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Everything posted by steriaca

  1. Re: Help with a VPP Humm...what if he encounters and kills an enimie? Can he be able to scavage the enimies equipment? Even add it to his weapion catch? If the device is 'to advance', will goverment 'top men' grab it for themselves? Equipment scavaging happens all the time in war. The VVP should reflect this, if this charater is in a war campain (like, say, during WW2). Heck, some eleat specalist solders are ment to be lightly armed, but salvage the enimies weapions, equipment, and suplies. Just food for thought...
  2. Re: Presence attack and defence Humm...I created "The Fear" as part of The Black Triangle in the New Curcle(sp?) thread way back. I origanaly gave him a nakid advantage for his PRE (Armor Piercing and Penatrating), but removed them because it was illegal. So I guess there is no way beyond the Mind Control power to make someone more fearsome or impresaved without buying tons of PRE with the limitation "Only to PRE Attack", right?
  3. Re: Who the Heck are These?!? Questions about some of the Old SuperHeroes So, the white haired EB is Starlet, the one in Holie's mits? Yep...I always asumed that was Flair. And 8d6? Well, it does depend on the campain. For starting charaters, that would be prehaps the 'top level' till thay start spending XP on there powers and get better. For a street level campain, that could be the level of a well experenced crimfighter. For a cosmic campain, it is extremly laffable.
  4. Re: Presence attack and defence Well, I don't consider "incresing something to make things harder" a defence. But I guess I am spoiled on defence as 'reducing damage' ideal (and yes, I know PRE Attacks do not do 'damage' in the normal sence). Looking back, I guess my ideal on Autofire PRE Attack sucks. I still ponder, should I be able to use AP with PRE? If so, exactly what should it be able to do? If PrD is not buyable, then should it reduce in half PRE (or INT or EGO) bought with the limitation "Only to protect agenst PRE Attacks (-1)"? Should Penatrating be able to alow some PRE through? What is your view on this.
  5. Re: Presence attack and defence OK. I agree with that ideal. You can't use a advantaged PRE Attack unless you preforn a multi attack with them. Understood.
  6. In my mind (and sometime in the future), I plan on doing a new 6th edition version of the clasic 4th and lower villian Timemaster. As a 'reimagining', I view his suit of armor not as a time machien (the machien would be in his own time period, the year 3000...yes repeat it with me as if you were watching Conan O'Brion...In The Year 3000!), but as a device which prevents him from snaping back to his own time period unless he wants to 'snap back'. Because of this, he shoulden't have a 'Focus' limitation on his powers (takeing off even a small piece of his armor would disable the ancor and send him back). So, how should this be built, that any breach of the armor could send him back to the future, where he would have to spend time fixing the armor befor coming back? For him, he can't exactly hit the right time he needs to be for his plans (which are to manipulate events in our time which would benifit himself and make him Ruler of Earth and Beyond). He is limited to the time periods of 1930's to 2020 or so (depending on how events play out in 2012), and in theory any time period where magic exist (cause that is how Mr. Long says about superpowers...feal free to ignore that fact ).
  7. Say if I want to rebuild Timemaster for my campain (or simply because I feal like it), and I define that his armor keeps him in the curent timeline for as long as it is not breached. What is the best way to build this limitation (since he can't remove the armor when he is not in his curent timeline without breaching it and sending himself back to his own time, but someone could put a hole into the armor also to send him back to his own time also)?
