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Posts posted by Samuraiko

  1. Bear with me, I've never asked a question on here before.


    What is the most efficient and/or cost effective way of doing the following (read: can this even be done?) in 5eR:


    The use of some sort of focus that I could use to lock onto another person and teleport from wherever I happen to be to wherever they happen to be.


    The idea is that if a teammate gets into trouble and needs me there, I can just bampf to wherever they are (of course, getting back to wherever I was BEFORE is a problem, but that's not my concern right now).


    Now, I realize that this means a HUGE potential variance in distance, and a hell of a lot of accuracy. How exactly might I be able to do this? (You can give it to me in HeroSpeak, I can have my husband translate it if necessary...)





  2. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    (from last week's Champions game)


    Midnight and Whispering Death, the group's two ninja, are planning on how to take out our latest foe, a staff-wielding, spell-slinging, pain-in-the-backside mentalist, who is standing behind two lackeys, waiting for the rest of the group who is hiding in the corridor to emerge so they can blast them.


    *using Night Dragon clan hand signs*

    Whispering Death: "Okay, you get behind him and distract him, and while he's focused on you, I'll attack."

    Midnight: "Sure."


    Midnight promptly goes invisible - and I mean INVISIBLE... like "to Sight groups, Mental groups, Mystic groups, Danger Sense, Combat Sense, Spatial Awareness, and Detect Minds" type INVISIBLE - and teleports to stand directly behind our foe, who is completely oblivious to her.


    Midnight: *still invisible, leaning forward to whisper right into the mentalist's ear* "Boo."






  3. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    From Saturday's Champions game (this was TOTALLY unplanned between me and Shane, but it just WORKED):


    Whisper: "Want to go beat up on each other in the Danger Room? Straight up martial-arts, no magic, no mental abilities."

    Midnight: "You're going to hand me my a**. On the other hand, if we were playing chess, I could probably hand you yours."

    Whisper: "I play chess, too."

    Midnight: "And I suppose you have a perfect memory too!"

    Whisper: "As it happens, yes."


    Midnight: "Call out moves?"

    Whisper: "As we fight?"

    Midnight: "Three seconds per chess move?"

    Whisper: "You're on."

    Midnight: *with a gleam in her eyes* "Touchstone, keep track of the moves we call out as we spar."

    Touchstone: "Wha-?"


    Off go Whisper and Midnight to the Danger Room with Touchstone. Vice (the base computer) pulls up a dojo (and a chessboard for Touchstone to use to keep track), and the two ninja start slugging it out, calling out chess moves.


    (Both Shane and I actually started reciting chess moves - no idea if we were playing legit games, but it sounded good. The GM actually tells everyone else to shut up so he can watch this... I roll Midnight, Shane rolls Whisper... and Shane rolls something like an 11 on a Tactics 15- roll. I roll a 4.)


    GM: "Midnight beats you in 12 moves."

    Shane: "Wha-?"





  4. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    A few from last night's 7th Sea game:


    (Aleksi the gypsy, the group Casanova, had been left behind in town to track down the nephew of the man we were helping while the rest of the party went to fight an 8-foot-long killer wolf in the forest. Having no idea how to get around Freiburg, he decides to ask directions... from the loveliest women in town. Needless to say, he didn't get far.)

    Aleksi (defending himself to Stefano): "Do you have any idea how hard it is to find someone in this town? I mean, there was Rachel... and Brianna... and Michelle... but do you have any idea how hard it is to find a GUY in this town?!"


    (on why medieval graveyards are outside the city walls)

    Stefano: "You don't bury the dead with the living."

    Thora: "So where do you bury the living?"


    (Cael the Avalon archer has taken our enormous wolf kill to the Explorers' Society. Stefano has told him to get money for the wolf, but he has no idea how much it's worth...)

    Cael: "You see those ropes typing the wolf to the horse? Those are some very expensive ropes..."


    Ghost Raven (OCC): "Horses do not commit hate crimes."


    Manfred: "Avalon, the land of the cute and fuzzy monster."


    Stefano (to the now-26-up-from-6 members of the Town Guard who are escorting them to the nephew's house after the PCs decide to push them a bit): "So you don't get medals, you don't get promotions, you don't get trophies... how DO you know which guardsmen are the best?"

    Leader of the group: "They're still alive."


    (Thora has had enough of the men in the group picking a fight with the Town Guardsmen and finally turns to the one member of the guard who has not told the PCs to shut up or summoned help from another group of Guardsmen)

    Thora: "You know... I'm not really with them. And if you want to rough them up, go right ahead."


    (on Aleksi failing to find the nephew, and the Town Guard arriving the following day to "convince" the PCs to come along to the nephew's house under armed guard after the death of his uncle through no fault of ours)

    Manfred to Aleksi: "Just remember, it's not your fault we're here... it's your fault we're here under these conditions."


