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Xavier Onassiss

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Everything posted by Xavier Onassiss

  1. Re: The cranky thread Washed my truck today. I have no idea why, because an hour later you wouldn't know it had ever been anywhere near a car wash! In other news, my computer at work still sucks, and so does our office network.
  2. Re: The cranky thread Frozen mud is easy to drive on. Really deep puddles are a hazard when your tires go through the ice; if it breaks off in sharp pieces they can puncture the sidewalls. Also, cell phones aren't water resistant, so if your hands get cold it's easy to drop your phone in a hole and ruin it, which I did. I like my new phone better anyway. More shenanigans that same day: My *&^%$#@! co-worker didn't listen to me when I advised him NOT to use the west-bound right of-way at #E17; he came back five minutes later, on foot. I had no chains, no winch or anything else to pull his truck out of the mud (Did I mention I told him not to go that way?) so I let him use my radio to call another guy in with a bigger truck and some chains. And five minutes after he got there, his truck was stuck too. He asked me to come down there and try to pull him out. Now, his truck's bigger than mine, (full size Dodge 1500 v. a Ford Ranger) and he's managed to get stuck while trying to turn around, so his vehicle is sideways across the right of way.... Oh yeah, this was great. I was NOT going to be truck number three down there. I made a credible effort to pull him out, without getting my own vehicle stuck, convinced them it was futile and went on my way while they waited for a tractor to come out there. There was another right of way going north that co-worker #1 could have used without getting stuck. I even pointed it out to him. So that's "new guy #1." We've got three new hires and the other two also managed to annoy the crap outta me today.
  3. Re: The cranky thread When it's below freezing, not so much.
  4. Re: The cranky thread Yesterday was the perfect day for winter oilfield work. All the mud was frozen solid. Not so much as a breeze. Lots of sunlight. With all that going for me, I really didn't care if it was 20 degrees, or 2 degrees. Whatever. Today doesn't look so good: snow, wind, clouds, and the worst part is the high around 40. Mud's gonna thaw out. Very messy. Okay, that's not the worst part... I've got the runs, too. You ever try to find a public restroom in a *&^%$#@ swamp? In February?
  5. Re: How To Run Interesting Starship Battles There have been some good discussion threads on space combat (and how to run it in Hero) on this forum. My search-fu seems to be weak, however. Maybe someone else will have better luck finding them and post some links. If so, many thanks in advance. If not, I'll try to re-post some of my previous comments.
  6. Re: Tracking Bugs I'd buy it as per the normal Tracking skill, with the limitation, only to track bugs (-1).
  7. Re: Designing a starship that is bigger on the inside than the outside: what... My brain hurts now....
  8. Re: Designing a starship that is bigger on the inside than the outside: what... Good question. Will there be extra levels of SIZE with Invisible Power Effects?
  9. Re: Combat Value Regulation "Anything you can do, the NPCs can do." "Any rule you abuse, the NPCs will abuse." That seems to keep things balanced quite nicely in my games.
  10. Re: "Neat" Pictures First one to ask about a hybrid version leaves the room. and forfeit your man card
  11. Re: Electric Fence, how many dice of damage? It might be debatable whether an electric fence is stun-only. Some of them can actually hurt you.
  12. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread Except for Viking Kittens; they're animals.
  13. Re: "Neat" Pictures Wonder about that tag in its ear. Is that some kind of tracking or ID device? And what kind of dog is that?
  14. Re: "Neat" Pictures And maybe some skill levels in Acrobatics, perhaps?
  15. Re: The cranky thread Xylene smells bad.
  16. Re: The cranky thread My brother is ready to ring in the New Year. How's this for cranky? His wife posted the above on fb with the caption "Crappy New Year!" My sentiments exactly. I was going to have a nice dinner in the city, but it's freezing rain here so I'm at home watching the news (last-minute fiscal cliff compromise!) and having frozen pizza and a cuba libre. Crappy New Year indeed.
  17. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread Hell has officially frozen over, and life is good.
  18. Re: I craete my Space Colony and populate it with... ...and it was very helpful. That campaign is still running, with a few of those NPCs making regular appearances.
  19. Re: The cranky thread I really picked the wrong month to start dating again. Yesterday Kate texted me, asking if I wanted to go out for the evening... in reply to which I stuck my phone out the window, snapped this photo and sent it to her: [ATTACH=CONFIG]45419[/ATTACH] Sorry, but I'm not going anywhere for a while. I got back to work today but it was kind of pointless. Couldn't get to quite a few of our oil wells, and those I could reach had lost power during the storm, as a result of which all their fluid levels were way up. I won't be able to run valid tests on them until they return to normal. Maybe tomorrow, but the forecast calls for more snow, possibly freezing rain. ...which will probably cause another power outage. Lather, rinse, repeat. Sigh. This whole month has been screwed up from start to finish, really.
  20. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine I hear Henry Mancini music....
  21. Re: What makes a great Iron Age campaign setting?
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