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Everything posted by Samuraiko

  1. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I want to know what god I offended lately... In addition to the screaming Valley-Fever-induced pain fit last night (which has died down to a dull roar today), it seems I somehow picked up a bout of food poisoning on top of it. And that of course meant about four hours of sleep. ARGH! Michelle aka Samuraiko
  2. Re: Musings on Random Musings Pain FINALLY seems to be dying down, but my shoulder is still stiff as hell. I hope I can sleep tonight. Michelle
  3. Re: Musings on Random Musings Took 500 mg of Excedrin and with any luck that'll kick in soon... if it didn't have caffeine, I'd have maxed it out at 1000mg (what I was prescribed once upon a time), but I'll be up all night if I take the caffeinated stuff. Michelle aka Samuraiko
  4. Re: Musings on Random Musings Then again, I wonder if a sufficient amount of alcohol would work as a painkiller. Or at least then I wouldn't care... Got wine, got brandy, got amaretto... no vodka, dammit... although I guess I could run out and get something, it's only 11pm, I got two hours. Michelle aka Samuraiko
  5. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Does anyone know the safest maximum dosage of either aspirin or ibuprofen for painkilling? I can't take my Vioxx and I think I'm going to scream. Michelle aka Samuraiko
  6. Re: Musings on Random Musings I can't take Demerol... wish I could, but my heart has a tendency to go erratic and Demerol is a BAD thing for that. It feels like someone is driving a railroad spike through my shoulder straight through the top of my left lung. God, it HURTS! Michelle aka Samuraiko
  7. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I wanna form a band and call it "Four Dyslexic Hermaphrodites." Don't ask me why... Michelle aka Samuraiko
  8. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I am in serious pain and am ready to start screaming for my Vioxx (the few that I have left), but I know that hubby mine will not be at ALL happy with me if I take it. After all, it's not like breathing is all that important... Michelle aka Samuraiko
  9. Re: Musings on Random Musings *whistling the Twilight Zone theme* What's the old saying... "great minds think alike"? I just rewrote about half of Chapter One, and while I like the new version much better, I am KICKING THE CRAP OUT OF MYSELF for not thinking of doing it this way earlier, dammit. Then again, it could be worse. I could be writing Vogon poetry. Who else is gonna go see the new HHGTG when it comes out? Michelle aka Samuraiko
  10. Re: A Thread for Random Musings While writing, I am singing at full volume with Windows Media Player playing in the background, and it just dawned on me that if I can bang out "Turn the Page" in the same register as James Hetfield of Metallica, does that mean I'm a tenor? Michelle aka Samuraiko
  11. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I get to work on my book ALL DAY today... and I find myself listening to the Dark City soundtrack for inspiration... Michelle aka Samuraiko
  12. Re: A Thread for Random Musings All right, I'm gonna drown that damned song out by listening to something else. Something loud, something loud... lemme see... *browsing through the songs on my computer since I'm too lazy to go rummaging through my CDs* Drowning Pool... there ya go! Or maybe Earshot (since I do quote their song "Wait" in the book...) So... many... choices! ARGH! Michelle aka Samuraiko
  13. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I'm working on my book right now, listening to the song that started the whole novel in the first place. And I can still remember the dream it was based on as clearly as if I'd had it last night. Unbelievable. I just wish I knew how to convey the feeling of the dream in my book. Damn, that's going to be difficult. Michelle aka Samuraiko PS - and why in HELL do I have the song "There's a hole in the bucket, dear Liza, dear Liza" going through my head?!?!
