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Doc Samson

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Everything posted by Doc Samson

  1. Re: The Incredible Hulk More more! How about the Maestro? Rhino? he's sorta gamma powered. Sasquatch?...yah, I know. Oh oh, what about Madman? A-Bomb and Rulk? She-Rulk? Ravage, Flux, Halflife?...nah never mind them. What about Skaar!?
  2. Re: The Incredible Hulk I believe it was mentioned by Doc Samson in the Lifeforce Annual that he has nightmares and was in therapy due to the thousands of people the Hulk killed during the rampage that occurred after Samson physically separated the Hulk from Banner (roughly 314 - 319). Also, I love the Abomination write-up. He's one of my favorite villains and way underrated outside of the Peter David stuff. A Russian James Bond in the Hulk's body? Yes please. I believe he may be fully amphibious (water breathing and possibly environmental movement) but I can't recall where I read this, Namor perhaps?
  3. Re: A Marvel-ous Suicide Squad? If you are interested, I did quick write-ups for Anaconda and Puff Adder. I also created 5e write-ups for Titania and the Absorbing Man while I was playing in the Thunderbolts TNG game but I seem to have misplaced them. [edit] My export template seems to be outdated. I can post the HDCs if anyone wants them
  4. Does anyone have any experience with this Resistant Protection (and Barrier) Advantage? It seems to me at a glance that something like a 10 Flash/ 10 Mental/ 10 Power Defense build could be very effective for the cost, almost like a mini defense Multipower (which isn't possible because of Special Power restrictions).
  5. Re: Help me Populate a Cirque de Hero!
  6. Re: 6th Edition Brick Anyone know the name of the character pictured in the excerpt I posted? Thanks in advance.
  7. Re: A Marvel-ous Suicide Squad? Her boyfriend is (usually) the Puff Adder. Similar to HawksmoorSD's thoughts about Constrictor, I don't know why but I kind of like Puff Adder. Maybe its because he falls on the short list of Growth Bricks who aren't involved with Pym Particles. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puff_Adder_%28comics%29 http://www.marvunapp.com/Appendix4/puffadderss.htm (bottom pic is cool)
  8. Re: 6th Edition Brick This is very true, and in my opinion also makes for a more fun game. At the risk of going off topic, I have instituted a "rule of X" type guideline for character creation as opposed to an AP max for our most recent game (which will hopefully get off the ground sometime).
  9. Re: 6th Edition Brick Please see the attached excerpt on Bricks from Champions 6e. STR and Defenses (usually PD and ED) are the most important stats for a Brick. As defenses are balanced to be roughly half the cost of attacks, max for defenses is usually half the max of an attack. For example, 60 STR and 30 PD /30 ED is a typical build for a 60 AP game. Many Brick builds also max END and STUN. CON and REC are also important. 30 CON and 15+ REC are typical for a Brick in a 60 AP game. In the cited guideline, 20-25 Defenses include resistant values. For example, 25 PD/ 18 Resistant equates to 18 of the 25 points being Resistant. Damage Reduction and Damage Negation usually count towards the AP totals. For example, 30 PD/ 30 ED and 15 PD/ 15 ED plus 3 DC PD/ 3 DC ED Damage Negation are roughly equivalent. Please let me know if that does not help or if you have more questions.
  10. Re: A Marvel-ous Suicide Squad? Cool. if I had to pick two female characters whose boyfriends could add interesting drama, it would be these two.
  11. Re: Spiderman's Web One of our informal house rules is to try to use systems that already exist when coming up with unusual power builds so they are consistent in play. Their are rules for catching a falling character on 6e2 pg. 140. I might incorporate these rules by building the power as STR, Only to Catch a Falling Character, Area of Effect, Costs END Only to Activate, Uncontrolled, Physical Manifestation. Falling is reduced 1d6 for every 5 STR. Damage not absorbed is taken by the faller and the catcher (the web). If the damage overcomes the physical manifestation BODY, the web breaks and cannot catch anyone else unless the power is re-used.
  12. Re: A Marvel-ous Suicide Squad? As long as he still has one as Connors or that would just be wrong...
  13. Re: The Creeper Well, so much for having an original stolen idea. I made a few more small edits.
  14. Re: The Creeper Thank you. I just made a quick edit to fix a typo. Like most hired muscle types, he can bring the pain if you fight him head on (by abusing his AE STR with Move Throughs and Multiple Attacks) but otherwise he should be pretty reasonable to manage.
