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Everything posted by TaxiMan

  1. Re: Weird power build 'Summon' - bah! It's clearly a case for Megascale Cosmetic Transform! Itz cheep two!
  2. Re: Rag on this Character! VERY impressive DR! My first observation is that you didn't choose Eternal Life . To my eye, that's either (a) an oversight ( brave, in that you don't fear natural death © fatalistic; thinking life can't be fulfilling for long (d) optimistic - life after death exists and is good What a source of philosophical conversation! Since you aren't shooting for immortality, the detectable powers aren't such a liability. Makes sense, and I'd like to play with flying too! I've already said why I don't want disadvantages, but yours aren't very bad - especially assuming a benevolent GM ... or maybe a benevolent God. I wonder how long 'you' could remain anonymous in real life. Things could get really ugly if it became known 'you' have these powers. That was my thinking for choosing almost indetectable abilities. Overall, very nice! It feels like you got a lot more powers & "fun" out of your 200+ points!
  3. Re: Rag on this Character! As far as careers go... An immortal wouldn't want to achieve greatness in any field if they worried about being discovered. 'I' wouldn't want to harm good people, life would suck. Being a bartender is a neat idea. 'I' could make myself feel better by figuring out their underlying problems & talking to them. I'd need skills in psychology and male/female relationships (it'd take an immortal to get an 11- skill in that!). 'I' would be very averse to using MC based on one person's perspective of their trouble. "Just tell your boss you need a raise!" - yeah, right. That's when you find out the poor sap valued himself a lot more than management did. Even worse results when it comes to relationships. Hmmmm... but what about robberies? I wouldn't want drunks in my bar, and wouldn't want to be a target for violence. That might not make for a very profitable bar. Then again, if it's only a place for 'me' to interact with people while nvestments pay for living, it might work! Not sure it would make 'me' happy though. Would that be enough to feel that 'I' am doing good for people? Maybe, maybe.... It'd be worth a try for a hundred years or two!
  4. Re: Rag on this Character! I looked into it, and found I need to bump up the Cumulative advantage to increase the maximum effect. If I go for EGO +50 I can make the target do things they wouldn't / read the subconcious (+30) and think it was their idea / not know Telepathy was employed (+20). It'd take a minute or so to achieve the maximum effect of the build below. 50 Multipower, 63-point reserve, (63 Active Points); all slots Extra Time (Delayed Phase, Only to Activate, -1/4) 3u 1) Telepathy 3d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Cumulative (144 points; +1 1/4) (41 Active Points) 3u 3) Mind Control 3d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Cumulative (144 points; +1 1/4) (41 Active Points) Of course, 'I' would never use MC without first using Telepathy extensively. I'd hate to make someone do something they are violently opposed to - too much risk they or their acquaintances would think something was up. Thanks for the catch on IPE and maximum effect!
  5. Re: Character Review: Doctor Phenomenal Oh, and re: posting HD heroboards export - all I got was a bunch of html text when I tried earlier! If you figure out why, please let me know. I figured I had html turned off (says so at the bottom of the page), but I don't know how to turn it back on.
  6. Re: Character Review: Doctor Phenomenal We could debate the value of a Disadvantage: Blind when you have Spatial Awareness, but I think it's good as is. He's an awesome scientist / inventor, does he have some angst in his background? Expose any friends to cosmic rays? Want to free humanity from disease? He could use future XP to learn Biology in its myriad forms. He could get 'rich' - either through hiring out his science skills or inventing something or from gov't subsidies for his work. He could build a base with super-science labs. He could develop a healing machine (Bulky OAF, requires Megawatts, etc. etc.) - cool for future 'radiation accidents'. I suppose the best answer is, what do you guys do when playing? If it's always combat and you like that, boost combat options. If you roleplay, do you want to change the world? Decide how and plow points into it (with the GM's understanding and approval of where you're going!).
  7. Re: Buying up Char in FH I haven't done it, but how about a house rule stating Char costs double after character creation? Also, if a PC is planned to grow in a certain way to begin with, for 1cp they can reserve up to 5cp of future stat growth. That way you have to plot your character's growth at creation.
