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Everything posted by steriaca

  1. Re: My First 6ed (BR) Villain: Doctor Dair (Coments Welcomed) The lost section...apperance. Apperance: Doctor Dair's costume consists of a royal blue bodysuit with a gold "D" on the chest, a black belt with a gold "D" beltbuckle, purple gloves and boots, and a yellow cape. His goggles are also green with rose tint lenses. When he activates his powers, he is surounded by a yellow glow. Out of his costume, he is a nicely dressed young man with short black hair, pencel thin mushtash, and neetly trimed gotie to go with his blue eyes. He prefers casual suits in cloors of blues, purples, and greens.
  2. Re: My First 6ed (BR) Villian: Doctor Dair (Coments Welcomed) Might as well try to compleat this sheet with Background/History, ect... Background/History: Dairation Jeferson the 3rd was a bord, rich 20something with more monie than sence. For fun (and to cure his bordome), he use to plan pretend roberies. It was never monie that he has after in his setups for burgerie, only the chalenge of overcoming security systems and other problems (at least, on paper). One day he decided to do it for real, as a real life 'supervilian'. So he took some of the intrest on his inheradence, and went shoping at the nerest AGENT store. A specily designed costum and a few minor cybernetic operations later he emerged as Doctor Dair, the ultimite thieth. Personality/Modivation: Doctor Dair basicly does his crimes out of bordome. He is inspiered by an old 'learning' computer game based on a thieth, and because of this his capers are never on the 'small' side. He dosen't beleve in killing, and will not kill. He would easly surender if it would save lives. Beyond that, he is out for a fun time, and strives to make his capers as enjoyable as posable. Quote: "Listen to my theamsong and tremble!" (presses the button on his belt) "Ah...my faverote song..." (begins to sing along to whatever is being played) Powers/Tactics: The costume Doctor Dair wears alowes him to negate Gravitons. This negation alowes him to fly, increse his strength, negate the gravity atraction of other people or things and such. He is still learning how to use the costume. The costume runs on his own bio-electric charge (which is why ARGENT needed him to have minor cybernetic surgery before selling the suit to him). In combat, he focuses on what he is stealing first and formost. If someone attacks or interupts him, he then will concentrat on who attacked him, forcing him away as much as posable before continuing with the plan. If forced to make the choice between what he is stealing and the life of another, he choses life, always.
  3. Re: My First 6ed (BR) Villian: Doctor Dair (Coments Welcomed) That post (unedited) was to see if formation was good. Now I have most of the villian down, except I curently have only the vageous background in my head for him (he is supose to be a 'fun' villian, as say the detachable theamsong beltbuckel).
  4. Doctor Dair Val Char Cost Roll And Notes 12 STR 2 11-, 100kg lift, 2d6 STR Damage. 13 DEX 6 12- 12 CON 2 11- 16 INT 6 12-, 12- Preception Roll 16 EGO 6 12- 23 PRE 13 14-, 4d6 PRE Attack 6 OCV 15 6 DCV 15 4 OMCV 3 4 DMCV 3 4 SPD 20 Phases: 3,6,9,12 13 PD 11 13 ED 11 10 REC 6 60 END 40 10 BODY 0 60 STUN 20 Chacteristic Total: 179 Cost Powers And END Cost 34 Gravatron Negation: Multipower 60 points, Focus (OIF Costume, -1/2), Unified Power (-1/4) 7f 1) Gravatron Negation Wave Beam: 12d6 Physical Blast (6 END Cost) 7f 2) Focused Gravation Negation Beam: 6d6 Blast, Attack Verses Alturnitive Deffence (Deffence is Enviromental Movement: Zero-G Training, haveing a difrent physicology than normal, all or nothing, +1) (6 END Cost) 4f 3) Using Gravatron To 'Enhance' Flight Of Others Beam: 6d6 Flight Aid, Range (+1/2), Limited Power (Can't Directly Use On Self, -1) (5 END Cost) 6f 4) Gravatron Negation Upon An Object For Movement: 40 STR Telekinesis, Only to Strike, Grab, and Throw (-1/4) (6 END Cost) 7f 5) Gravatron Negation Upon A Living Being Directly: 6d6 Major Transformation (person to person with Vuulnerability X 1 1/2 distance Knockback from all attacks: 10 points, heals normaly over time and can be removed by Doctor Dair as