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Everything posted by Roth

  1. Re: WETA Steampunk pistols (do you have $690?) Damn...now I want to take my Rifts Hero campaign and make it steampunk*L* That is some crazy stuff.
  2. Re: My very first mutant I'd have to agree that if you're using a DI and Armour with visible set up that OIHID is not needed. If he was to use a straight powers and stats as powers build then OIHID might be a better choice.
  3. Re: My very first mutant Well You are definitely going to want to use OIHID for your Stone powers. Technically if he weighs more IHID that might a just a physical Limitation for his Heroic Form (Physical Limitiation: Weighs X kgs, Lim occurs Frequently Impairs Slightly; 10 points). On the other hand if you bought Density Increase With 0 End cost and Persistent (depending if your character turns back to normal when Knocked Unconcious) You'll get the Increase in strength, KB resistance and some Extra pd and ed. Depends on what the GM allows. I personally would allow it for a Dark Champions with powers game for a turns to Steel/ Stone/ Heavy, dense Material Person. You'll still have to buy the extra body, and resistant def for your self if you go this route. And if you buy down your running you'll have to take the OIHID on it as well cause it doesn't always effect the character. And the question I would have about that is why is he moving slower across the ground, but why is his reaction time (SPD) and his Agility not decreased as well. IF you are moving slower while stone, why aren't you moving slower over all? It's a question your GM may ask. I'm not saying as a GM I wouldn't allow it, but there needs to be a good reason for it. You should also remember Distinctive Features: Stone Body Easily Concealed (turn off the power), Noticed and Recognizable (if people freak a bit every time they see your Character as stone it should be one step up), Feature Detected by Commonly Used Senses; 5 points for the lesser one, 10 points for the greater one
  4. In the Thread “Primus Silver Avengers… Underpowered?” examples of people who were perfect candidates for the Avengers program, at least on a genetic level, but who might not be perfect on a mental level were bandied about. The one that stuck in my head was “the Goth girl who works at the mall”. And then I got it into my head to make her a “lost Avenger”. Someone who (for a reason that would be applicable to the campaign she is being played / used as a npc in) has found herself possessing the abilities of a silver avenger (and as much of the skill set as would be deemed appropriate for the reason she has been turned into an “avenger”), but who never joined Primus, because her particular mind set would never have led her in the direction of working with a paramilitary organization. Please Feel free to add your own Odd Avenger to the Collection. Ladies and Gentlemen I give you: The Gothic Avenger Gothic Avenger Player: Val Char Cost 40 STR 30 23 DEX 39 23 CON 26 12 BODY 4 18 INT 8 14 EGO 8 15 PRE 5 12 COM 1 20 PD 12 20 ED 15 5 SPD 17 13 REC 0 46 END 0 50 STUN 6 9" RUN 6 3" SWIM 1 8" LEAP 0 Characteristics Cost: 178 Cost Power 10 Damage Resistance (10 PD/10 ED) 11 Regeneration: Healing 1 BODY (Can Heal Limbs), Reduced Endurance 0 END (+1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (30 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) 1 Turn (Post-Segment 12) (-1 1/4), Self Only (-1/2) [Notes: No Healing Max (see FREd p. 120).] 10 +10 Mental Defense (13 points total) 10 Power Defense (10 points) 9 Enhanced Perception (+3 to PER Rolls for All Sense Groups) 5 Nightvision 34 Danger Sense (Discriminatory, Function as a Sense, Sensitivity: Any Danger) 15- 17 Shadow Blending: Invisibility to Sight Group, Hearing Group (25 Active Points); Only When Not Attacking (-1/2) Powers Cost: 106 Cost Martial Arts Maneuver 4 Martial Block: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +2 DCV, Block, Abort 4 Martial Dodge: 1/2 Phase, -- OCV, +5 DCV, Dodge, Affects All Attacks, Abort 4 Martial Strike: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +2 DCV, STR +2d6 Strike 5 Offensive Strike: 1/2 Phase, -2 OCV, +1 DCV, STR +4d6 Strike 3 Takedown: 1/2 Phase, +1 OCV, +1 DCV, STR Strike; Target Falls Martial Arts Cost: 20 Cost Skill 3 Acrobatics 14- 3 Breakfall 14- 3 Combat Driving 14- 3 Demolitions 13- 3 Disguise 13- 3 Lockpicking 14- 3 Paramedics 13- 3 Security Systems 13- 2 PS: Corpsman 11- 3 Shadowing 13- 3 Stealth 14- 3 Systems Operation 13- 9 TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles, Equines, Parachuting, Advanced, Parachuting, Basic, SCUBA, Tracked Military Vehicles, Two-Wheeled Motorized Ground Vehicles, Two-Wheeled Muscle-Powered Ground Vehicles, Wheeled Military Vehicles 11 WF: Common Martial Arts Melee Weapons, Common Melee Weapons, Common Missile Weapons, General Purpose/Heavy Machine Guns, Grenade Launchers, Shoulder-Fired Weapons, Small Arms 16 +2 with All Combat Skills Cost: 71 Total Character Cost: 375 Pts. Disadvantage 15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity Frequently (11-), Major 20 Psychological Limitation: Code Versus Killing Common, Total 20 Psychological Limitation: Protective of Innocents (Common; Total) 10 Psychological Limitation: Will investigate any lead about Past 2 years (Common; Moderate) 20 Hunted: 11- (Mo Pow; Harshly