  8. Re: Weird power build There are two parts to this power. The first is locating the target anywhere on the planet, the second is transmitting information (one-way) to the recipient. Second part is easier, something like Telepathy, Megascale, Fragile OAF, One-Way Only (-1), Can Be Intercepted (others can snatch up the message & read it; -1/2), Not Subject to Mental Defense / Can Be Refused (MD doesn't block it, but you don't have to read it -0), Restricted and Written Language(s) (if you write in English, they better understand it; -0), 1 Charge (gives you 0 END, recovers daily?), Delayed Effect (however long the arrow takes to get there), Extra Time (how fast do you write?), Limited Message Length (written stuff only, must fit on a page; -1/4?). So if Telepathy is the base of the second part, we need Mind Scan for the first part. How about Mind Scan with the Cumulative advantage & a high max effect to make sure it works. It also needs to cover the Earth. Fragile OAF (the arrow). Make it a Single Continuing Charge, long enough to reach max effect and cover the Telepathy's Delayed Effect. As a bonus, you get 0 END. "Only To Target Message Arrow" could be a (-1) lim that means you don't know where the target is, can't use any other mental powers through the MS, and though the recipient knows who sent it, they don't know where you are. You might / might not worry about Mental Defense here depending on how you want it to work. Don't worry about the Active Points for this one, the effect is game-safe. Pretty complex build, but in game it's just an arrow you fire once / day.
  9. Re: Rag on this Character! Like this matters anyway! Ha!
  10. Re: Rag on this Character! Ahhhh! The limit to the effective roll! I'll have to rework my fantasy other-self. Thanks! Now the lawyer part - I figured that if I were immortal, I wouldn't want a job requiring technical skills (it changes too rapidly lately). I'd want something working with people, since people-skills are pretty durable. I was leaning toward low-level politics when I said "lawyer". The "wealthy" part reflects the ability to save up over long periods of time. Maybe I should have gone the Highlander route and opted for Antiquarian. Although I'm not sure how you'd know what to collect when it was happening. In general, a savings account increases more rapidly than a collectible. So if you didn't have to work but wanted to stay involved with humanity, didn't want a high profile since that'd give away your immortality - what would be a good job / career? Given the Telepathy, maybe Private Investigator? I don't want to get shot & die though. Not even close. If I've got the chance to live forever, I don't want to risk it on something as trivial as uncovering affairs. It's a tough question. I'll have to think more on it.
  11. Re: Rag on this Character! I hear ya! However, myself, I'd want a family that didn't cause me trouble half the time (11-). Same for friends. I like being a GM, but wonder what negative effects would arise from the Disadvantage, unless it was a 0 pt lim. Distinctive features means I'm less likely to go unnoticed - maybe not a bad thing since I'm not trying to keep a secret ID. I'm trying to not let anyone know I have powers, period! An honest GM would look at this character and give that a 0 pt Disadvantage, I suppose. "Code of Honor" - depends. First, do I have one? I'm planning on being a lawyer that routinely reads minds. Both of those might fail the test! I'm sure I'd use that power for my benefit in my private life too. Secondly, if I take that as a Disadvantage, doesn't that mean others know it and can use it to limit my options? If I really am honorable I suppose that's not a bad thing, but I'm wary of the possibilities. Finally, I'd hate to be a famous immortal who's trying to hide his differences from humanity. What happens to the famous guy 50 years later? He hasn't aged a bit. Good bye anonymity! Welcome Hunted: Entire World! In short (too late!), if it's me, I don't want negative, constraining "plot hooks" for my life. Adventuring is fun as a game, but if it was really me I'd avoid it like the plague!
  12. Re: Rag on this Character! Obviously, "I" want to live forever, be healthy the entire time, and have an edge on the rest of you fellows. "I" don't want any disadvantages! "I" also don't want to be labelled a freak, mutant, psychic, weirdo, or anything else that tends to cause problems. Who'd do it differently?
