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Everything posted by CBikle

  1. Re: "I teleport the criminal's gun out of his hand"... Force wall, force field with the protects carried items adder, technologically-based power defense, teleport or extra-dimensional movement.
  2. Re: Modular Bionics Nah. Technically, accessable foci could be taken by a grab maneuver; inaccessable foci require about 1 combat turn (12 seconds) to shake loose.
  3. Re: Old Testament Hero Is there a difference ? Just kidding.
  4. Re: When a PC screws up, What next? OK, that doesn't seem too insurmountable. When I've GMed, I've cut players slack on honest mistakes (especially ones that are out of character and might send the campaign into a tailspin). I'd downplay some of the effects of this and maybe your GM will too. I'm gathering that the reporter has already printed the story. Maybe this is something that the team can somehow turn to their advantage ? Also, in the campaign log, it said that the reporter was a contact of yours (you'd saved his life). If he's an actual contact (you've spent points on him), he probably shouldn't be causing you headaches like this. Sounds more like a DNPC to me.
  5. Re: When a PC screws up, What next? What was the screw-up ? Can't you just give a one-paragraph explanation ?
  6. Re: Old Testament Hero I know you're kidding, but in the King James Bible, it mentions how Mary and Joseph were visited by three wise men. The first wise man had a gift of gold. The second, a gift of frankincense The third wise man, a gift of 1-10 Electrum Pieces, Treasure Type M (x2) and a 30 % chance of a potion. Contrary to popular belief, the Bible was rife with D&D references.
  7. Re: Old Testament Hero Plus you can do cool things like turn some guy's wife into a pillar of salt. Turning Someone Into a Pillar Of Salt(8d6 major transform: normal human into pillar of salt, fully indirect[+3/4], 1 hex accurate [+1/2])
  8. Re: Can you drain - Life support? I'm pretty much OK with Life Support getting drained (transferred ?) as a side effect of a drain vs. SFX. I think something like: 2d6 Drain vs. LS: high-pressure is kind of munchkin-y (especially in a Galactic Champions game) even though it's not that hard to rationalize ("It's a super-high pressure blast that taxes my opponent's pressurization").
  9. Re: Power Defense You're right ! I'd forgotten that.
  10. Re: Attracting villians My campaign city had mystical ley-lines, which occasionally would throw off electro-magnetic anomalies that would result in the occasional alien spacecraft crash or an otherdimensional portal opening. Mystical villains came to the city to investigate the ley-lines while other villains might be curious about the non-mystical side effects of them.
  11. Re: Fictional Cities As a GM and player, I prefer fictional cities for Champs games. My 3rd Champions campaign (shortly after 4th ed.) was set in Empire City, a city I had created that was kind of a Gotham/Metropolis hybrid. The hodge-podge nature of the city allowed for all types of scenarios and most players liked the "big" feel of the city (although a few felt there was "too much", which I disagreed with). The city's history got richer and more involved as more players joined the campaign and their backgrounds were incorporated, plus most of the (pre 5th ed) Champions sites of interest were integrated there, such as the Circle, M.E.T.E. , Dr. McQuark's Super Hero Supply And Gymnasium, et al.
  12. Re: mass group combat One of the 4th ed. Fantasy Hero Companion books had rules for this and they weren't bad (there were also similar rules for Champions in Adventurer's Club #7). Basically, you decided how big you wanted each combat unit to be and the map scale and time scale were increased proportionally. PCs could either be part of a unit or act as their own unit. Their were also rules for "troop morale". I think mass combat rules and/or LARP-style rules are the next big step for the Hero System.
  13. Re: Power Defense "I'm a rock-it-man..."
  14. Re: Power Defense My reply wasn't really all that serious and "camoflauge" probably wasn't the best choice of words. Another way of putting it is this: If at some point you're overhauling a character (training, radiation accident, whatever), the opportunity might arise in which you can buy pts. of Power Defense if it fits the concept of the "Overhaul" (perhaps that cool symbiotic costume you found on "Secret Fight World" provides Power Defense in addition to the other stuff.).
  15. Re: Power Defense I wasn't directing any of my comments your way (or anyone's really), they're just all drawn from past experiences as a GM and player.
  16. Re: Power Defense Those aren't bad, but wouldn't work on many of the GMs I know. Really, the best route towards rationalizing buying Power Def (after character creation) is to lump it in with other purchases (camoflauging it) like saying you're buying new armor with a special invisible force-layer that provides Knockback Resistance, Lack Of Weakness, Life Support vs high and low-pressure and Power Defense.
  17. Re: The Use of a Focus for Teleportation...? Out of curiosity, is the whole power being bought through a framework ? If so, the point difference between a floating and fixed location adder, may not matter.
  18. Re: Power Defense I've never seen universal Power Defense as a problem in any game I've run or played in. Players don't usually try to buy Power Defense until their character has a REALLY bad experience with an adjustment power. When players have initially bought it, it's never been more than 5 pts. (usually the only characters to have more than this are big uber-villain types who are given blanket amounts of every defense type so they can go the distance with PC teams). Breaking down Power Defense into multiple SFX categories just seems like an excuse for GMs to put their own "stamp" on the mechanics. Overthinking and overcomplicating things unnecessarily.
  19. Re: The Use of a Focus for Teleportation...? The sad thing is, all of this brain-power is being spent for, what sounds like, a plot device. I'm wondering if the mechanics really matter here.
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