Punish) 25 Hunted: GM's Fiat 11- (Mo Pow; Harshly Punish; Extensive Non-Combat Influence) 15 Dependent NPC: Varies as needed 11- (Normal) Disadvantage Points: 125 Base Points: 250 Experience Required: 0 Total Experience Available: 0 Experience Unspent: 0 Daphne Murray was a fairly typical kid. She grew up in a large city in the suburbs and as a young girl was into what most people feel are typical little girl things, Horses, fairies and the colour pink. Then as she got into junior high school something happened. Her attitudes changed. She started to wear black and red and white in various styles from ripped and torn to pseudo Victorian. She took to listening to industrial, alt and thrash rock. She took to hanging with those that thought that death was a cool thing, and that nihilism was a cool life choice. She got in trouble in high school, cutting classes, writing poems about death in the library books. Of course this led to confrontations with the parental units and the administration of her high school. As punishment for her various “crimes” against her parents and school Daphne, who now wanted to be referred to as Mortuella (Morta for short), was assigned to research 3 organizations that she would never in a million years think about going to work for: Primus, the Army and Microsoft. She was told to contact the Organizations, find out about their hiring practices (aptitude testing, recruiting style etc, participating if possible), their orienteering, examples of employee policies, interview a typical candidate and an established employee and finally and overview of the history of the organization. So Morta set out to do her punishment, do the best she could to make the reports the best she had ever done (cause she couldn’t take the harping if she slacked on them) and along the was tested in some fashion by all the organizations. She was told by Microsoft that her technical aptitude was pretty normal (that is she was as technically adept as any Joe normal off the street), the Army told her she had a problem with authority and Primus told her that she would be a perfect candidate for the Avengers program. So Morta handed in her reports, got positive feedback from her parents and the administration, graduated from high school and got on with her life. This of course did not last long. So there she was working the night shift at the local chain convenience store, and going home to her apartment and her roommates, hanging out at the local Goth hangout when her life took a rude turn for the worst. She went dancing one night and woke up in an alley in pool of blood, wearing a horrible industrial green jumpsuit (which had bullet holes and burn marks in front and back) with shadowy memories of shadowy men in shadowy room doing some sort of medical procedure to her and then training her to be some kind of soldier with weapons and unarmed combat and radio procedures and …. Needless to say she wasn’t happy. And when she went to the police she wasn’t happier. Morta found out that she had been missing for about 2 years. She had gone out one night and never returned home. The doctors at the hospital told her that she had undergone some kind of bizarre medical procedure and also had signs of being in combat recently. So Morta filed reports and tried to go on with her life. And found out she couldn’t go back to the life she was living before. So Morta became Daphne again, she started to dress like a member of non Goth society and she went to university. For awhile the life was ok, but soon she felt restless. She needed to be out doing something for the greater good. So she took these powers and skills that some one gave her out on to the street and started to give back to the community in a fashion that two years ago would have made her laugh, or appalled her. She resurrected some of her old clothes, did her make up just right and went out into the world. Thus is born the Gothic Avenger! Personality: Two years ago Daphne was pretty typical of her subculture. She thought that life was mostly stupid, that death was cool and that nihilism and angst were valid life choices. Now Daphne is a freshman in college, with a slightly sunnier out look on life. Powers and Skills: Daphne’s powers are mostly typical of a recipient of the Avengers process. She has enhanced Strength, agility, speed, stamina and resilience. She has slightly super human resistance to damage and can take a stab wound or a point blank hit from a high caliber hand gun with little or no penetration. She seems to have developed the sport abilities of true regeneration and an ability to psychically sense a few seconds in to the future to scope out personal danger. She can also blend fairly well into shadows and darkness, thought whether this is some sort of superhuman ability or the way she is using fabrics to costume her self she has no idea. Daphne has also been trained in HtH, melee and ranged weapon techniques, as well as infiltration, operation of various military equipment and advanced field medical procedures. So there you have Mortuella the Gothic Avenger. The character is obviously an exaggeration of various sub cultures, nd meant to be fun. Use and abuse her as you will. Please Note that I’ve made up the character according to the starting character rules for one of my campaigns. Adjust and season to taste of course.
