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Posts posted by Tom

  1. 1 hour ago, Iuz the Evil said:

    So much for “the Moskva sank due to an accidental fire “…


    While I'm inclined to believe the Ukranians scored with missiles, sacking the responsible admiral doesn't prove the argument.  Commanding officers, and commanding flag officers, get sacked and/or disciplined when major losses occur due to accidents which "should not have been possible" if appropriate training and leadership were in place.

  2. I’d say Tornado and Brazen for co-leaders. 

    As noted, Arctic Fox hasn’t really seemed a “people person”. Viewpoint and Slime have been more accustomed to running solo (and Slime may not have quite enough experience with Earth culture to ride center seat - though Viewpoint might appreciate an opportunity to go someplace where he doesn’t have a reputation to live down)


    I also don’t see Pinprick leaving Lady O without pressing need, and moving cities would also likely impact time with his kid.


    Tornado has the experience and people skills and Brazen can probably keep him grounded and on track. Plus, being in a different city will make it easier for her to keep from falling back into the “base support” role (imo)


    Hussar makes sense to PC, both because it puts a brick on both teams and because he and Eel tend to rub each other the wrong way.  

    Aspirant is going wherever Pogo goes, the question is whether she feels ready to maybe step out a little (and I’m not 100% sure she isn’t a minor still). 

    I can see Bramble maybe stepping back to reserve status(?) - depending on how hard she plans on hitting the books.  Where depends on who has the better botany program and how much she feels the need for space. 

    I like the idea of Trailblazer staying to fill the speedster role, plus I like how her powerset and Eel’s clash (my inner GM just starts cackling  and rubbing his hands together diabolically for some reason). 

  3. 12 hours ago, Lord Liaden said:

    I found this post in the comments of a YouTube video, from "Ganieda Morgan," and thought it worth sharing as one way you can offer people perspective on the Ukraine situation.


    Terrific analogy sent to me by a (Ukrainian) friend

    For anyone that’s confused about what’s happening in Russia and Ukraine, here it is in layman’s terms:

    -Ukraine used to be in an abusive relationship with Russia, feeding him, letting him use her car, and giving him whatever he asked for until she built up the confidence to call it quits back in 1991.

    -Since then, Ukraine has been working on herself, becoming a strong independent woman with help from friends like France, America, Poland, and others. They give her support, loan her money, and are helping her find her way.

    -Ukraine has been enjoying being single for 30 years and looking forward to continuing to grow and create new friendships.

    -Now Russia, being the toxic ex that he is, wants her back, and doesn’t want her meeting new people or creating any new relationships.

    -A couple of weeks ago Russia started sitting in front of Ukraine’s house & when her friends ask him what was he doing there, he said “Oh nothing, just getting a little bit of exercise in, that’s all.”

    -After her friends told her that Russia was potentially getting ready to do something bad to her, he said “They’re lying, they just want you to be scared of me and that’s not what it is.”

    -Yesterday Russia broke into Ukraine’s house, beat her up & “took advantage” of her while live-streaming and double-dog dared any of her friends to do something about it. She’s still waiting for help! 🙏🙏

    …and Russia says he’ll leave if she agrees not to join the neighborhood watch (NATO), gets rid of her gun and dog (demilitarizes), doesn’t disagree with him ever in public (becomes officially “neutral”), and abandons “woke” ideologies (ok, so I have no more idea what de-nazification is supposed to be than anyone else).


    Sound about right?

  4. 1 hour ago, archer said:



    Putin said western sanctions on Russia were akin to a declaration of war, reports Reuters.




    I’m thinking I’ve seen where he said something similar fairly recently. Though unless he backs it up with something egregiously stupid, it’s just posturing. 

    Attacking a NATO country, or pretty much any other country, doesn’t make a whole lot of sense when he apparently has his hands full militarily with Ukraine. 

    I’m in the camp that suspects he’s just trying to convince everybody else that he just might be crazy enough to do the unthinkable if he’s pushed too far and maybe we shouldn’t be too enthusiastic with the implementation of sanctions. 

    Hopefully I’m just not trying to reassure myself that Putin hasn’t really gone crazy and he’s trying to convince himself (and the people who would have to actually push the buttons) that he’s justified in trying to destroy world in self-defense. 

  5. 1 hour ago, unclevlad said:

    What a very depressing way to start the new year.


    Watching bowl games, like many of us, right?  Started with the first one, which happened to have Penn State.  


    Lo and behold, there's an ad playing while I'm not watching per se...about "opposing unconstitutional vaccine mandates."  ARGH!!!!   NOO!!!!  Later on, there's another seriously ReTrumplican candidate's ad.


    These are for *Pennsylvania* Senate races.  So far both have run twice.