    Manfred: "We don't charge the dead for our services."

    Thora: "We don't charge the living, either."

    Manfred: "Yes, we do, we charge them up the a**!

    *points to the nephew*

    Manfred: "But we weren't doing it for him!"


    (on whether they are going to accept the nephew's offer for a VERY well paying job)

    Eric Karstein: "So are you all... amenable to my offer?"

    Aleksi: "We are not at each other's throats, and for our own reasons, we have not yet declined your offer."


    (on the group's acceptance)

    Stefano (referring to the guards' arrival at the inn earlier that morning): "I believe you already know where we are staying?"

    Manfred (referring to the fact that Cael has constantly been comparing things to "the way they are in Avalon"): "Yes, we are currently at the 'not-good-enough-for-the-Avalon' inn."





  5. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    From last night's Dark Guardians' Champions game...


    GM: "Okay, recap from last time. Midnight and Shade are stuck in a room with a bunch of Satanists who are pumping poison gas into the room and neither one can teleport out. Well, actually, Midnight can't teleport out because of the magic, and Shade can't teleport out because she's unconscious on the floor with some guy's face in her cleavage."


    (on Qurria'al and Touchstone getting ready to take an elevator down into a Satanists' pit)

    GM: *points to Qurria'al* "Okay, he's taking the handbasket to hell..."

    *then points to Touchstone, who's going to wait for Qur'rial to get there and then teleport down*

    GM: "And he's waiting for the express trip."


    (Midnight and Shade are still trapped, and the other PCs are outside trying to get in past the mooks on guard and the sealed door)

    Whisper: "No problem, I'm a ninja! I'll just take a flying leap and kick the door down!"

    (not so hot roll later...)

    GM to Midnight: "You hear a faint thud on the other side of the door..."


    (Midnight has just dived down the hole after the escaping Satanist head honcho, and lands in his office just as he's got out a big, ugly staff that is about to release some really nasty spell)

    GM: "Okay, he's about to clobber you, because he's chanting. And not like his mooks were doing, that whole-"

    *affects a deep, melodramatic voice*

    GM: "We are chanting because it sounds impressive, and you know we're summoning something terrible!" kind of chanting..."

    *drops his voice back to normal*

    GM: "This is much quieter, and much faster, and it's aimed at you."

    Michelle: "What the hell is he going to aim at? I'm invisible to Sight, Mental, Danger Sense, Combat Sense, Spatial Awareness, how the hell is he going to even know I'm there?"

    GM: "Well, the door opening when you fell through it would be his first clue, and the sound of you hitting the hard wooden highbacked chair of his on impact would be the second."

    Michelle (IC): "Oh, f***ing hell." *just as the spell goes off*


    (on the head honcho escaping, and Whisper not quite being fast enough to follow Midnight as she leaps after him)

    Whisper: "I missed it?! I was right there!"

    *turns to the mook that he bodyslammed into the floor and starts kicking him*



    (Midnight on surviving playing catch with the spell equivalent of a frag grenade)

    Midnight: "I didn't die. That's a bonus!"


    (Michelle takes a wild guess about where the Satanist's safe is - and guesses correctly that it's in the potted plant rather than behind the portrait on the wall, and promptly digs it up)

    Midnight: "Can any of you open this thing?"

    GM: "You're telling me that with all your stealth skills, you never learned how to crack a safe?"

    Midnight: "I'm a professional gambler, I'm using to WINNING money, not stealing it."


    (Whisper makes a knockout roll and gets the safe open, at which point Midnight takes all the money out of it - about $100k - and heads for the casino floor)

    Touchstone: "Midnight, I'm shocked! You're not planning on gambling with that, are you?"

    Midnight: "Of course not!"

    *Midnight takes a quick moment to clean up then strolls out on the casino floor with a winning smile and starts handing out hundred dollar bills to each of the casino patrons*

    Midnight: "Compliments of the manager, Thomas Davidson, as the casino will now be closing. Permanently."


    (on Midnight playing catch with the spell-equivalent of a frag grenade and looking it)

    Whisper to Midnight: "Follow some lady to the bathroom, knock her out, take her clothes, then go back out onto the casino floor. That's what any real superhero would do!"


    Touchstone: "So what should we do with the safe?"

    Midnight: "Leave it on Primus' doorstep and let the cops figure it out."


    (on what everyone's doing in the casino)

    GM: *to Touchstone* "You've found a printing press..."

    *points to Midnight*

    GM: "You're handing out a bunch of money..."

    *points to Qurria'al*

    GM: "And you've found a bunch of cops."


