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Dr. Anomaly

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Everything posted by Dr. Anomaly

  1. Re: Reboot HERO Well, in Reboot season 3, they were system-hopping, usually with every episode.
  2. Re: Musings on Random Musings I think I'm in love...
  3. Re: Musings on Random Musings For zornwil? Sure!
  4. Re: creating a new world using a new system
  5. Re: new to the hero system, so howdy!!!! Well, the junior G-men are only mods for the NGD, unless I misunderstand...
  6. Re: Battletech Mecha First Loves, Favourites, and just plain silly. The first Battlemech I fell in love with? The Ostscout. I kid you not. I still love those things!
  7. Re: Interplanetary colonies Infinity Hold, by Barry B. Longyear. Interesting book.
  8. Re: WWYCD - The Night of the Dead For Dr. Anomaly, it would probably settle a question that's plagued him for years. Both is parents are "missing, presumed dead" in the Bermuda Triangle. He's never been able to find any trace of them or their boat, despite years of trying. He honestly has no idea if they're alive or dead; if one of them visits him, that question would at least be settled. If that's the case, they'd likely spend the night talking, with Solomon (Dr. Anomaly) trying to both say all those things he somehow never got around to saying while they were still around, and telling and showing them what he's done and what he's become, and hoping for their approval. If not his parents (either because they AREN'T dead, or whatever cosmic factors behind this don't see fit to send their spirits his way) I can't think off-hand of an immediate second choice, unless it's one of the great "gadgeteer" types from the past, like Nikola Tesla.
  9. Re: Practical Costuming (not quite a WWYCD)
  10. Re: Wow....that is a useless power for sure.... For some other ideas, check out some of the names in this thread: Worst Sidekicks. Then, there's also this ability: Extra-Dimensional Movement, Through Time (1 second into the future, measured from when the power began activating), Extra Time: 1 second to activate.
  11. Re: Prescription Hero Nuts to that! I've roleplayed in a car... on a long, interstate drive... while DRIVING said car! There's nothing wrong with it!
  12. Re: Ravenswood Academy Yearbook Sorry, Twilight; my depression's had a firm grip on me again for the last month plus, and I haven't gotten anything related to that done.
  13. Steve, Two questions regarding DCV levels, primarily in connection with using them to represent the size modifier of permanently smaller-than-human creatures. First, HDv3 allows the 5-point levels bought as DCV to be made Persistent. The problem with this is that according to 5ER, pg. 53, very bottom of the 1st column: "A CSL (of any cost) applied to DCV is not Persistent (and cannot be made so except by buying the Skill Defense Manuever at level IV; see page 57)." Second, since CSLs bought for DCV (even if bought as Powers) to represent the difficulty in hitting a small target are NOT Persistent, doesn't this mean that a sleeping or unconcious Insectile creature (+12 DCV; Bestiary, page 26) is just as easy to hit as a sleeping or unconcious human-sized creature?
  14. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... You're welcome. Glad I could clear that up.
  15. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... A particular character was going to have a Tarot reading done for him by another character. When he touched the deck of cards to shuffle it, he was surprised to find how GOOD the deck felt in his hands, and likened it to picking up a cat that wanted to be petted. The owner of the deck replied that was unusual, and must mean the deck liked him. Later, the character that likened the way the deck felt to the way a cat feels was talking to a third character about the experience, and summed it up by saying "Apparently I'm Meow Mix for a deck of cards". Since he meant the deck liked him and responded to him like a cat responding to a "kitty treat", it would probably have been more accurate for him to say that he was "catnip", not cat food (Meow Mix) but that's what he said.
  16. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... "Apparently I'm Meow Mix for a deck of cards."
  17. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... [sound of a "number not in service" tone] "I'm sorry... the soul you've tried to reach has been reincorporated or is not available at this time. Please check your corpse and try again later." Necromancer (to the monk): "You see? This is the problem with reincarnation... now it we want to talk to him we've got to go hunt up the cow or whatever it is that he's been reincarnated as..."
  18. Re: That's no moon, that's a space station! [chuckles] Yeah, the similarity hit me many years ago...
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