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Everything posted by Hierax

  1. Re: Monsters, Minions, and Marauders: Opinions? Turakian Age is pretty generic. Sure, If you've got a custom setting you're gonna have to customize things.
  2. Re: "High Level" Warriors +1 CSL per 2 D&D Levels. 20th Level = +10. I started with 1:1 but it got outta control fast.
  3. Re: Herophile Fantasy art I think remember seeing Smirnoff several years back somewhere. Isn't he your old xD&D character? A real bloody combat monster when converted to HERO IIRC. Maybe you guys need to get a little head to head fight action going and put these two guys together in the gladiator pit?
  4. Re: Monsters, Minions, and Marauders: Opinions? MMM is pretty generic. Sure, there are some Turakian Age references but no big deal, much of it can be used "as is" and the rest are easily adaptable as nothing seems too setting specific. I love monster books and the main Fantasy Hero book spoiled us so my biggest complaint is that the book is too damn short. I was hoping for 256 pages or so but it is only 1/2 that. Hopefully there will be another one sometime down the road... but Fantasy doesn't look like it gets anything else until 2006
  5. Re: Herophile Fantasy art Angror Ironfist -- WOW! nice pic! Link to the character write-up?
  6. Re: Why exponential progression doesn't work for damage If the poorly applied Exponential builds are a problem then go Linear, the HERO System mechanics are already set up for it, you just have to change the specific builds. Make bigger weapons to proportionally more damage, make heavier defences provide proportionally more defence. What's the big deal? If you don't like it change it.
  7. Re: Poster map - Hudson City FWIW, Kenzer and Co (the Knights of the Dinner Table company) is using Cafe Press (a company that Hero Games already deal with) to produce a 23" x 35" map: http://www.cafepress.com/kenzerco.28379542 Maybe Hero Games could make some maps available? Something to consider anyway...
  8. Re: Orc fall down, go BOOM! Yeah, that's like the Goblin Grenade, IMO one of the better Goblin cards. This is also kinda like the old Dragonlance Draconians who died in a variety of different ways that were harmful to those around them: Aurak: when dying Green Flames RKA d6 Damage Shield; then Lightning Ball RKA 2d6, with +6 OCV, which attacks for 3 rounds then explodes for RKA 3d6 10' radius and stuns for d4 rounds (I dunno, +1 or +2 STUNx?). Baaz: Turns self to Stone (potentially trapping weapon of killer) Bozak: Explosion RKA 1d6 10' radius. Kapak: Dissolves into a Pool of Acid 1d6+1 for d6 rounds. Sivak: Burst into Flames d6+1 10' radius. There might be other ones with the legion of novels that were spawned but those were the classics from the original series. You could also go with the Jim McBob and Billy Sol Hurok who done blowed people up real good by talking to them
  9. Re: Fire Balls Spells and Hit Locations. I'd be careful about letting Area of Effect attacks use hit locations because they can take the weakest point in the opponents. Mind you, one could argue that the hefty +1 Advantage means that they've paid for the targetting privledge. But, personally, the guideline I follow is that a generally targeted attack (like a fireball) can't specifically target a particular hit location (e.g., face).
  10. Re: Clubs, Lethal Weapons? (Killing Damage Not Normal) OK, I knew that something was bugging me about this Lethal option. So, I just ran the detailed numbers on it for BODY and STUN vs. a range of armor types and the Killing Damage Clubs are actually less Lethal than the Normal Damage Clubs because of the crippling Reduced Penetration Limitation! It turns out that except against the unarmored, the very lightest armored , and creatures with a very high PD Killing Damage does less BODY! The STUN is almost exactly the same, with only a minor insignificant variation even at the highest Damage levels. Well, chalk this one up as a failed experiment
  11. Lethal Clubs (Killing Damage Not Normal)? I've been thinking about and experiment with changing Clubs, Staves, etc. to Killing Damage Weapons instead of the Normal Damage standard used in the Hero System. Ends: More Lethal to unarmored people (More BODY Damage vs. 0 rDEF) Less Lethal to heavily armored people (Less BODY Damage vs. 1+rDEF) More likely to Knockout (More STUN) Means: Killing Damage instead of Normal Damage = More Lethal Reduced Penetration (-¼) = Less Lethal vs. Armored +1 STUNx (+¼) = More Likely to Knockout What do you think about the current Lethality, or lacktherof, of Clubs and this proposal? THANKS!
