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Xavier Onassiss

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Everything posted by Xavier Onassiss

  1. Re: Statting out a tornado Idunno, my first instinct would be a really big AoE Change Environment power with lots of TK, plus other penalties to perception, movement, OCV/DCV, etc. I'm on lunch break right now so I don't have much time to tinker with it, but I think this one power could do pretty much everything you need....
  2. Re: Project WyrmStar: What have you pre-ordered? I'm wondering about pdf's on CD, rather than printed copies. And will there be any sort of "WyrmStar Omnibus" CD with pdf's of all seven books on it? More annoying questions on the way, just as soon as I can up with them....
  3. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Not much new and different lately, but I *finally* have some character artwork for Corona Lovelock, Special Agent of the OFFICE. Yes, that's a squad support laser, and yes, she can fire it with one hand. Most of the time, she doesn't need to....
  4. Re: "Neat" Pictures I'd hate to see the windmill!
  5. Re: Terracide Demos at GenCon: Introductions posted Pre-reg has been a little slow for the Terracide games at GenCon -- I think for the exact reason you stated above: there are a lot of other good games running in those time slots. I can't really complain, since I picked the times. I'm counting on filling them up with ticket sales at the convention, or with generics. Looking forward to seeing you there.
  6. Re: The cranky thread Same here. Worked six hours today (half of which was spent running tests on one *&^%$#@! oil well which puts out 2 barrels a day... not all of it oil) then had to go and lie down for the rest of the afternoon.
  7. Re: (PAH) "Sniper" Johansson And apparently I'm not the only one.
  8. Re: "Neat" Pictures Forodwaith is beautiful this time of year....
  9. Re: (PAH) "Sniper" Johansson This is awesome. I had a bit of a 'fridge logic' moment a while after reading the character background quote. If she's firing a laser rifle, I'm not sure if she'll be overly concerned about wind speed. I'm just sayin'....
  10. Re: Project WyrmStar: What have you pre-ordered? Will we also have pdf copies at GenCon?
  11. Re: The cranky thread Can I be cranky for not following a single word of that?
  12. Re: Could you get a spacecraft to Mars? This is a brilliant illustration of why we need better rockets. (I want my *&^%$#@! torch drive. Just a little one! Please?) And it's kinda fun, too.
  13. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine For comparison, here's a character from my old Champions campaign, a vigilante called Night Shift. I described him "as if El Zorro were dragged, kicking and screaming, into Hot Topic for a total wardrobe overhaul."
  14. Re: "Neat" Pictures Someplace called "Black Milk Clothing" is selling a dress that looks like a map of Middle Earth... and for some strange reason their website crashed. Maybe everyone thinks the model is included.... Kinda gives a whole new meaning to "There and Back Again."
  15. Re: Project WyrmStar: What have you pre-ordered?
  16. Re: The cranky thread I don't think it's interference. The connection is stable with one machine, and not with the other... it's a hardware problem. The most important thing I've learned about wireless technology, however, is that it works for other people!
  17. "They sent my wife to Snake Eyes." I've finally finished both adventure introductions for the Terracide adventures I'll be running at GenCon, posted here and here. Tickets for each of these are still available as of this writing.
  18. Re: Tips for Space Ships Yeah, writing them with one hand and holding my nose with the other. I threw out at least 90% of them because they sucked. Almost everything in the space combat section in Terracide is "off the shelf" optional rules for Hero, or new uses for existing Hero material. I try to avoid grafting on 'home-brew' stuff unless I've completely run out of other options.
  19. Re: Ok GM's weigh in. We've been talking players CvK...how do you handle these things As a GM, I look for 'red flags' in every character's list of disadvantages/complications. "Casual killer" is a big one, as others have pointed out, but at the other end of the scale, I view any "Total" Psychological complication as the equivalent of a "Stop Sign" power, if not worse. It indicates a character who's going to cause problems. "Total" psych lims, when role-played as such, tend to result in characters who behave like they're clinically insane. They've got a hang-up so severe they're going to obsess over it, to the point of harassing and obstructing other characters, behaving completely irrationally and making things difficult. I just try to avoid "Total" psych lims altogether, including a Total CvK of any kind, when I'm GM-ing. What I really dread is the character who writes up a Psych lim as "Moderate" but then proceeds to role-play it as a "Total" Psych lim after it's been approved. I had someone "bait and switch" me with a "Moderate Code v. Killing" in an Iron-Age vigilante campaign once, and it was a disaster. The whole thing ended up imploding, partly due to his out-of-genre antics.
  20. Re: The cranky thread Ooohhh... hadn't tried that yet. The power strip I'm using is was a good piece of gear, but like pretty much everything else I own, it may be past time to replace it. I suspect the damage is done as far as the computer is concerned, but it wouldn't hurt to have better protection for the peripherals and the eventual replacement computer.
  21. Re: The cranky thread It's a rural area. Low population, low tax base, low expectations.... Oh, hell, I live in the middle of *&^%$#@! nowhere and it's a miracle I'm online at all. This place is barely civilized.
  22. Re: Earth Goes Poof, Wherefore Art Thou Luna? Just doing some quick-and-dirty figures (IOW, they might be wrong), the combined Earth-Moon system orbits the Sun at an average of roughly 30kps. The Moon orbits the Earth at roughly 1kps. (Relative to Earth.) So yeah, I'm with Rex on this one.
  23. Re: The cranky thread Around here, "bad power" isn't a computer issue, it's a fact of life. The infrastructure stinks. I mean, a lightning bug farts in the general direction of a transformer and half the grid goes down.
  24. Re: "Neat" Pictures Holy Non Sequitur, Batman!
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