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Everything posted by Samuraiko

  1. Re: They did it to me again... Well, here's the first few, to give you an idea... you will notice that some characters are more represented than others, because I actually figured out how to sort in MS Word by the LAST word, not the first! In no storyboard order, some quotes from the book... Don’t you have any sense at all? What made you lose what you had left of your mind? - Bulma How can you ask me to just sit and watch as you die? I want to save you, but I don’t know how! Please, Kurenai, you’ve got to tell me how! - Gohan I’m not going to be kept from doing the right thing just because I’m a child. – Gohan You know, I think Piccolo really should find a girlfriend. - Gohan I truly thought… you understood. I thought you understood that Kurenai is a friend, and how important my friends are to me. I thought you understood that I never wanted Kurenai to come between you and me. I thought you understood that I was telling you the truth when I said it was forever. But now, I see that you don’t understand at all. And now that I see that, I would rather die as her friend than live as your husband. - Goku YOU ARE NOT GOING TO TAKE HER AWAY FROM ME! - Goku You feel powerful for being able to reach the stars, but at the same time, you feel so small in comparison to them. - Goku She loved all of you so much that she chose death rather than live knowing you never loved her in return. - Kami Every day must have mystery and beauty, joy and passion and danger and sorrow, no matter how small. - Kurenai I wasn’t trying to make fun of you, I was trying to meditate like you do, but it’s damned hard. I feel so tense that all I can think of is how my jaw hurts from clenching it. - Kurenai I… WILL TAKE YOU… WITH ME… STRAIGHT… TO… HELL! - Kurenai It’s cold… the fear, it’s so cold, like I’ll never be warm again. No matter how much I try, I can’t make it stop, I can’t keep the chill away… You’re not afraid of anything, are you, Piccolo? So afraid that it chills your soul and the world seems dark? - Kurenai No… one… can… catch… me… now… - Kurenai Oh, that’s rich! A low-life, arrogant, stuck-up, stubborn, callous, cold-hearted bastard of a prince, who wouldn’t know what love was if it came up and screwed him, has the unmitigated gall to tell me how to live with my feelings?!? – Kurenai Scientists say that no two snowflakes are ever the same… Imagine that… all this snow, year after year, and no two the same. Like people in a way. A lot of us look alike, and even ARE alike in certain ways, but never quite the same. - Kurenai You can’t understand, Goku. Finding moments of beauty in a lifetime of eternity is so hard, because everything becomes the same after a while. You have no idea how lucky you are, you and Gohan and ChiChi and the rest. You know how to live, because you know that someday, you're going to die, and you don't know when. You don't know when the sun won’t rise for you, you don't know if you’ll live to see the next sunset. You don’t have forever, Goku. I do. – Kurenai Does the fact that he is not your son make his life any less valuable to you? - Omega Why should I care about the life of one woman when I’m on the verge of becoming a god! - Omega Damn them, damn all of them to the depths of hell for hurting you like this. And damn me for almost not being able to save you from them. - Piccolo Do you always expect your opponents to fight fair? - Piccolo Everyone is afraid of something… and the fear can tear at you and wear you down until you think you’re going to go insane. When that happens, you have to hold on, hold on tight to something that strengthens your soul. Darkness can’t last forever, nor can fear. - Piccolo It’s like… heaven itself is weeping… - Piccolo It’s not you, Kurenai. It’s just me being utterly baffled by this thing you humans call infatuation. Caring, I can understand. Loyalty, friendship, love in a non-romantic way, I get. This romance thing just confuses the hell out of me. - Piccolo Romance sounds like a lot of hassle for nothing. - Piccolo What are your dreams? As you dream in the night, what does your heart call out for? Do you dream of Vegeta, or of Goku? Do you ever dream of me? - Piccolo Then see the power of your ‘creation’… and then consider your own folly for eternity… in hell. - Shiryu You are my avatar, my chosen… your body holds my power…together, we will stop this evil. - Shiryu All my life, I have faced fear, blind, heart-stopping fear, and sometimes, the cold horror of death. I even walked through its door once, and I thought myself numbed to it. But… the pain, the fear, the death, none of it has prepared me for this, for what I face now, this… emptiness. - Vegeta I am here to purchase jewelry for this woman. That does not mean I am betrothed, engaged, or in any way romantically involved with her! - Vegeta Warriors are cold and heartless, we live by strength alone. To be distracted by emotion is a mistake I will not allow myself to make. No matter how much… I might want it. - Vegeta Were I any other man, I would love you until the stars fell from the sky… but I will never love, not even you. - Vegeta I know, a lot are disgustingly sappy, but it's MY book, dammit, so deal with it. Rep is always nice, too, in addition to feedback. So I'm a rep whore, so what? Cheers, Michelle aka Samuraiko
