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Dr. Anomaly

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Everything posted by Dr. Anomaly

  1. Re: Musings on Random Musings Those were adverbs, Tim.
  2. Re: No damage from falling Why not: Always Land Gently As A Feather: Gliding, 1", Only To Slow Falls To The Point Of No Damage On Impact (-1) 1 point.
  3. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER "You have the soul of an artist cursed by the mind of a scientist." One of the most unusual compliments I've ever received...
  4. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... "I stand up and pull the soldering iron out of my head."
  5. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...
  6. Re: Musings on Random Musings Did you offer to point that mod to the relevant thread(s) here to illustrate the situation / back up your claim?
  7. Re: Fusion transmutation.
  8. Re: Speed Force, too unbalanced? I'll tack on another, though I admit it's largely circumstantial: We all know how much store Dan Simon puts in caffiene. We also know how fast he pumps out code fixes...
  9. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...
  10. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... "Okay, so a cat and a piece of buttered toast strapped into a generator rig could produce a perpetual motion machine and thus free electricity. Got it. But what if you put it in a closed box, like Schrodinger's Cat, you wouldn't be sure if it was alive or dead, would you?" "No... but you could be sure it was spinning..."
  11. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Harper (to Nadia): "So... let me understand this correctly... you want a cat for a familiar... that's been built out of leftover or 'spare' cat parts?" Nadia (the necromancer): "Of course not! Want familiar cat built out of only best parts available!"
  12. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... "You know, the sight of a 12-year-old Doc Oc doing Tai Chi using his mechanical tentacles is... rather disturbing... "
  13. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... "Some people undress women with their eyes; you're the first person I've met who dresses them with their eyes!"
  14. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... "So... the pinnacle of enlightenment is being a cat? Who would have guessed?" ----- "Okay, so just how DO you consecrate a black hole, anyway? And so help me, if you say 'Very carefully!'..." ----- "Nadia feels better because we now actually have a plan... and it involves trouble, if we're lucky!" -----
  15. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Proverb say: Man who manage to get tuna fish juice on himself while making tuna salad not want for ***** all day. The preceeding is brought to you by my clumsiness and my cat Bitmap. And on a related note, it's definitely worth an extra 40c per can or so to go with solid white albacore over the regular grade of stuff at 65c a can or (shudder) the low-end practically-a-soup giblets at 50c a can! Edit: oooookay... evidently that particular slang term for a housecat is on the "verboten" list by the auto-censor...
  16. Re: Advanced energy sources: Some thought and pretty big numbers. Well, that was sort of my point. Pick a time and culture. That time & culture's weapon of mass destruction may be the future's "commonly available to anybody" item. Today's thermonuclear weapons (or their equivalent in reaction and/or power) may be used in civilian / consumer items in the future. Marty McFly: "Relax, Doc... all we need is a little plutonium." Dr. Brown: "I'm sure that in the future plutonium is available at every corner drugstore... but in the here-and-now, it's a little harder to come by."
  17. Re: Advanced energy sources: Some thought and pretty big numbers. I can't help but think that at the time gunpowder and other explosives began to be used seriously in warfare, they were the weapon of mass destruction at the time. Yet today most of us drive around in vehicles whose fuel tanks contain more explosive potential than the early explosive devices. I know the scale isn't anything like the same, but...
  18. Re: Speed Force, too unbalanced? I haven't seen Over The Hedge yet; this reminds me of that episode of Futurama.
  19. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... "I'm sorry for quoting Mr. Spock, but 'Your odds of survival are NOT promising.'" "Well, I'M sorry for quoting Han Solo... 'Never tell me the odds!!'"
  20. Re: Random SF Science Questions That sums it up pretty well. We did get to see the original Cybertronian versions of a few of the Transformers on both sides during the early part of the first episode of the original cartoon series, but only a few of them. However, that's major thread drift.
  21. Re: Random SF Science Questions Oh, absolutely! All the various "-on"s can be a bit confusing. (Side note: most of the "bad guy" groups and such had names that ended in "-on", while most of the "good guy" groups didn't. But the name of the home planet of both the good guy Transformers and the bad guy Transformers ends in "-on". Hmmm.) And as cheesy and so on as the Transformers movie is, it remains one of my all-time favorites.
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