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Logan D. Hurricanes

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Everything posted by Logan D. Hurricanes

  1. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Tangle thread titles return! On page 1: The Last Word Pope has died
  2. Re: A Thread for Random Musings You people aren't nearly distracting enough tonight. Now I have to go do schoolwork. Thanks a lot.
  3. Re: A couple definition topics I think as humans we would definitely need to classify such beings should they exist. I can see countless arguments in congress over such definitions and how they should be applied. Never really sat down and thought about it, though. I would have to start by asking what a "cosmic" level means, exactly. We throw it around a lot here, but we usually still provide examples to define by example. Still, there are definitely questions. For example: Cosmic Heroes (DC) -Superman -Green Lantern -Martian Manhunter Would the Flash qualify? Points wise, he’s possibly the most expensive character there. (Not counting munchy megascale discounts.) Also, he is the fastest being alive. Anywhere. As fast as he is, though, he is limited to planetary travel (without external aid). Certain common traits of the cosmics are absent. He has no: *Energy Manipulation/projection *Top level damage capacity (single attack) *Top level damage soaking (main defense=avoidance) *Life support (especially pertaining to space travel) *Flight [[While these powers are not the sole definition, of course, they are so common that their absence is a glaring note on their record come cosmic battles.]] Would Wonder Woman qualify? She’s only a step down in terms of power in relation to the others, but she is a step down. And besides, she’s a woman. (Kidding!) And again, that energy manipulation is glaringly absent. More example: Cosmic Heroes (Mrvl) -Silver Surfer -Thor -Dr. Strange Would Professor X qualify? Points wise, he’s possibly the most expensive character there. (Not counting munchy megascale discounts.) But he does for telepathy what the Flash does for speed. His powers can affect the planet. He’s frighteningly vulnerable, though. He has no: *Top level damage soaking (Or even mid level!) *Life support (especially pertaining to space travel) *Flight Would the Hulk qualify? Points wise, he’s not nearly as expensive as the others, true. But he is the benchmark of all things strong, and those that qualify as stronger are almost always labeled cosmic in and of themselves. He has the damage capacity and damage soaking of the cosmics. Hmm, I had a point here…I guess all I’m trying to say is that I’d like to see a written definition of what entails a cosmic level character. Regarding nomenclature, perhaps then cosmic is a term that should be relegated to the most overwhelmingly powerful: Galactus, for example. Some terms that could be used, in no definite order: Planetary. Supreme. Cosmic. Galactic. Godlike. Infinite. Of course there are always the more classical classifications: Class 1, 2, 3 (you see where this is going) Class A, B, C, etc. Class Alpha, Beta, Gamma, etc. Or a random adjective based system using Para-, meta-, super-, ultra-, magna-, mega-, omni- This is all personal musings, of course. Make of it what you will. I’m eager for continued discussion on the topic.
  4. Re: Blue = the new munchkin Beautiful! I'd give you rep, but, um, well...you know.
  5. Re: I Give Up!!!!!!!!!!!!! Umm, is this a joke? I fear it isn't. I had a player once who used to do things like this. He turned in one character that had everything bought OIHID, OAF, Independent. It does tend to leave one speechless.
  6. Re: Musings on Random Musings You know, this would be a great sig line. ___________ ...And then we'll work on Finland.
  7. Re: The Brotherhood of Mutants (Con Game III) I think the Blob needs some ground clinging. This version won't be knocked back, but he still could be picked up. As long as he was touching the ground, he was immovable by any means. I like that you're using him, though. I always like the Blob for some reason.
  8. Re: WILL based END pools Perhaps an END reserve that requires an EGO roll, and the amount it is made by determines the END available for use at that time. Example: Multipower-Focused Will 1) 10d6 EB 2) 10/10 FW 3) 25" Flight END Reserve (100) 5 Rec. RSR to access (-1/2?) Roll determines success level [1 END available per point made by](-1/2?) Willpower Lad wants to shoot someone with his EB. He makes an EGO roll. Target is 14-. He rolls an 11. Making the roll by 3, he has 3 END to use on the EB, which will power a 6d6 shot. Now Willpower Lad needs a FW. He rolls a 10, making it by 4. Every phase he keeps this wall up it will cost 4 END, but the max power of it is 8/8. Finally, he needs to pursue Getaway Lass. He rolls a 15 on his flight activation and simply stands there in frustration. Next phase he musters his will and rolls an 8, giving him more than enough power to rocket after the villainess.
  9. Re: Focus = Too Great a Price Break? Yes, I think we're all aware of this. While I agree that it takes proper application by the GM and the players, I still think that the limitations are too large. Let me just ask this, and I'm genuinely curious-not trying to be snippy: Do your PCs lose their OAFs a full 50% of the time? Do they lose their battlesuits 33% of the time? If they do, do you feel like you are going out of your way to do it, or does it happen naturally?
  10. Re: Focus = Too Great a Price Break? I think it should be the other way around, actually. I think the obviousness should be ditched while accessability stays as the determining factor. I do agree that the limits should be reduced. I've just seen far too many battlesuits and powered armors where the limit never comes into play. Just like an OIHID character that never turns normal. Very annoying.
  11. Re: Automatic Hit Advantage I think it's an intriguing idea. I'm glad to see someone modeling it after the NND, too. That was my first inclination. The question I have is how it reacts with called shots? Should it be allowed? If you're not using the hit locations, it matters a little less, but trick shots are a part of the convention and would come into play at some point.
  12. Re: I want to run a Bad Comics game I want to drink bleach and run around in biker bars wearing a tutu. Shave my head and get a tattoo that says "Pork!" in seven different languages on my scalp. Spastic colon, monkey fungus, and pink eye will wreak havoc on my callypigian form!!! I like pain too!
  13. Re: Please Suggest Names for a Hulk Tribute Character Shmulk.
  14. Re: A Thread for Random Musings So anyway, who did that unknown member of the New Avengers turn out to be?
  15. Re: Fishbowl for a Head Man! Not sure about the name, but it would be cool if the helmet was painted like a giant eyeball.
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