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Everything posted by Cardinal

  1. Re: Hero Points Unfortunately, I don't have 5ER, I stuck with just 5E. Thank you both for your feedback. In one of my PBEM games the GM is going to experiment with an HP system heavily mixing elements of Hero luck and MNM hero points. I will post my experience with it.
  2. Re: A question that has GOT to be asked! Amen.
  3. Re: Ghost Rider I don't have time to dig into em right now, but I think there are a couple samples of Ghost Rider in the old Red October files (I think Shelley McInyntre is hosting them) and on Susano's site. Sorry about not being more specific.
  4. Re: Charsheet review Cool looking template. Quick question though, Robin doesn't have Martial Arts? Was that for simplicity?
  5. Cardinal


    Re: Debriefing Captain Thunderbolt - Not going to come within a mile of this situation. He is (a) happily married and ( would think that getting involved would tarnish not only his reputation, but also that of his mentor and uncle (Captain Thunder of MNM Freedom City fame). He would likely have a very dim view of Drhoz, 3 and the rest of the menagerie that is their team. Cheshire Cat (yes that one), by contrast, would absolutely love this situation. While he is technically "reformed", he is (a) is a horn dog and ( lacks basic common sense. Absent The Hood or one of his teammates actively dragging him away, CC would definitely get himself immersed knee deep in this mess. However, given that he is a reformed thief and not particular wealthy, I am not sure that he would qualify on the status scale. That would not stop him from making a couple of internal "hello nurse" comments and try some very bad pick up lines.
  6. Cardinal

