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Dead guy on tab

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Everything posted by Dead guy on tab

  1. Re: Are all the good names really takes? Growth: Macro Archer: Yeoman
  2. Re: Best Avengers Group I kind of liked the Roy Thomas line-up: Yellow Jacket Wasp Goliath (Clint Barton) Vision Scarlet Witch Quicksilver Black Panther They seemed to be good a keeping the tradition alive like they were replacements (even though they have two founders and three of the first four recruits). In addition, they seemed to solve the problems in unusual ways (like Pym thinking love thy neighbor to drive Ultron batty). They didn't have any other continuity issues to deal with (e.g. see Iron Man 50 for details); so character development was also introduced heavily. Finally, it was the last of the solid Pym period where he was a thinking leader. All in all a good solid run.
  3. Re: Looking for House rule suggestion Why not go back to the old pre-4th ed rules (1 END/5 active points). You could also enforce the 1 END for being active (otherwise 1/2 DCV) and no recoveries if you take damage that phase . I did this for a pulp supers game and END does become important. If that doesn't work, he could increase the END/Active points to tune it to where he wants it. Looking at your example, it appears that the character uses 92 END in 10 Turns (+66 END for 11 Post-12 Recoveries). Which works out to ~3 END/action. If you double the END costs, the character would be able to go only 2 Turns before running out of END with each action costing 6 END instead of 3 END.
  4. Re: Hero name However, imagine the villains surprise - "what kind of name is Barney? Are you going to hug me to death? Holy!!! He's turned into a vicious dinosaur! AHH!!!
  5. As a GM, I would like to balance the players' powers with their skills. Unfortunately, skills often are purchased as an afterthought once the powers are sorted out. This is especially a problem with new characters. How do I emphasize skill use without either having the plot drag (because the character's haven't purchased skills) or having NPC's always showing them up (because the NPC's have skills the player's don't)?
  6. Re: Hero name Barney
  7. Re: Harnessing Meta-gaming I put together an adventure feedback form which has a section for players to suggest additional xp and hero points another player should receive. I'll have to check my hero action rules to see if I have a provision for players to spend their points to aid another player in being heroic. Thanks for the suggestions. What is the gist of the "fan mail" mechanic?
  8. Has anyone collected the recurring plot threads dropped in the backgrounds of assorted characters to develop a list of these threads and characters involved (e.g. Kirby Loo, Crowns of Krim, etc.)?
  9. Hello, I've been trying to think of ways to use meta-gaming to improve the game enjoyment. To this end, I have asked my players to identify which shticks (both power and personality) their character represents to allow me to spotlight and avoid character overlap. In addition, I provide players with set goals each adventure. I distribute experience based upon the players' performance against these shticks and goals. I also use scene cards (see thread of standard vs. dramatic scenes) and hero action points. Are there other ways I could use the natural meta-gaming players do to increase the comic book feel of the game?
  10. Re: Standard vs. Dramatic scenes (Torg-inspired) I am still working out all the details, but I tend to give out Hero Action Points (from Pulp Hero) for approved actions during the scenes. I am also working on how to lower the opposition's abilities to favor the heroes during standard scenes.
  11. Can you use casual Strength to resist knockback. If so, is it a zero phase action (with the reduction in DCV)? Thanks
  12. Re: Need a Name for a Temporal Prison Flying Dutchman Tardis Moebius
  13. Re: Need a Name for a Temporal Prison Limbo
  14. Re: Standard vs. Dramatic scenes (Torg-inspired) I am not planning on flipping the scene cards at random ala Torg - I choose the scene cards as part of planning the adventure. I am trying to clue the players into the "soundtrack" of the scene if you will. I do try to think about the type of combat setting as well. I mostly want to use the scene descriptors as a guide to the action, e.g. if the scene card says "They're on the run" - I would like my heroes to be aggressive with the villains while the villains are trying to escape. I also want the heroes to have a feel for when it is more appropriate to push their powers, etc. I don't like it when heroes push/use all the energies against a couple of mooks when the big baddie is waiting around the corner. I also figure that some villains will always be standard scene villains, some villains will always be dramatic scene villains, and some will be both depending on the context of the scene. I also like using the scene cards to reward characters for dramatically appropriate actions (ala approved actions) via hero action points. I figure by manipulating the villains abilities downward in standard scenes, the players won't feel like they are receiving a penalty; rather that in standard scnes they gain a bonus. In addition, the players don't have to adjust how their character functions only I do.