  5. Re: Islam replaces Christianity So let see if I have this right. Sometime in the 18th- 19th centuries, after the Enlightenment, Age of Reason, whatever you want to call this period of European History, Islam takes over? After 1800 or so years (give or take) Christianity as a mostly whole just rolls over and dies? No offense to any Christians out there, but as a Pagan that idea has some appeal. It's not grounded in any sort of alternate reality that I can concieve beyond an extreme Davinci Code type revelation that Jesus wasn't a demi god, instead he was a superhuman, or a con man or a little green man from Alpha Centauri. Of course in a Champions universe all of those are possible. This would also take some kind of massive world wide communication that wasn't possible in those days except by magic/ superpowers/ divine intervention. And after everybody who was a Christian, mostly stopped being one, they would have to turn to Islam. For a lot of people this wouldn't be possible and couldn't happen. A fair number of countries/ peoples/ cultures would revert to their old forms of worship, as their old priests/ diviners/ shamans etc go "See... told ya!" And a number of people from europe would probably start looking into the european pagan paths before they would turn to Islam. And what would that kind of epiphany do to Islam itself. How much of Islam is based on Christianity? Thoughts to Ponder.
  6. Roth

    Heroes for HERO?

    Re: Heroes for HERO? Thanks Transhuman Responding under the spoiler
  7. Roth

    Heroes for HERO?

    Re: Heroes for HERO? To me Claire would probably have less Regen and some Damage Resistance and some Damage Reduction, to model the fact that she just kind of gets up and keeps going. While she hasn't (and can't) bounce bullets, she's shown that her injuries don't really keep her down. I would talk about some incidents and put them under the spoiler button, but I have no clue how*G*
  8. Re: What would your inner geek pick? Thanks muchly.
  9. Re: What would your inner geek pick? I dunno either. But with 375 total, it would be fun to try:D. And I love your avatar
  10. Re: What would your inner geek pick? Well one of the points of the campaign is that she pulls out of your head the thing you most want to be in a "I'm actually well adjusted.. no really. But if I had to be some one besides me (in a fictional character/archtype/ me but enhanced kind of way) it would be ..." So yes it is a wish fufillment kind of thing for sure.
  11. Re: What would your inner geek pick?
  12. Re: What would your inner geek pick? Hmmm.... Grimble "Of course, I would still be "Me", right? Just, me with Superman's powers. Do I now retroactively create a bunch of Kryponite floating around in the universe? Is there now a super-genius out to get me?" If you Picked "I'm Superman" Then Krypton would have exploded and you'd now be Clark Kent with these weird memories of being the person you were before. If you Picked "I'd like to have the powers of Superman", then you'd still be you, except you'd have actually come from Krypton and you'd have been adopted by your parents. transmetahuman "Wow. Haha! Uhm, one question - are the group of geeks the only people with powers, or will the "radically altered" world now be likely to have other supers, Atlanteans, infiltrating aliens, etc.? " The way the world was would depend on the players and their picks of characters or archtypes or what have you. If Gimble picks Superman and some one else picks jedi and some one else picks Starship captain ala Star Trek, I as a GM would have to blend all these elements together. Oddhat: Cool . AS for the rest. I'm not too sadistic, but I do use disads to their utmost. I would have no problem with people doing the wish fufillment thing as themselves instead of making themselves over as a character or archtype or what have you.
