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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. SIngle mom cross-dresses to take son to "Dads & Doughnuts" event
  2. Stephen Colbert funds 100% of South Carolina teachers' grant requests
  3. Wouldn't I be if I watched every episode?
  4. On today's scandal menu we have: - Trump is a jackass when it comes to handshakes (and was pwned by Trudeau) - Mike Flynn's Russian ties preventing NSC from functioning - Trump conducted sensitive state business with Shinzo Abe in the open at Mar-a-Lago - Newly confirmed education secretary Betsy DeVos can't spell - Trump's nominee for labor secretary, fast food CEO Andy Puzder, encountering opposition in confirmation hearing Perhaps not a complete list.
  5. You never actually finish that hole with the water hazard?
  6. Why the sudden interest in golf? Can't we do something more fun, like go to the dentist? Or do our taxes? Or play D&D 4th?
  7. Chapter 2 was definitely worth the ticket. Although John continues to make Wolverine look like Mr. Glass.
  8. Do you advocate the overthrow of the U.S. government by subversion or force?
  9. That's because our VP is a Dominionist. He's also put together an impressively far right record of governance. As I said during the primaries, Trump was far and away the least bad of all the GOP candidates. Though admittedly that was before the Russian ties came to light, it still holds, since Trump isn't also trying to impose a theocracy on the country.
  10. Saw Lego Batman. It's about the best DC superhero film so far. Self-aware, rather like Deadpool. Recommended.
  11. Isn't that why we're so fondle of being here?
  12. It also funds Pell Grants and other programs aimed at low-income or special needs students. So abolishing the Department of Education won't affect you unless you're one of the 17,000 employees who work there, or are a poor or disadvantaged child. Speaking of the latter, in 2010 the company I worked for volunteered to help out one of the public elementary schools in the 7th Ward in New Orleans. I'm not sure if any of the painting I did that day actually helped anything because you're not really supposed to paint when it's below freezing, but one of my coworkers happened to have a dyslexic daughter, and he was able to figure out that one of the problem third graders was dyslexic. And the teacher actually cried because they just couldn't figure out why they couldn't teach this one otherwise bright kid, but armed with an informal diagnosis they could at least look for programs to help him. Without some kind of program that kid was fdoomed: no money, no healthcare, dysfunctional family, dyslexic. If he didn't get into some kind of special ed program or tutoring I'd be astonished if he's even still in school. Guess we'll just replace the Department of Education with the Department of Corrections.
  13. Does it really matter what color they are? Aren't size, shape, and firmness more important qualities?
  14. Can we return to the booby discussion please?
  15. Lego sets usually precede the associated movies, to the point of spoiling some of the vehicles on the Star Wars films. Right now they're focusing on Lego Batman for obvious reasons.
  16. Brandon Sanderson will be easier to find on Amazon using his correct first name.
  17. I have words, but forum rules prevent me from repeating them here.
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