    Hero Points

    In his questions about 6th Ed., Steve mentioned "Hero Points" from Pulp Hero. I don't have Pulp Hero and am intrigued by the concept. Can someone give me the $.05 tour? Are they similar to Hero Points in MNM? Has anyone used them in practice? Do they work well?
  7. Re: Double The Hero Excitement! I have been looking for the announcements... Are there any threads that have the official announcement?
  8. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. I love the recent pics... especially the silver surfer dude. He just has a great vibe to him. Thank you for sharing.
  9. Re: Plex's Campaign I'm not sure I understand the * limitation. If what you are saying is that the Characteris falls to NCM (i.e. 20 Str, 20 Dex), I think you have over valued the limitation. For example, with 60 Strength, rather than applying 1/4 lim to 50 pts, you should actually only apply that 1/4 to the portion of the strength that is greater than 20. Therefore you pay full price for the first +10 STR, and then +40 STR at 1/4 lim. If instead, you expect Titan to have 10s across the board when in the presence of kelverite, then you have done it right.
  10. Re: Sky Captain And The World Of Tomorrow One of the most visually amazing films in a while. However, when you combine that with a lack of a plot and the worst on screen chemistry of two leading actors you get a BAD movie. I echo the many calls that this was an absolute waste of great potential. I mean, come on, the name alone is completely badass. Why did the movie have to suck.
  11. Re: Telekinesis Super. If MA with TK doesn't work for your campaign, that's cool. In case you are interested in seeing people's thoughts on Martial Arts and TK, here are links to two threads: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=23789 http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=35553 I'm not sure they qualify as deep reasoning, but it is an interesting array of opinions. My experience was that it was an effective combination, but not unbalancingly so. In reality, the GM ended up having more concerns about FMove martial arts. Good luck with the new character.
  12. Re: Plex's Campaign I think this MP has the same issue as Mind Scan. You wwill not be able to use the flight and Shield at the same time... even if you use only a limited subset of the power because they are u slots. I would recommend putting the TK, Flight, and maybe one or two other powers in an EC or out of the MP. You might want to look up the definition of Specific Group in the power above. It means that you will need to define it at the beginning (i.e. same family, only elves, etc.). If someone is added to your team, they will not be able to get into the ML. It is intended to be general, you need any mind.
  13. Re: Telekinesis Super. I played a Force Field projector for a while that is somewhat similar in effect. Think about Martial Arts for use with TK. There are a couple of threads about this topic which have some good ideas. Other ideas: Dex Drain (spin the target around) FF FW Entangle (TK constructs) NND (choke hold) NND (nerve strike) Duplicate (not same) or Summon for TK automatons. EB - TK blast EB AP - TK spike EB - 1 Hex AOE - TK ram (my character actually had an EB with variable adv for this). TK push EB - X2 KB. When you are looking at power
  14. Re: "Champions" in Oxford? You might want to try also posting on the Player Finder board.
  15. Re: What Book Should I Buy Next? Thanks everyone for your recommendations. Keep them coming. I don't have Pulp hero, but I am definitely open to non-champions books if they are good. I was considering both Pulp Hero and Fantasy Hero in addition to many of the one ones recommended. I hadn't thought about Utlimate Skill before, but the general outcry will definitely put it on the list for review. How broad based is Utlimate Metamorph? I absolutely loved UMA and thought Ultimate Brick was pretty solid. I was a bit disappointed in Ulimate Mentalist, but that is partially because I had very high hopes for it.
  16. Hello assembled Herophiles. I have scratched together a little coin and have been pondering what book to pick up. The following is a list of what I have: Hero 5E Champions Champions Universe CUNotW CKC VVV Champions WW Millenium City USPD UMA Ultimate Mentalist Ultimate Brick Viper: COTS Until: DOF Hidden Lands Shades of Black Does anyone have any particular favorites that did not make my list?
  17. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Just wait until he gets Seduction skill and his shotgun approach to pick up lines might actually work.
  18. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...
  19. Re: Characteristics in an EC It's too bad there aren't any threads dissecting this topic in more depth. That would be interesting to read. With that said, I agree with Derek's point here. Stats in ECs are not necessary and open the danger of munchkin wars. I also agree with LL's point about the END cost rule for ECs being arbitrary. But, as he said, that is a topic for another thread.
  20. Re: Plex's Campaign My recommendation would be to switch the Speedster tricks EC into a Speedster Tricks MP. You will save ~29pts with no appreciable loss of functionality (all of these are attacks and only one could be used at a time anyway). Also, you might want to look carefully at the +OCV for grab by and movethrough as I don't think you can put levels in a framework. You might want to consider Speedster Martial Arts (UMA) instead. It obviates the need for a couple of those slots. However, some GMs have found speedster MA to be a bit unbalancing. One slot I would recommend adding would be +3d6 AOE. This will allow you do do a 6d6 AOE simulating the speedster cruising around beating everyone down. Do a search for Z'lf or Zl'f (I can't remember the spelling) as an example of a pretty efficient Speedster MP.
  21. Re: Breadth instead of depth Well said. In a couple of the PBEMs I have played in, I have tried to encourage this sort of analysis at the character creation stage. If you can get the other players to cooperate, I think it is a great way to end up with distinct characters and an effective team. Unfortunately, people do not always cooperate.
  22. Re: House Rule: EGO Link Arise dead thread and do my bidding!!! Thanks to DH for pointing me in the direction of this thread in answer to one of my questions. This is exactly the sort of discussion I was looking for. KS - Did you implement this in your game? Did it work well? Any unforeseen glitches? Has anyone else used this sort of rule in their game? What was the impact on balance? I generally agree with DH that it should be a +0 Adv to choose Ego over Dex to base the attack mainly for the reasons given (EGO is the same cost as dex, they still have to deal with a crappy DCV, no Dex rolls, etc.). However, I am curious as to real life (if that can be used in the context of a RP game) impact of this rule. Thanks
  23. Re: New Uses for Ego thanks. While not the thread I remember, it is exactly what I was looking for. Prepare for some Thread Necromancy!
  24. I remember someone coming up with a couple of ideas on how Ego could be modified for use in a game. For example: a) Allow a character to take a +0 advantage, Based on EGO. The CV would then be based on ECV but target normal DCV, with range mods, etc. Basically a way to model the idea that a mentalist's TK should be based on will (or for a GL type figure); Allow character to use higher of CON and EGO to determine if they are stunned (to avoid mentalist characters having 23 CONs just to be effective). I can't find the threads now. Does anyone know which threads I am thinking about? Has anyone used rules like this in the past? What was the impact on game play? Thanks
  25. Re: Gavis Gan and those like him Part of my question stemmed from the fact that some adjustment powers are all or nothing. That seems to suggest the character would be useless in some cases and very powerful in others (sort of like the complaint about Mentalists). Your point brings up something I had not thought about, specifically how characters like that seem to be best on a team. Hmmm... Interesting thought.
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