  2. Re: Favorite Television Characters Right now it's a fanfic, but I am working on a novel (yes, novel, like 408+ pages novel) that I am going to try and pitch to Viz Entertainment and Toriyama to buy. For more info, please contact your nearest retailer and ask for it. Cheers, Michelle aka Samuraiko
  3. Re: They did it to me again... Depends on your definition of fear. Hmmm... I should hope that you actually like Dragonball Z, then, you would make an ideal critic for the book when I'm done writing it. I can see it now... red marks all the way through with scathing wit written in the margins. Michelle aka Samuraiko
  4. Re: They did it to me again... Ha, I should sic my quotes page on you guys and, to paraphrase keyes_bill, show you fear... in four pages of dialogue! Michelle aka Samuraiko
  5. Re: They did it to me again... Well, I'm back... was just going through my book and finding all the dialogue that I thought was just damned cool, and realized that I've got four solid pages of quotes that just totally rock. I must be doing SOMETHING right, I guess! Now if I could just get the REST of the book to be this cool... ... even if MB and Rachel are giving me s*** about it. Michelle aka Samuraiko
  6. Re: The cranky thread *groans* I guess I walked into that one. No one likes my writing. *sniffle* Michelle aka Samuraiko
  7. Re: The cranky thread Suuuuuurrre. On the bright side, I LOVE it when I write dialogue that just so hits what I was looking for... Cheers, Michelle aka Samuraiko “HOW DARE YOU DEFY ME!†Suishoku screamed in fury. “I CREATED YOU!†Suddenly the stormy form of the Dragon seemed to grow by a hundredfold, until even the stars in the sky were shrouded by its body. “THEN SEE THE POWER OF YOUR 'CREATION'... AND THEN CONSIDER YOUR OWN FOLLY FOR ETERNITY... IN HELL.â€
  8. Re: The cranky thread Well, considering I actually LIKE my husband, the thought of smothering him to death doesn't really strike me as the "done thing" as it were. I was tempted for a while to turn the volume on the TV up (he WAS watching "The Princess Bride") but considering I married a guy who can sleep on rocks during an outdoor military exercise wearing chem gear while it's raining, it wouldn't faze him in the least. So I'm just listening to one of my computer games and amusing myself by working on my book, such as I can... Stuck the CD for the computer game LOOM into the CD player and listened to the dialogue and music for the game (in absolutely no coherent order) and heard a great line that I had forgotten... To set the scene... Bobbin Threadbare, a Weaver (and the hero of the game) is bargaining with Cobb (a not so bright henchman) to look into a Scrying Sphere. Cobb agrees, if Bobbin will help him prove or disprove a rumor that to look beneath the hood of a Weaver brings instant and horrible death. Cobb yanks back Bobbin's hood and is instantly consumed by a bright light and dies, screaming horribly. Out on the balcony, Bishop Mandible (Cobb's boss) is preparing to unleash the power of all the dead in the world in one massive gesture. Upon hearing Cobb's scream, he turns and says... "May we have some quiet PLEASE?! I can't even BEGIN to invoke the dead with all that screaming." Michelle aka Samuraiko
  9. Re: The cranky thread If it makes you feel better to have grousing on the thread, do you have ANY idea how AGGRAVATING it is to have to have your headphones turned ALL THE BLOODY WAY UP to drown out the snores of your spouse on the couch behind you so you can get some SERIOUS writing done? AARRRRGGGHHHH!!!! Michelle aka Samuraiko
  10. Re: A Thread for Random Musings It's funny... hubby and I were talking about packing up from Phoenix and headed to the D/FW area... should we swap? Cheers, Michelle aka Samuraiko
  11. Re: The cranky thread GO ME! Cheers, Michelle aka Samuraiko "Lord Mandible, Ruler of the Universe. Mmmmm, I do like the sound of that." *pause* "I'll have to change my stationery." - LOOM
  12. Re: Musings on Random Musings And another great Doctor Who plan in action... Jamie: Have you come up with a clever plan, Doctor? Doctor: Yes, Jamie, I have. Jamie: What are you going to do? Doctor: Bung a rock at it. Cheers, Michelle aka Samuraiko
  13. Re: The cranky thread And it's so easy to clean up afterwards... none of that awkward climbing out of bed or off the floor to grab a washcloth. Cheers, Michelle aka Samuraiko
