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Everything posted by CBikle

  1. Re: How would you build a time/space Superphone? I suppose by buying Radio transmit and receive and buying advantages like transdimensional.
  2. Re: AARGH! How do I build this power without exceeding active point caps? Buy it as a multipower with a 5 or 10pt. adder that the ultraslot fired is always the one most appropriate.
  3. Re: CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE II - What Do You Want To See? Hex maps of new and old landmarks of MC and old Detroit. Ideally, I wouldn't mind seeing a boxed/bagged set of miniature-scale hexmaps of important locations.
  4. Re: A Thread for Random Videos William Shatner
  5. Re: Help me brainstorm a disaster! The master-villain and one of his henchmen jump in the Station-Wagon and drive around the neighborhood while smashing mailboxes with a baseball bat. Sorry. I got nothin'.
  6. Re: CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE II - What Do You Want To See? Normally, I'm firmly in that "Second Idiocy" camp, but I think superior NPC heroes make sense for a book like CU2, especially since I've noticed a LOT of requests for write-ups for the Justice Squadron, et al, so give the people what they want. Or think they want.
  7. Re: House Rule Question: STUN From Impotent KA's To be fair, he only wears that when he goes to Barbara Streisand concerts or when he goes antiquing on fire island.
  8. Re: Recharging Things? Yeah, why not just buy it as a variant of that (but perhaps just -1 level on the charges chart instead of 2, to represent the fact that the charges are a little less recoverable.
  9. Re: Help! Cardboard Nazi stand-up download needed! Not quite what you're looking for, but howsabout cardboard figures of the Pc guy and the Mac Guy ?
  10. Re: Help! Cardboard Nazi stand-up download needed! The old Indiana Jones boxed RPG from TSR actually had nazi cardboard figures. I remember this because TSR actually had the word "nazi" trademarked on the printed figures.
  11. Re: House Rule Question: STUN From Impotent KA's You're preaching to the choir. I pretty much agree with you here.
  12. Re: House Rule Question: STUN From Impotent KA's In my 20 + years in playing the game, I have yet to see a PC go beyond a 40 Con. In my example, I was figuring the Hulk analog would have a 30 rPD (that's including his regular PD) and a 30 con. So if the heavy pistol rolled max damage (13 body/65 stun), it would stun him by 5 pts. It's unlikely, but I have personally seen that exact type of situation occur on numerous occasions.
  13. Re: House Rule Question: STUN From Impotent KA's I think Thrakazog knew this but just provided the example above for simplicity. Assume that the character's natural PD of 10 is bought as resistant and that he has an additional +15 PD armor for a total of 25 rPD.
  14. Re: Query to the Architectural Folks - GUGGENHEIM DISASTER! Filthy mutants...always destroying landmarks... Where the hell are the Sentinels ? What am I paying taxes for ?
  15. Re: Melee Reflection A little expensive, but you could do it as a damage shield with a +1/4 variable SFX advantage. Thing is, it won't change the attack type (if you buy the DS as an eb, that's how it'll hurt the opponent, even if they bought their attack as an HKA.
  16. Re: 5d6 Hero I think this rule will make it harder to play a Daredevil-type character (high OCV and skills; low defenses and damage) as it'll be harder to hit and make skill rolls.
  17. Re: How abusive is this? Right. As GM, I once had a player submit a character that had most of his points (characteristics/powers/etc) bought through a focus and then bought the Dependence disad, with the character being dependant on the focus (this is illegal now of course).
  18. Re: New Player freaks the heck out of me. Oh great. Now that you chimed in, I guess this thread will get closed too.
  19. Re: How should a Super-Power Suppression Field affect characteristics? Or better yet the Juggernaut, whose strength is magically-augmented.
  20. Re: How should a Super-Power Suppression Field affect characteristics? With the "Draino-Ray", you have to also take into account high stats (and powers) that are a result of non-superpower based origins like being a robot or E.T. or E.T. robot. Would the Martian Manhunter lose his high strength from a ray designed to take away powers from Earthlings ?
  21. Re: How should a Super-Power Suppression Field affect characteristics?
  22. Re: House Rule Question: STUN From Impotent KA's I agree 100 %. I think a flat X3 stun mult would solve the issue (and speed up combat), but have been unable to convince everyone of this.
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