a range of 0-20) will often get the same response.
  14. It seems to have been left out of CC. Sorry, having a week from hell. Or maybe a week IN hell, I don't even know any more. I'll save all the details for the Cranky Thread in NGD later. What exactly is "CC"?
  15. It seems to have been left out of CC. It's in HS6E vol2, p199, column 2. "Autofire weapons have a +5 STR Minimum unless fired in single-shot mode (or thrown one at a time)"
  16. The other thing to remember about the game mechanics of "recoil" in Hero is that weapons on full auto add +5 to their STR Min. In my campaign, a "recoil compensator" gives the user a +5 STR bonus, with the limitation only vs. recoil. Done. No more recoil. I've used Precise Sprayfire in play on a number of occasions and I've seen what it can do: IMHO it probably should come with a Caution, possibly even a Stop sign.
  17. ...and the keyword here is "relativistic" which means you'll need delta-V of nearly 300,000 kps *before* factoring in the effects of relativity. Your payload gets more and more massive as you approach light speed, which only makes things worse. (But your reaction mass also gets more massive... does that help at all? This stuff makes my friggin' head hurt, seriously.)
  18. I would add that not all "sun-like" stars are created equal; even among G-type stars, some are much more similar to Sol than others. (And presumably more likely to have Earth-like worlds.) Solar Type, Solar Analog, and Solar Twin all have differing degrees of resemblance to our Sun; the nearest "Solar Twin" is 18 Scorpii, 45 light years away. Systems like this are the ones I'm inclined to bet on.
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