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Old Man

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Everything posted by Old Man

  1. Does anyone actually like green Jello?
  2. https://www.amazon.com/Swingline-Stapler-Business-Capacity-Desktop/dp/B0006HUQZ6/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1485207858&sr=8-1&keywords=red+swingline+stapler ?
  3. Might consider raiding Castle Falkenstein for ideas on combining magic with tech. Falkenstein is really rules-light so it shouldn't be that hard to convert.
  4. I thought Milton wound up on a beach somewhere?
  5. Didn't the entire building burn down?
  6. I don't think this is actually sarcasm. Awesome quote from an awesome show though.
  7. Except that Chicxulub wasn't self inflicted the way the current trainwreck is.
  8. Sagan was a prima donna, but he wasn't wrong about a lot of things.
  9. Of course they wouldn't but it's still insulting.
  10. Yeah, the "alternative facts" thing is just deeply insulting. It's like they're not even making a pretense any more.
  11. Trump could never be a comic book supervillain--he's not believable in any way.
  12. And yet I don't think they're protesting in g-strings like I do.
  13. You know why they call him Worm Tongue, right?
  14. 50 Shades of Saruman the Many Colored and His Loyal Servant Wormtongue?
  15. Do you really have to be so open about your kinks?
  16. As I said earlier FH hardly requires or prefers a particular mix of group members since characters are rarely pigeonholed into a "class", and because it's easy to tailor the campaign to suit the group. That said, the ideal group for 'generic' D&D-style adventuring would probably be a 50/50 mix of normal fighters and spellcasters. You need the latter for access to Powers. But in FH that access comes with all sorts of, well, limitations, so you also need to have a bunch of more reliable and durable warriors in the mix. Conversely, the warriors will be useful in 90% of combat situations, but supporting them with a spellcaster can make them much more effective.
  17. Bristol police mistake their own black race relations advisor for a criminal... and tase him
  18. Who says shields are obsolete? I've seen that overhead camera arm used for SAWs before.
  19. The octagonal barrel is awesome.
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