  14. Re: The cranky thread "My mother hit me once... once." Had to be one of the weirdest films I'd ever seen... Cheers, Michelle aka Samuraiko
  15. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Yes, the Intrepid is huge... and it's got a sub parked next to it that you can visit. New York just has some of the BEST museums in the world... I love the Museum of Natural History, where the Marine Biology room has that frickin' enormous full-scale fiberglass statue of a blue whale hanging from the ceiling. Great fun scaring the crap out of visiting schoolkids by looking up as they walk underneath it and say, "hey, doesn't it look like it's moving?" Michelle aka Samuraiko
  16. Re: The cranky thread What's that line from "The Replacements"? "Pain heals. Chicks dig scars. Glory lasts forever." Or something like that... Unfortunately, the biggest scar I have is the one on my right elbow that I have to contort to see... the result of getting thrown over the handlebars of my bike, and then in mid-flight, forgetting to let go so I ended up pulling the bike down on top of me. Not a war wound I can show off or anything. Drat. Cheers, Michelle aka Samuraiko Visit my thread... http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?p=526248#post526248
  17. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... From this weekend's 7th Sea game: Gustaphe, our Montaigne pistoleer, on how to deal with a Vodacce who's tried to kill an NPC: "I say we just poison him, and make it look like it was suicide." Inigo the Castillian swordsman #1: "Gustaphe, you shouldn't suggest that Gabrielle (our Vodacce courtesan who dabbles in the art of poisoning) act in so crass and callous a fashion." Diego the Castillian swordsman #2: "Yeah, since all we have to do is just force the Vodacce to drink some Montaigne wine." Jim (Gustaphe's player) was ready to start throwing stuff at John (Inigo) and Jeff (Diego) while the rest of us burst out laughing. Michelle aka Samuraiko Visit my thread... http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?p=526248#post526248
  18. Re: The cranky thread What, complaining about B&R doesn't qualify as "cranky"? Let's see... genuine crankiness... hmm... Okay, got it... I got a grand total of FOUR HOURS of sleep this ENTIRE weekend because I had guests. FOUR. And not even all at once! I wouldn't know a coherent thought today if I tripped over it. Michelle aka Samuraiko Visit my thread... http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=24713
  19. Re: The cranky thread No, no, no... Batman Forever was, IMHO, good. And Jim Carrey as the Riddler was inspired casting. (God knows how many times that gets quoted in games of ours... especially the "post homicidal depression" and "show me how to punch a guy" lines) I am proud to say I have NEVER seen Batman and Robin. No, no, no, absolutely not. Not even if it were free. On the other hand, Batman Beyond totally rocks. Cheers, Michelle aka Samuraiko Visit my thread... http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=24713
  20. Re: The cranky thread Got YOU fooled, don't I? You know me, I can't take a compliment without making some smartass remark about it. But thank you. Michelle aka Samuraiko Visit my thread... http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=24713
  21. Re: The cranky thread One of my favorite anonymous quotes... "Who the hell wants to be perfect? After that, there's nowhere to go but down." Keep your chin up, Skar. Michelle aka Samuraiko Visit my thread... http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=24713
  22. Re: The cranky thread Ummmmm... no. *reads Doc's post, then sighs and takes a seat on the floor* I guess I need to learn to phrase things better when I write. Me posting my stuff here wasn't just for getting rep (since I do get rep from lots of different people for lots of different things, and I give a lot, too)... It was me hoping for some response, whether a PM of "it was great" or "it was awful" or a response on the thread or something. The only person besides me who's read my book for any length is my husband John T. (I've been afraid, maybe paranoidly so, of sharing it with others because I think they'll hate it or someone else will steal my idea or something ridiculous). Actually, I take that back - Amused, RebeccaRed50, and I *THINK* Gekko have read parts of it, and while their responses have been generally favorable, well, they are my friends and might be softening their responses because they know that their friend is, well, a little sensitive to criticism. I've always had an abysmally low self-esteem, and so it's only been recently that I've come to terms with me being able to do something well, and also being able to go to others saying, "acknowledge this!" Joke notwithstanding, I'm not a rep whore. I know it's not "all about the rep," so please let me correct the misunderstanding. It was me looking for some acknowledgement of my work. The me grousing about no one acknowledging it was just that - grousing in accordance with the cranky part of the thread. That's all. Michelle aka Samuraiko
  23. Re: The cranky thread Aha, finally something to grouse about. I FINALLY got two of my players up from Tucson so we can get through the grandiose-oh-my-God-the-fertilizer's-gonna-hit-the-ventilator scenario, all the players are in town and what happens? Two of my other players have to work all weekend long. WAAAHHHHH!! Thankfully, though, the one whose combat skills we need doesn't have to work Saturday, and the other is there to keep others off someone else, and if no one else gets to him, we're good. Michelle aka Samuraiko
  24. Re: Musings on Random Musings Works for us! Especially since we live right near a 24-hour "5 & Diner"... I say we take over the back few booths and game all weekend long. Screw the 50's music, people will hear us beating the crap out of villains in Champions and 7th Sea all weekend. Michelle aka Samuraiko
  25. Re: The cranky thread Okay, here's my grousing... ONLY ONE PERSON noted my posts?! WAAAAAHHHHHH!!!! Michelle aka Samuraiko
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