  15. Hello, As I get back in the swing of GMing, one of the things I thought about implementing was a way to better simulate combat scenes in comics. Oftentimes the heroes are shown facing opposition that is not much of a challenge for them. These scenes allow the heroes to demonstrate how powerful they are. Inevitably the heroes face the villain of the piece in a dramatic conflict where things don't go so easily. I am looking to simulate these effects via a "meta-game" mechanic. I feel that Torg had a good mechanic to get this feel. They used scene cards that gave benefits to the heroes if it was a standard scene and to the villains if it was a dramatic scene. I am using a modified form of this. In standard scenes, the villains are given a disadvantage, while in the dramatic scenes they are not. What would be an appropriate disadvantage to apply to a villain who is normally equal to the heroes that would give the heroes a significant advantage? I've attached some scene card titles to demonstrate what the Torg cards were like. The advantages in Torg were tied to the game mechanics of the system so it is hard to translate into Hero. How I use this is a follows: During a combat scene I reveal a scene card - if it is on a white background it is a standard scene - if it is on a black background it is a dramatic scene. I choose the quote to reflect the general tone of the combat. These scene cards may be changed at any time as the combat progresses, but they are intended to give the players a feel for where I as the GM would like the scene to go. In addition, the give the players clues as to when it would be appropriate to make dramatic gestures. Comments and suggestions are welcome. Thanks for the assistance.
  16. Re: UNTIL Super Powers Database I & II are darned useful If you remembered the day when he first wrote these, now THAT would be old.
  17. Hello, I am getting back into the GM's chair after a long hiatus. I am currently running a Champions campaign that is using some of the Champions universe from all editions, but is at a lower power level. Here is my concern. I am modifying assorted villain teams for facing the heroes. How do you determine whether they will be a challenge for the players, especially with uneven numbers (say 5 on 4). I have been tinkering with assorted effectiveness ratings. Do these work well as a total (say 4 heroes of 400 combined effectiveness facing 5 villains of 400 combined effectiveness - villains average 80 effectiveness)? I am trying to ease the learning curve as I get a feel for the player characters; so I can focus on the story. Secondly, I would like to be able to quickly modify the opposition to deal with last minute cancellations as well. Any thoughts/comments?
  18. Re: Player Adventure Feedback My version seems to fit on two pages - which I can then print out double sided. I could compress it, but I wanted to make sure I left enough space for written comments.
  19. Re: Player Adventure Feedback The extra XP section is so the players can suggest why and how much XP other players should receive for actions during the session.
  20. Has anyone put together a feedback form for players' input on previous adventures? I took a shot at making one and would appreciate any comments. Is there anything I forgot to add? Thanks for the input.
  21. Re: Top 10 Action Hero One-Liners "Anyone not interested in dying better clear out the back." - Unforgiven
  22. Re: Comics you loved...but apparently no one else did Anyone remember these? Scarlet Thunder - World War II speedster, art deco style The Victorian - Pulp, futuristic, horror - heck I am still not sure what was happening Justice Society (DC) - the one after the 12 issue limited series. It was cancelled before it even started, but Dr. Midnight was what Batman wishes he could be. Liberty Project - just cause any series which has a major nemesis join the team after he threatened to eat them and then turn out not to be bulletproof gets major mojo points. The first Tick series
  23. Hello, I have a couple of questions on how a power would operate. I have purchased a Teleport UAA with Side effects (target and attacker switch places). Here are my questions: 1) Would I be able a) to take a half-move before using the full-power or would the half-move reduce the teleportation "movement" to a hlaf-move? 2) If I miss my target does the side effect go into effect (i.e. I teleport right next to the target or does nothing happen?) 3) Could I use this to interrupt an attack and cause the attacker to attack my target? Thanks for the clarification.
  24. I was thinking of building a teleport power limited to the nearest location in given direction (church in my case). I was wondering how to do this. Fixed points would be way too expensive for the effect IMO. Floating fixed points aren't right because he doesn't necessarily study the place beforehand. I'm not sure the limited path limitation works because he teleports in the general direction so it isn't as limiting. Any suggestions?
  25. Re: Martial Arts, Weapons, STR, and HA's Q One note on your example D) The amount of DC that your strength can add must be equal or less than the DC of unadvantaged HA. Thus if you buy a 1d6 HA with a bunch of advantages - you will only be able to add 1d6 of Strength to the attack to get 2d6 advantaged. and the max damage would be 4d6.
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