  15. A recent discussion on "B-Villains" (the Marvelous Suicide Squad thread) had me thinking about the origin of some of my favorite characters. It had occurred to me in the past that some of the characters I like most are based on old Universal Movie Monsters. My favorites (heroes and villains) include the Hulk (a mash-up of Frankenstein and Mr. Hyde), the Abomination (The Gill Man), The Thing (I have heard it defended the he is a loose homage to other "ugly but noble characters" like the Hunchback of Notre Dame and the Phantom of the Opera), Mister Hyde (a direct homage), and numerous Wolf Man (Wolverine?) and Dracula homages. For your amusement I have attached my own homage to a old Universal monster, The Creeper. At the very least, you can use him as B-villain fodder for your heroes in the vein of the Rhino or Mr. Hyde (whom his pic is borrowed from).
  16. Re: Clinging w/Damage Shield Advantage? I once used this build on a Blob style character I played for a few game sessions. My play findings weren't quite what I expected. In the beginning it seemed like an "I win" button but I soon found out that having one hand or foot Clinging to me and a free Grab are very different things. After being stuck, if I didn't Grab the character fast, I would quickly find out if they had any ranged or non physical attacks. Funny thing, almost every Martial Artist I snared pulled out something sharp or pointy right after. Then there are the "escapees". I was amazed at how many different ways there are to stack strength when you need to get away from someone. My Clinging STR was a 60 at the time and more than once a non-brick got away from me. Please note that when you Cling and Grab someone at the same time, they only have to escape from one. "If a person performing a Grab has Clinging and uses it to help hold onto the victim, the victim has to escape from the higher of the Grab STR or the Clinging STR. At the GM’s option, he might increase the highest one by +5 STR (perhaps more) to represent the cumulative effect." (6e1, 182). Below is an incomplete list of items that most melee characters who hit me seemed to have one or more of. Contortionist (+1d6 STR for every 1 point by which the roll succeeds) - Double Jointed (+3 Contortionist rolls) Martial Escape (+15 STR) - Damage Classes (+5 STR each) Flight and Leaping (every 4m of Combat Movement can be used as +1 STR) (6e2, 25) One Martial Artist I grabbed was easily able to get his STR over 100 for escapes. A few other powers that confounded my my efforts at some point (and didn't even require a roll) included Desolidification, Teleportation, and EDM.
  17. Re: Bimbo style Martial Art This isn't exactly what you are looking for because I'm not sure how I would represent a "bimbo" martial arts, but I love the concept so here is how I might have imagined her funky-disco fighting style. The names are lyrics from the song. The number of points is near the minimum so there is room for growth. I hope this helps a bit. "Ain't holding nothing back" Offensive Strike (a tough chick style haymaker) "What a winning hand!" Martial Throw (that terrible girl flip that you see in 70s sitcoms) "Knock a man to his knees" Nerve Strike (a low blow) PS (DEX): Dancing KS: Disco
  18. Re: Clinging w/Damage Shield Advantage? IMHO, "Costs END: No" is pretty straight forward. The only mention of END in the power's description is "Clinging does not cost END to use, but the character must pay the usual END cost for any movement used while Clinging." (6E1, 182).
  19. Re: Uncontrolled Deflection in 6E I have played with idea of an "active defense" a lot over the years. These have been my experiences, YMMV. Advantaged Block - I believe this was actually the official way to do this back in 5e but because the rules for cost were in Ninja Hero, many considered it a house rule anyway. + SPD, Only to Block - This worked very nicely for us. The cost seemed more appropriate for the effect (more expensive than just an advantage on Block) and if you balanced your OCV well, it performed roughly as well as 50% damage reduction. + DCV - the problem with bonuses DCV is they can quickly make the character unhittable while the power is active. This may annoy the GM who may in turn not allow what is otherwise a cool and fun idea.
  20. Re: A Marvel-ous Suicide Squad? I'll take a wild guess and say that Deadpool and the Punisher may not fit. Here's another go: Doc Samson Moonstone (maybe as a second in command) Mr. Hyde Typhoid Mary John Jameson (Spiderman cameo? http://marvel.com/universe/Jameson,_John) Mindworm (it might be interesting to see how Samson deals with a mentalist http://marvel.com/universe/Mindworm) While they might fit, I think Legion, the Sentry, The Scarlet Witch, and The Green Goblin would be too much to handle and might be better used as foes.
  21. Re: A Marvel-ous Suicide Squad? I like the idea of Samson as team leader (shocking I know). I think the idea of him trying to hold together a team with various mental issues would be interesting and creates a small departure from the homage source. My roster might look like: Doc Samson Moonstone (maybe as a second in command) Mr. Hyde Deadpool Typhoid Mary The Punisher More as I think of them...
  22. Re: Avengers: Dublin Assemble! How is the team going to get anything done with all the drunken potato fights that are likely to happen? (just kidding, I'm Irish)
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