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Dead guy on tab

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Everything posted by Dead guy on tab

  1. Re: Convention Game Idea - Classic Champions Yes, I have them in PDF form and I plan to use those as the basis for the 5th edition upgrade. That's why the later ones have question marks because I would have to build them from scratch. As far as the difficult adventures, I am trying to collect the adventures everyone remembers playing and have their share of war stories about. I hope to have players who have heard about the adventure and never got to play it or want to walk down memory lane or who never heard of it, but want to tap into Champions history pre-4th/5th edition. If I get this going, I could probably do this for several years and then I might have time to introduce the Protectors or Freedom Squad in establishment scenes before the adventures get rolling.
  2. Re: Convention Game Idea - Classic Champions Based upon the responses I have been getting, I am thinking of running a two part (A& of the some of the published adventures. The adventures I am specifically considering so far are Wings of the Valkyrie Island of Dr. Destroyer Deathstroke Here is the lineup of the Guardians I am thinking of Icestar Goliath Flare Marksman Rose Gargoyle Crusader Starburst or should I use Icicle Dove ??? More comments and suggestions are welcome.
  3. Based upon some of the postings I have been reading under the Wings of the Valkyrie thread, it appears a lot of people haven't played a lot of the old Champions adventures. This got me to thinking that there might be some interest in running classic adventures at a convention. Here's what I was thinking. I could update the original Guardians to 5th edition for the players and then choose one or two old published Champions adventures to run. I like it because it could done with a minimium of work and I think it might generate some useful discussions/transmit some Champions history at the same time. With this in mind Do people think this is a good idea? Would they be interested in playing such a game at a convention? Are they any pitfalls I might have overlooked? Which published adventures should be considered "classic"? Thanks for the input
  4. Re: Help me name this hero! For a slightly grimmer feel: Pagliacci Coulrophobos Bubbles the Clown Yorick Grimaldi
  5. Is there anyway to "heal" the flashed phases after being flashed?
  6. Re: What rule don't people know? You are correct -being knocked out wipes that pesky stunned effect away.
  7. Re: Feng Shui Champions? I saw your sites and liked the fu shtick translation - good stuff! I was more questioning if anyone tried to use the whole organizations - Mooks and Enforcers who are backed by highly connected political forces. Once the heroes fight through the red tape and whispering campaign, they find themselves facing transformed animal with all the power therein.
  8. Re: Wings of the Valkyrie update Thanks for the comments. I am not well versed on '30's German politics at all (just heavily releid on Wikipedia). I developed my history from the end backwards (i.e. I thought of a world where the U.S. was not a superpower, but was being squeezed by the two powers around it as an interesting place to adventure). I ran across the Man in the High Castle and borrowed it's map. I figured that Franz von Papen would seize the opportunity of the sudden destruction of the Nazi party which was on the rise to blame the Communist since both parties were engaged in street fighting at this time. I figure he was successful and most of the support of the Nazi party shifted to Paul von Hindenberg who could act as dictator. Plus the economic policies of the previous chancellor and negotiated reduction of the war debt would increase civic pride and aid von Papen's cabal. As he was consolidating his base, he was looking for an event, he could use to wipe out the Communists. I envisioned von Papen as a potential Kingmaker who had been outmanuevered by Hitler. If my players hadn't boogied for the first time machine they could get their hands on, it might be worth revisiting or if people wanted to develop a revised Wings of the Valkyrie adventure for their own use. I like Wings of the Valkyrie's thematic elements; my group has already started having discussions on the potential consequences of their actions and they haven't even met the bad guys yet! I find it useful for player role-playing as long as the GM-dumbass virus doesn't hit me when the time comes.
  9. Re: Wings of the Valkyrie update Before we get this read too far off. How would you update the adventures for 20 years later (to both reflect modern concerns and all the people around during World War II are getting up there)? What do people think of my modified timeline?
  10. Re: Who Is... Your Favorite Villain? I'm not sure. I consider doing this to differentiate Grond from Ogre. Ogre's INT is also low.
  11. Has anyone modified the assorted factions in Feng Shui for a Champions campaign? I think the Acended would be a good secret organization for the heroes to face with powerful opponents once they get to the core. The Dragons would be a good group for the characters to join/ally with.
  12. Re: Wings of the Valkyrie update You make an interesting point about adventure writing. I don't recall any adventure that gave the designer notes (e.g. character tie-ins they used during playtesting). It might be interesting if adventures including some of the author's thoughts on how they brought characters into the storyline, how the players reacted, unexpected character responses, what they were trying to go fo in the adventure. I wonder besides Strike Force if anyone else has included the "under the hood" part of the adventure. I know VOICE and To Serve and Protect had long threads on the old discussion board where the writers explained what happened in their home campaign. This got me to thinking that it would be nice if Champions put together a PDF revised Wings of the Valkyrie and included all the background recall story, play experiences, etc. Now to another point, the thing to remember in the Wings of the Valkyrie is that modern day is not as if the Nazi's had won. The Nazis are wiped out. I had imperial Germany win (think Otto Bismark). The injustices that plague the modern world should be the ones that would not have been noticed/addressed if the Nazi hadn't existed (e.g. ideas on racial purity, segregation, colonialism, etc.). I think an argument could be made that communism was much more destructive than Nazism.