  13. You’re at one of the big cons, hanging with a group of people in one of the movie rooms, when a young, very attractive, woman comes in and sits down. As you watch whatever happens to be playing you notice that the young woman watches the door, nervously starting at whom ever opens the door. She has been sitting there for about 1 minutes when the door opens and in walks some one who doesn’t belong. He may be dressed correctly but something about him is off. The woman erupts from her chair and rushes the man, grabbing him by the head. He starts to jerk as electricity flows from her to him or him to her and then he drops. Someone checks him and finds out that he is unconscious, not dead. The woman explains that she is the result of a experiment the regional (her words) government was doing in alternate energy sources. They had pulled her from her home dimension, where her people existed in a mostly energy state amongst the star fields. Being pulled into this dimension had forced her into a human form, with very little power available to her. She begs for your help. All she has to do is avoid the government’s agents for another 24 hours or so and then she will shed her human form and be shunted back into her home dimension. So being the geeks you are some you decide to help. Some of course don’t because playing this kind of thing is one thing. Living it is another. Those that decide to help take the woman and for the next day or so run around the con and surrounding area being chased by MIBbies, cops, security and any one else whose wrath they attract. At the end of that time they have learned something about themselves and their place in the world. Then comes the time of truth. The woman begins to glow and a rift opens in the air. You watch as the woman dissolves into a shifting pattern of light, sound and energy. Then you hear her voice in your head. “Thank you for your help friends, I now leave you with more than I arrived with and I leave you with more than you came with.” Then she is gone, leaving you the being you always wanted to be and leaving the world, so that that being could exist in it. So the obvious question is what character/ being have you always wanted to be. I’m going to have my players invent geeks/ fanboys, if they don’t want to play themselves of course, and they will have to figure out what these characters have always wanted to be. It’s going to be superheroic campaign set in a world that has been radically altered to fit the various backgrounds of the various characters, and the characters are all going to be 375 points (250 base, 125 Disads). No characters or character types from any sort of fiction will be disallowed, and the only real limit is the total amount of points. Any questions?
  14. Re: The Question write up? Get a hold of the DC Novel Helltown. Has a re adjusted origin for the Question, involving Batman, Lady Shiva and Richard Dragon. Which actually could be all involved with his original appearances. He's damn tough before his training by Dragon, tough enough to impress Shiva who beats the crap out of him, and he just keeps getting back up. I'll try to do a basic write up for you.
  15. Re: Thinking About the Supernatural Setting So any more thoughts on the setting?
  16. Re: Matilda Wormwood Hmmm Well every thing looks good, but I would think that her tk would be a bit broader, give she was able to manipulate a room of stuff, and fling Miss wants to be hitlers girlfriend a fair amount of space. the 10 str would ve enough to lift her but not fling her.
  17. Re: Secret IDs: In or Out? There was an issue of Spidey a few years ago that had a photo journalist for one of the NY Tabloids accidentally get a pic of Peter changing to Spidey. He of course was going to sell it for millions. Over the course of the issue Peter tried to reason with the guy who didn't care about the havoc caused. Finally in the end peter as Spiderman scared the crap out of him. And the guy gave up the film/ photo. At the end of the issue the guy leaves the alley where he gives up the photo and thinks to himself that since he knows Peters face it should be a snap to get another pic. Then he realizes he never knew Peter's real name. And he lives in NY, with millions of other people who have never seen peter's face and don't know his name either. And how hard it will be to find him is the expression you see on his face.
  18. Re: Secret IDs: In or Out? The other thing about secret ids is that joe average doesn't really care. If hero X is Joe Smith... so what? who the hell is Joe Smith? Unless he or she is some one already famous, then it won't matter a wit. And (as shown in Spiderman 2) sometimes Averge person will keep a guys id a secret, especially if they only have seen your face and don't know your name. I usually use secret ids for my characters, because most of them have the typical paranoia about their loved ones becoming targets. The ones that don't ususally have no particular id because they have some radical physical difference from joe average. Or they have no loved ones to keep safe. An as a DM I usually help out, but I also make the disadvantage a disadvantage.