  14. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Stuck the CD for the computer game LOOM into the CD player and listened to the dialogue and music for the game (in absolutely no coherent order) and heard a great line that I had forgotten... To set the scene... Bobbin Threadbare, a Weaver (and the hero of the game) is bargaining with Cobb (a not so bright henchman) to look into a Scrying Sphere. Cobb agrees, if Bobbin will help him prove or disprove a rumor that to look beneath the hood of a Weaver brings instant and horrible death. Cobb yanks back Bobbin's hood and is instantly consumed by a bright light and dies, screaming horribly. Out on the balcony, Bishop Mandible (Cobb's boss) is preparing to unleash the power of all the dead in the world in one massive gesture. Upon hearing Cobb's scream, he turns and says... "May we have some quiet PLEASE?! I can't even BEGIN to invoke the dead with all that screaming." And then, after hearing how Chaos is voiced, totally inspired me to work on my book... What a day... Cheers, Michelle aka Samuraiko
  15. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Thanks for the rep, JAGN... To honor your favorite ranking officer from UNIT, I offer these great quotes from Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart. Who, now that I think about it, would make a great NPC in a military based Champions game... Brigadier: [on the superpowers of Russia, the U.S., and China giving their nuclear missile codes to a neutral power] Naturally enough, the only country that could be trusted with such a role was Great Britain. The Doctor: Naturally. I mean, the rest were all foreigners. Brigadier: [on the Doctor] As long as he does the job, he can wear what face he likes. Brigadier: Most of their work's so secret, they don't know what they're doing themselves. Brigadier: A dream? Really, Doctor. You'll be consulting the entrails of a sheep next. Brigadier: In the last decade, we've been sending probes deeper and deeper into space. We've drawn attention to ourselves, Miss Shaw. Brigadier: [ordering his men to fire on a monster] Chap with the wings - five rounds, rapid. Brigadier: You've been agitating for a new assistant ever since Miss Shaw went back to Cambridge. The Doctor: Liz was a highly-qualified scientist. I want someone with the same qualifications. Brigadier: Nonsense. What you need, Doctor, as Miss Shaw has so often remarked, is someone to pass you your test tubes and to tell you how brilliant you are. Miss Grant will fulfill that function admirably. Cheers, Michelle aka Samuraiko
  16. Re: A Thread for Random Musings *loud whistles and applause* Congrats! Now ya just gotta stick with it for two years, but with any luck it'll pay off nicely. So to honor your soon-to-be entrance into night class hell, I offer the following thoughts... 1. 640K ought to be enough for anybody. - Bill Gates, 1981 2. A cubicle is just a padded cell without a door. 3. Applying computer technology is simply finding the right wrench to pound in the correct screw. 4. Artificial Intelligence usually beats real stupidity. 5. Back up my hard drive? How do I put it in reverse? 6. BREAKFAST.COM Halted... Cereal Port Not Responding 7. Buy a Pentium 586/90 so you can reboot faster. 8. C program run. C program crash. C programmer quit. 9. Destiny, chance, fate, fortune - they are all just ways of claiming your successes without claiming your failures. 10. Dogs crawl under gates, software crawls under Windows! Cheers, Michelle aka Samuraiko
  17. Re: A Thread for Random Musings I keep a monstrous collection of weird quotes and things on my computer... for your amusement this afternoon, I offer the following: "A slipping gear could let your M203 grenade launcher fire when you least expect it. That would make you quite unpopular in what's left of your unit." - In the August 1993 issue, page 9, of PS Magazine, the Army's magazine of preventive maintenance. "When in doubt, make a fool of yourself. There is a microscopically thin line between being brilliantly creative and acting like the most gigantic idiot on earth. So what the hell, leap." - Cynthia Heimel, "Lower Manhattan Survival Tactics" in Village Voice "You know, just once I'd like to meet an alien menace who wasn't immune to bullets." - Brigadier Lethbridge-Stuart (Doctor Who) "The most valuable function performed by the federal government is entertainment." "One of the main causes of the fall of the Roman Empire was that, lacking zero, they had no way to indicate successful termination of their C programs." - Robert Firth "As you leave here today and head out on the road of life, you'll find that there are never enough comfort stops. And the places that you're going are not on the map. And you'll find that once you get that map open, you won't be able to re-fold it no matter how smart you are. So you know what I say? Forget the map - roll down the windows and pull over by the side of the road and have a picnic." - Kermit the Frog, commencement speech at Oxford University Cheers, Michelle aka Samuraiko