    (after we've nearly wrecked the casino dealing with the Satanists)

    Vice (the base computer) calls Touchstone over the radio: "Captain Touchstone, police reports of a disturbance at the casino."

    Midnight *overhearing the conversation*: "We ARE the disturbance, Vice..."

    Touchstone: "... but thanks for letting us know."


    (on the counterfeit money we found)

    John (OOC): "Imagine the anti-counterfeit measures in Champions, like you press on the president's face and it says something like, 'This is not an unfake bill.'"

    RC: "Only if the president in Champions is Bush."

    John: "Actually, if it were Bush, when you put your thumb over his face and press, it'd say something like 'Mmmfph mmmpb mmmh mmmpfb.'"


    (on Qurria'al terrorizing the cops outside)

    Touchstone: "Oh, all right, I'll go outside and see what the problem is."

    *Touchstone wanders outside and finds the cops cringing in terror from the seven-foot half-demon, who's looking rather bemused by the whole thing*

    Cops: "Oh! Touchstone! Thank God! Could you please take that... that... that someplace else? And maybe find a leash or something?"





  6. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    Quotes from tonight's 7th Sea campaign:


    *the Ussuran shapeshifter, while wandering lost in Freiburg, decides to ask a passing lovely for directions... and ends up seducing her*

    Stefano the Vodacce: "Wear a sock."


    *the Avalon archer botches an archery roll*

    Cael: "I shot an arrow into the air... it fell to earth way over there."


    *Stefano later goes charging after several other party members to warn them about a 8-foot-long wolf that is in the woods they are riding toward... Cael the Avalon archer tells him that the wolf is most likely dead and there is no cause for concern*

    Stefano: "If I didn't show up to tell you about the wolf, he [referring to the Ussuran] would be having the time of his life, I'd be trying to have the time of my life, and she-"

    *points to the Vesten Rune Mage, who is the group innocent*

    "-would be eating soup."


    *Manfred the Eisen swordsman sees the other party members getting mauled by the wolf and heroically charges in*

    Manfred: "I'm Eisen, and there's one thing we Eisen excel at!"

    GM *with a perfectly straight face*: "Dying."


    *Stefano and Thora the Rune Mage are at the Explorers' Society with Aleksi the Ussuran, who being profoundly bored as there are no hot women there, picks up three items at random and starts juggling*

    Stefano: "Put... those... down... I don't HAVE that much money."

    Thora (to the aghast looking Explorers): "I don't really know him."


    *the Eisen swordsman/scholar watches Aleksi the gypsy juggling in the streets for money*

    Manfred: "How do you learn to juggle out in the middle of nowhere? Do you practice on squirrels or something?"





  7. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now?


    While travelling by car


    The Beatles

    An easy listening CD

    A Chris De Burgh CD which has an interesting track called Patricia on it.


    Is the Chris de Burgh CD "Into the Light" by any chance? If so, my fave track is #8 (Straight to the Heart).


    What am I listening to now? Part of the music from the anime MADLAX... don't know the name of it though, but it's in Episode 6, I think, when Elenore the maid stomps the crap out of some Lothario who won't take no for an answer from Margaret.





  8. Re: Musings on Random Musings


    Holy crap... that new fan of mine is really spreading the word (or else it's just the world's biggest coincidence that the day after she finds my site and tells me she can't wait to send some other DBZ fans here, I get FIVE new signatures on the petition in the space of two hours)! And two of them are international! (One from Canada, one from England)


    Not to mention that the stats on my page are really starting to improve! (That, however, I think is a combination of her efforts and mine...)


    I could get used to this!





  9. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now?


    I admit I'm biased against the 1812. It frosts my cheese that this became The Thing To Play on July 4th for a time. I've got a disk of Sousa marches that I use to blow the dust out of my speakers every Independence Day. Real American music for a real American holiday. :rolleyes:

    Yeah, but the cannons are a really nice touch.


    ". . . It's cheesy and lame, but eerily soothing at the same time!"


    Oh, the Evil . . . ! :eek:

    Exactly why it's so good for drowning out obnoxious music... they have to admit they were out-blasted by Enya.


    Hey, I like Enya. At least I did during and shortly after Clannad.


    Old Man, how about a Spanish sports broadcast?


    Keith "GOOOOOOOOOOAAALLLL!!!!" Curtis

    *laughing so hard that she chokes on her pasta*


    I can so hear that here...


    And I'm still trying to find musical inspiration for my next trailer...





  10. Re: A Thread for Random Musings


    I just finished a new trailer for my book (which will be uploaded to my website tomorrow), and it's gotta be one of my best efforts yet. All new video clips (nothing repeated from previous trailers), new taglines, new music (and a phenomenal music editing job, if I do say so myself)... I am so proud of myself.





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