    Oh god, it's gonna be a long year, isn't it?


    Pretty much.  I've already been having to listen to the ads for the ReTrumplican candidates for the open Senate seat in Ohio, each one trying to out-Trump the other...


  6. 4 hours ago, Lord Liaden said:


    This story doesn't suggest any circumstances whereby they could claim refugee status, so no, Canada wouldn't allow fugitives from American law into the country legally. They could slip in covertly, of course, but $4,000.00 US won't sustain two people for long in Canada.


    (I tried not to mention "responsible gun owners" again, but failed my Ego roll.) 😞

    Yeah, well, these people aren’t exactly poster children for “responsible gun owners” - but I’m fairly old school and out-of-touch, so what do I know. 

    (Darn, failed my EGO Roll too…)


    I am curious to see if the charges against the parents stick. I’ve read Michigan doesn’t actually have any laws requiring safe storage, but their reported behavior makes it seem unlikely for them to escape a courthouse entirely unscathed. 

  7. Gun magazines are still fairly popular, at least in my area (NW Ohio).  I invariably see them gas stations/truck stops that carry magazines and I've seen them in my local B&N and Meijer stores though I haven't read/leafed through one in ages.


    I wasn't really into tacticool, which seemed to just really be building in popularity while I still worked in a gun club/store back in the 90s, and I've no idea what to make of the CoD/PUBG cosplay set which keep popping up as right wing demonstrators so I definitely don't have a clue of what seems to be passing for gun culture these days.

  8. 35 minutes ago, Hermit said:

    I actually don't like Beer period. But I know enough about it to know that our beer in America, the big company commercial stuff anyway, is considered to suck big time. Now local brewers and small crafters, I'm told , are all over America and produce some quality stuff, but again I wouldn't know :)


    There are some non-big company stuff that is at least drinkable.


    Beer is one of those things where there is so many varieties, there is likely something you would find tolerable (if not actually likeable) but unless you really feel the need to find a beer to drink it's not worth subjecting yourself to the costs of finding it.


    Though random chance can provide unexpected opportunities, which is how I actually know of beers/ales I will drink by choice.

  9. 1 minute ago, Lord Liaden said:



    I guess what I'm taking from this is, guns can often be a deterrent without shooting an aggressor, but if you're going to draw a firearm, be prepared to use it. If you use it, be prepared to gravely injure or kill your opponent. And be prepared to have your action scrutinized and to be able to justify it. If you aren't prepared for those potential consequences, don't use a gun.





    One of the core rules of gun safety is to never point a firearm at anything you aren't prepared to see destroyed.

  10. 2 minutes ago, Lord Liaden said:


    Is it realistic to think that the use of a firearm to stop an act of aggression, won't result in death or great bodily harm to the aggressor? The distinction you're making sounds impractical.

    Which is why using a firearm is considered the use of deadly force and is only “justified” to defend against death or great bodily harm. 

    Having worked in armed security, and having had similar use-of-force training as military law enforcement, you are trained to shoot to “stop”.  Which if you’re aim is good, your opponent will be in need of medical attention at a minimum.  However, assuming you have not inflicted an immediately lethal injury, if you continue to fire once you are no longer under threat you are no longer considered to be acting defensively.


    That does not always seem to be reflected in courtroom proceedings, but that is the way it is supposed to work. 

  11. 4 minutes ago, unclevlad said:


    What possible justification can a judge have for becoming involved with another officer of the court, regardless of side?


    Pretty sure this is a different case, but it also goes to show the problems with trying to unseat a judge:





    Wasn't it Kissinger that supposedly said "Power is an aphrodisiac"?


    Judges have power - some people are all to willing to abuse power, regardless of the source.

    35 minutes ago, Ragitsu said:


    A firearm is not a "tool"; a firearm is a weapon. There's another problem: casual rebranding that steadily blunted the seriousness of the matter.


    Weapons are a subset of tools.  It's not much of a stretch since not everyone uses firearms as a weapon.

  12. 36 minutes ago, BoloOfEarth said:

    My curiosity is really piqued about what Eel was setting up at Hobby Wood.  And I think I need to quickly re-read Part Due to see if I can figure out who Ophiotaurus might be before the big reveal.  


    I was *really* happy to see Mayo return in this latest installment.  I always enjoyed his and Caleb's friendship, and know Fish Guy will benefit from Mayo's wisdom.  Maybe this time we'll get to see Mayo strut his magic stuff?


    I like the tongue-in-cheek Star Wars reference (though I had to look it up to truly get the joke).


    No real suggestions come to mind.  Good job.

    I’ve got a pretty good idea  who Ophiotaurus is, but I’m curious about Eel’s hobby project as well. 

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