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Posts posted by starblaze

  1. On 12/31/2020 at 5:16 PM, JmOz said:

    Perez on Cap, trying to get the ugly gone :), ohh the Avengers as well




    What I loved about Perez is how he is able to make women faces look different.  Take Scarlet Witch and Firestar, they are both beautiful women but they have different looks, Wanda has an angler face whereas Angelica has a more rounder look.

    10 hours ago, Greywind said:

    Multiform assumes nothing. The players and GM make the assumptions.

    Beast Boy/Changeling is the poster child of Multiform. Every form he takes has the same personality; Gar Logan's.

    True, you can do the same thing with a Multipower with variable slots.

  2. On 12/16/2020 at 4:17 PM, Sicarius said:

    Awesome!  Thank you and everyone for the thoughts and suggestions.

    If Capt Marvel is not a multiform then I guess the same would be true of the Hulk.  That means I have no idea why a werewolf would be a multiform.


    --Just checked out Sam Bell's writes up on a few characters.  Don't want to mess with these guys!

    Multiform assumes that you are playing two totally different characters with a different personalities.  Typically a werewolf has a different personality than the human it transforms from.

  3. On 12/24/2014 at 11:17 AM, Lord Liaden said:

    Very different background from EE's Zephyr, actually. The current official villain Zephyr is closer to Bora in that they're both mutants and criminals, but there are also some significant differences between their Powers. I suspect Steve Long simply chose the name "Zephyr" as appropriate for a primarily wind-based character, without trying to evoke one from the past.

    IIRC Zephyr was more of a thief whereas Bora was a cold hearted killer.

    On 12/26/2014 at 8:24 PM, Lord Liaden said:


    That's essentially what I did with the official Champs villain team, the Ultimates. Their name begs the question, "ultimate what?" and their membership is already preponderantly scientists, so I jiggered their roster a little to make them all scientists. Like Beamline these Ultimates believe in rule of the world by the scientific elite, who as the most knowledgeable and "rational" thinkers are best suited to govern and apply science to the benefit of all. They do actively recruit other scientists (not just supervillains) into a larger network they call the International Scientific Elite, or ISE (pronounced "eyes"). ISE has established research centers, or "Secret Plan Bases," in hidden locations around the globe (financed by the Ultimates' thefts) where they work to develop super-weapons with which to blackmail Earth's governments into submitting to them. The Ultimates also try to steal breakthrough technologies invented by others.


    (Long-time Champions players will probably recognize the inspirations for several of the above-mentioned elements. I never claimed to be an original thinker.) :P

    The only problem with having a bunch of highly intelligent supervillains working together is that eventually you start having massive egos getting in the way too.

  4. On 7/26/2020 at 1:23 PM, dsatow said:

    I would think that any supervillain is fine so long as they are scaled to the heroes.  Here are some themes which might be good for a campaign.


    Evil authority figures:  basically along the theme of preventing a teenager from blossoming into a healthy individual

    • A group which promotes a "proper" line of thought: Fanatical religious groups or something like the Stepford Wives but with students
    • Uncaring or evil teachers: Kind of like The Faculty (aliens).

    Evil tempters: getting teenagers to do wrong

    • A coven tempting PCs to the dark arts
    • A gang tempting the PCs to be bullies and vandals
    • The evil geek squad trying to be a power to manipulate society in their image.  More chess club, less football!

    There is no such villain villain: Villains which no adult believes exists

    • The hidden demon
    • The silent take over aliens
    • Replacements

    That first example reminded me of the movie Disturbing Behavior.


  5. On 10/9/2020 at 9:22 PM, archer said:


    I think that's the issue where Gladiator picked up the Baxter Building by its corner and the fans went crazy objecting that the building should have crumbled under its own weight.


    (As if cars could really be picked up by grabbing their door or bumper....)

    It was revealed that Gladiators powers were telekinetic in nature.

  6. On 6/18/2020 at 9:46 AM, Barton said:


    1) handouts - I have found and created some handouts designed to be short and give high level BUT important player info.