  18. Re: Favorite Television Characters Ummm... don't have The Ultimate Vehicle, unfortunately. Michelle aka Samuraiko
  19. Re: Musings on Random Musings Here, then, for your amusement, is a list I had posted to another thread once upon a time for laughs... Nothing is sacred here. 1. A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject. - Winston Churchill 2. A good laugh is as good as a prayer sometimes. - L. M. Montgomery 3. A SKEPTIC is one who won't take "know" for an answer. 4. All those who believe in psychokinesis raise my hand. 5. And on the 8th day God said, OK Murphy, you take over. 6. Anybody can observe the Sabbath, but making it holy surely takes the rest of the week. - Alice Walker 7. Atheist achieving orgasm: Oh Random! Oh, Chance! 8. Blessed are the Fundamentalists, for they shall inhibit the earth. 9. Campus Crusade for Cthulhu: If your god's dead, blame mine. 10. Don't worry about temptation-as you grow older, it starts avoiding you. - Old Farmer's Almanac 11. Ever wonder why god-centered religions make a woman responsible for messing up the world? - Pagan bumper sticker 12. Give me some of that old-time Religion... HAIL ZEUS! 13. God did not create the world in 7 days; he messed around for 6 days and then pulled an all-nighter. 14. God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh. 15. God is my co-pilot, but the Devil is my bombardier. 16. God loves stupid people. That's why he made so many. 17. God put me on earth to accomplish a certain number of things. Right now I am so far behind, I will live forever. 18. God respects us when we work but loves us when we dance. - Sufi saying 19. Going to church no more makes you a Christian than going to the garage makes you a car. 20. He is YOUR god, They are YOUR rules, YOU burn in Hell! 21. Help Wanted: Telepath. You know where to apply. 22. Here's to the sun God, He sure is a fun God, Ra, Ra, Ra ... 23. I am an agnostic pagan. I doubt the existence of many gods. 24. I am immortal, or at least until I die. 25. I am ready to meet my maker. Whether or not my maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter. - Winston Churchill 26. I care not much for a man's religion whose dog and cat are not the better for it. - Abraham Lincoln 27. I don't believe in miracles. I rely on them. 28. I have the body of a god: Buddha 29. I want to know God's thoughts... the rest are details. - Heine 30. If God is inside us, then I hope he likes fajitas, cause that's what he's getting. 31. If God is watching us, the least we can do is be entertaining. 32. If God wanted me to touch my toes, he would have put them on my knees. 33. If Jesus came back today and saw what was being done in his name, he'd never stop throwing up. 34. If money is the root of all evil, why do churches want it so badly? 35. I'm god, yadda, yadda, worship, worship... you know the routine... 36. It's a thankless job, but I've got a lot of Karma to burn off. 37. Jesus is coming back, and boy, is he ticked! 38. Jesus loves you. Then again, so does Barney. 39. Jesus paid for our sins... Now, lets get our money's worth! 40. Jesus saves sinners and redeems them for valuable prizes. 41. Jesus saves, Allah forgives, Cthulhu thinks you'd make a nice sandwich. 42. Jesus saves... but Gretsky catches the rebound! He shoots! HE SCOOORES! 43. Make God laugh - plan for the future. 44. Men never do evil so cheerfully and so completely as when they do so from religious conviction. - Blaise Pascal 45. Never invoke the gods unless you really want them to appear. It annoys them very much. -- G. K. Chesterton 46. On the sixth day, God created the platypus. And God said: let's see the evolutionists try and figure this one out. 47. People who want to share their religious views with you almost never want you to share yours with them. 48. Photons have mass? I didn't know they were Catholic! 49. Puritanism: The haunting fear that someone, somewhere may be happy. 50. SATAN, SATAN! It's the main megafurnace! She's losin' power and the temperature is dropping fast! I'm not sure if I can hold her! - Scotty in Hell 51. Sects, sects, sects. Is that all you monks ever think about? 52. The fact that God gave us a sense of humor proves he has one himself. 53. The gods that smiled on your birth are laughing now. 54. The more I study religions the more I am convinced that man never worshipped anything but himself. - Sir Richard F. Burton 55. There are two kinds of people: those who say to God: Thy will be done, and those to whom God says: All right, then, have it your way. - C. S. Lewis 56. They think, therefore I am. – God 57. To YOU I'm an atheist. To God, I'm the Loyal Opposition. 58. Want a taste of religion? Bite a minister... 59. When did I realize I was God? Well, I was praying and suddenly realized that I was talking to myself. 60. You've given your life to Jesus, I've rented mine to Cthulhu. Cheers, Michelle aka Samuraiko Visit my thread... http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=24273