  8. Re: Presence attack and defence Humm... Hear are some ideals on PRE New Power: Presence Defence. Duration: Constant Cost: 1 point for 2 points of defence. Rules: Presence Defence (PrD) reduces PRE Attacks by 2 points per point bought before the attack is compared to PRE for the attack. Yes, you CAN Harden it. Ideal 1: PRE and Armor Piercing (YELD!) Normaly, you can't buy AP for PRE (as it makes no sence). The GM can alow it if he is running with the PrD power. The GM might also use it in another way (especaly if he is not playing with PrD)...it can halve all PRE (or INT or EGO, depending on campain and house rules) which have been bought with the limitation "Only to defend aganst PRE Attacks". Notes: If you alow buying AP for PRE, you also must alow buying Harden for PRE, INT, and/or EGO also. If it affects all of PRE, INT, and/or EGO, then it MUST be bought simuler to how STR is bought with an advantage. Ideal 2: PRE and Penatrating (YELD!) Again, normaly you can't buy Penatrating for PRE (as it makes no sence). The GM can alow it if he is running with the PrD power. The GM might also use it in a simuler way to AP above (with each 'body' of PRE Attack subtracted from the PRE, INT, or EGO bought with "Only to defend aganst PRE Attacks" before comparing the total attack to the afected stat). Notes: If you alow buying Penatrating for PRE, INT, and/or EGO, then you also must alow buying Harden for PRE, INT, and/or EGO also. If it affects all of PRE, INT, and/or EGO, then it MUST be bought simuler to how STR is bought with advanrages. Ideal 3: PRE and Autofire (STOP!) *blink* I got to be crazy to think of this. If alowable, this gets the extra +1 advantage for shure. Now...how to handel autofire PRE Attack? Take the dice of PRE in the attack with all the pluses and minuses and roll them. Note the result, then repeat till all the attacks have been rolled. Then add up the results, divide them by the number of autofire shots, and there is your avrage PRE Attack total to compair to whatever stat the GM decides. This is a "STOP!" ability because it takes up time. Ideal 4: Damage Reduction; PRE (STOP!) Again, this is normaly not buyable. But if alowed, use the 'resistant' cost table for it. As a GM, if the thought of someone buying 100% Damage Reduction for PRE scary, you can make a new table of even hier cost (25% cost 30 points, 50% cost 60 points, 75% cost 120 points, 100% cost 240 points). You can also alow the buying of the +1/4 advantage Irreducible for the stat. Ideal 5: Piercing and PRE (STOP!) If you want, as GM, you can alow the power of Piercing to affect PRE/comparsing stats. Piercing is from page 113 of the Advance Player's Guide. It should cost 4 Charater Points to reduce one point of PRE, INT, and/or EGO for defence of PRE Attacks. If your playing with PrD, it cost 3 Charater Points to reduce that defence by one instead.
  9. Re: Champions and Other Manuals Well, I got my copy of APG from Nobel Knight games (unshure of URL curently...will edit the corect URL in when I find it again ). Thay have a great site, and I have Martial Arts and Champions hard cover on my wishlist.
  10. Re: Who the Heck are These?!? Questions about some of the Old SuperHeroes That wa Starlet? I always thought that was Flair.
  11. Re: Presence attack and defence Mental Defence normaly has no protection aganst PRE Attacks, right? Then add a +1/2 advantage to Mental Defence called "Works Aganst PRE Attacks". Of course, the Player must get GM premition first (NPCs automaticly have premition).
  12. Re: Superhero movie serial-style Champions True. Most serial heros which come to mind are twofisted guys...all about punching and shooting. Gadgetearing charaters are not unknown, but tend to be known for one or two pieces of equipment above the norm (for example, Comander Cody, who is known mostly for his rocket backpack). Power Armor charaters ahla Iron Man are usaly unherd of. Of course, Kap gets final say on this. And first official say also. Come to think of it...Belladona could easly be modified to play in this story. She could easly be known for the Thorn Gun, and carring a real gun as for last resort. Shame I can't navagate the Hero Central site (but I am not going to ask for a change in venture eather).
  13. Re: My new villain : Panzerfaust (comment welcomed) Don't forget, we need points, not just names. Distinctive Features: Armored Cyborg War Machien for example. Hear is prehaps a list of sergestions: Distinctive Features: Armored Cyborg War Machien (Causes Fear) Psychological Limitation: Obsesed With Racial Purity, Feals That The White Germanic/Arian 'Race' Is Superior To Any Other Race (Common, Total) Psychical Limitation: Huge Size and Heavy Weight (amount depends on how heavy and huge he is) Psychical Limitation: Huge Hands, Have Hard Time handeling Small Objects (again, depends on how frequenly it happens) Berserk when confrounted by the failer of white power/the 3rd rank (Enrage level, sergested level 11-, recover sergestion 11-) Vulnerability: X1 1/2 effect from 'logic' based Mind Control (rather dim witted, Uncommon) 10 points Hunted by the 3.5 Rank (Watched only, NCI, 14- (He is there agent...there will rairly be a time he would not be at there becken call)) Social Complication: 'Solder' and Subject To Orders Social Complication: Natzi Party Member Leftover Well, thoes are my ideals for complications. You don't have to use any of them.
  14. Re: The "Essay"(ESSE/UEH) Project(Warning: mature/controversial content contained her Humm...just got and read the APG. Page 90 has a disterbing advantage to Desolification, called Selective Desolification. Humm...a rapeing ghost. *shutter*
  15. Re: My new villain : Panzerfaust (comment welcomed) *nod* Understood. And I understood leaving the disavantages out, in case your player's are reading this. But you must publish them after the hero's first encounter, so we can coment on them also. A charater is incompleat without complications.
