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Everything posted by MCMaenza

  1. Re: Batman, the Disgustingly Powerful Ninja Blade, exactly! Boil a character down to his iconic abilities (the one used most frequently and are key identifiable aspects of the character) and go with that.
  2. Re: Mystic Team Vehicle? My two favorite suggestions so far is a huge dragon or the magical bedknob (yeah, I grew up on Bedknobs and Broomsticks in the 70's - was so glad when they released that on DVD).
  3. Re: Forte 2000 - My Campaign site Mike, we're always pretty much running in sync on this stuff. Scary, eh? Stats would be cool at some point. So far, Dave Mattingly and I are the only ones regularly doing stats for the Clobberin' Times online (he with is Power Point articles and me with my World Of Maenza: Online site). But I really like your presentation level on your site - the flow and design are pleasing and easy to follow. I try to model my own stuff off of yours when I can.
  4. Re: Batman, the Disgustingly Powerful Ninja I agree with Trained Chicken. As one of DC's flagship three (Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman), he has tons of experience. To build him from scratch at a low level would mean you have to build him from his first appearance (Detective #27) and slowly evolve him into the uber-hero he is today.
  5. Re: Help with Serial Killer story I definitely think a serial killer plot in a campaign is a nice change of pace from the usual super-hero threat. It can have an effect on the tone of the campaign if what is run is traditional four-color - since a serial killer plot is definitely more dark. Still, its good to mix things up a bit.
  6. Re: "Mostly Harmless" powers Okay, I saw the title of this thread and the first thing I thought of was the Douglas Adams novel of the same title.
  7. Re: Super Baby Battles Super Monkey! Ah, something like this could be rather fun for a change. A bunch of us thought about playing a game ala the "Mystery Men" movie that came out back in the late 90's. You know - kind of oddball heroes with some minor powers - thus finding the need to work together to accomplish something sort-of-great. Would have been lots of fun in a goofy sort of way.
  8. Re: Default side-effects of super-powers I've never had a campaign last long enough where we had to worry about characters' lifespans. This kind of reminds me of what our AD&D DM did in college - every quarter (a 10 week period) we would have a new campaign within his world. Sometimes we'd continue from the previous quarter, other times we'd start in a different era in his world history (jump forward 100's of years, jump back, etc.). This allowed us to sometimes see how the world viewed our previous characters OR to provide the backstory for events that we had/would/did participate in other campaigns as different characters.
  9. MCMaenza


    Re: Clown SCORE!!!! Yeah, that's a good deal on both those books. I'm looking forward to when we finally move into our new house so I can unpack my old books again. Its been awhile but I'm heavily back into Champions now. Might even see if I can locate some gamers in the new town for some regular playing (and not just Con season stuff).
  10. Re: Forte 2000 - My Campaign site Hey, Sean, wasssup? Glad to see you around these parts. I was trying to locate former Times members for us to invite to the Yahoo Group (and to see our new Clobberin' Times online - almost a year old now). I managed to locate Rex's email but I was searching for yours too. Lo and behold, here you are! Awesome. Mike'll invite you as the group and CTO was his idea (though I nudged him a ton along the way... )
  11. Re: Forte 2000 - My Campaign site Mike, what's up, man?!?!?!? Love the Forte 2000 site (and I'm not just saying that because I finally got a character into the infamous Forte universe (even if it was just for one Con game so far).
  12. MCMaenza


    Re: Clown If you look about on ebay and such, you might be able to find a copy of the original CLOWN book or Classic Organizations.
  13. Re: When a Fan loves a Comic . . . KA - that's very true and very enjoyable. Some REP to you for that.
  14. Re: Scott Heine - Protectors Jeff, thanks for putting those up. Nice to see how the characters and Scott's art style has evolved over time.
  15. Re: Scott Heine - Protectors Jeff, I'd definitely like to see them if you can locate them. I'm in no rush though.
  16. Re: Sky High, the DVD The Incredibles was a great DVD. My wife and son saw Sky High in the theatres. I'm thinking of picking this one up - or at least renting it if I don't want to own it. I was bombarded with enough of the commercial on the Disney Channel when it first came out.
  17. Re: Clown, Inc. Yeah, I could see CLOWN revised for the modern times/supplements as some heavy duty pranksters who don't know when they've crossed the line - nor would they care. Kind of like how the Jokerz were portrayed on the Batman Beyond cartoons. Troublemakers out for fun that just might turn a bit lethal.
  18. Re: Strike Force I agree totally with your last statement. Strike Force came out at a time when a lot of us could really use the pointers to turn our occasional games into long running campaigns. A lot of the info therein is pretty much GMing 101 now.
  19. Re: Team Base... Who pays? Chipira, everything old is new again to someone. I'm kind of cherrypicking the old threads to read based on the titles and interest. There's a ton of past stuff for someone new to the boards to review (even though I joined back in 2004, I've just recently got back into Champions stuff - like putting my campaign world online via my website - for example). I'll be prudent on which old threads I comment on.
  20. Re: The New Circle CES, long story short - after 17 1/2 years with IBM, I got laid off (along with a couple hundred others). At the same time, I had heart surgery (to repair a leeky valve). I found a company needing retail programming skills before I went in for surgery, did a phone screening the week before, had a first interview two weeks after my surgery, had my second interview one month after surgery, and started the new job across the state two months after my surgery. Been a wild year to say the least.
  21. Re: Bygone Champions - Early Editions I don't know if anyone has since mentioned this, but Dennis Malonee is back with his comic books with Flare and company. They've been back at it now for the past few years - adding more and more titles as they go. Black Enchantress is there along with others he created. Giant is back as is Icicle. Dennis must have worked out some deals with his former buddies to use characters he didn't create. However, I find the books to leave me feeling a little "dirty" after reading them. These are not comics for kids. There is a lot of sexual overtones, innuendo and down-right cheesecake. Flare's comics have always been like that, but there seems to be even more of it now in the newer titles. That doesn't say "Champions" to me. I guess I'm just an old Silver Age prude.
  22. Re: Power Company or JLA: Which is your campaign? My world has a JLA level team (the Justice Gang - the world's premiere hero team - NPCs) so most of the campaigns I've run in my world have teams more on calibre with Power Company. Still, not every threat can be handled by the biggest guns of the world, so every heroic effort counts in the good fight. Right?
  23. Re: Scott Heine - Protectors Scott, the link to the photos is long gone from Yahoo (teaches me to check out the boards two years too late...). Any chance there is some place else to view them? I always loved your artwork and To Serve and Protect is one of my favorite supplements. Thanks.
  24. MCMaenza

    For FREEDOM!

    Re: For FREEDOM! Freedom Force rocked as a computer game. I definitely think it served as a good precursor to the next thing - City of Heroes. I really need to crank up the PC and work on the sequel FF game too.
  25. MCMaenza


    Re: Clown I count myself as one of the minority of CLOWN fans. It is one of my favorite old supplements, I encorporated the group into my world history, and I even used them in some campaign games. One of them involved the PCs (Baltimore's Rough Justice) being drafted into working the local PBS Pledge-a-thon. Yes, they were recruited to answer phones! Hey, this was part of the PR campaign to help the city accept these new hereos. The players went with it. Anyway, while they were doing volunteer duty, CLOWN shows up and holds the station hostage. The reason: Nitwit Nigel (a member of CLOWN I made up) was offended that the PBS station was going to no longer be showing Monty Python. His schtick: all Python related humor. Needless to say, chaos and hilarity ensued!
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