  20. Re: Favorite Television Characters Yeah, that looks about right... he never just bampfs back at full health, there's always that period of disorientation... Other expensive powers would include sensitivity to crossing time fields, knowing that somehow history has been changed, intense meditational abilities (wandering the astral plane as well)... Then there are all those weird skills he's picked up over the years... fencing, first aid, numerous cultural, scientific, and area knowledges, swimming, Venusian Aikido, piloting the TARDIS (in theory at least)... And can you imagine what buying the TARDIS costs?! Cheers, Michelle aka Samuraiko Visit my thread... http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=24273
  21. Re: The cranky thread So help me God, when I have children, I am spreading the word to my entire family that NO CHILD is to be given Gucci, Louis Vuitton, or any other name brand until the child is old enough to buy it him- or herself. Absolutely not, no way, forget it. If my family wants to spend that kind of money on the kid, they can buy shoes and clothes at Target or someplace and put the difference in a savings account for college. If the kids want the newest and latest gadgets/consoles/whatever, they can start raking leaves or mowing lawns or whatnot to earn it. I worked EVERY summer from the time I was ten if I wanted spending money, and my parents' idea of an allowance was to match whatever I put in my savings account at the end of each month. Being a responsible teenager, however, I immediately put HALF of what they gave me into the savings account anyway. Hence the reason why at eighteen I was able to shop at Nordstrom's if I wanted to and occasionally did for nice clothes. I'm sure John would agree with me. Michelle aka Samuraiko Visit my thread... http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=24273
  22. Re: The cranky thread "Sir, might I let loose a short, violent exclamation?" "Oh, why certainly." "DAMN!!! Thank you, sir." - Black Adder Cheers, Michelle aka Samuraiko Visit my thread... http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=24273
  23. Re: Favorite Television Characters I wonder how one could create the Doctor from "Doctor Who" as a Champions character... he's on life 8 at the moment of 13 (he can regenerate 12 times, remember, although he'll be on life 9 in fall 2005 when the series comes back on the air)... Hmm... I already know that creating any of the Dragonball Z characters would pretty much wipe the floor with anyone else... ha, there's a thought, sic someone like Goku or Vegeta on Dr. Destroyer and watch what happens! Cheers, Michelle aka Samuraiko Visit my thread... http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=24273
  24. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... This has to be one of John's (and mine) all-time favorites. In our L5R game, a plague has struck Phoenix lands (I think the scenario is Midnight's Blood or somesuch), and off go the PCs to fix things. We get there, we find the villain responsible, who is hanging out in the deepest room of the darkest basement, etc. etc. etc. He is hanging in mid-air, a sickly green light swirling around him as the lifeforces of countless Phoenix are flowing into him due to the plague. Being the good PCs we are, we're not gonna let THIS go on, so we attack. And cut the guy down in two rounds flat. Go us. Then this ensues... GM: “As you drive your wakizashi into his body, you hear a thin, wailing scream, a loud ‘crack!’ as he’s sucked back to Jigoku, and a final, brilliant green flash before the light dies.†Ujiro: “Don’t worry, I’ll just cast Amaterasu’s Bl... Oh, crap, never mind...†*as Bill realizes it’s now too dark to read the scroll* (wakizashi = short sword) (Jigoku = the afterlife) (Amaterasu’s Blessing = a spell invoking the power of the sun goddess to fill an area with daylight) The whole group degenerated into hysterical laughter. Bill later mastered the spell with the experience he got from that scenario so he would no longer need the scroll. Cheers, Michelle aka Samuraiko
  25. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... The complete VAMPIRE FILES by P.N. Elrod. Still my favorite vampire author to date. That means up until now, not to take out in a romantic sense, btw. Although Pat is a very nice lady, well, it's not my thing. Cheers, Michelle aka Samuraiko
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