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Xavier Onassiss

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Everything posted by Xavier Onassiss

  1. Re: "Neat" Pictures I'm thinking of incorporating my cat into a new exercise regimen....
  2. Re: And Now for Something Slightly Different: Mis-Spelled and Reimagined Supers I posted this over in the "HeroMachine" thread, but I think it's oddly appropriate to this thread so here she is again: Manhunter! [ATTACH=CONFIG]44765[/ATTACH] If I'd really thought this concept through, I would've portrayed her as a Martian....
  3. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... From Terracide: Salvaging Hope. (the Savage Worlds playtest sessions) ELINT Officer Raymond, Celestial Guard Fleet Intruder Barrel of Monkeys: (nuclear-capable strike vessel) ...brought the whole game to a grinding halt as the table erupted with howls of laughter.
  4. Re: New Math suggests that Warp Drive may actually be possible ...and the occasional "answer" on physics 101 exams, of course. Unfortunately, most of those turn out to be mistakes.
  5. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Of course some of us knew this all along.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TyXJ1sAQtaY&feature=player_embedded
  6. Re: "Neat" Pictures Awright, somebody get SyFy Channel on the phone, RIGHT NOW!!!
  7. Re: The cranky thread So after a week rated "lock the door and hide" on the insanity scale, things were finally half-way under control at work, until sometime this morning. Just outside the mighty metropolis of Calvin, IL a farmer's combine took out a power line leading out to the river bottoms, and a couple hundred oil wells got shut down. About 50 of which are operated by my company. So I had a full day's work planned, and no way to do any of it. I'm out of town this weekend, so... Monday's gonna be interesting.
  8. Re: "Neat" Pictures I'll make it simple: at this rate, I'm going to lose all interest in puns, so don't compound the error, guys.
  9. Re: Ratios of Superpower Archetypes The last time I ran a supers campaign, they were rare enough in the game world that the players' choice of character types would actually have a significant impact on these ratios. So I didn't create the world or start the game with a preconceived notion of what types were "most common." I made the characters I needed for the plot (kinda like the "Heroes" tv series) and didn't worry about which types came up the most.
  10. Re: Role-Playing the Mantle of Heroism Oddly enough, I thought of this in SF terms as well, mainly because that's what I'm running right now. Actually it's not that odd, because I almost always run SF; I'm not that good at running superhero games. Anyway, Opale's point definitely applies to my current campaign. It's not a typical "merchants and mercenaries" SF RPG about a bunch of guys wandering around randomly looking for trouble. It's about something: an idealistic struggle of freedom vs. tyranny, and survival vs. extinction. Fortunately I only had one player who didn't "get it" and he's gone now. Even the "anti hero" PCs have chosen their side and dedicated themselves to supporting their cause at any cost. From one of the earlier episodes in the campaign, Terracide: Salvaging Hope. Dr. Leelavathi Rabindra addresses the citizens of Omicron Colony after the player characters forcibly removed Agents of the Colonial Reserve Fleet from her office.... Battle lines have been drawn. They've got a hundred-year old space colony that's falling apart around them and getting more crowded with refugees by the week, a "fleet" of mercenaries, corsairs and converted super-liners, and their troop contingent is a company of Colonial Reserve deserters and volunteers from the colony. Their nearest allies are two months away. They're taking on a military junta from the Core Colonies with the biggest surviving war fleet in Terran Space. They may not be "super" but they're big damn heroes alright.
  11. Re: "Neat" Pictures There's only one thing I can say to that....
  12. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares I seem to have touched a nerve, here. And yeah, there was a time I would have said the same thing. (Actually I said worse things!) But then I got dragged, not quite kicking and screaming, to one of my class reunions, and found out all the kids I hated had turned out okay after all.
  13. Re: The cranky thread Broken valve. Raw crude oil everywhere. I need (another) shower... preferably with water this time.
  14. Re: "Neat" Pictures I don't even know what that is, and I can still tell that it's awesome.
  15. Re: New Math suggests that Warp Drive may actually be possible I'm totally gonna steal that! I just finished reading John Scalzi's Redshirts and now I'm thinking about doing a SF parody at some point. The Galactic Assembly of Planets (The GAP, for short) will have a flagship, the Dubious Enterprise, and it shall be powered by the mighty Kickstarter Drive!
  16. Re: "Neat" Pictures Yeah, you and the Pope... (from the "Could be worse" department)
  17. Re: New Math suggests that Warp Drive may actually be possible This is probably a lot closer to Star Trek's warp drive than AD2300's stutterwarp; the latter's "FTL via quantum tunneling" remains de-bunked, but the warp drive in the linked article works via "warped space" principles. Now we just need some exotic matter....
  18. Re: The cranky thread It's been my experience that printers in general are a PITA. I've had many a smooth-running project come to a grinding halt and/or blow up in my face because I had the poor sense to try and print something. (WTF was I thinking?)
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