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Everything posted by MCMaenza

  1. Re: For a *fresh* look at some of our faves. Nice style. Repped.
  2. Re: All-New Iron Age Zoo Crew? I liked Captain Carrot's series too. What they did in the two recent issues of Teen Titans was to run it as a parallelism to what is going on in Infinite Crisis, ie. to show how darkness has corrupted everything in comics over the past decade or so. Even the funny-animal hijinks of CC and the Crew were turned into dark, heavy themes. I saw it more as a commentary of how bad comics have gotten of late (as opposed to a joke).
  3. Re: The Character Idea Thread Statsis sounds a lot like a character idea called Void that I once had (his whole body acted like a dimensional gateway). He was a villain. I don't have my sheets handy (due to our pending move to a new house - all the stuff is in storage) so I don't recall how I wrote him up. When I find it I can try and post about it.
  4. Re: Comics that I miss. While I could certainly pick some runs on titles with certain creators, I would rather go with title-concepts I miss: - monthly team-up titles (like Brave & the Bold, Marvel Two-In-One, DC Comics Presents, Marvel Team-Up) set in the main universe continuity that doesn't have six part stories all the time just so they can be collected into trades - a solid anthology title (like the old DC dollar comics or the relaunched Showcase book of the 90's) that has a couple different tales, with rotating line ups (some one parters, some two, some four perhaps)
  5. Re: Don't Buy Everything In a Good Story (Topic: Supers and the Law) Perhaps, like Syndrome, the other villains felt part of the challenge was gone without heroes to face. Kind of like how the Flash's Rogues Gallery all liked sparring with the speedster as much as committing crimes. After Barry died, a lot of them lost a lot of interest in crime. If the crime was more important, why hit Central City over and over and over again? Commit a crime in a city without a hero.
  6. Re: Need Spell ideas... I would figure a supers-sorcerer/sorceress would have some of the following spells: flight or levitation, some kind of energy blast, maybe an astral projection, a summoning spell of some kind, etc.
  7. Re: CHAR: Green Lantern One correction: the sector that Earth is in is 2814.
  8. Re: I need an "S" Suit and System are the first two I thought of as well.
  9. Re: What was your first character like? The first Champions character I ever wrote up: an albino with mental abilities who went by the name of the Intruder. He still exists in my campaign world, as a member of a team of heroes in Texas.
  10. Re: CHAR: Green Lantern Hal, definitely Hal.
  11. Re: Costume fixation (Get your mind out of the gutter) Nova's original look was rather cool (looking forward to the Essential next month). About the same time, the original design for Firestorm's costume stood out at the time it debuted.
  12. Re: The things you pick up from Cartoon Network CES, I saw that episode. While he was truly a super friend, that guy was a brat. I'm talking about them doing an episode where a super-friend comes to the house and all the others aspire to be like him. Can you imagine the heroic identities Wilt, Eduardo, Co-Co and Blue could come up with? My minds racing!
  13. Re: CHAR: Aquaman Oh, I should add - Aquaman's wife's name is Mera.
  14. Re: The things you pick up from Cartoon Network I'm a huge fan of "Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends" - though it took a little time to grow on me. If they haven't done an episode around an imaginary super-friend, I think they should. That would rock!
  15. Re: Costume fixation (Get your mind out of the gutter) I always liked the original Huntress (Helena Wayne) costume. Zatanna's classic fishnets and top hat work best.
  16. Re: CHAR: Aquaman Holy Halibuts! (sorry, had to do an Aqualad exclaimation) That's a very thorough Aquaman write up. Nice job.
  17. Re: Meeting Facilitation and Gaming I have to agree - when I have GMed a large group of folks, I will get bogged down in all the GM related elements. Having one of the players kind of help moderate (in character, usually) helps things go a bit more smoother.
  18. Re: Champions "What Ifs" What If: the Champions/Flare comics had been better than what they were? Side note: I wish I had known about how much Steve Long disliked CLOWN back when I had him as a player in one of my campaigns. I would have found a way to bring CLOWN about a lot!
  19. Re: College Professor Skill Level I'd generally go with an 11- or 12- for most professors with their general category skills, and then maybe a 14- or 15- in a specialized area. I think this kind of stuff really only matters for the PC's and NPC's though. Beyond that, if it is just some cameo character that shows up once in a blue moon - I don't even do the rolls. I just have that professor know what I need him to know in order to move the plot along (if that's his purpose in the narrative).
  20. Re: What does a SuperTeam need? It really depends upon the campaign you want to do. If you want to go (what I'd consider) big with a JLA/Avengers like level, you need some heavy hitters. A decent brick, someone with good energy attacks, a clear leader - not always the strongest of the group and a tech/intellect type. Beyond that, fill in with personalities. Speedsters and mentalists can be a headache for you as a GM - as I have found they can tend to through the game out of balance unless you have some restrictions on what they can and cannot do.
  21. Re: Finally, I bought the game! Only one problem... This has kind of prevented me from moving up to the 5th Edition. If I plop down for the big black book, I still have to buy a Champions book too. Now, if it had been done like the 4th Edition big blue book - ie. first half rules, second half genre specific - then I would go for it.
  22. Re: Favorite Marvel 'What If?' The FF Roast by Fred Hembeck was a fun book.
  23. Re: Worst comic book superfight ever Yup, those Marvel Vs. DC fights were bad - most especially the ones decided by reader votes. I mean, hey, I love the X-Men too but Wolverine and Storm were out of their league. They should have lost.
  24. Re: Favorite Marvel 'What If?' I was a big fan of the classic What If series. I even enjoyed the occasion humor issues. My favorite: probably What If Rick Jones had become the Hulk?
  25. Re: Professor X vs Hector Hammond I have no doubt that Xavier would win in the end, but Hammond would do some nasty exploitation of Prof's emotions first. Xavier has morales where Hammond has none.
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