  16. Re: Probability Manipulation Humm...Blast and Range Killing Attack, Varable Special Effect, Indirect, Invisable Power Effect, Only To Cause Something To Explode/Break Which Would Proably Explode/Break In The First Place (-1/4), Side Effect (Enviromental Damage, +0). This simulates the chances of something breaking down/exploding just at the moment of the player's chosing.
  17. Re: Superhero movie serial-style Champions
  18. Re: My new villain : Panzerfaust (comment welcomed) There's no Right Panzerfist? 5 points would buy him the same multipower for his right hand, if needed. Humm...so Striking Appearance can be used for both good looks and bad looks...intresting. Your going to go back and add Disavantages, right? Acualy, the build looks good for a start. Incompleat, but good. (Of course, I'm not imune to incompleat charater post...if you remember the Black Triangle from the New Circle...it took me a while to finish them, but I was proud that I did them...keep up the work.) I also would, now that I looked at the Beast's post, add all the things he said also.
  19. Re: Superhero movie serial-style Champions Well, the only thing which comes to mind with serial charaters joining forces is the old 80's cartoon show Defenders of the Earth, and that was only because Flash Gorden, The Phantom, and Mandrake the Magician all had serials (well, in Mandrake's part, I don't remember if there WAS a serial of him, but Chadu is close enougth to Mandrake to count, right?)
  20. Re: World's Finest Well, I coulden't see her sitting back, backing cookies for the men of the team, and then waiting for the rair kidnaping, can I? Besides, she can get kidnaped better by being on the sceen herself, thank you. LOL. Anyways, hear is what is in my mind with the charater. I used the ideal of Black Canary as a starting point. I could of used Wonder Woman, but there was to much history to morph and shape, and I would rather be an 'insider' than an 'outsider' (even thoe the fact that she is a she is an outsider factor in the old boys network which is superheros). The 1960's was the start of the Woman's Liberation campain, but it diden't realy have legs till late in the 60's. I decided to play up the plant angle on the charater, instead of the 'sonic singing' aspect. With a plant name, I coulden't have her screaming at villians. The "Thorn Gun" was the first weapion I thought of. The ideal was simuler to the Green Hornet's gas gun...pull the triger and force henchmen to sleep it off. The second weapion, the "Vine Bolos", was something I thought up over Thanksgiving, because I thought just haveing that one weapion wasen't going to be enougth. The "Pollin Gun" (sp?) was the third weapion, based on pollin giving thoes who breath in an alargy attack (watery eyes, sneazing fits). The costume I had in mind is this...a light green dress going down just past her knees, with a darker green boots, gloves, and domino mask. Her blond hair is styled in a flip. The ideal of her being a woman's libber fits in with what was happening at the time. She was going to be a more 'quiet' libber (she showed her defiance by running a flower shop and fighting crime...she will not say that man, by himself, is the enimie of women...ect, ect, ect...). Her car, in my mind, was going to be a dark green VW beetal with yellow, flower shape hubcaps and no liacence(wrong sp, I just know it) plates.
  21. Re: Ben 10: Ultimate Alien Humm...any ideals on how to write Rex up? I would guess a limited VVP, but what would you think.
  22. Re: Superhero movie serial-style Champions Humm...how to solve the 'one costumed hero or one costumed hero and a costumed sidekick' problem of the serial... Well, let's see the typical hero cast list of serials... 1) The Masked Man (or woman): This is usaly the person the serial is named after. Strong jawed and rugged. Kind to women, children, and animals (which are not trying to rip him apart). 2) The Damsel (or love intrest, if the main hero is a Masked Woman): Young and spunkie. Usaly has a will of iron. Helpful at times, and someone to save at other times. Usaly there is a relationship with the Masked Man (sometimes romantic, sometimes profesinal). 3) The Young Sidekick: Well, young is a state of mind, but the typical sidekick for the hero is a young man/boy who still looks at things in a 'gosh darn' sort of way. Rairly is this position a young girl, but it could be. 4) The Solid Guy: He is the guy who the hero can relie on when things get tougth. He could easly be the hero except for one thing...he follows instead of leads. 5) The Profesor: He is the smart guy in the room. He has the ideals and science knolage...the hero has the mussel to make the ideals work. Well, that is my list. Note that only two positions are 'superheros' (well, one and a half...the sidekick is rairly costumed). Not all serials use the same lineup. Anyone you want to add to the list?
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