    2) pregenerated characters - if at convention use these, you will be familiar with them, make sure they have common powers and complications to illustrate game elements

    3) danger room - IMHO a good way to show off powers/complications in Champions

    4) hero designer software for the the GM - it easily makes characters and save you a LOT of time

    5) explain 3d6 - explain the bell shaped curve and why you want/when to  roll low and low high  

    6) show quick and easy way to count body - group the dice by 1's; 6's, and all others. Then 1 and 6 cancel out, any excess either way adjust the body amount = normal damage dice.

    7) show special effects - complication -> double damage to heat; great way to show a blast is blast; BUT not always depends on SFX.

    😎 show players it is easy for them, harder for GM - Show them that playing [by actually playing] is easy; the GM must know a lot more than players. The point is once have a GM who has experience, the players need to know a lot less.


    Again, if you want join my game on Saturday please do so.

    Is your game online?  Where do you live?

  7. I GM and have occasionally played in two games that use a hero/fate/whatever option.  That is Amazing Adventures and BASH.  AA uses fate points that can keep you from getting hit, effect the plot in a minor way as well as other stuff.  BASH uses hero points and hero dice.  Hero points let you spend dice to help with a success.  Let's say you need just 2 more points to keep that atom bomb from going off, you can do that.  Hero allows you do things like appear somewhere that would not normally appear at, add to a die roll by rolling an extra die, and my favorite, the power stunt that allows to do something unique with your one time in a creative way.  The key to these mechanics contrivances is that they are finite.  You don't have an unlimited number of these so they need to be used judiciously.  You basically save that mechanic for the time you need it.


    So far it has worked out fine.

  8. On 11/6/2019 at 12:44 PM, Cassandra said:


    Originally she had super-strength, was very tough, could fly, had x-ray vision, and a brilliant mind.  Not surprisingly she was created by Otto Binder who has previously created Mary Marvel, and would create Supergirl.  There is a bridge in National City named after him.  


    I have a paperback copy of The Avengers Battle The Earth -Wrecker by Otto Binder from 1967.

    51u+jF9bn7L._SX299_BO1,204,203,200_ (1).jpg

    $125.00 online from Amazon.  Yikes!

  9. On 11/5/2019 at 8:26 PM, Tjack said:

        Well, if you can move parts of your body so fast they vibrate....

        On another note,  for a while Marvel had them as the parents of the Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver.  This was before they were retconed into being Magneto’s kids.

    LOL.  Why do you think Sue Richards is still married to Reed?  Stretching powers indeed.

  10. Hi,

    Been living here in Two Rivers Wisconsin for about over a year now and I am looking for getting a Champions/Hero System group together.  I have been a Hero fan since I bought my first Champions book in 1981.  I have GMed several campaigns over the years and I am itching to get another one started.  I am a retired/self employed person so I am flexible as far as time goes.  I prefer modern or pulp era games as opposed to fantasy which I feel is saturating the community.  I prefer 4th or 5th edition or maybe even earlier.  I really want to run a Superhero game in mid 1970s bronze age with a Six Million Dollar Man kind of feel.  Probably low powered street level stuff with some espionage.


    Willing to play online if I have to but I would prefer face to face at my house.  Let me know if you are interested.

  11. On 1/10/2020 at 7:22 PM, steriaca said:

    Plane Jane, I believe.  She was a 'super powered' Dark Champions villain,  I believe.  All she wants is to be noticed. She once shot a gun near the President of the United States, and nobody noticed until the Secret Service saw film of her doing it, then crying. 

    There was a Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode with a character like that.  She ended up going insane and tried to kill all of the beautiful people.  She ended up being recruited by the government as an assassin.

  12. On 11/19/2019 at 2:51 PM, Lord Liaden said:

    It also became kind of a running gag among Champions fans that Seeker was often shown having been beaten up on the covers of Champions books. :snicker:







    Correction, the good supplements. 

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