  13. Re: Wings of the Valkyrie update I think the railroading is only necessary is so far as the GM/players are unwilling to play in a completely different campaign world. I ran the first half (with the PC's in an altered present), and I was willing to let them explore the world and run adventures in it for a while. Similarly, I am prepared to modify the present depending on their actions in the past. If you don't want to modify the campaign setting in response to the player's actions, I guess railroading would be needed. Since Wings of the Valkyrie was written in the '80's in needs quite a bit of updating to make it work for the 2007. I modified the background to create a different present day (I was never really that excited by the "red scare" tone of the original). I've attached my timeline for the adventure. I sued a sort of "man in the high castle" earth resulting from an imperial Japan and Germany winning World War II. I tried to use as many historical figures with their viewpoints as I could. My campaign is set in Chicago so it tends to be more Chicago-centric. Let me know what you think.
  14. Re: Sonics - tired power, need new ideas You could always do EB indirect (surrounding structures start to fall) Stun Drain Ranged BODY Drain Ranged
  15. Re: Sonics - tired power, need new ideas Depends how bad the rupture is. I ruptured my eardrum and the doctor just had me treat it with antibiotics to prevent infection and let it heal itself.
  16. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. Mechanon - Meat puppets are so unreliable.
  17. I read your response to the Breakfall with passengers. Could a character choose to take the falling damage himself and protect his passenger by making a Breakfall roll at -2 (assuming he did not make it by -4)? If possible, would he declare this before making the roll? Thanks.
  18. I saw your response to the Triggered REC question, but it caused me to think up a follow-up question. If you had a triggered healing (set effect to match character's REC) with the trigger set to go off if STUN went below zero, would the character take any of the benefits/penalties for being unconscious (loss of nonpersistent powers, END=0) if the triggered healing put his Stun positive? Would this ruling also apply to avoiding being Stunned (i.e. STUN goes below zero, character would be stunned but is not because he is unconscious)? Thanks for the clarification.
  19. Re: STUN Impairment/Disabling Rules That's the sort of feel I am looking for ala old Spider-man battles (he always seemed to be a less than optimal health).
  20. Re: Pulpify Champions Actually I haven't had the problem with them jumping hte tracks. I don't really see Wings of the Valkyrie as railroady - as a GM you just have to be prepared for the campaign to go in a completely different direction, but I figure that's fair - if the stakes are high, the consequences are high. My players couldn't wait to get back to fix the past - they didn't seem to like the alternate future even more than I expected. I will probably revive the Wings thread when I finish my alternate history (sort of a Man in the High Castle sort of world). I was actually disappointed the players didn't hang around in the modern day longer.
  21. I am looking to introduce a little more realistic effects for combat in a Champions campaign. I currently use hit locations, impairment, disabling, etc. Now I find that impairing/disabling effects are incredibly rare in Champions and if they do happen the character is already in a world of hurt. I was wondering if anyone had tweaked the impairing/disabling rules to reflect STUN damage. Here is what I was thinking. If you lose 1/3 of your STUN in a single attack, you suffer a impairing effect until you recover that STUN. If you take 2/3 of your STUN in a single attack, you make a CON roll if you fail, you take a disabling effect until you recover 1/3 STUN and then the effect becomes impaired as above. If you make your CON roll you take an impairing effect until you recover 2/3 of STUN. I was thinking these would be good ways to simulate the aches and pains that can occur during combat. What do people think?
  22. Hello, I am currently running a Silver Age Champions campaign. Right now the characters have gone back in time (Wings of the Valkyrie) to 1931. I am thinking of bringing a pulp feel to the next part of the adventure. How would you convert 4 color champions characters to a pulp hero setting? I have some ideas since I ran a JI Champions campaign once. I'm just curious how people would go about modifying characters/setting to increase pulp feel.
  23. Re: Scene Sheets Thrakazog, I have the same problem you do. Hence I created these sheets to keep track of my subplots. I also find that I try to have all the NPC's for each scene collected to avoid a lot of hunting while running. Lastly, I find I also tend to forget scenes which move my subplots along in favor of the main plot of the evening.I'll have to check out the blue book since I don't recall anything for scenes (adventures maybe). I also double check the GM screen booklet for 5th ed since it had a lot of that stuff. Again do these sheets look like they'll work or am I missing something key?
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