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Everything posted by Cardinal

  1. Re: Birkoff goes independant For 20 pts, have you thought about just using Birkoff as an uber contact. 14- with all the wonderful adders you can think of. I suspect you will have trouble getting "tech god" on the budget you set out otherwise.
  2. Quick question for the assembled experienced GMs on this board. I am planning to put a team of 4 350-400 heroes (5E Standard Superhero parameters) through there paces. What do people think is a balanced opposition? If I go with one badguy? What about a team of villains? Agents? Anyone have a rule of thumb? Thanks for your help.
  3. Re: Ghost Archer! Explain this please! I believe it is out of favor with Steve et al, but I have always liked the variable limitation route -1/2 Variable Limitation ((a) OAF - Battle Visor (-1); ( Uncontrolled or © Side Effect (Blind)). You basically set the Variable Lim with the possible disadvantages and the player cycles between them. It seems less clunky than buying off the lim with a focus IMHO. I had a Force Field character with this type of disad that worked pretty well. Unfortunately, that campaign ended pretty quickly so I was not able to pressure test the design.
  4. Re: What power sets do you like, but never play? 1) Luck based character - I would love to play a luck based character. Unfortunately, last time I tried, I could not create a 350 pt character that was remotely balanced. Luck FX powers can get very expensive once you try to cover all the angles of indirect, multiple fx, and game impacts). You also have to be on the same wavelength with the GM on how Luck will be handled. My personal sense is that you will need for them to be very generous about handwaving stuff, which can be difficult if other players things you are getting favored. 2) Summoning based Mage - I have been wanting to play something other than a standard heremetic MP or VPP mage and love the idea of a summoning f/x. Haven't had a chance to put it into play. 3) Teleporter - I would love to play a tporter on the Tesserect end of the power set rather than the nightcrawler El Picario end.
  5. Re: [Campaign] DEFENDERS CONGREGATE!! Templar - The great stories continue. I am looking forward to the dramatic season conclusion.
  6. Re: Show me the Water Powers A couple of ideas: Tsunami - 6-10D6 EB AOE, Megascale, requires large body of water. Watery Hand - TK requires Water, affects porous Water Sense - Detect Water (you could conceivably make this a targeting sense given the high % that water comprises in most bodies). Dehydrate - 6D6 NND (def being not having substantial water in body). FX - sucking the water out of someone's body. CE - Fog, slick water, rain, etc.
  7. Re: CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE II - What Do You Want To See? As an unbiased observer, I second and third this suggestion. :thumbup: The Protectors meet a lot of the hew and cry for heroes on this thread as well as having a tremendous depth and history that adds flavor to the CU universe. I would absolutely LOVE to see the Protectors brought back n CUII or in a revision of TS&P.
  8. Re: The Long Distance Relationship: Playing Champions Through The Post
  9. Re: [Campaign] DEFENDERS CONGREGATE!! This continues to be a great set of stories and well told. Sounds like a fun campaign. Keep it up. :thumbup:
  10. Re: tactics as a power one potential Tactics based power would be: Find Weakness (all attacks), Usable on Others (x8), incantations, RSR: Tactics I think you might also need this at range for the UOO. The idea is "shoot him in the solar plexus, he is weak there..." However, this is potentially very abusive so tread carefully.
  11. Re: [Campaign] DEFENDERS CONGREGATE!! You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to TheTemplar again. Good stuff. Keep it coming.
  12. Re: Speedster Tactics Thanks everyone for your comments. I thought that the defensive, wait and see approach seemed to be the best. Unfortunately, my one data point was the situation where I was teamed 3-1, they made a teamwork role, one spread an EB and the two rolled really well. Next thing you know, I am paste. I am intriqued to play with the power set. My sense is that it will be very flexible and formidable if I can get it to work right. While I agree with you that it is lower than I would want, there were two factors that impacted it: 1) I ran out of points and 2) 25/25 is the DEF that the CU recommends as a top end.. for bricks. It seemed over the top to have a huge DCV and def. That being said, I recognize that the CU def recommendations are designed around a game where people go down quickly. Any other recommendations from anyone out there?
  13. I just started in a new campaign over at Hero Central playing a Speedster. This is the first time that I have ever played a speedster so I thought I would see if anyone has suggestions on the best tactics to use. The character is a beach bum speedster. The build is relatively basic. 20 Str, 35 Dex, 8 Spd, 15/15 pd/ed, 20/30" of running (if use extra running from MP), Speedster Martial Arts, MP of tricks (CE, entangle, clinging, etc.). My plan was to use lots of passing strikes and throws with a smattering of tricks for color. Do people recommend holding phases in order to react or to go on initiative and try to count on abort to flying dodge and DFC where necessary? I have been in one battle so far that ended less than spectularly well; I was gang pummeled by three opponents who used teamwork and spread EBs to nail me. My sense was that I made a mistake when I let up the initiative and let my opponent set the action rather than wailing away and continuing to move to new locations to keep the battle moving around the battlefield, counting on a high DCV to protect against direct attacks. I would appreciate any feedback or suggestions y'all might have.
  14. Re: Champions Universe Movie Casting Call In the "Obvious Comment of the Day"TM, Jennifer Lopez as... wait for it... Sapphire. I also like Matthew McConaughey as Cheshire Cat.
  15. Re: My Summer Vacation: A Short Story Good stuff.
  16. Re: Best published adventure I've always liked to Serve and Protect. However, the Protectors should wipe the floor with any team of starting heroes, so it might be a little over powered.
  17. Re: [Campaign] UNITY Prime Good stuff Chuckg. Any recent updates?
  18. Re: Seemingly Silly Things to Model How about XDG RKA IPE, AOE megascale (worldwide), Selective, Trigger (Name Said in hearing of fish); always on.
  19. Re: Creating the Silver Age Team Cool Character. Quick question: 44 Atomic Fission: Duplication (creates 600-point form) (120 Active Points); Limited Power Can be used only once a day for a total of ten minutes (-1), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4), Extra Time (Full Phase, Only to Activate, -1/4), Side Effects (Reduces Atomics Powers Multipower and STR by 15 active points; -1/4) Wouldn't this be Costs Endurance (-1/2; Costs End during entire time); 1 CC (5 minutes = -3/4; or 20 minues = -1/2)? [same total limitation, just using the rules that are already there] Also, rather than the side effect, why don't you just buy 15 Strength with the limitation Not while duplicated (-1/4)? Finally, is the duplicate supposed to be an accurate duplicate? If so, don't you need to up the total number of points in the form to 710 (750 less the cost of duplication)? I look forward to seeing the rest of the write ups.
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