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Everything posted by Cardinal

  1. Re: [Campaign Site] Champions Of The West Interesting start. I like the Legion of Substitute Heroes vibe to the competition.
  2. Re: Half-Move and Sweep Per p.251 of 5E (I don't have 5ER) in reference to Off Hand penalties: "This optional rul is usually used only in Heroic campaigns or other games where characters buy Weapon Familiarity and similar Skills instead of paying Character Points for their weapons and equipment." I have never played in a Champions campaign where the option rule was used.
  3. Re: Half-Move and Sweep Two Handed Fighting is basically the rapid attack talent plus some penalty skill levels for off hand combined. Doesn't really apply to a superhero world where off hand is not a real penalty.
  4. Re: character build help thread: Pulse You might also want to consider +Xd6 EB; Only from End Bat Part 2 and an additional +Xd6 EB, only from END Bat Part 3. This reflects that as he overcharges, he can get extra power in his blast. It creates a nice risk / reward scenario for the player - (if I can hold it together, I will be able to nuke Dr. Destroyer. If not, I will nuke myself). Otherwise, the player will be able to control where they end up by bleeding off end with small EBs, or gratuitous use of powers. Also, as a rules point doesn't the absorption technically increase the AP of the base power so that it would never tip over into pool 2 or 3?
  5. Re: What if the Justice League was really a league? Actually, there is a legal basis for the NFL, MLB, MLS, NHL, etc. The U.S. anti-trust laws (i.e. the competition laws the prevent companies from conspiring to fix prices, etc.) have a specific exemption for certain sports leagues. Without that legal framework things like the salary cap, etc. would be illegal (price fixing). Those laws do not give the sports leagues a monopoly, but do give them the ability to develop one.
  6. Re: Vvv Are there going to be PDF and HD character packs available? My memory is that it takes a little while to turn those around. Is that correct?
  7. Re: [Character] Neuro I think he was complimenting and requesting a copy of your output template.
  8. Re: [Character] Harrier Ah, that makes sense.
  9. Re: [Character] Seizure Very nice. He is going to be a brute to put down with the damage reduction and high con.
  10. Re: [Character] Harrier Interesting character. I love characters who have technological assistance for their powers. She seems like she will be a good addition to a team. If you want to make things easier on the glider wings you might want to just consider adding Variable Limitation (-1/4)(either Limited manueverabilty (-1/2) or IAF Glider Cloak (-1/2)).(though that might increase the cost of the EC slot more than the cost of the MP slot). Quick rules question, can you spread an explosion? It seems like the universal limitation on the MP doesn't really do much on that particular slot. Once again, I love the Timm-esque vibe to the drawing. Your earlier pictures inspired me to rewatch a couple of JLU episodes.
  11. Re: Iconic Villains I would second the votes on: Dr. D, Mechanon, Foxbat, Firewing, Grond and Eurostar. I would also add Ankylosaur and Black Paladin.
  12. Re: Changing direction mid-jump My memory is that Steel Commando has Jump Jets that allow for this. It is built as flight for 1/2 move, etc.
  13. Re: [Character] Dragster You might want to be careful about linking the additional Dex and Speed to the Force Field. If your character gets stunned, the FF goes down and your speed and dex change. I have always found that sort of change to be a pain to deal with from an accounting perspective.
  14. Re: [Character] Apex Interesting to hear how it worked out. This seems to be a case where the lower speed world helps this particular type of build. When you are getting a PS12 recovery every 4 actions rather than one every 5 or 6, it increases the importance of Recovery. Thanks for sharing your experience and good luck with the new character.
  15. Re: Colossus With 12 dc attack at 10 ocv 7 dcv he should be pretty normal in a CU model universe. However, with 4 speed, he will be slow. With 20 def plus 50% resistance and the hardening, 80 stun, 40 con, etc. He will be up at the end of your average fight (damage reduction makes a character last for a long time). In short, a pretty solid 350 character - damage sponge and brick. If you want to stick at 4 speed, I would recommend boosting to 70 str (14 dc / 4 speed = slow, but hits hard). On the defense front, you are fine. In order to get there you can tweak the build: remove immortal from LS, reduce power def (to 10), LOW (to 5), KB resistance (to -6 or so) to get points. I would also add a couple of " to his running. My memory is that he used to run around, not jump. Right now, he is limited in movement unless he starts bouncing around. You might also want to consider a power skill. While it is a matter of style, I like some of hte suggestions from the others with DI instead of the build you have. However, they both work.
  16. Re: [Character] Apex Good job on both. They look great.
  17. Re: [Character] Apex Nice starting empyrean brick. For a normal CU campaign, the Speed might be a little low, but my memory, based on your posted comments, is that you run a relatively low Speed campaign so he should be fine. What program do you use for the pictures? It has a DCAU/Timm vibe to it.
  18. Re: Colossus My memory was that he suffered numerous equivalents of body damage when fighting that whirlwind dude who was trying to off all the Morlocks. But anyways, to the point of your comment, I think that double hardening is a bit over the top. You could probably get by with hardened. With one level of hardened at the levels you are discussing, you are taking about a 90 AP attack to draw body on average. With HM's version it is even higher.
  19. Re: Colossus I agree with you that Colussus was always a great character and sometimes radically under utlized. Nice version. Generally, I like it. However, I would agree with the other poster that you want a higher strength. In my head I have always pegged Colussus around 70. While I know that he has combat training from Prof X et al, I would eliminate the Martial Arts and give him additional levels (if you think necessary). I would also generally peg him at a slightly lower Dex (18ish for your average CU level campaign). On the LS, my memory is foggy, but was Petyr Immortal in armored form? Also, what is LS: Low Gravity? I understand low pressure / vacuum, but does gravity just mean that he doesn't puke his guts out floating around? Finally, is the NCM disad legitimate given that he ends up with super human stats in HID?
  20. Re: Three Heroes to Save the Universe Glad you like the question. Feel free to use home grown heroes if you don't use the CU.
  21. Re: Three Heroes to Save the Universe
  22. Re: Three Heroes to Save the Universe You gotta love that the general consesus of this tread is "when push comes to shove, I'm counting on Dr. Destroyer."
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