  19. Re: Help me stat this "sword" Not a Problem, the + to OCV is a good idea. And if it's for a heroic campaign then yes just saying it does "this" is the best idea*G*.
  20. Re: Help me stat this "sword" It looks to me like a double bladed sword, though one is short and one is long. Either you could do a Long/Broad sword with a bit of extra damage to simulate being hit with both blades (1.5d6 + 1d6+1= 3d6*blinks* maybe a bit much) or a AF2 advantage on the sword, with the second hit being a bit less than the first (complicated). Alternatively stat as a short and long sword and allow the character to use the Multipower attack rules. (GM's Discrection of course). Edited to add: And damn that elf is fine*l*. And I'd probably make her a straight warrior, or a Warrior/mage.
  21. Re: Thinking About the Supernatural Setting While I think that 100 points on their stats is a bit much I do think that their are fully heroic characters and 150 would be what I used. They seem to have a fair bit spent on perks (Fake ID's, a number of contacts etc) and their hth training is good enought that Dean could one punch a couple of cops in one episode. As well either any one who has the knowledge can get rid of pretty much anything, or the hunters as a whole have a either a talent called "Faith" or "Belief" or they all have a small vairiable power pool to simulate the way they use various knowledges to get rid of some pretty potent opponents. Depends on how you build the various creatures. I personally would love to play in a Supernatrural type campaign, depending on when it is. (Day time etc).
  22. Re: How do I build werewolf & vampires? As a friend pointed out, with the way Transform is done now, you just have to buy a small major transform (1d6) With a continuous advantage, because with joe normal human (who is really all that is going to be transformed) you have some one with 8-12 body. That won't take long to transform. And if you add in NCC, so the GM controls the transform you have the ability to transform only some of the people you bite. YMMV
  23. Re: Just Picked Up Champions Worldwide So I notice from the list that while it's Champs Worldwide That it doesn't include heroes/villains from Canada and England. Is there a plan in the future for a 5th of Champions of the North and Kingdom of Champions? Any one know?
  24. Re: Liefeld's Titans I collected comics from about 80 to about hmmm 1999-2000 or so... then I got married and had kids and could either afford the family or the comics... so it goes. I had the entire run of the New Mutants, and when this new (to me) artist started on what would be their last few issues I thought "Hmmm not bad" and then Thunderbird grew, all the medium sized men started to look the same in body type, all the women as well I thought "Who the hell is editing this book?" I bought the first few Issues of X-Force because I like the characters and I hoped it would be good. Then of course it sucked. Flash forward to a few years later. I had stopped buying the X titles because of the horrid things that they were doing to the characters and the team and the world in general (Operation Zero Tolerance any one.... or worse... the horror that is Onslaught) And then they killed the Avengers and the FF and Cap. And then rebooted them in the Heroes Reborn Uni. I collected the entire HR run of the FF and Cap, and as I remember Leifeld drew most of the Cap run (if not all) I liked it... I liked the writing and the art... and I thought "Wow... give Liefeld a good editor and he is a good artist..." Or maybe he was just sick or something....
  25. Re: First Superhero Campaign, please advise While this world is fairly generic as far as SH universes go that's not a bad thing. During play and character creation the players can help too make it less generic. My question is why no spontaneous mutations? As a long time superhero GM and player my off the cuff explanation for why some of the people exposed to these phenomena became powered while others became dead is because those people were spontaneous mutations waiting to happen, and the accident was the catalyst for the emergence of their inborn powers, which indecently helped them to survive. With the Huge accident that created the PCs, you might want to allow "mutant" characters and npcs in the coming future years of your game. And the accident itself lends to all sorts of scenarios, like transdimensional alien race is alerted to the existence of someone trying to siphon their energy, the good Doctor wasn't destroyed, but transformed into a warped version of himself that will eventually try to take over/ destroy the world, stuff like that. The world is fairly unique (no magic) right now and will become more so as play progresses.
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