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Xavier Onassiss

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Everything posted by Xavier Onassiss

  1. Re: Mars Colony? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martian_life#Phoenix_lander.2C_2008 ...and then there were three.
  2. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Got it in one! ps -- also, one of the characters in Escape From Outbackistan! next Sunday at GenCon.
  3. Re: Project WyrmStar Well mine's about 180 pages....
  4. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine This one's for the Mad Max fans:
  5. Re: "Neat" Pictures Steampunk meets Mad Max...
  6. Re: "Neat" Pictures Money isn't everything. For those who want power, it's not enough to be independently wealthy -- there are still billions of people who aren't living in abject poverty and doing exactly as you command. This really explains a lot, when you think about it....
  7. Re: How have you used androids in campaigns? Preface all of the following with "In my campaign..." AI's (and whatever bodies they're in) are property. The hardware is off-the-shelf. The software is subject to applicable 'intellectual property' laws. They're not sentient, and are usually referred to as 'virtual intellects' rather than 'artificial intelligence.' If one of them tries to insist that it's sentient, or sapient, or whatever, it's doing that because somebody programmed it to. The more convincing its arguments, the better its programming is considered to be. Some of them are programmed extremely well. Being an AI kinda sucks.
  8. Re: A galaxy of humans Of course You Know Who has a web page on this.
  9. Re: "Neat" Pictures The latest in mobile supervillain lairs:
  10. Re: A Thread For Random Links This is just plain weird. Sorry, Junior... Daddy needs to level up!
  11. Re: The cranky thread This is only because (certain elements within) the government love you and want you to experience the endless joy of being "self sufficient." [/snark]
  12. Re: "Neat" Pictures Neat? Funny? Creepy? or just plain wrong....
  13. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Sometimes I see a superhero name and realize that it's suggestive of a completely different concept. Case in point: Manhunter. PS -- No, I'm not planning on doing a character sheet for this one. Why?
  14. Re: A galaxy of humans This brings up an interesting point -- a "humans only" universe remains so only until first contact with aliens. Up to a point, Pournelle wrote exclusively human CoDominium stories, and AFAIK he planned to leave it that way. Introducing the Moties was Larry Niven's idea; he considered Pournelle's CD universe ideal for a "first contact" story precisely because it didn't have any aliens in it up to the time they co-wrote Mote in God's Eye.
  15. Re: A galaxy of humans I'm not sure if this one meets the 'humans only' criteria; as you say, there are two alien species (Medusians, Tree-cats) in the first book. But after that, (IIRC) Weber seems to shy away from introducing any more aliens, and focuses on developing the Tree-Cat/Human relationship through the rest of the series.
  16. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine More new stuff for Terracide: one of the Sons of Terra prepares to do something unspeakably stupid in the name of humanity....
  17. Re: Gothic science fiction settings Must spread rep, etc. Reynold's Revelation Space setting has a lot of these elements.
  18. Re: "Neat" Pictures FLOOD DAMAGE This is just a stone's throw from the Wabash River, but during the floods in May, it was pretty much IN the Wabash River, as the flood waters flowed through here and deposited enough driftwood (several trees worth) to render this unit inoperable. Fortunately, there wasn't any oil leaking into the river. And if there was, it would be a small leak -- this well can produce a barrel a day at most. If you look closely, you'll notice the substructure is actually at a slight tilt now. I don't think we'll be fixing it any time soon -- it's still pretty hard to get to. I had to park my truck and walk the last couple hundred feet to get this photo.
  19. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Must spread rep, dag nabbit! Anyways, that's awesome. Will there be Brown Dirt Freakin' Cowboy as well?
  20. Re: A galaxy of humans Asimov's Foundation novels come to mind.
  21. Re: The cranky thread Yeah, if you lose one you can still hop to work on the other one -- that does provide some degree of redundancy. [/snark]
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