a zero phase action) (6 END Cost) 16 Gravition Negation Of Self As STR Boost: +28 STR, Focus (OIF Costume, -1/2), Unified Power (-1/4) (4 END Cost total) 13 Costume Speed Boosters: +2 SPD, Focus (OIF Costume, -1/2) (Total SPD: 6. Phases:2,4,6,8,10,12) 10 Cybernetic Bio-Elelctric Recovery Device: +20 REC, Limited Power (Only To Recover END, -1) (Total REC: 30 for END, 10 for STUN) 13 Gravitron Negation Field: Resistant Protection, +10 PD, +10 ED, Focus (OIF, Costume, -1/2), Unified Power (-1/4), Cost END (-1/2), Perceivable (-0) (3 END Cost) 30 Fluctuating Graviton Negation Field: Change Enviroment, -3 to DEX rolls for keeping on there feet, -3 to CON rolls to avoid nausia, Area of Effect (32m Radius, +1, and Surface, +1/4), Personal Imunity (+1/4), Focus (IIF Costume, -1/4), Unified Power (-1/4), No Range (-1/2) (6 END Cost) 20 Armored Costume: Resistant Protection +10 PD, +10 ED, Focus (OIF Costume, -1/2) 6 Gravatron Controled Flight: Flight 10m (20m Noncombat), Focus (OIF Costume, -1/2) (END Cost 1) 4 Detachable Theamsong Beltbuckle: Images Sound, Area Of Effect (Radius 4m, +1/4), Duration (Persistant, +1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END, + 1/2), Focus (OAF Removable Beltbuckel, -1) Gesters (needs to press the beltbuckel to start/stop power, -1/4) (END Cost 0) 2 Gravatron Controled Cape: Extra Limb, Cape, Focus (OIF Costume Cape, -1/2), Unified Power (-1/4), Cost END (-1/2), Only to Strike, Grab, and Throw (-1/4) (END Cost 1 + STR) 5 Nifty Anti-Glair Googles: Flash Defence Sight, 10 points, Focus (OIF Googles, -1) 8 Basic Costume Anti-Psi Hood: Mental Defence 10 points, Focus (IIF Costume, -1/4) 15 Just A Lucky, Rich Baskert A Heart: Luck 3d6 Total Powers: 202 Total Powers + Char: 381 Cost Skills, Perks and Tallents (and Rolls) 15 +3 OCV w/Multipower 3 Acrobatics: 12- 3 Breakfall: 12- 7 Charm: 16- 3 Gambling: 12- 3 High Society: 14- 3 KS (Area): Millennium City (or Campain City): 12- 3 KS (Subject): Superhuman World: 12- 3 KS (Subject): The Rich World: 12- 3 Language: Spanish (Fluent w/Accent, English is native) 3 Lockpicking: 12- 3 Navagation: 12- 3 Persuation: 14- 3 Power (Gravitron): 12- 3 Riding (Horse): 12- 3 Security Systems: 12- 3 Tactics: 12- 5 TF: Ridding Animals, Cars, Motocycles, and Motorized Boats 12 +2 w/All Agility Skills 12 +3 w/All Interaction Skills 5 Gravatron Suit: Enviromental Movement: Zero-G Training, Focus (IIF Costume, -1/4) 10 Money: Wealthy 3 Handsome Devil: Striking Apperance +1/+1d6 Skills, Perks, and Talents Total: 99 Total Cost: 480 Complications 400 + Distinctive Features: Slight Cyberization, Easly Concealed, Noted And Recognizable: 5 points. Hunted by ARGENT, More Powerful, NCI, Frenquently, Watching: 15 points. Psychological Complication: Coad VS Killing, Common, Total: 20 points Psychological Complication: Compeled To Steal Out Of Releving Bordome, Common, Strong: 15 points. Social Complication: Secret ID (Dairtion Jefferson the 3rd), Frequently, Major: 15 points. Vulnerability: X 1 1/2 distance from Knockback in costume: 10 points.
  5. Re: Vanished Villains What I know of them, thay are a brother and sister team originaly from Hawaii, and are of Japanies Decent. Thay are mutants. Radar has energy projection powers based on Radar waves, while Sonar has energy projection powers based on Sonar waves. I can't remember which gender is Sonar, and which is Radar, but there power setup can easly be expanded upon. Thay appear in the Champions comic books (mostly Flair, and I think The Marksman before thay had to legaly change his name into The Huntsman).
  6. steriaca

    The Question

    Re: The Question Humm...people forget that The Question was the basics for the Watchman charater Roshach. Of course, one could say Mister Blobface took all the worse aspects of The Question and took them to Iron Age Excess, but that was the point exactly.
  7. Re: Just C.L.O.W.N.ing around in Photoshop... It's nice to see old Fool again (to use Andrew's other villian name...how many 'villians' do you know who has two villian names simutaneously, and at the same time also). He came off quite nicely. Can't wait for how the others came out (well, we could do without Mr. Smillyface...the rest of Hero did, othoe his artwork is around somewhere...).