  13. Re: Rag on this Character! Mike Val Char Cost 10 STR 0 10 DEX 0 10 CON 0 10 BODY 0 20 INT 10 14 EGO 8 20 PRE 10 18 COM 4 2 PD 0 2 ED 0 2 SPD 0 4 REC 0 20 END 0 20 STUN 0 6" RUN 0 2" SWIM 0 2" LEAP 0 Characteristics Cost: 32 Cost Power END 50 Multipower, 63-point reserve, (63 Active Points); all slots Extra Time (Delayed Phase, Only to Activate, -1/4) 3u 1) Telepathy 3d6, Cumulative (+1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +1/2) (37 Active Points) 0 3u 2) Ego Attack 2d6, Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (40 Active Points) 0 3u 3) Mind Control 3d6, Cumulative (+1/2), Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (37 Active Points) 0 5u 4) Ghost Form: (Total: 63 Active Cost, 50 Real Cost) Desolidification , 1 Continuing Fuel Charge lasting 1 Hour (+0) (40 Active Points) (Real Cost: 32) plus Invisibility to Sight Group and Normal Smell , 1 Continuing Fuel Charge lasting 1 Hour (+0) (23 Active Points) (Real Cost: 18) [1 cc] 5 Discriminatory with Normal Smell 0 5 Nightvision 0 7 Regeneration: Healing 1 BODY, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (20 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) 1 Turn (Post-Segment 12) (-1 1/4), Self Only (-1/2) 0 45 LS (Eating: Character only has to eat once per year; Immunity All terrestrial poisons and chemical warfare agents; Immunity: All terrestrial diseases and biowarfare agents; Longevity: Immortal; Safe in High Radiation; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Self-Contained Breathing; Sleeping: Character only has to sleep 8 hours per year) 0 Powers Cost: 126 Cost Skill 3 Bureaucratics 13- 3 Conversation 13- 3 Seduction 13- 3 Deduction 13- 3 High Society 13- 3 Scholar 1 1) KS (2 Active Points) 11- 2 2) KS (3 Active Points) 13- 1 3) KS (2 Active Points) 11- 3 Persuasion 13- 2 PS: Lawyer 11- Skills Cost: 27 Cost Perk 10 Money: Wealthy Perks Cost: 10 Cost Talent 5 Eidetic Memory Talents Cost: 5 Total Character Cost: 200
  14. I was wondering what I'd do if I could be a 350pt "person". That lead to this character - obviously not a PC in a Champions game! It's kind of a fantasy about what I'd want if I could have superpowers. Feel free to rip it in any way - I'm wondering if anyone else would like to be this guy. I don't recall posting a character before, we'll see if it works. He's a low-key guy that helps people. VERY careful about revealing any "strangeness", but uses his Telepathy a lot. What are your opinions about this guy living in the Real World? - crap, character didn't go in right -
  15. Re: Bye all Aaaagh! It's the return of Sean! He's a Sean-Zombie, undead poster from Beyond! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!! Seriously, welcome back Sean. We all missed you.
  16. Re: Willpower: a power? Oh, and as far as leaving something out ... Define a Power skill as "Willpower". You should be able to use it to one-shot those rare occasions where you didn't forsee the need. If it comes up often, use some XP to add an ultra slot to the multipower. Not being able to limit the VPP pool makes it costly if you have a good number of points in it.
  17. Re: Willpower: a power? At its simplest, this is Pushing. You might be able to set up the game to support extended Pushing, talk with the GM. If "willpower" will allow the character to enhance his running to Flash-level speeds, it's clearly beyond Pushing. It might be cheaper to identify all the things you can enhance and put them in a multipower (this power is fertile ground for limitations!). Otherwise, go the VPP route.
  18. Re: How do I make this Force Field? Duh!! I just read the last sentence in the writeup in 5ER for Force Wall - buying Indirect on your STR allows you to "punch" through it! Now to make that Martial Artist with the Inertia Dampening SFX!
  19. Re: How do I make this Force Field? Oops on the "Uncontrolled" part. Force Wall is Continuous, so guy should be able to fight with it up.
  20. Guy has the ability to suck the momentum out of things within a foot. So bullets slow and stop as they approach, then drop to the ground. Said same guy can punch people. The bullets don't harm the guy at all - sounds like an Uncontrolled Force Wall. But can he punch people, grapple people, and all that? I don't think that's book legal. Does he buy his STR Indirect? How does he do this trick?
  21. Re: Can anyone give me tips on posting? http://www.nuklearpower.com/latest.php Bullseye would totally own Green Arrow!
  22. Re: Can anyone give me tips on posting? Just to be explicit (I wish others had shared this with me when I started!), here is a list of all the things you can't talk about on these boards, 'cause Ben will just blank it out: Well, that pretty much covers it. Hope this helps!
  23. Re: Champions U help! Use Dr. D, but tone it down across the board. The origin could be (a) a fanboy's recreation of Dr D, sending it out because "it's so totally cool!" ( a Dr D creation, used to misdirect or cover for him when necessary - but out of control (?) © a robotic creation of another villian, eager to benefit from the crime but wanting to displace blame
  24. Re: Cell phones don't work underwater... If the effect is "I get to play in the game with the others!", then - why should it cost? I'd propose linking it to his backstory like this "GoDraDem was a normal Japanese kid, until one day while diving for pearls he was stepped on by Godzilla. A radioactive fragment of Godzilla's toenail pierced his side and shattered the rocks below. After healing, GoDraDem was born! He is somehow mysteriously linked to the rocky fragments created that day, and can be summoned by those of good spirit who possess one of the shards." Disadvantage: Phys Lim - "Feels" the pull of his origin shards when activated : 0 pts.
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