  12. Re: Does anyoen use spell-multipliers? Other radical ideas on how to even out Wizards & Warriors: You could treat spells as Equipment that you pick up from a spell book (Vancian memorization). You could actually make the Warriors pay points for Equipment and buy then as powers like most people have Wizards do with spells.
  13. Re: Does anyoen use spell-multipliers? IMO, if mages want more spells they either take more Limitations to make them cheaper and/or put them into a Power Framework. Personally, I don't like the arbitrary dividers when the perfectly good Power Frameworks are already part of the HERO System.
  14. Re: Magic: The Gathering to Fantasy Hero Here's an old thread about converting MtG Slivers to HERO: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12758
  15. Re: Yes, I am a big frog. Why do you ask? Frog/Toad reproduction in Fantasy Hero, eh? Check this classic Clark Ashton Smith story out: http://www.eldritchdark.com/wri/short/mother_of_toads_ed.html
  16. Re: Chickens? The Far-Go La Prix plant put out a fine line of sentient chickens -- Gamma World's good old Gallus Gallus 5/13:
  17. Re: Carrying a Big Stick -- Clubs, How Much Damage? I've been using a more simplistic linear system of x2 Height = x2 Damage = x2 STR Minimum. Great Clubs (2-Handed): 6' Tall (Human) +6d6N, 15 STR Min 9' Tall (Ogre) +9d6, 23 STR Min 12' Tall (Hill Giant) +12d6, 30 STR Min 24' Tall (Storm Giant) +24d6, 60 STR Min But your +1 DC per Growth/Size equivalent and the material DEF+BODY=DC methods are interesting ones that I'll have to take a hard look at -- THANKS!
  18. Re: Walking On The Sun Yeah, but I really gotta disagree with that logic. The progression to 120 points seems quite obviously preferable. I can see where he's coming from with the x2 points for 1/2 effect thing but the end points are just way too steep for my tastes.
  19. Re: Walking On The Sun To simulate "Immunity" I simply extrapolated Damage Reduction to 100% for 120 points: http://www.hierax.com/hero/house/immunity.txt
  20. Re: High Fantasy HERO Site Update How about a Character page with links to various sample characters? Personally, I find the "Sample Wizards" to be quite good but it would be good to have links to all of them in one place along with links to other sample characters of various types (be they from San'Dora or Warhammer, or PC or NPC).
  21. Re: Carrying a Big Stick -- Clubs, How Much Damage? Also, at what size point would you start applying an Area of Effect Advantage?
  22. I'm trying to outfit some giants with some big sticks. In your opinion, How much Damage (HA +xd6) would a Railway Tie, Power Pole (Telephone/Telegraph Pole), Metal Streetlight, Redwood Tree, etc. do and what should the STR Min be? These are really just big-assed Clubs. What sort of Length, Width, Weight, etc. ratio do you use to figure out damage? So far I've been using about 1d6 per foot; e.g., a baseline a 6' Long Great Club is being built as: Great Club (6'): HA +6d6 (30 Base Points); Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) (+½; 45 Active Points); Focus (OAF; -1), Hand-To-Hand Attack (-½), Independent (-2), Required Hands (2-Handed; -½), Real Weapon (-¼), Side Effect (Awkward, OCV -1; -¼), STR Minimum (15/18; -¾) (-5¼; 7 Real Points). [~HERO System Standard Equipment] How would you use this basis to extrapolate this to the bigger "Clubs"? Thanks!
  23. Re: New HG book concept - opinions requested I don't think that Sidekicks eat into other sales. In most cases, I think that the players will buy Sidekicks because they are cheap and portable where otherwise they'd just borrow the GM's big expensive rulebook.
  24. Re: Lack of Fully Developed Worlds Another factor is that In some ways the HERO System is too good for it's own good. With the main HERO System rulebook you can already do anything, the other books just show you how to do some things and a few other ways of doing anything. It seems quite natural with such a system you are going to get steadily diminishing returns on sales as you make more and more books because people need (or rather want) the new books less and less. Setting books are just one example of this phenomenon. It's also why I think that you'll go further attracting new players (e.g., FH Sidekick) than trying to milk the old players with more and more detail (another new cool setting).
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