  8. steriaca

    Villain Index

    Re: Villain Index I beleve there is an index of villians for 5th edition in the 'free stuff' section. Since 6th edition Champions is just a continuation of 5th edition, that index should surfice for 'who is who in the Champion Universe'. Note: Most villians who were not in the three books (Villian Vollems) do not have a 6th edition write-up yet. In the big Hero System Rules Book (proably in book 1), there should be a conversion guide for converting 5th edition to 6th edition.
  9. Re: Champions of the Rising Sun - Japanies Super-Slangs
  10. Re: Vanished Villains Humm...I always wondered what happened to Radar and Sonar. Well, I guess I shoulden't expect that duo in the book. Prehaps Panda and Racoon? Thunder and Lighting? Kawai and her guardian who's name has sliped my mind?
  11. Generly speaking, for thoes who know the language, what slang would you give for the flowings: Brick... Energy Blaster... Mentalist... Martial Artest... Masked Avenger... Gadgetear... Someone with animal powers... Magic user... Hear are some that comes to mind. Jinzo: Artificial being. Comanly used for robots and cyborgs, can also be used for clones and other geneticly created beings. Karmin: Literly "mask", it is used for anyone without superpowers who dresses up and fights crime. Ronin: In the case of superbeings, Ronin means a super without a team afiliation. Ronin's are usaly looked down upon in Japan (but not always). Chojin: Literly "super person". Someone with superpowers who looks normal. Choyo: Short for "Choyoma", it literly means "super monster". Someone with superpowers and has a frighting look OR personality. Hirojin and Nagijin: Old terms used for Mutants, curently not considered politicly corect. Hirojin can also mean "someone from Hiroshima", and Nagijin meaning "someone from Nagisaki". Mujin: The curent PC term for mutant, from the english word Mutant and +jin (person). Any ideals for others?
  12. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! Valkerie pilot David Dawnstar of the Black Skull Squadrin was bussy fighting for his life and for the lives of eveyone on the SDF1 agenst the Zentrati when the acident sent him and his mecha to a new world. He wasen't always a team player, and diden't always play nice, even for a solider, so he was asumed to of been shoted down by his squad leader Roy Folker. Now coad named Skull Valkerie, he fights for himself, stealing the suplies and cash to maintain and update his ride. The only thing he truly hates are stupid people who think bad singing will make him stop in his tracks. Oh, and he hates bad singing also. Don't you dair sing "My Boyfriend Is A Pilot", even in fun, unless you want to be stomped on.
  13. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! I diden't say what he shot him with...it could easly be a piece of building that he did it with (a small piece of rock hurled at superstrength can do it). He would of said, "I was aiming for his helmit. How was I to know his head would get in the way?"
  14. Re: BOOK OF THE EMPRESS Kickstarter Humm...I am pondering...do I have to pledge something to buy a copy of the book at a later date? (I realy don't know myself...kinda feals like a Mother Hen moment to me...you can't eat the cornbread unless you help make it...sounds right to me...but with limited funds it would be hard to help make the cornbread.)
  15. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! Atnas A homeless man...a drunker in a santa suit. Give him an empty sack with the power to take away anything, a sled pulled by a flying raindear, and a mission: to take away 'toys' from thoes who do not aprecate them, and for your aproval comes Atnas the Ungifter.
  16. Re: Weapon Mastery (Coments Welcomed) Thats what I love about Hero. There are always more than one way to do something. And, yes, I like your way better. Can you 'power' through the other universals from page 48-50 of APG 1?
  17. Well, lets get this started. Weapon Mastery (YELD!) Type: Tallent Cost: 20 points. Effect: The charater who has this tallent (based loosly on the 'other universals' on page 48-50 of the APG 1) are considered to have all common Weapon Familiarity based on setting, the charater's background, and what Martial Arts and Transport Familiaritys thay posess. Thay basicly have the folowing: 1) All common Weapion Familiaritys, including thoes based on setting. This, in a Dark Champions campain, it would include all Common Melee Weapons, Common Missile Weapons, and Small Arms. In a Fanacy Hero campain, it would be all Common Melee Weapons, Common Missile Weapons, Uncommon Melee Weapions, and most Uncommon Missile Weapons, for another example. 2) All WF: Vehical Weapons for each TF with a built in weapon common to it. For example, a person with this tallent AND TF: Tank can operate the main cannon easly. 3) All WF for all the Martial Arts thay know. Thay still need the "Use Art With..." for each to use the weapon with the Martial Art. 4) All WF wich fits the charater's background. What the tallent does not give: 1) WF: Off Hand, unless the Martial Arts comes with it (requiered or not). 2) WF wich would almost never show up in the setting. For example, WF: Beem Weapons in a Fanticy Hero campain. 3) Any which are "forien", "ailen", or "unique" (like anything from Yentanga Temple when your charater is a martial artest who dosen't come from there). 4) WF: Non-Weapon Weapons.
  18. Re: Timemaster, Time Travel, and Time Ancor. Humm...another way to make him relavent when the heros already discover his 'go away button'. What if thay need the Entropie Ray to destroy something which can not be destroyed any other way. And that thing would be able to destroy the Earth if not destroyed itself.
  19. Re: Timemaster, Time Travel, and Time Ancor. Yes...and considering that he does have (or will have, once I write him up) a built in Entropie Ray (RKA, NND (Regeneration, Time Control Powers)) which he rairly uses (he is afraid to cause a big enougth change in the time stream to basicly harm himself...he dosen't have Coad VS Killing but is afraid of 'The Butterfly Effect' (the theory, not the movies)), his SPEED Drain power (still debating on keeping it or junking it), AND a small VVP (to better simulate Krang The Conquer, who comes to the past in each encounter with a new weapion or two), he could still be relatvent. And there is always pitting him agenst other heros also. ...of course, Captian Cronos would know about the ancor effect. But will he tell?
  20. Re: Create a Villain Theme Team! Doctor Devilegg Doctor Devilin Ergg was a scientist working on a portable helmit like device which would increse a person's intelagents when worn. The doctor created the egg shaped helm and being unable to find willing lab rats to try it, chosed himself. The helm worked, but also locked itself onto his head. And it gave him mild psyonic powers. The media called him Doctor Devilegg after his first robery (originaly to fund a way to remove the helm...later when he got use to it to fund other scientific experments) based on the apperance of the helm...red with two horn-like atena sticking out of it. As the 90's began, The American Protector shot him in the head. He survived, but was put into a coma for the entier 90's (but forcently the helm came off for the first time). He awoke from the coma in 2003, and died in prison of inoperable brain cancer in 2005.
  21. Re: Guide to Street Supers Humm...I was wondering JmOz, if your including in your optinal rules something like Weapion Mastery (an ideal I thought up, but I guess I shoulden't be the only one, from reading the APG 1, page 48-50)? Basicly, for 20 points your charater has as many Weapon Familiarity as the GM alowes and which would make sence to the charater based on his background, the setting, and what the GM alowes. (I wrote that twice to make shure I got that in...that the GM alowers...opps, make that 3 times). I'm shure Steven has proably done something like this in APG 2, but since I don't own that book yet...I have no ideal.
  22. Re: Adult Entertainment Humm...what would a super-skin mag aimed at bondage lovers be called? Humm...prehaps Bondage Cover (refering to, of course, the clasic definition of a cover of a comic book with a woman in bondage on it), Meta-bound, or SID Mounthly (short for Superheroien In Distress Mounthly...non-nude but mimimanly clothed/tight costumed metahuman modles in bondage and simulated distress sceens). And for any other type of adult magazeens? Meta-skin comes to mind. As does Metaskin Conusear, Metavenus and it's amed for female counterpart Metaherk.
  23. Re: Superhero To Do List Let's see, for Belladona, a silver age superheroien who I have yet to play. 1). Yes, a secret ID. Donna Amy Bell, if fact. (I just thought up her middle name...makes it for the young comic book readers to remember who she is, but might also give her away with an extremly smart villian.) 2) Secret Lair, yes. A subbasement under her flower shop, used to store her superhero stuff. 3) Sidekick...no. Being a woman superhero in the 1960's, she might have to become someone's sidekick to get noticed. Except she is not going to sit back and make cookies while the hero puts himself in danger. So, no sidekick position for her, thank you. 5) Animal Sidekick...are you kidding? No. She bases her gadgets on plants. She is a vegaterian. She dosen't even keep a cat. No pets. 4) Intresting suporting cast...? Well, she has an older sister, Debra. And a younger sister, DeeDee. 6) Love Intrest...none. Nobody wants to hook up with a woman libber/flower shop owner/superheroien. 7) Arch Nemisis...The Shadow Boss and his Shadow Syndicate. Thay count, right? 8) Orgin story...I know it. You don't have to know it. There. 9) Cool vehical...does a VW bug, colored wood green, count? 10) Cool gadgets...my Thorn Gun which can put a thug to sleep in a pull of a trigger, my Vine Bolos can bind thugs just as fast, and my Polin Gun can make your eyes itch and your nose runny.
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